Hey awesome devs at DEV. I have an acquaintance that is looking at getting into open source via a C# project. Any recommendations for projects that have good first issues, documentation updates etc.?
I've been out of the .NET landscape since 2016, so I'm a bit out of the loop in regards to all the open source stuff happening in the .NET ecosystem.
Maybe @turnerj or @integerman have some ideas?
Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash
Top comments (14)
If you are still looking for the OSS project, here is one, which is in its starting phase and it is going to be cross-platform GUI application (GUI tool, if more precise). Drop me a message if interested.
Going to tag @turnerj and @integerman as we don't have notifications for tags in posts AFAIK :-)
Also @kspeakman might know something!
It might be a bit self-serving but I have a DEV API client in C# that could do with additional API surfaces, improving the readme with links to the DEV API docs or even some intellisense docs that describe what the APIs do. Unfortunately I don't have any issues created about where to start but if this project sounds interesting for someone, happy to create some and walk through changes etc.
EDIT: Though after this post from Ben, I might need to rename/refactor the library to "forem-dotnet".
Just wanted to chime back here - I've had two super awesome people help out already on the library with both adding new APIs and refactoring to reference Forem.
The power of communities and open source is awesome!
I would love to contribute. Can you create an issue?
Hi @nick and everyone,
You may find project yuniql (yuu-nee-kel) interesting.
Github repo: github.com/rdagumampan/yuniql
First-timer-friendly issues: github.com/rdagumampan/yuniql/issues
Documentation: yuniql.io/docs/
It's a .Net Core project and I am at a very early stage so any help could make difference :).
Feel free to poke me.
You can check out the nuke.build project. They have some issues marked for first timers... Or you can check out the site up-for-grabs. They aggregate projects on GitHub, that contain issues marked for first timers.
Writing Discord bots is the way to go!
GitHub: github.com/discord-net/Discord.Net
Documentation: docs.stillu.cc/index.html
Introduces you to DI, ASP.NET styled command library, bit of audio with FFMPEG or Lavalink + Victoria and sweet introduction to System.Threading.Tasks and there are several open source bots which can be used as a starting point.
I have a component library for Blazor that could get some help for github.com/stsrki/Blazorise
This is exactly what I've been asking myself these days too. Seems like all the projects I find interesting are in javascript or python 😝 Thanks for posting Nick!
Puppeteer-Sharp has many issues on this project github.com/hardkoded/puppeteer-sha... :)
There are couple of projects. But I think NopCommerce is a good one
Try with Wox. It's an app similar to spotlight from macOS. It's pretty easy to start working on and it uses various APIs.