
Cover image for 10 Free Public APIs for developers you need to use for your next projects
Pasca Vlad
Pasca Vlad

Posted on • Originally published at

10 Free Public APIs for developers you need to use for your next projects

If you found value in this thread you will most likely enjoy my tweets too so make sure you follow me on Twitter for more information about web development and how to improve as a developer. This article was first published on my Blog

1. New York Times

Provides news


2. Cat Facts

Daily cat facts


3. GeoName API

Geographical database covers all countries and contains over eleven million placenames that are available for download free of charge


4. Food API

Let’s you access over 330,000 recipes and 80,000 food products


5. Fixer. io

Exchange rates and currency conversion


6. Currencylayer

Exchange rates and currency conversion


7. Adorable Avatars

Generate random cartoon avatars


8. Ipstack

Locate and identify website visitors by IP address


9. Random Facts API

Get random Facts on different topics


10. Superhero API

Get all SuperHeroes and Villians data from all universes under a single API


I hope found this useful and if you did please let me know. If you have any questions feel free to DM me on Twitter.

Top comments (8)

albertpak profile image

Don't forget about Star Wars:

hyggedev profile image
Chris Hansen


braifz profile image
Braian Fernandez
icecoffee profile image
Atulit Anand • Edited

I wanted to use and I got this

Error 1020
Ray ID: *************** •
2021-08-18 06:14:03 UTC
Access denied

And this one do not support cors so you can't use it in a project.

Superhero API
Get all SuperHeroes and Villians data from all universes under a single API

Compilation is great tho.

star_trooper profile image
Atharva Shirdhankar

Even wheather api by openweather is great🔥

soterramirez profile image
Soter Ramirez

The Rick and Morty API --->

devab profile image
Syed Abubakar

The movie database must be on the list (TMDB) ->

samymassoud profile image

Thank you for the cool list, I guess you can explore thousands of cool APIs on this directory which I've created a while ago.

Public APIs List