DEV Community

Peter Kim Frank
Peter Kim Frank Subscriber

Posted on

What have you been meaning to do but haven't gotten around to?

Things come up, projects and ideas and improvements get kicked down the road.

What have you been planning on doing for a while, but just haven't found the time or motivation to tackle quite yet? I'm sure we could all use some commiseration and encouragement.

Top comments (26)

val_baca profile image
Valentin Baca

These are things I want to go "wide and shallow", as in get a basic, working knowledge. For some, it's just that I haven't touched them yet or recently:

  • Databases, SQL & NoSQL
  • JavaScript, Node.js, Angular
  • AWS, Google Cloud, Azure
  • PHP (to be 100% honest, this is to game the resume grep machine)

I want to "go deep" into full-stack app development, but I don't have many app ideas.

I've got one idea that would need image recognition and augmented reality...I just need to do it!

marshallformula profile image
Nate Gibbons

I bought a raspberry pi almost a year ago - and I have no idea what to do with it. I thought I was going to write some code to have it do some neat smart-home-automation-thingy... but it just sits on the shelf mocking me.

riverslucas profile image

I bought a rapsberry pi for fun and to integrate it with a guitar pedal board. I guess I should start with simple applications instead of a complex one.

hawarioware profile image
Wajdi Al-Hawari

If you start this....I would love to check it out.

ajstharsanradus28 profile image
Radus28 Software Solutions

I m too interested. Please update when you will achieve it :)

thewebengineer profile image
Matt Silverman

I have been wanting to build a website for me and my friends to showcase our work on a domain I bought, Dang... I haven't even gotten around to replacing the splash screen from NameCheap. I will do something by the end of the summer though.

jeangruneberg profile image
Jean Gruneberg

Like the 'wide and shallow' on AWS and Azure
Full infra automation - parts done, just not all hanging together.
Get 'good' with PowerShell - have shallow knowledge that gets done what i need - but need to get better.

cadellsinghh_25 profile image

Unit tests for the side project I'm working on. Every week I tell myself "this is the week I'm gonna start writing some tests" but it just never happens. :(

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

lol been there

hawarioware profile image
Wajdi Al-Hawari

Very simple, yet haven't just buckled down to do it.....Write my skeleton web-app that has all the necessary components I want to throw at my projects when starting off. This includes having all my travis, docker, go-to software pattern structure and basic test framework structure set up. Maybe me putting it up publicly will be enough of the shame to actually get it done....

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

I keep saying I'm going to research PWAs, but I keep NOT researching PWAs...

Any good resources would be highly appreciated. πŸ™

jess profile image
Jess Lee
andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

Thanks, got my weekend project!

claritydev profile image
Andrew Starodubtev

I have a point in todo-list to share my Impostor Syndrome story with Still not done.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I have been meaning to write more personal scripts, but never take the time to do it. I have virtually no command-line customization and it's all a matter of not bothering to get to it. It's, like, years of putting this off.