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Sherry Day
Sherry Day

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Describe how you use Google (or other search engine) effectively

We all search every day to do our job. I'd love for you to describe how you approach this part of the job well. It's probably just "intuitive" at this point, but maybe there's something in your process that could help someone else.

Top comments (11)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

If I know it's going to be a complicated search, I first open a new window so all the tabs are dedicated to that job.

I tend to then type out my best query, and then typically click open 5-10 results in new tabs and anticipate reading them all a little bit to cross-reference and triangulate on the correct answer.

When I am done with the challenge, I'll close the whole window. I feel like I could have a process for occasionally bookmarking resources I'll need again (outside of, say, the DEV bookmark). But generally I don't anticipate which resources I'll forget how to find, and usually I'm able to track things down in my browsing history when I need them.

pauldubois777 profile image
Paul DuBois

One thing I've learned from my Google search is that if I can't seam to find anything about the problem I am having, I am probably not doing it properly, and need to go back and look at how I got to where I am.

IOW, if no results on Google, then no one has ran into this problem, either because I am way off in how I am doing it, or there is a documented way that most people know about.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

if I can't seam to find anything about the problem I am having, I am probably not doing it properly, and need to go back and look at how I got to where I am.

That's an interesting rule of thumb!

luisguillermobultetibles profile image

Hola, perdona que no te haya respondido pues esporádicamente me conecto, me refiero a la imagen de esa persona que teclea con muy mal humor... nada que ver. de ese teorema, está en la Wiki., te puedo decir: Un mono pulsando teclas al azar sobre un teclado durante un periodo de tiempo infinito casi
seguramente podrá escribir finalmente cualquier libro que se halle en la Biblioteca Nacional
Francesa, esto se conoce como teorema de los infinitos monos. En una nueva exposición del
mismo teorema, más popular entre los angloparlantes, los monos podrían escribir las obras de
William Shakespeare.
Una observación interesante es que algunos de los monos producirán el propio teorema que los
describe, otros escribirán siempre cosas coherentes (por ejemplo, este programas), etc. Puede
considerarse que algunos de ellos evolucionarán o serán capaces de pensar; esto nos sugiere la
posibilidad de que la conciencia sea una propiedad casual de la materia, aunque las apariencias
engañan ya que un comportamiento inteligente no siempre proviene de un ente racional, si el
núcleo es irracional, si se comporta de forma inteligente debe estar lógicamente aislado por una
esfera cognitiva que debe tener al menos una capa de raciocinio que determine el
comportamiento del resto de la estructura, la cual puede no pertenecer al sistema sino que se
encuentra a otro nivel o genera un sistema de una nueva categoría como una propiedad

dinerdas profile image
hunghvu profile image
Hung Vu

At least to me, every questions I asked have been answered before. The answer is over there, just behind one simple search query, so the key point is how I should phrase the question.

My searching process starts with a short description about my problem (less than 10 words). My preference is to go over some results forum threads (e.g. Reddit) first because they tend to not be opinionated. I skim the conversations to search for an umbrella terminology, or something closed to, then find articles on the related topics afterward. I keep repeating this process (may take days), then narrow down the possible solutions.

That said, I only start searching after spending times breaking down my problem to a disgestable components. For such a big question like "How can I make my system 100x faster without making breaking changes?", it would be near impossible to find solutions in a short few days via search engine.

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

I use the duck 🦆 (DuckDuckGo)

Really easy to use commands with !.

Example :
If I would search on GitHub, I just type !gh my-search

dangerousdan profile image
Dangerous Dan

You can do this on Chrome too by right clicking on the search bar and clicking "manage search engines"

dinhanhx profile image
dinhanhx • Edited

programming language + library + feature

For example, Python PyTorch Convolution layer. Then I see the docs.

luisguillermobultetibles profile image

Los disfrutaras, pues existe un teorema el de los infinitos monos... en fin, hay una probabilidad de que logre algo coherente.

domiii profile image

During the process, I mostly look exactly like Jim Carrey in that gif.