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Cover image for Git Internals: Rewriting History and Overcoming Gitsasters
Omer Rosenbaum
Omer Rosenbaum

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Git Internals: Rewriting History and Overcoming Gitsasters

Brief, or what I do for fun

When I'm not wearing my CTO hat at Swimm (we're building a documentation platform for devs), I create videos for my YouTube channel, Brief. Brief is my way of sharing knowledge and creating tutorials about Programming, Git, Computer Networks, Computer Science and more.

About the tutorial

Understanding the concepts of git can help us in many cases. Sometimes, it can help us when things go wrong - for example when we did something we did not want to do, and we would like to go back in time. We will call these cases - gitsasters, that is, disasters when working with git.

This video, as well as the next one, will provide you with some superpowers. After these two videos, you will feel confident when things go wrong in git. When someone commits to the wrong branch, they will call you, and you will be able to help out. When a team member loses important changes they have made, you will be the person to consult with.

In these two videos we will deepen our understanding of git while acquiring new tools, especially for rewriting history. We will also apply these tools to real-life scenarios.

I also wrote an article on this topic.

Let me know if you found this tutorial useful! And if you have an idea for a future tutorial, I'm all ears.

Top comments (4)

itai profile image
Itai Katz

Image description

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻‍♂️ Fayard

I have not watched your video but I've read your article

I still wonder why should we rewrite the history in the first place?
I'm not convinced of the trade off.

adriens profile image

LOL @mbarre

adriens profile image

I had never heard the term "Gitsasters" ... I love it.