🙌 Thank you for your interest and to those who attended our PyLadies Dublin event at Microsoft Ireland on Monday evening.
⚠️ Note: There's no recording of this event. We can ask the speakers to come back and do their talks again remotely. 😊
- Event details: https://www.meetup.com/pyladiesdublin/events/287637521
- Announcements, slides and Notebook:
pyladiesdublin / sep-talks-2022
Announcement, speakers slides and other materials from talks, e.g. notebooks
In-Person Meetup - PyLadies Dublin x Microsoft Ireland
- When Monday, September 26, 2022 at 6:30 PM to Monday, September 26, 2022 at 8:45 PM IST
- Where: Microsoft Ireland
- Event Page: https://www.meetup.com/pyladiesdublin/events/287637521/
TALK 1: Python GIL: What does it solves and why everyone wants to remove it?
We will see what is the Python Global Interpreter Lock, its importance, which problems does it solves and which problems it causes. Also give a couple of alternative implementations without using GIL and reasons that it wasn't removed from CPython yet.
About Andressa Valadares
Python game developer on paid hours. PyLady and Ultimate frisbee enthusiast on non paid hours.
TALK 2: HuggingFace NLP models - how to navigate the biggest open source Python collection of natural language processing models.
(30 mins) This talk will cover the looks and utility of HuggingFace, the current biggest Python open-source collection of pre-trained AI models. We…

👏 A huge thanks to both our speakers Andressa Valadares and Chiara Cotroneo.
🥰 To Mick for helping me setup and tidy away, and always being there!
🌈 Thanks to Microsoft Ireland (and Ben), PSF, PyLadies, Coding Grace as well as Luciano Ramalho (I forgot it was a signed book!) and O'Reilly for the books.
📢 Announcements
I didn’t mention this at the meetup, but for anyone using Python, the Python Software Foundation, the Packaging Working Group and Python Packaging Authority would like to your help on feedback about Python Packaging via their survey.
You can find help them out at
🎤 Pyjamas Conference CFP and Looking for reviewers
A free online Python conference that you can attend (and speak) in your jammies!
- CFP Deadline - Oct 2
- Conference Dates - Saturday, November 26th - Sunday, November 27th 2022
- Website: https://pyjamas.live
🗓 Upcoming Events
PyCon Ireland 2022
- Conference Dates: Nov 12 - 13
- python.ie/pycon-2022
ℹ️ To find more Irish and Northern Irish tech and diversity in tech events, check out diversityintech.fyi.
💡 If you have any events, opportunities, you can email me or submit a PR via https://github.com/whykay/diversity-in-tech-ireland.
🗓 Next PyLadies Dublin
It will be in-person (again)! 🙌 If you are interested in speaking in our October meetup, send your talk details to https://share-eu1.hsforms.com/1JaDd_XRCQFKb3cp0akbz8Af1bg5
- When: Tuesday, October 18, 2022 at 18:30
- Where: Honeywell, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1
- Event Details: https://www.meetup.com/pyladiesdublin/events/288753446/
Next Next PyLadies Dublin
Had a chat with Samira (past PyLadies Dublin speaker and attended on Monday) as they reached out to collab with Women in Tech Galway in November. Tentative date is Tue Nov 22, but this is subject to change.
Keep an eye out on meetup.com as we will announce the event details when things are confirmed.
🤔 If you have any questions at all, getting involved or want tosupport our activities, drop us an email at dublin@pyladies.com.
See you in-person next month!
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