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Sospeter Mong'are
Sospeter Mong'are

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Best Practices for Naming API Endpoints

When naming your #API endpoint requests, it's important to follow best practices to ensure that your API is intuitive, consistent, and easy to use. Here are some guidelines and examples to help you name your API endpoints effectively:

  1. Use Nouns for Resource Names. Endpoints should represent resources (nouns) rather than actions (verbs). For example, use /users instead of /getUsers.

  2. Use Plural Names for Collections. When referring to a collection of resources, use plural nouns (e.g., /users). For a single resource, use the singular form along with its identifier (e.g., /users/{id}).

  3. Use HTTP Methods to Define Actions.

    • GET. Retrieve a resource or a collection of resources (e.g., GET /users, GET /users/{id}).
    • POST. Create a new resource (e.g., POST /users).
    • PUT or PATCH. Update an existing resource (e.g., PUT /users/{id} or PATCH /users/{id}).
    • DELETE. Remove a resource (e.g., DELETE /users/{id}).
  4. Hierarchical Structure. Use a clear and logical hierarchy to represent relationships between resources (e.g., /users/{id}/posts to represent posts by a specific user).

  5. Use Consistent Naming Conventions. Stick to a consistent naming convention, such as snake_case or kebab-case, and be consistent throughout your API (e.g., /user_profiles or /user-profiles).

  6. Avoid Special Characters and Spaces. Use hyphens (-) to separate words instead of spaces or underscores in URL paths (e.g., /user-profiles rather than /user_profiles).

  7. Keep It Simple and Intuitive. Names should be easy to understand and remember. Avoid complex or overly technical terminology.

  8. Version Your API. Include versioning in your endpoint paths to allow for future changes without breaking existing clients (e.g., /v1/users).

  9. Describe Actions with Query Parameters. Instead of using verbs in your endpoint paths, use query parameters for filtering, sorting, or searching (e.g., GET /users?status=active).

Examples of Well-Named API Endpoints

Here are some examples of well-structured API endpoints following these best practices:

  1. User Management.

    • GET /v1/users – Retrieve a list of users.
    • GET /v1/users/{id} – Retrieve a specific user by ID.
    • POST /v1/users – Create a new user.
    • PUT /v1/users/{id} – Update a user's information.
    • DELETE /v1/users/{id} – Delete a user.
  2. Authentication.

    • POST /v1/auth/login – User login.
    • POST /v1/auth/register – User registration.
    • POST /v1/auth/logout – User logout.
  3. Resource Relationships.

    • GET /v1/users/{id}/posts – Retrieve posts created by a specific user.
    • POST /v1/users/{id}/posts – Create a new post for a specific user.
  4. Pagination and Filtering.

    • GET /v1/users?page=2&limit=10 – Paginate users with 10 per page.
    • GET /v1/posts?sort=desc&category=tech – Retrieve posts sorted by date in descending order and filtered by category.
  5. Complex Operations with Clear Naming.

    • POST /v1/orders/{id}/cancel – Cancel an order.
    • PUT /v1/users/{id}/password – Update a user's password.
  6. Error Handling and Statuses.

    • GET /v1/orders?status=pending – Retrieve orders with a pending status.


You can create a clear, consistent, and easy-to-use API that developers will find intuitive and efficient when you follow this practices. Naming conventions are crucial in API design as they provide clarity and reduce confusion, making it easier for developers to understand and interact with your API.

Top comments (24)

arvinyorro profile image
Arvin Yorro • Edited
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  1. "Cancel" is a verb ❌ - Change it to a word that best describes the state of the resource post-operation. Suggestions: "Cancelled" if the status is Cancelled or "Cancellation" if you prefer an actual noun. ✅
  2. POST is meant for creation of resource ❌ Use PATCH for partial updates ✅

The rest are fine (no pun intended) 👍

I think REST is good practice but calling it the "best practice" makes it dogmatic and it turns away people. REST is just one way to get the job done. So lets call it "REST practices".

msnmongare profile image
Sospeter Mong'are

I see the pun at the end. haha!

michael_slowik_d9863db4a0 profile image
Michael Slowik

I would suggest PATCH order with status = canceled instead

msnmongare profile image
Sospeter Mong'are

Why, would you kindly provide the reason behind patch

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flaviomoreira profile image
Flavio Moreira

PATH partially updates the resource; in this case, updating just the order.status makes sense.

stanislau profile image
Stanislau Shliakhtsich • Edited

In this context, the author gave an example of so-called Actions and not of the creation of cancelled orders.

ifgr profile image
Fagner Araujo

POST /v1/users/{id}/posts /posts shouldn't be /post ?? You're creating only ONE post.

disturb16 profile image

Actually it is recommended to use plural, this allows you to also retrieve all posts for an user GET /v1/users/{id}/posts

ca-santiago profile image
Carmen Santiago • Edited

For me the endpoint part "/users/{id}" is an authorization problem. Should not this information be taken from authorization? Im not allowed to create posts for any user id I want

It should be just POST /v1/posts for creating self posts.

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msnmongare profile image
Sospeter Mong'are

You are not creating but rather updating a resource based on the id of the resource

rajatsonibkn2002 profile image
Rajat Soni

Use Plural Names for Collections. When referring to a collection of resources, use plural nouns (e.g., /users). For a single resource, use the singular form along with its identifier (e.g., /users/{id}).

Here they mentioned that for a single resource, we must use singular form.
Then /users/{id} this should be /user/{id}, right?

st80ene profile image
Etiene Essenoh

Exactly, I was also wondering about that.

dangphu2412 profile image
Dang Ngoc Phu

Hi i concern about approach of this problem:

  • Suppose I want to write an endpoint to get /users?status...&... to get users information to view the overview users.
  • In other usecase, I want to get the list of users with different query param, with more fields, so should I use the same endpoint and data model response.
michael_slowik_d9863db4a0 profile image
Michael Slowik • Edited

In ref to point 4:

Sort should include column name and "-" for descending, for example sort=-id (by id descending). In advanced use cases you can include multiple parameters like sort=-views,created_at

It would be a good idea to wrap query in filters (filter[user_id]=3) and support operators for example (filter[created_at][>]=2020-01-01)


st80ene profile image
Etiene Essenoh

This is a good read. I've learnt about naming conventions, resources grouping when forming an endpoint route,amongst others.

Nice read. I recommend.

nyangweso profile image
Rodgers Nyangweso

great stuff

judevector profile image
Jude Ndubuisi 🥷🧑‍💻

This is a nice write-up, glad I am already following most of this practice. shows I am in the right direction also learned new things as well and why I shouldn't do others

chandra_pantachhetri profile image
Chandra Panta Chhetri

Great read. However, does #5 & #6 in the first section contradict each other?

nyangweso profile image
Rodgers Nyangweso

awesome piece, kudos

msnmongare profile image
Sospeter Mong'are

You are welcome