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Pere Sola
Pere Sola

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Today's rabbit hole: securing JWTs for authentication, httpOnly cookies, CSRF tokens, secrets & more

Note: this is first and foremost the tale of a journey. It acts as a how-to, but I also want to share my thought process and how I learnt along the way. If any of the below is total nonsense, let me know in the comments!

Trigger: JWT authentication: When and how to use it by Flavio Copes

He says Don’t store it in local storage (or session storage). If any of the third-party scripts you include in your page gets compromised, it can access all your users’ tokens.

I knew that localStorage is not safe. But if not in localStorage, where can I store them?

Flavio adds The JWT needs to be stored inside an httpOnly cookie, a special kind of cookie that’s only sent in HTTP requests to the server, and it’s never accessible (both for reading or writing) from JavaScript running in the browser..

Good lead. I head to Using HTTP cookies, in MDN, to learn what a httpOnly cookie is. httpOnly is an attribute added to cookies that make it unaccesible client side.

Ok. How to store JWT in an httpOnly cookie? A Google search returned this article by Ryan Chenkie.

He says there are two options to securely store a JWT:

  1. Browser memory (React state) - super safe. However, if User refreshes browser, JWT is lost, and login is required again. Not a good user experience.
  2. httpOnly cookie. This is what I am looking for!

My login endoint needs to generate the JWT and save it in a cookie:

    res.cookie('token', token, { httpOnly: true });
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token is previously generated in my code by the library jsonwebtoken. httpOnly: true is what makes the cookie not visible to client. I did a test: when httpOnly was set to false I could access the content of the cookie in the Console with document.cookie. Setting httpOnly: true prevents this.

Now, the problem is that my client and my server are running on different ports (3000 and 5000) in localhost. As this StackOverflow thread reminded me there is no such thing as cross-domain cookies - cookies can only be set in the same domain as the server. Ughh, how to circumvent this?

I created my client with Create-React-App and they have something called proxying. Adding "proxy": "http://localhost:4000", in my package.json and making the URLs to which I make the API calls relative (i.e. instead of ${baseAPI}/auth/login I used /auth/login) was enough.

After this, the responses from the server started to come back with a Set-cookie header and I then could see the Cookie in my Chrome Dev Tools.

As Ryan says, Now that the JWT is in a cookie, it will automatically be sent to the API in any calls we make to it. This is how the browser behaves by default.. As he advises, I started using cookie-parser library to transform the cookie header into a clean req.cookies from where I can easily fetch the token to run the JWT validation.

Next question: how to protect Routes when the token is stored in a cookie?

By definition, an httpOnly cookies cannot be accessed by the client, so how can we protect Routes after User has logged in? Somone came up with an idea in this StackOverflow question. Basically, you continue to generate the httpOnly: true cookie containing the token and you generate another one, httpOnly: false this time, with no sensitive info, that only informs that User has logged in. I suppose that following that logic, you don't even need a cookie: upon receiving the succesful login API response, you can save a loggedIn: true in localStorage. In any case, I continued with Cookies.

So you can check the httpOnly: false cookie (or localStorage) and determine if User is logged in or not. If they are not, redirect to Login page.

Now, how to access cookies in React?

I found this conversation about the topic. There are of course 2 ways: use a library or do it yourself.

While I want to build logic myself as much as possible, this time as a first pass I decided to use a library. I was having enough headaches with the Private Route that I didn't want to add additional opportunities for bugs. I used js-cookie. For when I am ready to stretch myself, the last answer here points to examples in MDN to fetch cookies yourself.

Next, I needed to protect Routes so only Users that are logged in (aka have the isLoggedIn cookie set to true can access it.

I knew how to create a <PrivateRoute />, but I did some research to confirm I was not missing anything. I found Tyler McGinnis post, it is perfect as a step by step guide.

My Private Route:

const PrivateRoute = ({ render: Component, }) => (
        render={(props) =>
            Cookie.get('isLoggedIn') === 'true' ? (
                <Component {...props} />
            ) : (
                <Redirect to='/login' />
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I used the PrivateRoute to protect my Route:

    render={(props) => (
        <AddUrl {...props} shortUrl={shortUrl} setShortUrl={setShortUrl} />
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render: Component was originally component: Component because this is the syntax I had read in tutorials. However, it was not working, and couldn't figure out why for a while. I read this answer and I realised that the key needs to match the attribute you are passing in the Route. So if you pass component={WHATEVER_COMPONENT_NAME} the Private Route should have component: Component. Since my Route had render={bla bla bla} the Private Route had to have render: Component.

Next question: how to logout?

Since the cookie with the token is httpOnly: true it won't be accessible in the client, so you need the server to remove it. As someone pointed out in this StackOverflow question, you can update the cookie server side with a rubbish or empty text.

This conversation, confused me. The person replying says you can set overwrite: true but I could not find the attribute in the Express docs about res.cookie. This is when I realised that the person answering was talking about a library, not the express native method.

So, I ended up setting a cookie server side with the same name but a dummy value, and keeping httpOnly: true. And I am also modifying the client visible cookie that I called isLoggedIn and setting it to false.

res.cookie('token', 'deleted', { httpOnly: true });
res.cookie('isLoggedIn', false);
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Ok. Is there something else?

I am afraid yes... Ryan talks about adding Cross-Site Request Forgery Protection and adding an anti-CSRF token. Hmm, what is that? First time I hear about these cookies, I continue digging...

What is a Cross Site Request Forgery attack

There are million of resources out there, a lot of them hard to understand, and I found this one helpful. Basically the attacker creates a HTTP request url to some service (your ebank account, for instance) that is hidden inside a malicious site. You may be tricked into going to that site an by doing so, inadvertedly, you trigger this HTTP request. The point of the attack is that, because you are authenticated, authentication cookies are passed with the request and, to the server, the request is legit.

AFAIK, there are protections the server should take in order to protect from these attacks: strict CORS policy (only allowing requests from specific origins, if necessary) and CSRF tokens.

What is a CSRF token

I found this answer and this answer quite clarifying.

I generate the CSRF token server side using csurf library and once passed to the client in the body of the response it is set as a header to every AJAX request you make to your server. You should generate the token as early as possible in your application because the CSRF token check is a middleware that is placed as early as possible in your server. The way Ryan recommends to do it is:

  1. useEffect on your React App calling a custom end point to fetch the CSRF token. This token is generated by a library, he recommends csurf.
  2. The token is returned in the body of the response and the secret to check that the token has not been tampered is returned as a cookie. The former should be set as a header to every subsequent AJAX request with an['X-CSRF-Token]'. The latter should be returned to the client as ahttpOnlyandsecurecookie. This is sent in aSet-cookie` header and the cookies should then be added to every subsequent request by the client.

Now, I found the following problematic. Ryan is suggesting to create an endpoint that sends the token to the client. However, if you go to the npm page of the csurf library they have a header linking to this page: Understanding CSRF, section on CSRF Tokens. They say Don't create a /csrf route just to grab a token, and especially don't support CORS on that route!.

Apparently I am not the same asking this same question - see examples here or here. Based on my reading, while everyone seems to have a different receipe, everyone seems to agree that there is no bullet-proof way to do it.

I found this post by Harleen Mann where he explains how to mitigate the risks when using cookies to store JWTs:

  1. XSS - can be mitigated by using httpOnly cookies. Ok, done.
  2. CSRF - Can be mitigated by using:

i. CORS Policy - in development I am hosting my frontend in a different URLs as my server. Therefore, if I configure CORS in my server so as to only allow data to be read if the request comes from the authorised url. Similar in production, I ended up hosting the client in a subdomain (as in and the server in the root domain (as in I learn through much pain and hours afterwards that the same setting for development and production are needed. So, cors library will be configured as:


const corsProtection = require('cors');

const cors = corsProtection({
    origin: process.env.DEV_FRONTEND_URL, // url of the client making the http requests
    optionsSuccessStatus: 200,

module.exports = cors;
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ii. X-CSRF-TOKEN Header - as discussed above, I am getting the csrf token from a dedicated endpoint when my React app loads. Because of the config above, the endpoint is protected and only requests coming from the authorized url are allowed. Because CSRF attacks originate in other domains (the malicious website) I believe I am protected.
iii. SameSite cookie - similar to the previous point, my understanding is that CSRF attacks are initiated by 3rd party malicious websites. Therefore, when this attribute is set to strict, the cookies won't be sent to the server because the request would be initiated by a 3rd party. Except for Internet Explorer, sameSite seems to be supported by the rest of browsers.

I am sparing you the hours I spent troubleshooting my code, that worked perfectly fine in development and local host, when hosted in production. Long story short, I thought that as long as client and server are hosted on the same domain, cookies are shared fine. No, you need to specifiy domain: and you need the [Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header](,the%20request's%20credentials%20mode%20(%20Request.&text=When%20used%20as%20part%20of,can%20be%20made%20using%20credentials.) and the withCredentials property. The latter is done adding a property withCredentials: true to and axios instance and credentials: true in the server cors config. My own question and answer may be helpful to clarify what I mean.

At this point, I took a step back and realised that I didn't really really understand what csurf library does. I read, and re-read, their docs. It does 2 things:

  1. As a middleware, it adds a req.csrfToken() function that you call to generate the csrf token. This token should be passed to the frontend, which in turn, should add it to a 'x-csrf-token' header. This header, upon hitting the server, will then get verified with the secret that comes back as a cookie - see below.
  2. Generates a token secret either in a cookie or in req.session. Since I am using JWTs for authentication, I am not going to use req.session - I set the secret in a cookie.

The csurf config object looks something like this for me:

let csrfProtection = null;

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
    csrfProtection = csrf({
        cookie: {
            httpOnly: true,
            secure: false,
            domain: process.env.CSRF_PROTECTION_HOST, // host (NOT DOMAIN, NOT HTTP:// OR HTTPS://)!
} else {
    csrfProtection = csrf({
        cookie: {
            maxAge: 60 * 60 * 24, // 1 day in seconds
            httpOnly: process.env.HTTP_ONLY,
            secure: process.env.SECURE,
            domain: process.env.CSRF_PROTECTION_HOST, // host (NOT DOMAIN, NOT HTTP:// OR HTTPS://)!
            sameSite: process.env.SAME_SITE,
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As csurf explains in the docs, when cookie option is chosen, something called the double submit cookie pattern (DSCP) is implemented. DSCP is explained (here)[]. My understanding is that the token is encrypted with a secret that only the server knows, and this secret is passed on as a cookie.

Another interesting resource about DSCP.

In my case, I have set up csurf to send the token in the response of an API call, and the secret in an httpOnly and secure cookie:

  • The token gets set on the endpoint that generates the token and returned to the client. Since the server does not allow cors, I believe that I have protected my endpoint.
const token = req.csrfToken();
res.status(200).json({ csrfToken: token });
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The client, upon receiving the token, sets it as a ['x-csrf-token'] header:

const { data } = await axiosInstance.get(`${baseApi}/auth/csrf-token`);['x-csrf-token'] = data.csrfToken;
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I have created an Axios instance in order to include withCredentials: true in development. In production, since it is all the same domain, I don't add anything but I still need it to add the header later on:

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
    axiosInstance = axios.create({
        withCredentials: true,
} else {
    axiosInstance = axios.create();
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As a result, every subsequent request to the server will have this header added.

  • The secret gets added to _csrf cookie by csurf by default when selecting the cookie option (read above).

When the server receives any subsequent client request:

  • csurf looks for the token in the places listed here and checks it with the the secret.

  • The secret comes back in the _csrf cookie.

If the token has been tampered with, csurf throws an error because it cannot verify it with the secret.

Other csurf related content that I found useful:

However, there is more!

Both Ryan and Harleen say that the safest method is storing the JWT in-memory and using refresh tokens.

If you can, store your JWTs in your app state and refresh them either through a central auth server or using a refresh token in a cookie, as outlined in this post by [Hasura](

In-memory is definitely the most secure! As you will see the Part-2 of this series, we can overcome these limitations quite easily. See you in Part-2. Hint: refresh_tokens

What does it all mean?! The Rabbit hole continues..

But I am exhausted, so I am stopping here for today. More in future posts!

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Top comments (9)

rahulahire profile image
Rahul Ahire • Edited

Really a Great detailed and elaborative article.

Hi @petrussola, I had an doubt that how to send httpOnly cookie if that's not accessible by axios(javascript) and especially how to send it with authorization Header

  1. Can CSRF be mitigated by SameSite:Strict attribute?
  2. Can you please share the Github Link of this article if you have any.. That would be more helpful for me to grasp all of these concepts...
petrussola profile image
Pere Sola

hey, thanks!

  1. I honestly would not be able to answer that question, I embarked on the journey but I am far from being an expert.
  2. Sure:

Auth is a very scary topic, and I am starting to explore other options as recommended by a JS / React expert

rahulahire profile image
Rahul Ahire • Edited

This cookie topic actually eat my head a lot for 4-5days but now I'm somehow comfortable at it.
except the point of httpOnly cookie vs Authorization header or using both

technically its quiet easy to use httpOnly cookie
sadly there arent many clear cut tutorials on it. But, I'm hopeful about it

ave profile image
Alexander • Edited

I spent about a week reading various articles on this subject too.
Eventually I settled on a "double submit" kind of pattern with JWT.
Basically, "/login" endpoint, upon successful authentication, issues a signed JWT with user info, expiration, etc.
The JWT is returned in response body and also set as HttpOnly, secure cookie.
The client stores the JWT in react state and supplies it to each AJAX to the server as Authorization Bearer <token> header.

The server has a middleware that checks that both the header and the cookie has the same token and the token content matches the user details in the request (if any).

Since my API server and the frontend are on different domains (and with Netlify and Vercel I see that this gonna be the case for a lot of folks) I had to set strict CORS on the server and set credentials: 'include' on the fetch API calls in the frontend.

I set the expiration for JWT to be a couple of days.
In order to keep users logged in between page reloads I have /me endpoint that serves me as a) getting user info of currently logged in user b) allows to get the JWT back to react state when the app loads.

The GET /me endpoint has more relaxed authentication check policy. It only verifies the cookie token and if the token is there and valid, it allows the request, responding with user info and JWT in the body. So, the endpoint is not protected from CSRF attack but it does not mutate server state and whatever it returns, an attacker cannot get as CSRF is primarily to make a victim do a state-mutating action on a server on their behalf.

Not sure how solid this approach but I have come across a post on stack overflow where a guy also accidentally arrived to this approach and noticed its similarity to the "double submit" CSRF defence.

ramonak profile image
Katsiaryna (Kate) Lupachova

Very informative and useful! Thank you!

petrussola profile image
Pere Sola

Thanks for reading it :)

hacaw profile image
Alexandru Cicu • Edited

Very informative, I am not a REACT programmer, but I really enjoyed all the mental questions you had throughout the development of this feature, that I could easily relate to.

luispa profile image

Awesome post!

petrussola profile image
Pere Sola

Thanks! :)