
Mahmoud Shalaby
Mahmoud Shalaby

Posted on

Why svelte is the best web framework !!

VS react and vue

react is the most popular web framework. made by facebook, and a lot of things make the react to be your option.

and vue is more popular than svelte and in my opinion it's better than react, every human has his opinion but vs svelte... NO!

But in the real svelte is more fast and more easy and good to start, you are just writing javascript not jsx or another things

the only problem of it

the only problem with svelte right now is it's a small community and this problem be smaller by the time

at least if you are using react or vue you can switch svelte is easier and faster and the best in all things


Thank you for reading that. 😁😁
it was my first post in
say your opinion about my English level because I am an Arabic man not an English man but I am still learning English
and put your opinion about post in comments

Top comments (27)

thesnowmanndev profile image
Kyle Martin

JSX, or JavaScript Syntax Extension, is an extension to the JavaScript language syntax. Similar in appearance to HTML, JSX provides a way to structure component rendering using syntax familiar to many developers. React components are typically written using JSX, although they do not have to be (components may also be written in pure JavaScript).

Vue components extend basic HTML elements to encapsulate reusable code. At a high level, components are custom elements to which the Vue's compiler attaches behavior. In Vue, a component is essentially a Vue instance with pre-defined options.

Svelte is a free and open-source front end compiler. Svelte is not a monolithic JavaScript library imported by applications: instead, Svelte compiles HTML templates to specialized code that manipulates the DOM directly, which may reduce the size of transferred files and give better client performance; application code is also processed by the compiler, inserting calls to automatically recompute data and re-render UI elements when the data they depend on is modified.

Keep studying, good luck in your coding journey!

mahmoudshalaby profile image
Mahmoud Shalaby

Thank you Kyle 😁😁😁.

thesnowmanndev profile image
Kyle Martin

No problem, take care! Best of luck to you. I got my feet wet with programming when I was 17, starting with Java and C++. I am 31 years old now. I took a lot of time off to focus on my career (aircraft mechanic), but about 4 years ago I started taking everything programming seriously again. Just keep your head in the books as often as you can, and you will be amazed at what you learn. Also, iterate, iterate, iterate.

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mahmoudshalaby profile image
Mahmoud Shalaby

REally good. good luck

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

It's apples to pineapples 🤔

mahmoudshalaby profile image
Mahmoud Shalaby

Where are you from ?

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adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

England 🇬🇧

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mahmoudshalaby profile image
Mahmoud Shalaby


eltha9 profile image

There's no best framework, just the one the best for you!

I tried angular, I tried react, but at I ended using vue because I was feeling good using it. Yes just for that.

Svelte seems pretty cool, and i will end to test it one day. But they're no best framework ^^

mahmoudshalaby profile image
Mahmoud Shalaby


mahmoudshalaby profile image
Mahmoud Shalaby

Really right. Thank you.

mahmoudshalaby profile image
Mahmoud Shalaby

Really right, i meant it's good

610470416 profile image

It is a frontend framework. Not a web framework.

kolja profile image

It is a Compiler, not a framework

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

It's Amazing not a Compiler 😜 sorry everyone was doing it

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mahmoudshalaby profile image
Mahmoud Shalaby


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mahmoudshalaby profile image
Mahmoud Shalaby

It's a thing to compile .svelte files not a compiler.
who continue ? 😂😂😂

mahmoudshalaby profile image
Mahmoud Shalaby


adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

I can read your English, it's clear enough to make sense. The sentence is out of order but it's still okay to understand.

mahmoudshalaby profile image
Mahmoud Shalaby

Can you help me to be better in English ?

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

I have dyslexia, I'm not the right person to ask 👍, I will keep an eye out for your posts, keep asking for feedback on all your posts, this community will help you.

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mahmoudshalaby profile image
Mahmoud Shalaby

Thank you.

oto profile image

study well

khuongduybui profile image
Duy K. Bui

If you like JSX syntax and react paradigm but also like the Svelte performance and store then you should definitely check out solidjs

mahmoudshalaby profile image
Mahmoud Shalaby

I like svelte syntax it's like html or vuejs and every thing is easy.

moutafatin1 profile image

You are not writing javascript '-', svelte is a compiler, you are writing svelte code.
who know if the language will change in the future.

mahmoudshalaby profile image
Mahmoud Shalaby

i meant svelte is much similar to javascript.
see svelte docs