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Cover image for 🖥️ Windows 11 Clone with React.js
Mishan Poudel
Mishan Poudel

Posted on

🖥️ Windows 11 Clone with React.js

I have developed a Windows 11 clone web app for educational purposes and want to share it with the community. This app is built with React.js for the frontend.

The app tries to mimic a few functions of Windows 11, including:

  • Interactive desktop environment
  • Taskbar with start menu and search functionality
  • Open and interact with various applications such as:
    • Chrome: Surf the web like in a real browser
    • Calculator: Perform basic arithmetic operations
    • VS Code: Virtual coding environment
    • Emoji Tic-Tac-Toe: Play a fun game using emojis
    • Spotify: Enjoy a simulated music player interface
    • About Me: Learn about the developer
  • Switch between open applications using the taskbar
  • Draggable windows to simulate a real desktop environment
  • Simulated login screen (enter any credentials to access)

Other features:

  • Responsive frontend for desktop and mobile devices
  • Built with modern web technologies for a smooth and interactive user experience

Technical stack:

  • Frontend: React.js, Tailwind CSS, React Router DOM, Framer Motion, React Draggable

For source code and demo, please visit my GitHub repo:

Please give me a ⭐ GitHub star ⭐ for my effort if you find this project useful!

Top comments (95)

redhoodjt1988 profile image
Jonathan Reeves

This is a great project. I am blown away by how well it responds inside the browser. It definitely looks like Windows 11 and in some instances feels like Windows 11. Great job. I have starred the GitHub Repo as I think it's an amazing project.

florianrappl profile image
Florian Rappl

Really? How come? Windows don't maximize. They don't minimize properly either (nothing in the taskbar). Design-wise it's okay but there are multiple Windows 11 clones out there that do a better job. I really don't get that comment (have you ever used Windows; any version?)...

misery666 profile image
Mishan Poudel

sorry man, I'm beginner and I'm trying to implement that too

Thread Thread
florianrappl profile image
Florian Rappl

My comment was not about your work (as mentioned this is fine - esp. for a beginner!) but about the previous comment by Jonathan (as mentioned I am not sure why he thinks that is such a great project as many things just don't work or behave as you might expect to). Again - kudos to you. For a beginner this is already doing a good job!

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nuuxcode profile image
Mounssif BOUHLAOUI • Edited

@misery666 (Mishan Poudel) dont be sorry man, you did great job, very inspiring really, you should feel proud! keep going

misery666 profile image
Mishan Poudel

thank you man! i was unsure if it was good enough to be posted but comments like yours have really made my days!

deri_kurniawan profile image
Deri Kurniawan • Edited

Pretty cool bro, but it looks like it needs a little improvisation in terms of responsiveness.
Btw, I have also made it, permission to share
Some features inspired me and maybe I will add it to my old project 😂👍 Thanks

misery666 profile image
Mishan Poudel

wow bro, yours is so much better and way too cool! i loved it

deri_kurniawan profile image
Deri Kurniawan

not really bro, each has their own advantages 😂👍

efpage profile image

See also this XP-Clone...

lucasvil4r_56 profile image
Lucas Vilar

Very good!!

Is the project open source? If so, what is the repository link?

marcioj16 profile image
Márcio José


doozieakshay profile image
Akshay Joshi

A project cant be useful but inspiring, and feels good for you that you have so much time to work on something fun like this

misery666 profile image
Mishan Poudel

Thank you! While this project may not be directly useful, I'm glad it can be inspiring. Too much free time is the perk of being unemployed :')

shahzaib_umaar_347a16c13d profile image
Shahzaib Umaar

and also being unmarried ;)

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twisted_pro profile image

:'( - I want free time.
Wife and Job on offer, any takers? 🙈

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misery666 profile image
Mishan Poudel

haha! I can take the job

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oshin_rai_43462d58d71b2d3 profile image
Oshin Rai


fyodorio profile image

Does it implement BSOD properly? That’s must-have, FWIW.

misery666 profile image
Mishan Poudel

haha! not yet but i will try to add it in the near future. thank you for your suggestion

manonbox profile image

You could have a top level error boundary in the React tree, and if it is hit, it can trigger a BSOD haha

xentzenith profile image
Ilker Ozturk

I loved it, I saved it. I'm about to start windows 12 C; thanks for inspiration.

misery666 profile image
Mishan Poudel

thank you man you literally made my day <3
don't forget to star the repo ;D

xentzenith profile image
Ilker Ozturk

we can follow each other if you want

Thread Thread
misery666 profile image
Mishan Poudel

sure! i would love to have a new friend

ritik1009 profile image

This Project is really Cool and can be used as a portfolio website by just adding your other project details along with link and icons.That icons will let other user see them inside the windows operating system. I think I should also create this type of project. Thank you for sharing this project😀

akshayballal profile image
Akshay Ballal

This looks dope. Just a suggestion that you can reduce the amount of transparency and add gaussian blur instead.

misery666 profile image
Mishan Poudel

Thanks for the suggestion! Which part would you like to see with reduced transparency and Gaussian blur?

akshayballal profile image
Akshay Ballal

Mainly the "about me" section.

ezpieco profile image

When you don't have anything to do, this is incredible! I don't know why but this sure is!

misery666 profile image
Mishan Poudel

Thanks! I’m happy you think so.

rizvanadnan profile image
Adnan Rizvan

Hey this looks really cool! I'd love to see you continuing to improve the app and making the rest of the "OS" interactive!

misery666 profile image
Mishan Poudel

Thank you! I am glad you like it. :]

syedmuhammadaliraza profile image
Syed Muhammad Ali Raza


oshin_rai_43462d58d71b2d3 profile image
Oshin Rai

Oh my god
Youre so talented!!How did you do it??Im really inspired by you and great fan of your work👏🏼👏🏼
Heads up

misery666 profile image
Mishan Poudel


oshin_rai_43462d58d71b2d3 profile image
Oshin Rai

Im your wife after all not need to thank me :3

kosiso23 profile image
Kosiso Francis

Bruh am blown away by this.

mikedroid profile image
Miguel Ángel Reyes Moreno

Amazing work!

emmanuelkim profile image

This is awesome, could be a game changer in future you never know

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