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Mustafa Hashmani
Mustafa Hashmani

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Working with Files through the Command Line


  • The cat command con*cat*enates and prints the contents of files.
  • cat <filename> will read the contents of a file and print them out. For example, cat instructions.txt will read in from the instructions.txt file and then print the contents out to the screen.
  • If we provide cat with multiple files, it will concatenate their contents and output them.
  • cat peanutbutter.js jelly.css will output peanutbutter.js first and immediately after print the contents of jelly.css

    cat <filename>
    cat <file1> <file2>


  • The less command displays the contents of a file, one page at a time. We can navigate forwards and backwards through the file, which is especially useful with very large files.
  • less somefile.txt will display the contents of somefile.txt using less.
  • When viewing a file using less :

    • press space to go to the next page of the file
    • press b to go back to the previous page
    • press Enter or Down arrow to scroll by one line
    • to search, type forward slash / followed by a pattern
    • press q to quit

      less <filename>


  • tac (cat spelled backwards) will concatenate and print files in reverse. It prints each line of a file, starting with the last line. You can think of it as printing in reverse "vertically"

    tac file.txt



  • The rev command prints the contents of a file, reversing the order of each line. Think of it as a "horizontal" reverse, whereas tac is a "vertical" reverse.

    rev file.txt



  • The head command prints a portion of a file, starting from the beginning of the file. By default, it prints the first 10 lines of a file.
  • head warAndPeace.txt would print the first 10 lines of the warAndPeace.txt file
  • We can also specify a number of lines for head to print using the -n option (or --lines) followed by an integer.
  • head -n 21 warAndPeace.txt would print the first 21 lines of the warAndPeace.txt file
  • We can also use an even shorter syntax to specify a number of lines: head -3 filename.txt will print the first 3 lines of the file.

    head filename.txt
    head -n 13 filename.txt


  • The tail command works similarly to the head command, except it prints from the END of a file. By default, it prints the last 10 lines of a file.
  • tail warAndPeace.txt would print the last 10 lines of the warAndPeace.txt file
  • The same -n option with head also works with the tail command.

    tail filename.txt


  • The word count command can tell us the number of words, lines, or bytes in files. By default, it prints out three numbers: the lines, words, and bytes in a file.
  • We can use the -l option to limit the output to the number of lines.
  • The -w option limits the output to the number of words in the file.

    wc -l students.txt


  • The sort command outputs the sorted contents of a file (it does not change the file itself). By default, it will sort the lines of a file alphabetically.
  • sort names.txt would print each line from names.txt, sorted in alphabetical order
  • The -r option tells the sort command to sort in reverse order.
  • sort names.txt -r would print each line from names.txt, sorted in REVERSE alphabetical order.

    sort filename.txt
    sort -r filename.txt

    Sorting Numerically

    • The -n option tells the sort command to sort using numerical order.
    • sort -n prices.txt would print each line from names.txt, sorted in numerical order.
    • We could also reverse it with sort -nr prices.txt
    • The -u option tells the sort command to ignore duplicates and instead only sort unique values

      sort -n prices.txt
      sort -u prices.txt

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