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The Formula of Becoming A Highly Effective Programmer

Programmers are often looked at like problem-solvers, sitting at their desks with their backs hunched, and upgrading their set of skills to reach solutions in specific programming languages. But is problem-solving the only thing that makes a good programmer? Maybe. Maybe not. Below is a list of things that are common in every effective programmer.

Being more receptive than defensive

As programmers, our code is our child, and if somebody criticizes even a little part of it, we get frustrated and defensive. We give in to vanity and think that our code is perfect. But a good programmer takes that harsh criticism to construct something better than what he/she did before. And that’s true! Keeping yourself open to criticism may lead you to learn new things and make your code much, much refined.

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Taking care of yourself

There is a system for everything in this universe. From the way you conduct business to the way you stay alive and functioning, everything has a system and different checkpoints to get to the goal. But if your system starts to fail, so does everything else.

As programmers, we are glued to one or multiple screens throughout the day, working out solutions and trying to make the deadline, often forgetting to give a break to our mind and our body. With average screen time between 7 to 9 hours, we forget that our ‘screentime’ consists of sitting in the same position for hours, our brains glued to one thing only. This might not show that it’s taking a toll on our health, but it all becomes clear years down the line when we’re complaining about our health.

To combat this issue, you can:

  • Take a 5-minute break in every hour you work, and if you somehow can’t, accumulate the minutes to take a break in the next hours.
  • Get some vitamin D out in the sun in your break, and give yourself time to breathe and relax. Maybe play Halo Infinite or just stretch, depending on what you want to do.
  • Hydrate yourself with a glass of water or juice. Take a bite of the chocolate bar you’re saving.

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Knowing that you need help

Programmers are not gods. No one is. And if you’re stuck on a problem that is not letting you move forward, and if you’re wasting a lot of time trying to find a solution, you need to be able to acknowledge the fact that maybe asking for help would be much more effective.

So instead of staying focused on one problem for hours, try asking a coworker or fellow developer for help. This will enhance your knowledge for when you arrive at the same kind of problem in the future, and will improve your communication skills. And sometimes when nobody is available to help you, you can divert your efforts and attention to some other task that is equally important. After some time, you’ll either find help or return to the problem with a different perspective.

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Saving Time

Kind of related to the previous head, saving time is crucial for any programmer. Most of us have projects that we need to get done before we pass the deadline, and would absolutely spend our nights glued to our screens if we don’t finish it. So instead of letting your physical and mental health take the brunt, try using extensions like Kite, blox, Path Intellisense, and as many extensions as you can to save yourself mounds of precious time that you could invest in something more important.

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Not being a show-off

Sometimes a code is supposed to be very simple and easy, but is being made complex just for a programmer to prove that he/she can do it. I’ve come across so many codes that are usually very simple, but look like a thick jungle because of a programmer’s bloated ego that needs to be shown off and validated/applauded.

So, don’t be that. A good and effective programmer can be recognized in a bunch without needing to show off.

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In conclusion…

Try and follow these pointers, and let me know if they help. And if there is something else you do other than these, please comment and help your fellow devs out!

Top comments (2)

seek4samurai profile image
Gourav Singh Rawat

Keeping your health is very necessary, many successful people say - You're health and mind are connected and they work well when both are doing good in their places. Maybe do some pushups 4 times a day whenever you feel like you need a stretch, I mean I do that and it feels so good <3.

notmahnoor profile image
