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Livio Ribeiro
Livio Ribeiro

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21 1

Using LXD and Ansible to simulate infrastructure

When dealing with software like Kubernetes, Openshift and Rancher, it may be challenging to test an application locally. It is true that we have tools like minikube and minishift, but if we are working with the infrastructure, simulating a cluster with virtual machines can quickly consume all our available RAM.

LXD can help solve the memory problem by using containers as if they were full blown virtual machines! Unlike Docker, which uses containers to run a single process until it finishes, LXD uses containers to spawn an operating system image and use it as a complete server.

To install LXD you can follow the instructions on the official website, but after installing we have to initialize it:

# The default values are good enough
$ sudo lxd init
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If you followed the getting started, you may have created some containers using the cli, but now comes the interesting part: We can use Ansible to automate the creation and provisioning of our servers!

To our LXD/Ansible project we are going to create a Nomad cluster with Consul and Traefik.

I chose Nomad because of its simplicity and versatility: it can run services as docker containers, like Kubernetes, but also java applications and any executable available in the host, isolated using the operating system resources (e.g. cgroups, namespaces and chroot on linux). You can see in the documentation what Nomad is able to run.

Consul is used by Nomad for service discovery, key-value storage and to bootstrap the cluster. Nomad can also run without Consul.

Traefik will proxy requests to the services deployed in the cluster. It will use Consul service catalog as the configuration backend, so the routes to services will be automatically configured.

The completed tutorial can be found in this repository.


step 0: Planning

Our cluster will need the following:

  • 3 Consul nodes operating in server mode
    • consul1:
    • consul2:
    • consul3:
  • 3 Nomad nodes operating in server mode
    • nomad-server1:
    • nomad-server2:
    • nomad-server3:
  • 3 Nomad nodes operating in client mode
    • nomad-client1:
    • nomad-client2:
    • nomad-client3:
    • The nomad clients will docker and openjdk installed
  • 1 Traefik node
    • proxy:

All non Consul nodes will have Consul operating in client node.

And for ansible, we will create a project with the following structure:

├── cache/
├── inventory/
│   └── hosts
├── roles/
├── ansible.cfg
└── playbook.yml
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This structure can be created with the following commands:

mkdir -p ~/projects/nomad-lxd-ansible
cd ~/projects/nomad-lxd-ansible
mkdir cache inventory roles
touch ansible.cfg playboook.yml inventory/hosts
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With the cache directory, we will download the Consul, Nomad and Traefik binaries only once in the host. This way, we avoid downloading again in every host.

In ansible.cfg we will tell ansible to use our inventory:

# ansible.cfg
inventory = inventory
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Add our cluster nodes to the inventory:

# inventory/hosts
proxy           ip_address=

consul1         ip_address=
consul2         ip_address=
consul3         ip_address=

nomad-server1   ip_address=
nomad-server2   ip_address=
nomad-server3   ip_address=

nomad-client1   ip_address=
nomad-client2   ip_address=
nomad-client3   ip_address=

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The ip_address variable will be referenced in the playbook.

And to create the containers, add the following to playbook.yml:

# playbook.yml
- hosts: localhost
  # run this task in the host
  connection: local
    - name: create containers
      # get all host names from inventory
      loop: "{{ groups['all'] }}"
      # use lxd_container module from ansible to create containers
        # container name is the hostname
        name: "{{ item }}"
        state: started
          type: image
          mode: pull
          alias: ubuntu/bionic/amd64
          # nomad clients need some privileges to be able to run docker containers
          security.nesting: "{{ 'true' if item in ['nomad-client1', 'nomad-client2', 'nomad-client3'] else 'false' }}"
          security.privileged: "{{ 'true' if item in ['nomad-client1', 'nomad-client2', 'nomad-client3'] else 'false' }}"
          # configure network interface
            type: nic
            nictype: bridged
            parent: lxdbr0
            # get ip address from inventory
            ipv4.address: "{{ hostvars[item].ip_address }}"
        # # uncomment if you installed lxd using snap
        # url: unix:/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/unix.socket
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Now run ansible-playbook playbook.yml to create our nodes with lxd.

step 1: Consul

Let's tell ansible to download and setup Consul.

Edit the playbook to be as follows:

# playbook.yml
- hosts: localhost
  # run this task in the host
  connection: local
  # set urls as variables
    consul_version: "1.4.0"
    consul_url: "{{ consul_version }}/consul_{{ consul_version }}"
    - name: create containers
      # get all host names from inventory
      loop: "{{ groups['all'] }}"
      # use lxd_container module from ansible to create containers
        # container name is the hostname
        name: "{{ item }}"
        state: started
          type: image
          mode: pull
          alias: ubuntu/bionic/amd64
          # nomad clients need some privileges to be able to run docker containers
          security.nesting: "{{ 'true' if item in ['nomad-client1', 'nomad-client2', 'nomad-client3'] else 'false' }}"
          security.privileged: "{{ 'true' if item in ['nomad-client1', 'nomad-client2', 'nomad-client3'] else 'false' }}"
          # configure network interface
            type: nic
            nictype: bridged
            parent: lxdbr0
            # get ip address from inventory
            ipv4.address: "{{ hostvars[item].ip_address }}"
        # # uncomment if you installed lxd using snap
        # url: unix:/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/unix.socket

    # ensure cache directory exists
    - name: create cache directory
        path: cache
        state: directory

    - name: fetch applications
        src: "{{ item.url }}"
        dest: cache
        creates: "cache/{{ item.file }}"
        remote_src: yes
        - url: "{{ consul_url }}"
          file: consul

- hosts: consul_servers
    - consul_server
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The hosts belonging to the consul_servers group will have the role consul_server. We will also create another role called consul_service that will copy the consul binary to the host and setup the service. We split the role this way in order to have a role consul_client that also needs consul binary and service, but with different configuration.

Roles are located under the roles directory, and for the three roles for Consul we will have the following structure:

├── consul_client
│   ├── tasks
│   │   └── main.yml
│   └── templates
│       └── consul.hcl.j2
├── consul_server
│   ├── tasks
│   │   └── main.yml
│   └── templates
│       └── consul.hcl.j2
└── consul_service
    ├── files
    │   └── consul.service
    └── tasks
        └── main.yml
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You can create the structure with the following:

mkdir -p \
  roles/consul_service/tasks \
  roles/consul_service/files \
  roles/consul_server/tasks \
  roles/consul_server/templates \
  roles/consul_client/tasks \
  roles/consul_client/templates \
&& touch \
  roles/consul_service/tasks/main.yml \
  roles/consul_service/files/consul.service \
  roles/consul_server/tasks/main.yml \
  roles/consul_server/templates/consul.hcl.j2 \
  roles/consul_client/tasks/main.yml \
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Role: consul_service

Edit roles/consul_service/tasks/main.yml:

# roles/consul_service/tasks/main.yml
- name: install consul
    src: cache/consul
    dest: /usr/local/bin/
    mode: 0755

- name: create consul service
    src: consul.service
    dest: /etc/systemd/system/

- name: create consul directories
    path: "{{ item }}"
    state: directory
    - /etc/consul.d
    - /var/consul
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Edit roles/consul_service/files/consul.service:

# roles/consul_service/files/consul.service
Description="HashiCorp Consul - A service mesh solution"

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/consul agent -config-dir=/etc/consul.d
ExecReload=/usr/local/bin/consul reload

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Role: consul_server

Edit roles/consul_server/tasks/main.yml:

# roles/consul_server/tasks/main.yml
- import_role:
    name: consul_service

- name: copy consul config
    src: consul.hcl.j2
    dest: /etc/consul.d/consul.hcl

- name: start consul
    name: consul
    state: restarted
    enabled: yes
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Edit roles/consul_server/templates/consul.hcl.j2:

# roles/consul_server/templates/consul.hcl.j2
data_dir = "/var/consul"

server = true
advertise_addr = "{{ ansible_eth0.ipv4.address }}"

client_addr = " {{ ansible_eth0.ipv4.address }}"
enable_script_checks = true

{% if ansible_hostname == 'consul1' -%}
ui = true
bootstrap_expect = 3
{% else -%}
retry_join = [ "{{ hostvars.consul1.ansible_hostname }}" ]
{% endif %}
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Role: consul_client

Edit roles/consul_client/tasks/main.yml:

# roles/consul_client/tasks/main.yml
- import_role:
    name: consul_service

- name: copy consul config
    src: consul.hcl.j2
    dest: /etc/consul.d/consul.hcl

- name: start consul
    name: consul
    state: restarted
    enabled: yes
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Edit roles/consul_client/templates/consul.hcl.j2:

# roles/consul_client/templates/consul.hcl.j2
data_dir = "/var/consul"
server = false

advertise_addr = "{{ ansible_eth0.ipv4.address }}"
client_addr = " {{ ansible_eth0.ipv4.address }}"
enable_script_checks = true
retry_join = [ "{{ hostvars.consul1.ansible_hostname }}" ]
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step 2: Nomad

Nomad setup will be very similar to Consul.

Edit the playbook to include Nomad:

# playbook.yml
- hosts: localhost
  # run this task in the host
  connection: local
  # set urls as variables
    consul_version: "1.4.0"
    nomad_version: "0.8.6"
    consul_url: "{{ consul_version }}/consul_{{ consul_version }}"
    nomad_url: "{{ nomad_version }}/nomad_{{ nomad_version }}"
    - name: create containers
      # get all host names from inventory
      loop: "{{ groups['all'] }}"
      # use lxd_container module from ansible to create containers
        # container name is the hostname
        name: "{{ item }}"
        state: started
          type: image
          mode: pull
          alias: ubuntu/bionic/amd64
          # nomad clients need some privileges to be able to run docker containers
          security.nesting: "{{ 'true' if item in ['nomad-client1', 'nomad-client2', 'nomad-client3'] else 'false' }}"
          security.privileged: "{{ 'true' if item in ['nomad-client1', 'nomad-client2', 'nomad-client3'] else 'false' }}"
          # configure network interface
            type: nic
            nictype: bridged
            parent: lxdbr0
            # get ip address from inventory
            ipv4.address: "{{ hostvars[item].ip_address }}"
        # uncomment if you installed lxd using snap
        url: unix:/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/unix.socket

    # ensure cache directory exists
    - name: create cache directory
      file: { path: cache, state: directory }

    - name: fetch applications
        src: "{{ item.url }}"
        dest: cache
        creates: "cache/{{ item.file }}"
        remote_src: yes
        - url: "{{ consul_url }}"
          file: consul
        - url: "{{ nomad_url }}"
          file: nomad

- hosts: consul_servers
    - consul_server

- hosts: nomad_servers
    - consul_client
    - nomad_server

- hosts: nomad_clients
    - consul_client
    - nomad_client
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Similarly to Consul, we will have the roles nomad_service, nomad_server and nomad_client. But now we have two groups, nomad_servers and nomad_clients, each having its respective role, but both having the consul_client role.

We will also have a similar structure for the nomad roles:

├── nomad_client
│   ├── tasks
│   │   └── main.yml
│   └── templates
│       └── nomad.hcl.j2
├── nomad_server
│   ├── tasks
│   │   └── main.yml
│   └── templates
│       └── nomad.hcl.j2
└── nomad_service
    ├── files
    │   └── nomad.service
    └── tasks
        └── main.yml
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We can create this structure with the following commands:

mkdir -p \
  roles/nomad_service/tasks \
  roles/nomad_service/files \
  roles/nomad_server/tasks \
  roles/nomad_server/templates \
  roles/nomad_client/tasks \
  roles/nomad_client/templates \
&& touch \
  roles/nomad_service/tasks/main.yml \
  roles/nomad_service/files/nomad.service \
  roles/nomad_server/tasks/main.yml \
  roles/nomad_server/templates/nomad.hcl.j2 \
  roles/nomad_client/tasks/main.yml \
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Role: nomad_service

Edit roles/nomad_service/tasks/main.yml:

# roles/nomad_service/tasks/main.yml
- name: install nomad
    src: cache/nomad
    dest: /usr/local/bin/
    mode: 0755

- name: create nomad service
    src: nomad.service
    dest: /etc/systemd/system/

- name: create nomad directories
    path: "{{ item }}"
    state: directory
    - /etc/nomad.d
    - /var/nomad
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Edit roles/nomad_service/files/nomad.service:

# roles/nomad_service/files/nomad.service
Description="HashiCorp Nomad - Application scheduler"

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/nomad agent -config=/etc/nomad.d/nomad.hcl
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID

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Role: nomad_server

Edit roles/nomad_server/tasks/main.yml:

# roles/nomad_server/tasks/main.yml
- import_role:
    name: nomad_service

- name: copy nomad config
    src: nomad.hcl.j2
    dest: /etc/nomad.d/nomad.hcl

- name: start nomad
    name: nomad
    state: restarted
    enabled: yes
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Edit roles/nomad_server/templates/nomad.hcl.j2:

# roles/nomad_server/templates/nomad.hcl.j2
data_dir  = "/var/nomad"

advertise {
  http = "{{ ansible_eth0.ipv4.address }}"
  rpc  = "{{ ansible_eth0.ipv4.address }}"
  serf = "{{ ansible_eth0.ipv4.address }}"

server {
  enabled          = true
  bootstrap_expect = 3
  raft_protocol    = 3
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Role: nomad_client

Edit roles/nomad_client/tasks/main.yml:

# roles/nomad_client/tasks/main.yml
- import_role:
    name: nomad_service

- name: update apt cache
    update_cache: yes

- name: install docker and openjdk
    name: "{{ packages }}"
    state: present
      - openjdk-11-jdk-headless

- name: start docker service
    name: docker
    state: started

- name: copy nomad config
    src: nomad.hcl.j2
    dest: /etc/nomad.d/nomad.hcl

- name: start nomad
    name: nomad
    state: restarted
    enabled: yes
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Edit roles/nomad_client/templates/nomad.hcl.j2:

data_dir  = "/var/nomad"

bind_addr = "{{ ansible_eth0.ipv4.address }}"

client {
  enabled = true
  network_interface = "eth0"
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step 3: Traefik

Setting up Traefik will be similar to Consul and Nomad, but a bit simpler: there will be only one role named proxy.

Edit the playbook to include Traefik:

# playbook.yml
- hosts: localhost
  # run this task in the host
  connection: local
  # set urls as variables
    consul_version: "1.4.0"
    nomad_version: "0.8.6"
    traefik_version: "1.7.5"
    consul_url: "{{ consul_version }}/consul_{{ consul_version }}"
    nomad_url: "{{ nomad_version }}/nomad_{{ nomad_version }}"
    traefik_url: "{{ traefik_version }}/traefik_linux-amd64"
    - name: create containers
      # get all host names from inventory
      loop: "{{ groups['all'] }}"
      # use lxd_container module from ansible to create containers
        # container name is the hostname
        name: "{{ item }}"
        state: started
          type: image
          mode: pull
          alias: ubuntu/bionic/amd64
          # nomad clients need some privileges to be able to run docker containers
          security.nesting: "{{ 'true' if item in ['nomad-client1', 'nomad-client2', 'nomad-client3'] else 'false' }}"
          security.privileged: "{{ 'true' if item in ['nomad-client1', 'nomad-client2', 'nomad-client3'] else 'false' }}"
          # configure network interface
            type: nic
            nictype: bridged
            parent: lxdbr0
            # get ip address from inventory
            ipv4.address: "{{ hostvars[item].ip_address }}"
        # # uncomment if you installed lxd using snap
        # url: unix:/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/unix.socket

    # ensure cache directory exists
    - name: create cache directory
      file: { path: cache, state: directory }

    - name: fetch applications
        src: "{{ item.url }}"
        dest: cache
        creates: "cache/{{ item.file }}"
        remote_src: yes
        - url: "{{ consul_url }}"
          file: consul
        - url: "{{ nomad_url }}"
          file: nomad

    - name: fecth traefik
        url: "{{ traefik_url }}"
        dest: cache/traefik
        mode: 0755

- hosts: consul_servers
    - consul_server

- hosts: nomad_servers
    - consul_client
    - nomad_server

- hosts: nomad_clients
    - consul_client
    - nomad_client

- hosts: proxy
    - consul_client
    - proxy
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The structure needed for the proxy role will be like this:

└── proxy
    ├── files
    │   └── traefik.service
    ├── tasks
    │   └── main.yml
    └── templates
        └── traefik.toml.j2
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You can create the structure with the following:

mkdir -p \
  roles/proxy/tasks \
  roles/proxy/files \
  roles/proxy/templates \
&& touch \
  roles/proxy/tasks/main.yml \
  roles/proxy/files/traefik.service \
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Edit roles/proxy/tasks/main.yml:

# roles/proxy/tasks/main.yml
- name: install traefik
    src: cache/traefik
    dest: /usr/local/bin/
    mode: 0755

- name: create traefik service
    src: traefik.service
    dest: /etc/systemd/system/

- name: create traefik config directory
    path: /etc/traefik
    state: directory

- name: copy traefik config
    src: traefik.toml.j2
    dest: /etc/traefik/traefik.toml

- name: start traefik
    name: traefik
    state: restarted
    enabled: yes
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Edit roles/proxy/files/traefik.service:

# roles/proxy/files/traefik.service
Description="Traefik Proxy"

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/traefik --configfile=/etc/traefik/traefik.toml
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID

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Edit roles/proxy/templates/traefik.toml.j2:

# roles/proxy/templates/traefik.toml.j2

# Backends
    {% for host in groups['consul_servers'] %}
      [backends.consul.servers.{{ host }}]
        url = "http://{{ hostvars[host].ansible_eth0.ipv4.address }}:8500"
    {% endfor %}

    {% for host in groups['nomad_servers'] %}
      [backends.nomad.servers.{{ host }}]
        url = "http://{{ hostvars[host].ansible_eth0.ipv4.address }}:4646"
    {% endfor %}

# Frontends
  backend = "consul"
    rule = "Host:consul.{{ ansible_eth0.ipv4.address }}"

  backend = "nomad"
    rule = "Host:nomad.{{ ansible_eth0.ipv4.address }}"

endpoint = ""
exposedByDefault = false
domain = "service.{{ ansible_eth0.ipv4.address }}"

dashboard = true
debug = true
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Traefik configuration grants access to Consul and Nomad dashboards and configures Consul Catalog backend. This way, services can be automatically discovered and exposed.

We set exposedByDefault = false so only the services marked with a specific tag will be exposed, therefore reducing the risk of accidentally making an internal service public.

step 4: Deploying Services

Now that we have everything in place, we can build our cluster and see it working:

ansible-playbook playbook.yml
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If everything went OK, we can now access the Trafik dashboard at

Traefik dashboard 1

Not very impressive, since we do not have any service deployed yet, but if we go to the file tab:

Traefik dashboard 2

There it is! It shows Consul and Nomad!... Still not very impressive, we configured them statically in Traefik configuration. Let's do something more interesting:

  1. Enter any nomad server node:
lxc exec nomad-server1 -- bash
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  1. Create the nomad service definition
cat > hello.nomad <<EOF
job "hello-world" {
  datacenters = ["dc1"]

  group "example" {
    count = 3
    task "server" {
      # we will run a docker container
      driver = "docker"

      # resouces required by the task
      resources {
        network {
          # require a random port named "http"
          port "http" {}

      config {
        # docker image to run
        image = "hashicorp/http-echo"
        args = [
          "-listen", ":8080",
          "-text", "hello world",

        # map the random port to port 8080 on the task
        port_map = {
          http = 8080

      # exposed service
      service {
        # service name, compose the url like ''
        name = "hello-world"
        # service will bind to this port
        port = "http"
        # tell traefik to expose this service
        tags = ["traefik.enable=true"]
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In the service section, tags = ["traefik.enable=true"] is what will tell Traefik to expose the service.

  1. Deploy!
nomad job run hello.nomad
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It will output something like this:

root@nomad-server1:~# nomad job run hello.nomad 
==> Monitoring evaluation "be583c44"
    Evaluation triggered by job "hello-world"
    Allocation "a19978c9" created: node "d9d3daa0", group "example"
    Allocation "0e0e0015" created: node "7fdbbd1f", group "example"
    Allocation "690efcc2" created: node "ab36a46e", group "example"
    Evaluation status changed: "pending" -> "complete"
==> Evaluation "be583c44" finished with status "complete"
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Now, if we go to Traefik dashboard again:

Traefik dashboard 3

It's there!

We can access the service by opening

But wait a minute, what is that url? It is a service that to the ip address you put before it. Pretty handy for testing. Go to [] for more info.

This service, however, is quite boring, let's deploy something more interesting:

  1. Create the nomad service definition
cat > gitea.nomad <<EOF
job "gitea" {
  datacenters = ["dc1"]

  group "gitea" {
    count = 1

    ephemeral_disk {
      # try to deploy this service on the same node every time
      sticky  = true
      # try to migrate the ephemeral disk if possible 
      migrate = true
      # set the ephemeral disk size to 2GB 
      size    = "2048"

    task "server" {
      driver = "docker"

      config {
        image = "gitea/gitea:1.6"

        port_map = {
          http = 3000

        # with docker driver, it is possible to mount volumes insinde the container from the ephemeral disk
        volumes = [

      resources {
        network {
          port "http" {}

      service {
        name = "gitea"
        port = "http"
        tags = ["traefik.enable=true"]
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  1. Plan the job deployment
nomad job plan gitea.nomad
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It will output something like this:

+ Job: "gitea"
+ Task Group: "gitea" (1 create)
  + Task: "server" (forces create)

Scheduler dry-run:
- All tasks successfully allocated.

Job Modify Index: 0
To submit the job with version verification run:

nomad job run -check-index 0 gitea.nomad

When running the job with the check-index flag, the job will only be run if the
server side version matches the job modify index returned. If the index has
changed, another user has modified the job and the plan's results are
potentially invalid.
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We went a bit different here. We planned the deployment or, in other words, we validated the deployment config (gitea.nomad) and generated an index number (0 in the case of a new deployment), so we do not risk updating a deployment after another operator did a deployment of his own.

To deploy the service, just follow the instructions nomad gave us:

nomad job run -check-index 0 gitea.nomad
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In a few minutes it will appear in the Traefik dashboard and will be accessible at



LXD is a very useful tool to test solutions that would be otherwise impossible or impractical with virtual machines. When combined with Ansible, you can quickly create test environments to evaluate these solutions in a way that is closer to a production environment than a scaled down tool like minikube or minishift (which are still completely valid tools if you are focusing only in the applications deployed in these solutions).

Nomad is a great software. Along with Consul, you have a simple yet very powerful solution to orchestrate your services. It can run docker, rkt and lxc containers, java applications packaged in a .jar file (like a Spring Boot application), and even binaries (like a Rocket application), which can be retrieved by nomad in the job definition and executed using the isolation primitives provided by the operating system. It is not as feature complete as Kubernetes but is a lot easier to operate.

Traefik integrates with a lot of services to provide auto configuration. Its Consul Catalog integration provides an incredible solution to a Nomad cluster.

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Top comments (2)

asg1612 profile image
Andrés Sánchez García


Good post!

Check out the Molecule framework for testing Ansible roles. It simulate an infrastructure.

aligan profile image


How can I use my own local images in ansible playbook (not from internet), to create new containers?

👋 Kindness is contagious

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