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Victor Andrade Resende
Victor Andrade Resende

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Hello Godot!


Hey there, fellow game development enthusiasts! I wanted to share my journey with you all as I dived into the world of Godot engine in my first week because of Unity’s recent choices towards their policy changes and such, so I decided to start learning Godot. When I started using Godot, I felt slightly confused due to the wave of information being brought upon me.

The interface was clean and uncluttered, and it felt inviting. However, the environment was unfamiliar, like a new universe to explore. It was similar to standing at the beginning of a journey, filled with hope and curiosity. As I continued to explore each day, the initial awe turned into a deeper understanding and appreciation for the simplicity and power of Godot.

This post summarizes the positive experiences, challenges, and moments of insight from this journey, aiming to connect with others on a similar path.

Choosing Godot: A New Journey

Embarking on the path of game development, choosing an engine is like selecting a companion for a long and adventurous journey. After careful consideration, I opted to try out Godot. I was attracted by its open-source nature and the presence of a passionate community of developers. Unlike Unity, which can feel overwhelming with its extensive features and slightly intimidating interface for beginners, Godot offers simplicity and a focus on essential tools.

My initial thoughts? Refreshing! The simplicity of navigating the interface, even though it was unfamiliar at first, was comforting. Clearly, Godot differed from Unity, where the abundance of choices could be daunting. Godot felt like entering a peaceful and well-structured workshop, where every tool had its designated spot, waiting to be discovered and mastered.

Breaking Through the Initial Confusion

The first steps in Godot were akin to treading on a path with unknown symbols and prompts. The templates were a maze, each click leading to a new revelation yet spawning a dozen questions. The quest for answers led me to various tutorials and community forums. Every video watched and every article read chiseled away the initial confusion, replacing it with a growing sense of familiarity.

As days rolled into a week, the unease gave way to excitement. The commands started making sense. The errors became lessons, and the engine was a canvas of endless possibilities. This transition from lack of understanding to a level of some type of comfort was the first victory in a week sprinkled with challenges and learnings.

Unveiling the Core Components of Godot

As the initial confusion cleared up, we could see the main parts of Godot more clearly: nodes, scripts, and scenes. These parts are like a team that works together to power the engine. Nodes are the basic building blocks, scripts are the brains, and scenes are where everything comes together.

Understanding these parts was about more than just reading and trying instructions. It was like uncovering the different parts of a complicated yet well-organized system, where each part showed a deeper level of understanding and admiration for the clever design of Godot.

Nodes: The Building Blocks

Godot's core components are nodes. Nodes are the basic building blocks that make everything work. Every object in Godot, such as characters, lights, and sounds, is represented as a node. When exploring nodes, I found examples like Rigidbody2D and Camera2D, each with its specific function. Rigidbody2D is a node that handles physics and adds motion to objects. Camera2D is the node that allows players to see the game world.

As I played around with these nodes, connecting them, a functional system emerged, forming the basis for the more advanced systems that would soon be created in my game.

Scripting: Coding in Godot

Scripting is when ideas turn into action in Godot. Given the choice between GDScript and C#, I chose GDScript because it's built into the engine. While C# has its advantages, and I have used it more, its support in Godot felt lacking. On the other hand, GDScript, with its Python-like syntax, made coding easy to understand.

As I learned about scripting, I discovered how code and nodes work together to create the game logic. Each line of code brings the nodes to life, progressing towards a complete gameplay experience.

Scenes: Where Everything Comes Together

Scenes are where the magic happens in Godot. They are the places where nodes and scripts come together to create a seamless gameplay experience. As I learned to develop and manage scenes, the practical aspect of game development in Godot became clearer.

Each scene could be a level, a character, or even a single function within the game—the modular design made organizing and developing the game in stages easier. The more I worked with sections, the more I liked how Godot's scene system helped manage complexity clearly and understandably.

Conclusion: Reflecting on a Week of Learning

The week experience through Godot's realms this week has been a mix of challenges, lessons, and a growing love for the engine's simplicity. Every obstacle I faced became a stepping stone, pushing me deeper into game development. Now, as I stand at the edge of this ongoing adventure, I can't help but feel excited for what lies ahead!

The upcoming journey offers a mix of new ideas, finding solutions, and exploring the full potential of Godot. With a community of fellow developers to join, diving into Godot game development feels exciting and holds the promise of many exciting discoveries.

Top comments (2)

azaynul10 profile image
Zaynul Abedin Miah

Welcome to the Dev Community Victor!
We're so happy to have such a blog writters like you. And also loved your experience of Godot. keep up the good work ❤️

resendetech profile image
Victor Andrade Resende • Edited

Thank you! The Dev community is welcoming and fun to be in, I'm really enjoying writing blogs and reading them from others in the community as well😊I will also continue trying out Godot and hopefully by the next year, I will
have some type of game published! So keep on the look out for that as I will probably blog about it here.