Introducing, the best way to find & watch developer conferences and conference talks.
Hero35 contains ALL 64 React conferences around the world, with their 1429 talks and 829 heroes (speakers) to a total of 594 hours of content. More conferences are added, as they happen.
We started with our beloved React and its surrounding ecosystem. More stacks—frontend, backend, machine learning, & mobile—are on the way.
All events & talks are neatly presented, organized, categorized, tagged, curated and searchable.
No time to waste? Check out the talks that I personally curate.
Looking for your thing? Check out all accessibility, CSS, GraphQL, MobX, NextJS, React Native, Redux, or TypeScript talks. These are only 8 of the 619 topics that we cover, so far!
In a discovery mood? Use the powerful search to find anything … “hooks 2019”, “react native performance”, “graphql”, “redux vs mobx”, “a11y”, "concurrent mode", "Dan Abramov" … you can search across all talk fields.
If you enjoy watching dev conference talks, you probably know:
- How educational they are
- How much they help us stay up to date with our favorite tech stacks
You should also know, how hard it is to:
- Keep up with conferences. There are so many! Just for React, there have been 24 conferences in 2019 alone! 😳
- Determine which talks are really worth spending our precious little time to watch. Only in 2019, there have been 359 React talks (151 hrs! 😱), and counting.
- Find more talks from your favorite speaker across conferences, filter by topic, see what's popular, etc.
Together with @agalioti, we built Hero35 to solve for all the above, and so much more.
Hero35 came online on October 12th, after months of development, and is now in Alpha.
We have grand plans and we want to get the community involved as much as possible. Our hope is that you'll embrace it and help it grow.
You can sign up (free) to vote on talks, save them to watch later, get access to our confs & talks newsletter, plus so much more coming up (like a personal content feed that matches your favorite stacks/topics).
All members that sign up during our Alpha and Beta phases, will be eligible for free account benefits post-Beta (details to be announced during Beta).
🔥 Sign up & upvote your favorite talks: 🔥
We'd LOVE to hear your thoughts, ideas, or feedback. Our Twitter DMs are open, or you can email us at You're welcome to create a GitHub issue, if you find something wrong with the site or content.
Follow us on Twitter: @Hero35Official, @agalioti, @mavropalias. The @hero35official account tweets new conferences and curated talks.
Thank you!
PS: Why do we call it Hero35? We think that the people that dedicate their time to prepare and deliver conference talks are real community heroes. Thus, we named the site HERO35, in their honor.
PPS: If you're curious, Hero35's stack is: React, Nextjs, TypeScript, Firebase Firestore, Firebase Functions, Algolia Search. We spent a lot of time developing a powerful backend system, which allows us to add content quickly. The source code of the client app is available here: (we don’t accept PRs, currently).
Top comments (10)
Co-founder here. Very excited to share Hero35 with the community! We look forward to your feedback.
I found more react videos. Are you planning to include ngconf, jsconf , devopsconf etc ? Please let us know.
Yes, we are planning to include more. As you found out, we started out with React and we're definitely going to expand our content with more stacks (frontend, backend, machine learning, & mobile) very soon! JSConf is at the top of the list.
Thank you so much. I would like to suggest for adding FileMaker conf videos.
Because devs are struggling to learn about FileMaker on their own.
Thanks for the tip, Lakin. I've added FileMaker conf to the todo list.
Congrats for the launch 👍
May I ask, why not making it fully open source? Or do you intend to make everything public later on, once the alpha version completed?
P.S.: The very first link of your article "Introducing" seems not correctly linked ( htts// instead of, you might want to fix it 😉
Thank you David!
The admin UI is in a separate repo and it could do with some tidying up, before making it open source. Other than that, no real reason to not share it with the community.
(I fixed the typo, thanks!)
Makes sense, coolio 👍
Again congrats for the launch and good luck with your project 🤞
Great initiative.
Im a huge fan of tech talks.
And its a so convenient to have them on one source.
I have signed up and followed you guys on Twitter.
That's amazing, thank you so much Jacqueline!