DEV Community

Rishi Nalem
Rishi Nalem

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SpeakSign Program Demonstration | Rishi Nalem

SpeakSign: Accessible Communication Hub


For Mega Hacks 2024, we embarked on a mission to create SpeakSign, an Accessible Communication Hub designed to bridge the communication gaps faced by individuals with disabilities. The inspiration for SpeakSign stemmed from our recognition of the daily challenges encountered by people with hearing and speech impairments. These challenges often make it difficult for them to interact and communicate effortlessly in various social and professional settings. Our goal was to develop a tool that would enhance their ability to communicate, fostering greater inclusion and accessibility in our communities.

What It Does

SpeakSign serves as a comprehensive platform that translates sign language into text or speech in real-time, allowing for smoother communication between individuals with hearing and speech impairments and those who are unfamiliar with sign language. By leveraging advanced technology, SpeakSign aims to reduce communication barriers and empower users to engage more fully in their everyday lives.

Experience SpeakSign

To see SpeakSign in action, check out our video demonstration:

SpeakSign Video

Join the Movement

SpeakSign is more than just a tool; it's a step toward a more inclusive world where everyone can communicate with ease. We invite you to explore the possibilities of SpeakSign and join us in our mission to make communication accessible for all.

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