A few months back, I was wondering to design & develop a whole new portfolio to showcase skills, projects, and favorite movies & tv shows from scratch.
So I took the challenge to come up with creative designs for the portfolio during the lockdown.
I learned Vuejs during my internship, so decided to develop it using Vue.
After going through a lot of portfolio designs, I came up with a cool user interface. Have a look
Portfolio Link - https://rahuldkjain.github.io
I love contributing to open-source projects, so I developed a clean, minimal, and responsive portfolio template for All!
Yes, you read it right! You can easily customize the portfolio just by editing src/portfolio.js.
GitHub Project - https://github.com/rahuldkjain/minimal-portfolio
That's it. Follow the customization steps to create your own portfolio within 60 minutes.
Feel free to contribute to the project by solving open issues or by creating one.
Top comments (23)
UI/UX has always been a matter of individual preference.
But if you are asking for it, here's my humble opinion:
I really liked the load animation on the initial load of the page.
Purple-black combination has always been looking nice, you could definitely stick to it.
Social media buttons do look really nice on that background. Maybe implement zoom functionality on hover on them, just to make UX better.
Moving particles are nice touch, making everything feel more spacious.
2.1.WHAT I WOULD IMPROVE (Structural changes):
I would change menu li's as "Work","Education" and "Contact". (read below)
Put your actual projects on top of Work page, as they are ultimately what recruiters will look for.
If you want to highlight your education, internships and awards, I would combine them all in Education page as they are closely related.
Add a Contact page with a proper form for visitors to contact you directly from your page.
Remove the Favourites page, as it's not relevant info for potential recruiters.
2.2.WHAT I WOULD IMPROVE (UI changes):
While it looks unique, the current flashing letters look like it could be more suited for some entertainment company rather than your individual professional portfolio.
When it comes to fonts, I would stick with more round fonts through the whole page, like you did the description about you.
I would re-design the Resume button, so it is in the same purple tone as the rest of the page and with no shadow or with very dark grey, thin shadow.
You are loading very light images on the black background and they are currently loading pretty slow. So implement some kind of a loader (like on initial page load) for images, reduce their sizes to improve the overall browsing experience.
Give a slight border radius to every image on your site (like you do in Favourites page), so they don't look like just basically stacked there using no formatting at all.
I would also put some on-hover effect to each image, just to make it feel more dynamic, make a good use animate.style library.
Below each education/internship and award image posted I would do text block, giving a short description of fields of expertise behind.
For projects I would shortly describe the problem your tool solves and the tech stack used, without an extra need to open them in GitHub.
Make sure you change background colors of tags once you hover over them, to, lets say, dark purple to stick to the website main theme.
I would consider to implement light mode toggle somewhere on top.
Make sure you implement responsiveness to different screen widths. Keep in mind half of users will probably come from mobile devices, so ensure it looks beautiful and easy to read on every device.
Again, these are all subjective, and hope you can make a good use of something :)
OMG! This is the best review I ever got on my design🙌🙌
Thanks a lot!
You're welcome :)
I guess that's the beauty of dev.to.
We stand by each other to create better products.
Can you give me the github link for this portfolio?
💪 Perfectly curated, clean, minimal, responsive and customisable portfolio template/boilerplate that allows you to showcase you skills, experience, achievements and favourites(movies & tvs).
Hey Rahul! Really great job. Love the simplistic yet creative approach you took to creating your profile. The little details are great, including the load animation at the beginning! You chose a very nice colour scheme as it's both appealing and really makes your text stand out. Maybe for your awards, you could include them with your work page? Or maybe call them "Qualifications" or "Education"? Additionally, a different text other than the flashing neon lights might be a nice improvement! Otherwise the layout of your work page looks awesome as it's well organized and fairly uniform. Thanks for sharing with us!
I agree with Madza, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, what I like might be different what you like so take my comments with a pinch of salt :)
I think there's some good points about the site and also some areas of improvement.
Here's the parts I liked:
Some areas that I didn't like so much:
I hope the feedback is helpful and doesn't come across as overly critical!
Yeah you are right. To understand the mobile responsiveness, I decided to not use any css libraries like bootstrap. I know site is not that much responsive. Really appreciate your review. Thanks
Looks really cool.
I really like the animated background.
Something I would change is the presentation of the "Favourites" page, the text looks weird. But when you click "see all" we got a nicer presentation.
Considered! Thanks♥️
First of all I really like a lot of the design choices you've made here, the colour scheme and animations are great. I especially like the animation you use for the cycling "webistes, web apps, UI/UX, animations" text.
I would consider changing the font used for the "Hi, I am RAHUL JAIN" text as it isn't really cohesive with the other fonts on the page (which I like). I'd also suggest removing the favourites page as it's not really relevant to the rest of the site.
Though most of the site works well in mobile view, the navbar scales a bit awkwardly, with the text being a bit too small in my opinion.
Overall, it's a really nice portfolio, well done 😀
Considered! Thanks Henry
Looks cool! i'd suggest to show the company you worked for above the summary about your work there. And you could also add the dates you stayed there below the company name.
Yeah showing companies name will a good addition, thanks🙌
Looks really nice on iPhone. Love the loading logo =)
Aww thanks🙌
Minimalist and beautiful!
It means a lot. Thanks
Looks nice, but in my computer, the webpage have a problem with some effects, i don't know why
Could you please share the screenshot and specs of your computer!