When I started coding, the idea of contributing to open source code was pretty intimidating.
Like, can I really change your code and you don't mind? What if I screw up? How do I even find where to contribute?
Only later I understood that some of the questions were due to my lack of understanding. However, finding repositories to contribute is often casual rather than intentional.
So, here is a list of repositories you might find interesting.
- For Beginners & First Contributors
- Other Repositories
- Big Repos In Tech
- From The Community
- How To Contribute
Feel free to add your suggestions in the comments
For Beginners & First Contributors
- Firstcontributions. This is where you want to start with open source! They even list other open source projects.
- Up-for-grabs. This is a list of projects which have curated tasks specifically for new contributors.
- Good First Issues. A list of projects that have simple issues for newcomers.
- goodfirstissue.dev. Another list of projects that have simple issues for newcomers.
Other Repositories
In no particular order:
- Freecodecamp, you can contribute with code and with translations
- ReactPlay, a growing platforms that describe itself as "An Opensource platform for React developers to learn, create and share ReactJS Projects."
- Coding Interview University
- Forem Self-Host. You should probably know Forem. But in case you don't, just know that DEV is hosted on it.
- EbookFoundation. By contributing to this repo you hlp their mission: "Making the world safe for free ebooks."
- The Algorithms. This is an "Open Source resource for learning Data Structures & Algorithms and their implementation in any Programming Language". Therefore, you can contribute across many different languages and learn something about Data Structures & Algorithms.
- Project-based learning. list of programming tutorials in different languages.
- Public APIs. Described as "A collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development"
- Developer Roadmap. I am sure many of you have seen pictures of "The Roadmap to Learn XYZ". Here is a way to contribute or interact with a roadmap just for you.
- Professional Programming. As reported, The goal of this page is to make you a more proficient developer. If you have excellent resources, you can try to open a PR and include them here. But in any csae, I wanted to include this because it seems super interesting.
- The System Design Primer. Another epic learning resource that could benefit from your help.
- Every Programmer Should Know. A collection of (mostly) technical things every software developer should know. Backed by a community of developers, of course.
- Build your own X. Learn how to re-create some tech following step-by-step guides.
- List of Free Learning Resources In Many Languages. Once again, you can learn and contribute.
- Awesome. This is simply awesome. A list of lists of resources. I should remind you that your time on this planet is limited. Most likely you won't be able to read everything.
- CodeTriage. Another list of open-source projects by open issues. The intent is clear: "Help out your favorite open source projects and become a better developer while doing it."
Big Repos In Tech
List of big names, by starred, open for contribution. This is not exaustive.
- Vue - 200k
- React - 196k
- TensorFlow - 168k
- Bootstrap - 160k
- Python - 146k
- Flutter - 146k
- gitignore - 139k
- Linux - 139k
- VSCode - 137k
- React Native - 105k
- Electron - 104k
- Go - 104k
- d3 - 103k
- Node - 91k
- Angular - 84k
- Svelte - 62k
From The Community
In no particular order:
- @verisimilitude11 - DNAnalyzer offers both code and no-code contributions opportunities.
- @ecyrbe - Zodios | End-to-end typesafe REST API toolbox. You can simply start by trying it and fix any bug you find. Read the comments for more ideas!
- @aatmaj - Basic Memory Game
- @rocambille - Enrich your objects with Elo rating. Contribute with typescript and unit tests.
- @renhiyama - Reejs wants you to "Make Sites Faster, without the need of building anything!"
@andypiper - awesome-modern-twitter-api. This is an Awesome List, so, in the words of Andy, "it’s low code (mostly a markdown document to add to or improve); but it does require a level of interest in the relevant topic, and ideally some testing"
Your Project? Drop a message in the comments and I will add it as long as it is not going to be monetized.
How to contribute
Here is a nice article that explains how to contribute to open source projects.
Top comments (8)
Thanks! I've been wanting to contribute more to open source, but i always get paralyzed by the "where should i even start". Its a bit overwhelming tbh.
Thank you for mentioning zodios. Contributions are welcomed.
Ideas for contributors :
Updated! Thanks:)
👍🏻 Here is the link to my repo github.com/Aatmaj-Zephyr/Basic-mem...
Updated thanks!
Thanks for supporting DNAnalyzer @lorenzojkrl! For new users interested in contributing, we have both no-code, and code contributions available: github.com/Verisimilitude11/DNAnal...
You're welcome! I updated the post.