Many people are worried that the commonness of AI will negatively impact our planet, it will kill our jobs (which is mostly right) or AI will reach a point where it doesn’t care for or about the existence of humanity anymore, something along the lines of The Terminator movie.
Here are the top uses of AI and how it has made our lives much more easier:
AI in artistic creativity
Musicians, artists, also normal people can use machine learning and neural networks to create art and music depending on what people consume to more often. This makes sure that the artists are following modern trends and, thus, earning more money.
AI in social media
Our activity patterns on social media are used to recommend the pages, promoted ads, videos, or posts we might be interested in. Social media platforms use our data to recommend ads for the products we might be interested in(or maybe not :( ).
Another common example of machine learning and AI is Facebook detecting facial features to tag you and your friends in pictures.
AI in chatbots
Virtual assistants have become very common nowadays like alexa Google Assistant . They use speech recognition and natural language processing to perform common day tasks on command. These include ordering food, controlling lights, checking for your schedule ...

Potential Risks of AI
there are downsides of anything and AI too.
AI should be used with caution to avoid any potential risks like :
dependency on technology
it can be a bad habit to rely on a technology to make a decision for us, it may be causing lazyness and losing our problem solving skills.
AI is a Job Killer
yeah its true, a smart machine that performs well can be replacing a human being, maybe we can create more jobs that we can do better who knows.
The Terminator
What if AIs get so smart that they realize people are a waste of space?
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Top comments (1)
agree, it is a job killer! maybe we can't fully see it right now but in near future we will !