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Nicole Stevens

Certified Azure Solution Architect & DevOps expert with 20 years in software. Microsoft Press Author. CloudSkills Community Author. Also a bit of a data nerd.

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Running MacOS on Windows 10 with WSL2, KVM and QEMU

Running MacOS on Windows 10 with WSL2, KVM and QEMU

Comments 58
8 min read

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Windows Terminal - port a scheme from iTerm2, customise your own scheme and use a custom font

Windows Terminal - port a scheme from iTerm2, customise your own scheme and use a custom font

8 min read
Create an Azure Pipeline for a .NET Core Webapp and configure for Continuous Integration (CI)

Create an Azure Pipeline for a .NET Core Webapp and configure for Continuous Integration (CI)

25 min read
Working with the Feature Branch Workflow and Pull Requests

Working with the Feature Branch Workflow and Pull Requests

26 min read
Getting started with Git and Azure DevOps

Getting started with Git and Azure DevOps

21 min read