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Gaurav Rai
Gaurav Rai

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Scraping Google Scholar with Perl and Mojo

Today we will learn about web scraping in which Perl excels.
Again there are various tools and modules available in Perl which can perform this task.

  1. LWP::UserAgent with XML::LibXML or HTML::TreeBuilder
  2. WWW::Mechanize with XML::LibXML or HTML::TreeBuilder
  3. Mojo::UserAgent with Mojo::DOM

All 3 are powerful and recommended. Its up to user preference and what he want to do.
In this article we will take a look at 2 items of Mojo stack - Mojo::UserAgent and Mojo::DOM

So what is Google Scholar. According to there about page -

Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites. Google Scholar helps you find relevant work across the world of scholarly research.

For our demo we will be scraping the google scholar for the article of a particular author.
Lets get started with the basic code of fetching the data.

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::UserAgent;

sub crawl_results {
    my ($ua, $url) = @_;
    my $response = $ua->get($url)->result;

    if ($response->is_success) {
        # We are able to get the results
    else {
        croak $response->message;

sub main {
    my $base_url    = "";
    my $url         = Mojo::URL->new($base_url);

    # Getting all the article for a paricular author
    $url = $url->query({"as_q" => "author:\"kshama Rai\"", "hl" => "en"});

    my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
    crawl_results($ua, $url);

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  • Here we are building the url with the help of Mojo::URL
  • Next we are adding the query parameters as hashref by using query function. There are various query parameters available. For simplicity purpose I have used only as_q but you can add more based upon your requirement. These are -
        "as_ylo"          => <Lowest year in year range>,
        "as_yhi"          => <Highest year in year range>,
        "as_vis"          => <Include citations(0|1) (Doesn't include citation is 1)>,
        "as_sdt"          => <Include Patent(0|1) (Doesn't include patent is 1)>,
        "scisbd"          => <Sort by date(0|1)>
        "as_publication"  => <Journal/Source name>
        "hl"              => <Language of the result/output, "en" means english>,
        "as_q"            => "<Title of the article to search> author:<name>"
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  • Next we are creating object of Mojo::Useragent for doing the request work. We are updating the user-agent string to look like we are coming from browser. More info - Mojo::UserAgent::Transactor
  • After that we are doing the get request on the url and checking whether it get succeed or not.

Now lets go to google scholar page and search for the author article and see what is the result.

Alt Text
If we inspect element we can find more detail about the HTML tag and class.
Alt Text

If we look in the inspector we can see -

  • Each result is in the div having class name gs_ri. All the other element are embedded inside it. All the other results have there own div with the same class name i.e. gs_ri.
  • Title and Link of the research paper is an anchor inside h3 having class name gs_rt.
  • Author and Journal name are inside div with class name gs_a.
  • Abstract is inside div with class name gs_rs having line breaks.
  • Citation is inside div with class name gs_fl

Lets try to translate our finding into code.

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojo::UserAgent;
use Data::Dumper;
use open ':std', ':encoding(UTF-8)';

sub crawl_results {
    my ($ua, $url) = @_;
    my $response = $ua->get($url)->result;

    if ($response->is_success) {

        my $divs = $response->dom->find('div.gs_ri');
        my @publications;
        for my $div ($divs->each) {
            # For getting the title
            my $title   = $div->find('h3.gs_rt a')->map('text')->join("\n");
            if (defined $title && $title ne "") {
                my $article = {};
                $article->{"Title"} = "$title";

                my $anchor_link = $div->find('h3.gs_rt a')->map(attr => 'href')->join("\n");
                if (defined $anchor_link && $anchor_link ne "") {
                    $article->{"Link"} = "$anchor_link";

                # For getting the abstract
                my $abstract = $div->find('div.gs_rs')->map('text')->join("\n");
                if (defined $abstract && $abstract ne "") {
                    $article->{"Abstract"} = "$abstract";

                # For getting the journal name
                my $journal = $div->find('div.gs_a')->map('text')->map(
                    # Remove the '-' and extra space from start
                    sub {
                        my ($aut_name, $journal) = split(/-/, $_, 2);
                        $journal =~ s/^\s?//;
                        return $journal;
                if (defined $journal && $journal ne "") {
                    $article->{"Journal"} = "$journal";

                # For getting the citation
                my $citation = $div->find('div.gs_fl a')->grep(
                    # It contain the string like 'Cited by 5'.
                    sub { $_->text =~ /Cited by/ }
                if (defined $citation && $citation ne "") {
                    $article->{"Citation"} = "$citation";
                push(@publications, $article);
        return \@publications;
    else {
        croak $response->message;

sub main {
    my $base_url    = "";
    my $url         = Mojo::URL->new($base_url);

    # Getting all the article for a particular author
    $url = $url->query({"as_q" => "author:\"kshama Rai\"", "hl" => "en"});

    my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
    my $output = crawl_results($ua, $url);
    print Dumper($output);

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I have added the comments for clarity. Have a look at those links for more info.
I have pushed the parsed data into array for dumping it on screen.
The output sometimes contains Unicode character. Hence, We are telling the Perl parser to allow UTF-8 in the program text in use open.
Save the file and run it.
You will get below output -

        'Link'     => '',
        'Citation' => 'Cited by 5',
        'Title'    => 'Role of supplemental UV-B in changing the level of ozone toxicity in two cultivars of sunflower: growth, seed yield and oil quality',
        'Journal'  => 'Ecotoxicology, 2019 - Springer',
        'Abstract' => "Abstract Ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B) is inherent part of solar spectrum and tropospheric ozone (O 3) is a potent secondary air pollutant. Therefore the present study was conducted to evaluate the responses of Helianthus annuus L. cvs DRSF 108 and Sungold (sunflower)\x{a0}\x{2026}"
        'Link'     => '',
        'Title'    => 'Effects of UV-B radiation on morphological, physiological and biochemical aspects of plants: an overview',
        'Citation' => 'Cited by 11',
        'Abstract' => "Origin of life was never be thought without considering the role of UV radiation but once the \x{201c}boon\x{201d}, is slowly becoming \x{201c}curse\x{201d} for life. Plants are exposed to many factors but the problem of enhanced UV-B is created by the anthropogenic activities resulted in ozone layer\x{a0}\x{2026}",
        'Journal'  => 'J Sci Res, 2017 -'
        'Journal'  => 'Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 2020 - Springer',
        'Abstract' => "In the present study sensitivity of a medicinal plant Eclipta alba L.(Hassk)(False daisy) was assessed under intermittent (IT) and continuous (CT) doses of elevated ultraviolet-B (eUV-B). Eclipta alba is rich in medicinally important phytochemical constituents, used against\x{a0}\x{2026}",
        'Title'    => "Effect on essential oil components and wedelolactone content of a medicinal plant Eclipta alba due to modifications in the growth and morphology under different\x{a0}\x{2026}",
        'Link'     => ''
        'Link'     => '',
        'Abstract' => "Climate change is associated to how weather patterns change over decades or longer due to natural and human influences. Since the industrial revolution, humans have contributed to climate change through the emission of greenhouse gases and aerosols as well as changes\x{a0}\x{2026}",
        'Journal'  => "Climate Change and Agricultural\x{a0}\x{2026}, 2019 - Elsevier",
        'Citation' => 'Cited by 1',
        'Title'    => 'Climate Change and Secondary Metabolism in Plants: Resilience to Disruption'
        'Journal'  => '2019 -',
        'Abstract' => "Drosophila melanogaster is an established model organism for immunity as their immune system is similar to insect disease vectors and pests and also shares similarities with that of the mammalian innate immune system. Our study uses the entomopathogenic fungus\x{a0}\x{2026}",
        'Link'     => ''
        'Title'    => 'Low weight gain as a predictor for development of retinopathy of prematurity',
        'Abstract' => "Page 1. i \x{201c}LOW WEIGHT GAIN AS A PREDICTOR FOR DEVELOPMENT OF RETINOPATHY OF PREMATURITY\x{201d} By Dr. KSHAMA RAI MBBS Dissertation Submitted to the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka, Bangalore In partial fulfilment of the requirements\x{a0}\x{2026}",
        'Journal'  => '2018 -',
        'Link'     => ''
        'Title'    => 'Use of High Resolution Remote Sensing Data and GIS Techniques for Monitoring Of \'U\'Shaped Wetland At GB Nagar District, Uttar Pradesh',
        'Journal'  => '',
        'Abstract' => "In developing countries of the world, the ever increasing population and to fulfill its need for housing and other economic activities almost urban fringe are getting encroached and our surrounding environment and natural wetlands, water bodies and other biological cycles are\x{a0}\x{2026}",
        'Link'     => ',%20Uttar%20Pradesh.pdf'
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Perl onion logo taken from here
Mojolicious logo taken from here
Google scholar logo taken from here

Top comments (4)

petdance profile image
Andy Lester • Edited

The term is "scraping", not "scrapping", based on the verb "scrape", not "scrap", which means "to throw away." Folks will find it easier to find your article if you correct the title.

raigaurav profile image
Gaurav Rai

Thank you. Malapropism ones again.:P

matthewpersico profile image
Matthew O. Persico

Can you send an email to my address in my bio? I would like to discuss something with you. Thank you.

raigaurav profile image
Gaurav Rai

Will do. Thanks

👋 Kindness is contagious

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