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Cover image for CKA Full Course 2024: Day 1/40
Lloyd Rivers
Lloyd Rivers

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CKA Full Course 2024: Day 1/40

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Apologies for the blurry image; I am still trying to learn some new tools. I guess this would be a good chance to see if anyone else knows a way I can upload images and not have them compressed by

Today kicks off my journey into the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) course. The first day was all about Docker fundamentals, and as requested, I created a visual representation to help me (and you) understand how the different components fit together.

What I Learned

In my drawing, I focused on three key parts: the Docker Client, Docker Host, and Docker Registry.

I do feel like I’m reinventing the wheel here, as there are thousands of these images online. However, I saw it as a chance to learn and Canva, so it’s all good!

  1. Docker Client: This is the interface that allows us to interact with Docker. Whether you’re pulling images, running containers, or managing your Docker environment, the client is your go-to tool.

  2. Docker Host: This is where your Docker containers actually run. It can be your local machine, a virtual machine, or even a cloud server. Essentially, it’s the environment that hosts your containers.

  3. Docker Registry: This is where Docker images are stored. Think of it as a library for Docker images. You can pull images from it when you want to run a container or push your custom images to share with others.

Visual Recap

The drawing I made lays out how these components interact, and it really helped solidify my understanding. If you're new to Docker, I recommend creating a similar visual aid to see how everything connects. It makes the concepts much easier to grasp!

You can check out the video here.

A big thank you to course author @piyushsachdeva


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