This article should have been posted on Saturday but I had electricity problems at home. I will list the top 3 best articles I read last week here at that I think you should read if you haven't read it. I'm doing this to save the links of my favorites articles here at in order to find them whenever I need and to showcase some awesome articles written here at CUZ THEY DESERVE. Lets start...
Article No Longer Available
I'm learning English and I confess that when I see this article title I still don’t understand very well what does “relocation blues” means. But I challenged myself to read this article and I found that it was written for me because I’m experiencing some mental health issues and I was willing to travel thinking that it would help. The author of this article explained through this article that it wouldn’t be so helpful and I do agree with her arguments. I really recommend this article. And don’t forget to follow the author Helen Anderson

Choose Your Next Article Topic With This Exercise
Glenn Stovall ・ Oct 16 '18 ・ 4 min read
Have you never fallen out of your writing habits? Or do you want to start writing but you don't know where to start? Or what to write about? Choosing an article topic can be paralyzing. Read this article and you will know what to do. And don't forget to follow the author Glenn Stovall

Why you should make things
Avi Aryan ・ Oct 16 '18 ・ 4 min read
As a developer, you are constantly learning. Whether you're learning informally through reading an article like this now, or conducting research, many experiences can provide new and important information that enhance your skills and overall knowledge.
I don't know about other fields of study but making is of paramount importance in Computer Science. Making means creating something.
This article recommend us to put our knowledge into practice. Follow Avi Aryan for more motivating articles.
Comment down below the best 3 articles that you read in the past week and lets share knowledge and put that into practice. Thanks.
Top comments (5)
Whoo! Love posts that shout out other ones :)
Just an FYI that you can embed posts w/in your posts with this syntax if you're interested:
{% link %}
@helenanders26 @gsto @aviaryan
Thanks for the shout out, Jess.
So honored to be mentioned here, thanks for that @olimpioadolfo . 😄
Thanks, honored to be included in the list :)
Ohhh thanks. Lemme try this syntax...