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Cover image for HACKTOBERFEST 2023
Ronald R
Ronald R

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So here we are, the final chapter of our Hacktoberfest adventure for the year 2023. I was tasked to do only 4, but I had like 7 ongoing PRs to work on. I couldn't do 2 of them because it was too much to handle for my skill level, so I had to back down a bit.

What I worked on, here's a quick list of what happened:

Pull Requests
  1. Added an enhancement - issue 366 to add a download all if no argument
  2. Enhancement issue 108 added a verification when deleting a user
  4. Updated clone cmd to 'cp' #137
  5. Updating docstring with formatting using black. Requesting a new PR for
Blog Posts
  1. It was not "Good First Issue"
  2. It's not quite there yet...
  3. I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices
  4. The Tale of the Shadow Copy Jutsu!
  5. It's OVER 9000!!!

Missed Issues and PR:

For the missed PRs, I was able to fix them, but the implementation was quite hard at my skill level. Each individual post, PR, and issue has its own story and lessons that I learned. I was quite excited to start this project, especially knowing that I will become a better and greater programmer.

Throughout the process, I took on a number of responsibilities, ranging from general organizational duties like adding verification before deleting a user to more specialized technical ones like allowing the download of binary fields in the Data Engine. Two particularly intriguing problems were renaming the clone command to 'cp' and cleaning up the code in the MovexMasterServer file. In addition, I added the needed docstrings to the file as part of my contribution to the documentation.

The pull requests came with their own set of lessons learned, from fixing a few "MESSY PRs" to effectively improving issue #366 and finally creating a "CORRECT PR" for the Movex project. In addition, my dedication to enhancing code quality and maintainability was demonstrated by the clone command change and the new PR request for

I used the blog entries as a way to reflect on my experience. I talked about my struggles, victories, and educational moments. They provided me with the chance to interact with the larger developer community and enabled me to document my progress.

All in all, this Hacktoberfest was a life-changing event. It strengthened my determination to keep getting better and fueled my desire to become a more proficient coder. I'm appreciative of the opportunities it gave me and the knowledge I was able to acquire from each post, issue, and contribution. Cheers to more expansion and exciting new experiences in the field of software development.

And with that, I say FAREWELL FOR NOW!

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