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My father has cancer(s)

...(thyroid and thymic cancer) and Myasthenia Gravis. My mother is undergoing dialysis and have problems in her spine. I never taught that taking care of my parents would help me in learning HTML and CSS. I learned that people are generous, I now appreciate small progress, and I learn to be decisive.

People are generous

Last April, my father got pneumonia. He got ventilated. Everyday, we're hoping for quick improvements but it didn't happen. Until one day, the nurse informed us that our health insurance were already maxed out. We now have to buy the medicines. They were expensive. So I decided to ask for help from family and friends. They didn't disappoint us. We raised around Php 600,000 ($12,000). The biggest donation even came from a complete stranger! It was enough to pay the bills.

There's no difference in learning front-end web development. People are willing to help if you know how to ask. Once, I was stuck in CSS. After watching a talk on Youtube, I asked this expert for clarification. She responded and gave me some great advice. When I came across this online course, I asked the author on how to get started. He answered me and even gave a free pass to his course!

Appreciating small progress

When my mother started having intense back pain, she can't do almost anything alone. It's hard. My father has cancer and now my mother can't walk. To heal her back pain, the doctor advice her to exercise daily. She started the exercises with the help of a therapist. At first, it seems like nothing is happening. The pain won't go away fast. But as soon as she got better, my mother started exercising on her own. She's persistent and follow the routines daily. Now, she can walk with a cane around our house and do things with minimal help.

I started web development with a mindset that I can find a shortcut. Lots of articles online make it look like learning web development is easy as 1-2-3. Big mistake for me. It makes learning slower and more confusing when there's no progress. So I changed my strategy and focus on learning small things daily. If I memorized and used a few new CSS properties today, that'll be a win for me. If I created a website with a basic component, that's progress. A lot of times I still got stuck. But I now know how to be patient and focus on small daily improvements.


After we learned about my father's cancers, we started asking for advice from doctors. I taught that there are clear solutions that we can follow. But once we started getting these opinions, it become overwhelming. Besides, people we know also want to give advice. Searching online adds to the confusion. For example, opinion varies about the treatment for thyroid cancer. It's not easy because making a mistake will only worsen the situation. But at the end of the day, we have to make a decision. We learned that we need to get opinions but at the same time make a decision based on what's best for us.

When I started out in learning web development, I taught that it will be straightforward. But that's not the case. A lot of materials with different approach are available online. Even experts don't always agree about the best practices. This is confusing for me. I got paralysis by analysis. One day, I realized that I'm not making progress by comparing these options. To avoid getting stuck, I decided that I'll have to choose one and stick to it. I can always change. This is not a life or death situation. I have to try a lot of things. I also realized that I can learn from diverse opinions and combine them to make my own practice.


I never taught that the situation with my parents will help me in learning HTML and CSS. I'm no way an expert in HTML and CSS. I'm still at the very bottom of web development. But no matter what, I now know how to ask for help, appreciate small progress, and be decisive. My father's cancers and my mother's health issue are still a big problem. But instead of whining, I tried to learn from it as much as I can.

I'm looking for work to continually support my parents. If you have an opening for a remote front-end web developer and willing to hire people who aren't proven, please let me know! TIA.

twitter: @juniusfree

Top comments (30)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Good luck with everything! You have a tremendously positive outlook.

juniusfree1 profile image

Thank you Ben!

entrptaher profile image
Md Abu Taher

Kudos for taking time to write. You do have positive vibe coming from the post.

About the job. It's right, people should hire people who are not proven. However, Many will agree that you still need to contribute to others and make a portfolio somehow. I have this-this-and-that problem doesn't tell anyone anything about you.

Let me tell you about me, I did not had lots of problems like yours, but I did have some that made me almost broken in every aspect. However I kept contributing to various projects and forums. Letting them know of what I can do and what I cannot do.

That process helped me get out of tough situations twice. Same strategy applied twice, got similar result.

If might feel like you don't have enough time, but you actually do. If you stay strong and take action, you can reach that level.

Good luck!

juniusfree1 profile image

Thanks for the advice Tahy!

fabiorosado profile image
Fabio Rosado

HTML & CSS might be the bottom of the stack but is definitely a great way to start learning, I'recommend that you check freecodecamp and work on the challenges it will give you a good basic knowledge of different technologies.

It's good that you tried to keep a positive look on life with your family health problems. I hope things go well for you, cancer is a bastard that took my dad 5 years go. Be strong

juniusfree1 profile image

Thanks Fabio! It's really a bastard!

owchzzz profile image
Richard Anthony B. Abear


I just read this after responding to you in my post. This is a very inspiring story. I wish you all the best, and i will personally send this around to people I know in hopes that they contact you with a job opportunity.

juniusfree1 profile image

Salamat Richard!

mac91472959 profile image

I started off with only ocular Myasthenia Gravis it happen while I was in college one semester and a family member encouraged me to go to the hospital because my eyelid begin drooping severely (I was going through some major stress and poor diet at the time) and it progressed to generalised Myasthenia Gravis effecting my entire body. Before I was diagnosed I did not have any health issues. Currently I am stable and have regained my faculties fully through all natural treatments. BEST HEALTH HERBAL CENTRE has the best herbal formula for Myasthenia Gravis, I only use the herbal formula for 10 weeks. Now am living MG free. visit their web-page for information ww w. besthealthherbalcentre.

juniusfree1 profile image

Wow! Great for you! Thanks!

jrohatiner profile image

@juniusfree blessings to you and your family. I am going through a similar situation with my dad. I feel your pain. Having the courage to reach out, and ask for help is the first step on your journey to healing. You are in my prayers 🙏

juniusfree1 profile image

Thank you!

jalbam profile image
Joan Alba Maldonado

Keep strong! All will be better always, hopefully. Best wishes.

juniusfree1 profile image

Thank you Joan!

alchermd profile image
John Alcher

Good luck kapatid.

juniusfree1 profile image

Salamat kabayan.

tedhagos profile image
Ted Hagos

Stay strong.

juniusfree1 profile image

Thanks Ted!

itachiuchiha profile image
Itachi Uchiha

Good luck. My father had lung cancer. My father was operated and he beat cancer.

That times were very hard. I can understand you.

Good luck with everything.

juniusfree1 profile image

It's really hard. Thanks Ali!