❤️ A quick (and very belated) thank you to everyone who came to last month’s meetup and to Ricardo Bánffy and Honeywell for organising and hosting our meetup. Thanks to Mick as well to help setup and tidy up after me, as always, while I chat to folks. 🙃

👏 to our speakers by Molly Quinn, Maria Doyle and Antonio Bevilacqua.

Here are the talks slides and notebooks: https://github.com/pyladiesdublin/oct-talks-2022
(Note: I’ll try and get Antonio’s talk and link to this githhub repo as his talk on Polars really generated a lot of interest.)
🎤 We are looking for speakers for next year, we hope to run 1 in-person event per quarter and rest as remote sessions. If you are interested in speaking, running a workshop, submit your details to https://share-eu1.hsforms.com/1HHEGqvm2Q_-B3vqjq53EfQf1bg5
📖 And one final thing before I sign off, Andressa Valadares and I are thinking of doing Python Study groups (remotely initially) this/next month. We will keep you informed, and events will be posted on PyLadies Dublin Meetup.
🤔 Anything else, you can email us at dublin@pyladies.com
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