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Paurakh Sharma Humagain
Paurakh Sharma Humagain

Posted on • Edited on

30 6

Flask Rest API -Part:5- Password Reset

Part 5: Password Reset

Howdy! In the previous Part of the series, we learned how to handle errors in Flask and send a meaningful error message to the client.

In this part, we are going to implement a password reset feature in our application.
Here is the brief diagram of how the password reset flow is gonna look like.

Password reset flow diagram
Password reset flow diagram

We are going to use the flask-jwt-extended library to generate password reset token, the good thing is we have already installed it while implementing authentication. We need to send reset token to the user through email, for that we are going to use Flask Mail.

pipenv install flask-mail

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Let's register this mail server in our


from flask import Flask
 from flask_bcrypt import Bcrypt
 from flask_jwt_extended import JWTManager
+from flask_mail import Mail


 api = Api(app, errors=errors)
 bcrypt = Bcrypt(app)
 jwt = JWTManager(app)
+mail = Mail(app)

 app.config['MONGODB_SETTINGS'] = {
     'host': 'mongodb://localhost/movie-bag'

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Now, let's create a service to send the email to the client, let's create a new folder services and a new file inside it. Add the following contents to the newly created file.

mkdir services
cd services

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from threading import Thread
from flask_mail import Message

from app import app
from app import mail

def send_async_email(app, msg):
    with app.app_context():
        except ConnectionRefusedError:
            raise InternalServerError("[MAIL SERVER] not working")

def send_email(subject, sender, recipients, text_body, html_body):
    msg = Message(subject, sender=sender, recipients=recipients)
    msg.body = text_body
    msg.html = html_body
    Thread(target=send_async_email, args=(app, msg)).start()

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Here you can see we have created a function send_mail() which takes subject, sender, recipients, text_body and html_body as arguments. It then creates a message object and runs send_async_email() in a separate thread, this is because while sending an email to the client we have to relay to the separate services such as Google, Outlook, etc.

Since these services can take some time to actually send the email, we are going to tell the client that their request was successful and start sending the email in a separate thread.

Now we are ready to implement the password reset. As shown in the diagram above we are going to create two different endpoints for this.

1) /forget: This endpoint takes the email of the user whose account needs to be changed. This endpoint then sends the email to the user with the link which contains reset token to reset the password.

2) /reset: This endpoint takes reset_token sent in the email and the new password.

Let's create a inside the resources folder. With the following code:


from flask import request, render_template
from flask_jwt_extended import create_access_token, decode_token
from database.models import User
from flask_restful import Resource
import datetime
from resources.errors import SchemaValidationError, InternalServerError, \
    EmailDoesnotExistsError, BadTokenError
from jwt.exceptions import ExpiredSignatureError, DecodeError, \
from services.mail_service import send_email

class ForgotPassword(Resource):
    def post(self):
        url = request.host_url + 'reset/'
            body = request.get_json()
            email = body.get('email')
            if not email:
                raise SchemaValidationError

            user = User.objects.get(email=email)
            if not user:
                raise EmailDoesnotExistsError

            expires = datetime.timedelta(hours=24)
            reset_token = create_access_token(str(, expires_delta=expires)

            return send_email('[Movie-bag] Reset Your Password',
                                                        url=url + reset_token),
                                                        url=url + reset_token))
        except SchemaValidationError:
            raise SchemaValidationError
        except EmailDoesnotExistsError:
            raise EmailDoesnotExistsError
        except Exception as e:
            raise InternalServerError

class ResetPassword(Resource):
    def post(self):
        url = request.host_url + 'reset/'
            body = request.get_json()
            reset_token = body.get('reset_token')
            password = body.get('password')

            if not reset_token or not password:
                raise SchemaValidationError

            user_id = decode_token(reset_token)['identity']

            user = User.objects.get(id=user_id)


            return send_email('[Movie-bag] Password reset successful',
                              text_body='Password reset was successful',
                              html_body='<p>Password reset was successful</p>')

        except SchemaValidationError:
            raise SchemaValidationError
        except ExpiredSignatureError:
            raise ExpiredTokenError
        except (DecodeError, InvalidTokenError):
            raise BadTokenError
        except Exception as e:
            raise InternalServerError

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Here in the ForgotPassword resource, we first get the user based on the email provided by the client. We are then using create_access_token() to create a token based on and this token expires in 24 hours. We are then sending the email to the client. The email contains both HTML and text format information.

Similarly in ResetPassword resource, we first get the user based on user id from the reset_token and then reset the password of the user based on the password provided by the user. Finally, a reset success email is sent to the user.

Let's create the new exceptions EmailDoesnotExistsError and BadTokenError in our


 class UnauthorizedError(Exception):

+class EmailDoesnotExistsError(Exception):
+    pass
+class BadTokenError(Exception):
+    pass
 errors = {
     "InternalServerError": {
         "message": "Something went wrong",
@@ -54,5 +60,13 @@ errors = {
      "UnauthorizedError": {
          "message": "Invalid username or password",
          "status": 401
+     },
+     "EmailDoesnotExistsError": {
+         "message": "Couldn't find the user with given email address",
+         "status": 400
+     },
+     "BadTokenError": {
+         "message": "Invalid token",
+         "status": 403

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We need to create templates for HTML and text files that we need to send to the client. Let's create templates folder in our root directory, And inside templates create another folder email where we are creating two new files reset_password.html and reset_password.txt.

mkdir templates
cd templates
mkdir email
cd email
touch reset_password.html
touch reset_password.txt

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In reset_password.html let's add the following:

<!-- #~/movie-bag/templates/email/reset-password.html -->

<p>Dear, User</p>
    To reset your password
    <a href="{{ url }}">
        click here
<p>Alternatively, you can paste the following link in your browser's address bar:</p>
<p>{{ url }}</p>
<p>If you have not requested a password reset simply ignore this message.</p>
<p>Movie-bag Support Team</p>

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Here {{ url }} substitutes the url we have sent earlier in the render_template() function.

Similarly, add the following in reset_password.txt:

Dear, User

To reset your password click on the following link:

{{ url }}

If you have not requested a password reset simply ignore this message.


Movie-bag Support Team

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Now, we are ready to wire this Resources to our

 from .movie import MoviesApi, MovieApi
 from .auth import SignupApi, LoginApi
+from .reset_password import ForgotPassword, ResetPassword

 def initialize_routes(api):


     api.add_resource(LoginApi, '/api/auth/login')
+    api.add_resource(ForgotPassword, '/api/auth/forgot')
+    api.add_resource(ResetPassword, '/api/auth/reset')

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Now, if you try to run the application with python

You'll see the error something like this:

ImportError: cannot import name 'initialize_routes' from 'resources.routes' (/home/paurakh/blog/flask/flask-restapi-series/movie-bag/resources/

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This is because of the circular dependency problem in python. In our, we import send_mail which is importing app from whereas app is not yet defined on our

Circular dependency

To solve this issue we are going to create another file in our root directory, which will be responsible for running our app. Also, we need to initialize our routes/view functions after we have initialized our app.


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Now, our should look like this:


 from database.db import initialize_db
 from flask_restful import Api
-from resources.routes import initialize_routes
 from resources.errors import errors

 app = Flask(__name__)
+mail = Mail(app)
+# imports requiring app and mail
+from resources.routes import initialize_routes

 api = Api(app, errors=errors)
 bcrypt = Bcrypt(app)
 jwt = JWTManager(app)
-mail = Mail(app)



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In our we just run the app:


from app import app

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Add configuration for our MAIL_SERVER in .env

JWT_SECRET_KEY = 't1NP63m4wnBg6nyHYKfmc2TpCOGI4nss'
+MAIL_SERVER = "localhost"
+MAIL_PORT = "1025"

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Start a SMTP server in next terminal with:

python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer localhost:1025

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This will create an SMTP server for testing our email feature.

Now run the app with


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Note: remember to export ENV_FILE_LOCATION

Postmant forgot endpoint request

If the email is of the existing user you can see the email in the terminal running smtp server as:

<p>Dear, User</p>
    To reset your password
    <a href="http://localhost:3000/reset/eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1NzgzOTU0ODUsIm5iZiI6MTU3ODM5NTQ4NSwianRpIjoiZTEyZDg3ODgtMTkwZS00NWI1LWI0YzYtZTdkMTYzZjc5ZGZlIiwiZXhwIjoxNTc4NDgxODg1LCJpZGVudGl0eSI6IjVlMTQxNTJmOWRlNzQxZDNjNGYwYmNiYiIsImZyZXNoIjpmYWxzZSwidHlwZSI6ImFjY2VzcyJ9.dLJnhYTYMnLuLg_cHDdqi-jsXeISeMq75mb-ozaNxlw">
        click here
<p>Alternatively, you can paste the following link in your browser's address bar:</p>
<p>If you have not requested a password reset simply ignore this message.</p>
<p>Movie-bag Support Team</p>

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As you can see the URL is of format:

http://localhost:3000/reset/<reset_token>, you need to copy this token a send manually in your /reset endpoint.

Note: We will learn how to implement to reset automatically in our front-end series but for now we need to manually copy the reset_token

Postman reset password request

Congratulations your password is changed successfully. Now, you can log in with the new password.

You should also get the email stating your password was reset successfully.

<p>Password reset was successful</p>

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You can find all the code we have written till now here

What we learned from this part of the series?

  • How to create a token for resetting user password
  • How to send email to the user using Flask-mail
  • How to reset the user password
  • How to avoid circular dependency in Flask.

In the next part of the series, we are going to learn about testing our Flask REST APIs.

Until then, Happy Coding 😊

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Top comments (19)

joehoeller profile image
joehoeller • Edited

The code in your github doesnt work when ran. Just returns server 500s after request is made in Postman.

paurakhsharma profile image
Paurakh Sharma Humagain

I just tried running the code from GitHub and everything went well. Can you please provide me more details like, in which endpoint you got 500. And also the error message in the terminal.

Also, did you remember to run python smtp server with python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer localhost:1025

pat64j profile image
Patrick Adonteng

I run the smtp server but I still get the "ConnectionRefusedError"

I want to ask: do I have to run it in my virtual environment? or in my normal mac terminal?

Thread Thread
paurakhsharma profile image
Paurakh Sharma Humagain

It doesn't have to be in your virtual environment. Just remember not to close the terminal running it.

yosefco3 profile image
Yosef Cohen • Edited

I had the same problem.
My mistake was that I defined the email settings in .env file, and i forgot to import that settings to my app file.
And I still got that error, until I declared my :
mail = Mail(app)
after all that imported settings.

tallmyr profile image
Simon Tallmyr

Another correction on this for newer releases of various packages.

In, you have the line:
user_id = decode_token(reset_token)["identity"]

The version of flask-jwt-extended that I have (4.0.2) that must instead read:
user_id = decode_token(reset_token)["sub"]

Again, thanks so much for this guide, i'm learning so much!

scarow profile image
Sam Carow

This tutorial is excellent! One thing to note, I had to add MAIL_SUPPRESS_SEND = False to get the HTML to appear on my localhost:1025 server.

I didn't follow this tutorial exactly since my app is already set up slightly differently, but thought this could help anyone else who isn't seeing output on their mail server.

irfan87 profile image
Ahmad Irfan Mohammad Shukri

I have a few questions here since I have followed along with all your codes. I just wondering if the user reset their password with their registered email, let's say Gmail, does the user will receive it? Or should I set the Gmail's SMTP from the .env?

paurakhsharma profile image
Paurakh Sharma Humagain

Yes you need to set Gmail SMTP configuration. This is only for local development purposes.

skow0020 profile image
Colin Skow

The .env file has an error on this page. 'MAIL_SERVER: "localhost"' <<< THe colon needs to be '='.

paurakhsharma profile image
Paurakh Sharma Humagain

Fixed it! Thank you 😊

maccerata profile image

Hello, thank you for this great article. But when I've tested this uri: /api/auth/forgot with unknown email got error 500 InternalServerError.
So I've updated exception handling unknown e-mail address to:

    except User.DoesNotExist:
        raise EmailDoesnotExistsError
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Is the update in file correct? Seems to be, because now I'm getting error 400 instead of 500

But still wondering about casdade of errors before this one is rised. Is there better way to handle it?

sm0ke profile image

Nice & Useful

paurakhsharma profile image
Paurakh Sharma Humagain

Thank you 😊

jagdis01 profile image

Nice !great and very useful

paurakhsharma profile image
Paurakh Sharma Humagain

Thank you so much 😊

paurakhsharma profile image
Paurakh Sharma Humagain

Have a good day ☺️

panditvijay profile image
Vijay Pandit

Awesome article!! I have one question If I have to read a value from .env file in windows platform, how to do that?

justinwkukm profile image
Waqas Khalid Obeidy

echo %MAIL_PORT%

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