TL;DR: Driwwwle is an open-source social network to showcase your projects with like, comments, notifications, profiles and real-time chat.
As developers, we like to look out for new and exciting projects or products. However, finding them is not the easiest task out there. Sure, you can scroll through GitHub's trending section to find a lot of awesome products but what if it is closed source?
Things aren't so hard for designers though. They can visit a website like Dribbble or Behance and enjoy the thousands of creative designs easily. What if we had something like Dribbble, but for developers?
Introducing Driwwwle
Driwwwle is a social network for developers to showcase their projects or products with other developers across the globe. Just like any other social network out there, you can like posts, save them privately, leave a comment and follow your favorite developers to build your own personal feed.
Some of the other features include:
⚡ Server-side rendering with Next.js
🍪 Cookie-based authorization with JSON web tokens
📜 Infinite scrolling feed with React Query
🖼️ Cloud image upload with Cloudinary
❤️ Like, save, and comment on posts
💬 Realtime chat with
🤝 Follow developers and build personal feed
and a lot more..
Sounds interesting? I would love for you to create an account on Driwwwle and post your awesome creations.
Did I mention that Driwwwle is also open-source? You can browse through the code on this GitHub repo:
The social network for developers. Discover creative websites and build a community.
The Social Network for Developers
⚡ Server-side rendering with Next.js
🍪 Cookie-based authorization with JSON web tokens
📜 Infinite scrolling feed with React Query
🖼️ Cloud image upload with Cloudinary
❤️ Like, save and comment on posts
💬 Realtime chat with
🤝 Follow developers and build personal feed
and a lot more..
Running Locally
Clone this repository and install dependencies by running:
npm install
yarn install
Create a new file named config.env
with the following environment variables in the root of the project folder:
Create a new file named .env.local
with following configuration:
NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL = http://localhost:3000
For development mode, run:
npm run dev
For production mode, run:
npm run build
npm start
Visit http://localhost:3000 or your custom port environment variable to view the app.
Personal Feed |
Some more screenshots
A picture speaks a thousand words but more importantly, I hope it excites you enough to give Driwwwle a try. Here are some screenshots, thanks to MockupBro for the awesome mockups.
Suggestions and feedback welcome!
Driwwwle is in its initial stages at the moment and I would highly appreciate any feedback, suggestions and questions you would like to provide. What features would you like to see? What seems unnecessary or what's causing difficulties?
Thank you for your time and I await to see your posts on Driwwwle soon. Until then, have a nice day!
Top comments (18)
Interesting idea and much props for building a site! However, there are a few things that should be pointed out.
First, looking at the site's github repo, the project source is publicly visible but it isn't open source. To be open source a project must have a permissible license, such as MIT, GPL, Apache, etc. Without a license, the project is proprietary and using the source is technically copyright infringement.
Additionally, the site's landing page doesn't have links to any of the information a cautious user wants to see before signing up, such as Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and an About page. Every website should have these three pages available from every other page of the site and especially from the landing page.
Hi Jay, these are some extremely valid points. Thanks for bringing them up. It must've slipped through my mind but I'll get started right away. Appreciate you taking your time for letting me know!
Hello @itsnitinr, looks awesome project!
Nice work!
Note: still waiting for the verification email :)
Hi there! Thanks for signing up. Could you please check your promotions tab if you're using Gmail? If you're using Yahoo, you might find the email in the 'Unread' folder. It would've probably ended up there :)
Let me know if you still haven't received it. I'll be happy to send you from my personal email.
Bookmarked! Congrats!
Thank you so much!
Great Job!
Are you planning a Product hunt launch?
Indeed, hopefully within the next 10 days. Just wanted to get some feedback prior to the ProductHunt launch.
Wow, great idea. I will join soon! How have you done the video ? It’s amazing!
Thank you! Excited for you to join :)
The video is made using Adobe After Effects and free template that you can find here:
Good job man , inspired me bro …🔥
I'm really glad to hear that
Great project! Well done :)
Thank you!
Thank you so much for checking it out!
Awesome work, signed up! Good luck with the project I'm sure it will do great.
Thank you so much! I'm really glad you feel so. Hoping to see your posts too :)