Note: only public repo which is not associated with any organization. It must be your repo only
You can simply write the git repo(public) here. I'll be glad to take a look at those codes. I'll also give "star" in return 😊
// exclude .asm/.exe direct code
Top comments (28)
"An extremely lightweight and super fast java ide for linux"
I'm sorry couldnt see codes because never used java so far. If I'm not wrong, this repo is a custom java IDE like netbeans or it's for some other purpose.
No it's not a custom IDE. Builded without any external compilation library(I have written it from top to bottom). Yes, it's like NetBeans, Eclipse and intellij but far more lightweight and performance.
Amazing! thanks
The codes are inside the src directory
I have this markdown preproccessor I use for my main project's documentation.
I think it can be used to make some literate programming. I even made a post where you can use it to build and use my programming language.
Saw the code. Its complete amazing. Thanks!
Thank you.
I made a package that will auto install python imports for you and manage your requirements.txt. it also features a cli that allows users to run their scripts and kill them in a much more user friendly manner.
My three favourite projects:
It's a web scrapper for .
I made this as a freelance project but when the project finished the owner didn't pay me anything so i published code to be useful for other developers.
import ToastContainer from "./ToastContainer/ToastContainer.jsx"
how standard does this look. I have been telling my mates that jsx is portable but they keep writing inline 😀
Thanks I loved this repo👌
thanks for looking into it! :)
Small (but very git related) utility I'm proud of:
That's amazing. Is that batch script?
It should work in most shells (I've tested in bash and zsh).
you thought something unique. Love this 👌
You have several components like timeline, stories, tooltip and routes for home, about etc. Material UI is used built on top of create-react-app. Fantastic. Looks great.
GoLang! my favorite. Thanks!
I have a simple n-queen-problem ui on a site. check it out: