
Cover image for What was your win this week?
Jess Lee
Jess Lee Subscriber

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What was your win this week?


Looking back on your week -- what was something you're proud of?

All wins count -- big or small 🎉

Examples of 'wins' include:

  • Getting a promotion!
  • Starting a new project
  • Fixing a tricky bug
  • Cleaning your house...or whatever else that may spark joy 😄


Top comments (70)

liyasthomas profile image
Liyas Thomas

Developed and deployed Postwoman API request builder. Which went viral, now trending on GitHub.

jess profile image
Jess Lee

This week, I coordinated with @mrisdal and @sarajchipps to make this happen:

Also, check out their org account:

stackoverflow image
mrisdal profile image
Megan Risdal


nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

You're amazing!

s_aitchison profile image
Suzanne Aitchison

I launched a side project and wrote my first ever Dev post about it 😁

christopheek profile image
Christophe El-Khoury


s_aitchison profile image
Suzanne Aitchison
ben profile image
Ben Halpern


chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Recorded my first youtube video!

And it was inspired by DEV! I was doing the daily code challenge (, and just figured I'd record me doing it... so I think I'll do that for awhile, and see how I like it :)

_justirma profile image
Irma Mesa

Keep it up! Looking forward to your future code challenges :)

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard


dzhavat profile image
Dzhavat Ushev

Really well explained! You should definitely do more videos :)

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard


timjkstrickland profile image
Tim JK Strickland

This is awesome! I want to work up the courage to do this soon...

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Thanks! I've done screencast / video coding tutorials before (just not on youtube), so I do have practice doing it :)

But yeah! It's funny how just talking into a microphone, while home all alone, can give you some type of "stage fright"...

Basically, the only advice I can give is just get started! It gets easier the more you do it 😀

krtb profile image
Kurt Bauer

I had my first post that surpassed 4096 views! Not much, but I went into it scared that I was gonna say all the wrong things, and came out with tons of validation and new perspectives. Super proud and looking to write some more ☺️

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


buzzedison profile image
Edison Ade

Please share tips. My total views is like 2000 for all post.

analizapandac profile image
Ana Liza Pandac • Edited

This week, I submitted 2 merged PR's to and made a significant progress (50%, including unit tests 🔥) on the second open-source JS library that I'm working on right now.

Both involved TypeScript so I learned more new tricks and I gained a deeper understanding on the usage of Regex so it's a huge win for me ☺️

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Wow what a week

analizapandac profile image
Ana Liza Pandac

Thanks Ben, and yup this was quite a week for me and it doesn't end yet, we have an incoming holiday on Monday (Malaysia FTW) so I have a lot of time to focus on my personal projects ☺️

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ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Amazing, good luck!

USA has Monday off as well, what should I do? 🤔

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analizapandac profile image
Ana Liza Pandac

The things that you enjoy doing which can be anything 😆

jacobherrington profile image
Jacob Herrington (he/him)

I got to meet a bunch of awesome people and interview them for my podcast.

I published one of those today! It was with Taylor Otwell, who created Laravel, it was really fun to talk with someone that had built such a prolific project.

I also had a chance to meet five or six other amazing developers this last week, and I'm really excited to share the stuff I learned from them 😃

lewiskori profile image
Lewis kori

Taylor otwell is awesome. I really respect the guy even though I don't use Laravel.

jacobherrington profile image
Jacob Herrington (he/him)

I really enjoyed getting to know him.

It was also really fun to find out that he lives in Arkansas (where I live)!

phizzard profile image
Phil Tietjen

I created my first Gatsby theme and published it on NPM as also my first package!

It's still a WIP but working through it to make a starter and make more themes!

jacobherrington profile image
Jacob Herrington (he/him)

I did this recently too! I'm going to follow your pattern and make a few based off of a starter theme, good idea!

deleteman123 profile image
Fernando Doglio

I started working on a brand new book. In fact, it'll be a series of small easy to read books for JS developers! And I'm going self-published, so I'm really excited about this, I'll be sharing with the community as soon as I have news!

integerman profile image
Matt Eland

I submitted 3 abstracts to CodeMash, the first conference I've submitted abstracts to. I've spoken at 3 user groups and once a month at my job for the last year. We'll see what happens, but submitting is a huge win in its own right.