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Patrick O'Dacre
Patrick O'Dacre

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Space Shooter Game with SDL2 and Odin - Part 8 - Enemies Attack!

In this guide we'll go through the following steps:

  1. Create && Fire Drone Lasers
  2. Show Entity hitboxes

Create && Fire Drone Lasers

We'll create a fixed number of lasers for the drones to use. Much like with our own laser, a drone laser won't fire unless it is available -- health == 0.

We need to implement two separate timers -- one master timer, and another for each individual drone. These two timers help us control the number of drone lasers firing at the player.

We'll add a ready field to the Entity struct to control the laser fire-rate of individual drones, and the drone_laser_cooldown field to the Game struct as our master timer.


Game :: struct
    /// Other stuff ^^^
    /// new
    drone_laser_tex: ^SDL.Texture,
    drone_lasers: [NUM_OF_DRONE_LASERS]Entity,
    drone_laser_cooldown : f64,

Entity :: struct
    source: SDL.Rect,
    dest: SDL.Rect,
    dx: f64,
    dy: f64,
    health: int,
    ready: f64,

create_entities :: proc()
    /// create drones ^^

    // drone lasers
    game.drone_laser_tex = SDL_Image.LoadTexture(game.renderer, "assets/drone_laser_1.png")
    assert(game.drone_laser_tex != nil, SDL.GetErrorString())
    drone_laser_w : i32
    drone_laser_h : i32
    SDL.QueryTexture(game.drone_laser_tex, nil, nil, &drone_laser_w, &drone_laser_h)

    for _, idx in 1..=NUM_OF_DRONE_LASERS

        game.drone_lasers[idx] = Entity{
            dest = SDL.Rect{
                x = -100,
                y = -100,
                w = drone_laser_w / 8,
                h = drone_laser_h / 6,
            dx = DRONE_LASER_SPEED,
            dy = DRONE_LASER_SPEED,
            health = 0,


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The drone lasers aren't shaped quite like I want, so I skew the image by changing the w and h a bit to get it as close to round as I can.

Fire Lasers

We'll allow drones to fire when within certain boundaries and the cooldown timer has expired:

if drone.dest.x > 30 &&
drone.dest.x < (WINDOW_WIDTH - 30) &&
drone.ready <= 0 &&
game.drone_laser_cooldown < 0
    // fire

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We check this each time we render a drone.

If the drone's individual timer has expired, ie: drone.ready < 0 then we'll look for the first available drone laser to "fire":

// find a drone laser:
fire_drone_laser : for laser, idx in &game.drone_lasers

    // find the first one available
    if == 0
        // fire

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Drones need to shoot towards our player, so we'll have to calculate a dx and dy value that will lead the laser from the position of the drone to the current position of the player:

// fire from the drone's position
laser.dest.x = drone.dest.x
laser.dest.y = drone.dest.y = 1

new_dx, new_dy := calc_slope(

if !game.is_paused
    laser.dx = new_dx * get_delta_motion(drone.dx + 150)
    laser.dy = new_dy * get_delta_motion(drone.dx + 150)

// reset the cooldown to prevent firing too rapidly
game.drone_laser_cooldown = DRONE_LASER_COOLDOWN_TIMER_ALL

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Of course, we're also careful to reset our timers.

Now, each time this active laser is rendered, it will move according to the calculated dx and dy:

// Render Drone Lasers -- check collisions -> render
for laser, idx in &game.drone_lasers

    if == 0 do continue

    // check collision based on previous frame's rendered position
    // check player health to make sure drone lasers don't explode
    // while we're rendering our stage_reset() scenes after a player
    // has already died.
    if > 0
        hit := collision(


        if hit
   = 0

            if !game.is_invincible

    if !game.is_paused
        laser.dest.x += i32(laser.dx)
        laser.dest.y += i32(laser.dy)

    // reset laser if it's offscreen
    // checking x and y b/c these drone
    // lasers go in different directions
    if laser.dest.x <= 0 ||
    laser.dest.x >= WINDOW_WIDTH ||
    laser.dest.y <= 0 ||
    laser.dest.y >= WINDOW_HEIGHT
    { = 0

    if > 0
        when HITBOXES_VISIBLE do render_hitbox(&laser.dest)
        SDL.RenderCopy(game.renderer, game.drone_laser_tex, &laser.source, &laser.dest)


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Show Entity hitboxes

To help with visualizing how our collisions are working, let's add a little utility to outline our collision areas.

We'll add a flag that will be checked at compile time:


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Next, we'll add this helper function to render a red rectangle at a given destination SDL.Rect:

render_hitbox :: proc(dest: ^SDL.Rect)
    r := SDL.Rect{ dest.x, dest.y, dest.w, dest.h }

    SDL.SetRenderDrawColor(game.renderer, 255, 0, 0, 255)
    SDL.RenderDrawRect(game.renderer, &r)

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Now we can pass in any entity SDL.Rect to get an outline of their collision boundaries:

if > 0
    when HITBOXES_VISIBLE do render_hitbox(&laser.dest)
    SDL.RenderCopy(game.renderer, game.laser_tex, nil, &laser.dest)

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