If you haven't seen it there is a fun and interesting article by @endingwithali on how FAANG came to be and a better suggestion of FANMAG to describe big tech.
Go give it a read then come back here (their article is actually well written and informative...unlike this one)!

FAANG is Over. It's a FANMAG world now. (The History of FAANG)
Ali ・ Jun 10 '21
Now if you can't tell this post is purely satire! Oh and if you don't quite get it there is a section at the end explaining as it is a UK slang term.
FANIMAGNET is used to describe big tech. It stands for:
Why should we use FANIMAGNET to describe big tech?
I mean:-
- you either want to be a FANIMAGNET or you are attracted to someone who identifies as a FANIMAGNET.
- It is far easier to remember
Those are the reasons I can think of, aren't they good enough?
How can I use FANIMAGNET in day to day conversations?
It's easy:
"Look at Becca, they really get drawn to FANIMAGNETs" - used to describe someone who worships big tech!
"John really wants to be part of the FANIMAGNET elite, but it isn't so easy to be accepted" - used to highlight the difficulty of getting into big tech
I don't get the joke?
"Fanny" in the UK means vagina not bottom as in the USA.
"Fanny magnet" is a term to describe a man or woman who attracts attention as they are extremely attractive / alluring / confident and people always seem to want to sleep with them.
It also works for gay men as we then adopt the American meaning of Fanny, so it is an inclusive term too 😋
Really? A conclusion...I suppose the conclusion is I said I wouldn't clutter your feed with sh*tposts but I am just too immature to let this pass.
I promise this will be the last useless post I write for a while, other than the "abusing the internet" series of course! In case you missed the latest instalment of that series here it is:
Article No Longer Available
Oh and please, do not give this post any hearts or anything, it isn't something I want to see on "top posts of the week" 🤣
Have a great weekend everybody!
Top comments (7)
Please remove this imo. Horny stuff don't belong to dev.to
Horny stuff 😂 love it.
BONK. Go to horny jail.
Love it too, I declare it legal on dev.to (even tho I have no authoritity on here) ... but, fanny really means bottom in the USA ?? Couldn't make that up ... ;-)
I'm truly sorry, but WHAT IS DONE CAN'T BE UNDONE
🤣 oh it is such a shame!
@endingwithali I hope you don't mind me stealing your post as inspiration for this silly post! ❤
I waited until it was just about to drop off the main feed as I don't want to detract from it!