DEV Community

Rishi Nalem
Rishi Nalem

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Study Stream Web-Extension Demo

Study Stream: Your Ultimate Task Manager

Project Overview

For Waffle Hacks 2024, we developed Study Stream, an AI-powered task manager designed to help students manage their academic workload efficiently while reducing stress. With Study Stream, students can input their assignments, due dates, and complexities, and let our AI optimize their schedule for peak efficiency, including essential break times.


The inspiration for Study Stream stemmed from the alarming statistics regarding student stress:

  • Over 80% of students report academic performance as a significant source of stress.
  • Heavy workloads, exams, and high expectations are major contributing factors.
  • In an attempt to escape stress, students often seek joy or entertainment, which can lead them to fall behind on their studies.
  • This creates a vicious cycle of stress, eventually leading to burnout and depression.

Recognizing these challenges, we set out to create a solution that would help students balance their academic responsibilities with their well-being.

What It Does

Study Stream is a web extension that offers the following features:

  1. Task Management: Students can easily input their assignments, due dates, and complexity levels.
  2. AI-Powered Schedule Optimization: Utilizing ChatGPT, the program generates an optimized study schedule that includes necessary break times to maintain productivity and mental health.
  3. Seamless Integration: The generated schedule is formatted for easy integration with Google Calendar, ensuring students can execute their study plans without hassle.

Future Plans

We are excited about the future of Study Stream and have several enhancements in the pipeline:

  1. Expand AI Capabilities: Integrating advanced features for personalized study tips and adaptive learning strategies.
  2. Enhance Customization: Providing more options to tailor schedules based on individual study preferences and habits.
  3. Mobile Version: Developing a mobile version of Study Stream to improve accessibility beyond desktop platforms.
  4. Community Building: Fostering a supportive community where students can share best practices, study strategies, and feedback for continuous improvement.

Experience Study Stream

To see Study Stream in action, check out our video demonstration:

Study Stream Video

Join the Movement

Study Stream is more than just a task manager—it's a tool designed to empower students to take control of their academic lives while maintaining their well-being. Join us on this journey to make student life more manageable and less stressful.

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