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Stephen Belovarich
Stephen Belovarich

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I spent 48 Hours coding in Nova and forgot about VS Code

I spent 48 hours with Nova, a new native IDE for MacOS released by Panic on September 14th.

Two days ago I downloaded the free trial of Nova, installed the TypeScript extension, snagged a theme, opened a TypeScript project and started coding.

Nova is fast. Files open with haste. Find in Project... delivers search results fast. There's no visible slowdown editing large files. When I open multiple text editor panes and terminals Nova doesn't skip a beat. The native IDE just works. Not everything is straight out of MacOS. According to Panic, their engineers coded the text editor from scratch after discovering some bugs in Apple’s text layout engine and ended up with a more performant experience.

Mind blown

Nova's text editor is delightful. There’s multiline editing, intuitive autocompletion, code hints. The TypeScript extension features some refactoring functionality for all those code smells. Panic found some novel uses for the MacBook Pro Touch Bar including running your npm script at the press of a button, as if typing npm run start took too long.

Open Project Pane

The design is clean and intuitive, very familiar to anyone using MacOS. Finding stuff is easy. When I click on the whimsical iconography there’s subtle user feedback. I open a dialog and find myself staring into the depths of outer space. Nova is honestly a little weird. Panic is the same company that released a handheld game device with a hand crank... because they could. It's part of the charm.

Nova has all the things you've come to expect from a modern IDE for JavaScript development. There’s extensions for TypeScript, Prettier and ESLint, Git integration, integrated terminal and development server. You can connect to a variety of servers including Amazon S3, Azure, and Rackspace, or via protocols like SSH, FTP, WebDAV HTTPS. I appreciate this feature for small projects. Panic syncs your server configurations across workstations. The nova command line tool opens files and workspaces from the MacOS Terminal.

Split Pane Layout in Nova displaying TypeScript and Terminal Output

VS Code definitely has some advantages over Nova including better Git integration, a robust debugging experience, large extension ecosystem. Despite all those wonderful features, VS Code pauses briefly before opening some files. VS Code doesn't tokenize large files because it bogs down the application. VS Code feels out of place on MacOS. Nova UI is snappy in comparison. Nova is a very capable JavaScript IDE. The performance of a native app alone is worth it, but the MacOS feel prompted me to switch.

At $99 ($49 yearly subscription after the first year), Nova is reasonably priced. If you have a serial number from Panic’s legacy IDE Coda, the initial price drops to $79. Nova is a ground up rewrite of Coda.

If you’re looking for an alternative to VS Code, download the free trial of Nova. You may be surprised how a native IDE can really improve developer experience.

Disclaimer: I’m not paid by or affiliated with Panic.

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Top comments (42)

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thefern profile image
Fernando B 🚀

Steep price imo. Especially being yearly subscription based. Good luck getting people to switch from free vscode.

steveblue profile image
Stephen Belovarich • Edited

What would you pay for an app distributed by a small company? Just curious.

thefern profile image
Fernando B 🚀 • Edited

Edit: Unsure if you were asking for engineers salaries or the app price.

I am not a fan of subscription based apps at all, but that's just me. I've paid for sublime txt, sketch and other cool tools one payment. As soon as they do subscription I'm out. I want to own the software. If I see an app I like most of the time I'm willing to pay whatever, but one time. If the app is fully functional I don't see why you need constant updates just to get people on subscription updates. Personally imo is better to sell X version one payment provide N amount of updates or updates at reduced price, than perpetual subscription. I'm not saying people won't pay for Nova just saying there are tons of free options.

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steveblue profile image
Stephen Belovarich • Edited

Corrected for clarity.

I don't mind subscriptions as long as the software is continuously improved. Other IDEs are subscription based. Jetbrains reduces the subscription price for Webstorm after so many years.

I am curious what do others consider to be a fair price for an IDE? Software pricing is all over the place.

Web engineers are fortunate there are free options. The barrier to entry should be low for web development, in my opinion.

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thefern profile image
Fernando B 🚀 • Edited

To me subscription based seems like milking the cow lol. Just sell me something good one time payment, if I can write, run, debug code I am happy. If vscode was subscription based I am sure you and I wouldn't be talking about it. At this point I don't think any text editor or ide can compete with vscode and visual studio market places.

Payment models are all over the place, i.e. stuff I've purchased:

  • sublime text 3 OTP
  • sketch OTP plus one year free updates ( At least the old version was, I think they switched to milking the cow)
  • scrivener OTP per version free updates until a new major version is out and then you can purchase for a discounted price if you own previous. I own a few other software with this same model.
  • I don't have any pay forever subscription unless I can't live without, and I've yet to find that software.
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tomhayes profile image
Tom Hayes

Nova is the same as the Sketch plan you mention, the subscription is optional. You can pay $99 and not subscribe but you don't get the updates after the first year. It's not forever subscription.

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janmpeterka profile image
Jan Peterka

To me, a subscription means continuous improvements and support for the product I use. Which, in the fast moving genre like development, is really important for me. I don't want to find out that software I'm used to (and invested hours and hours into customizing, learning shortcuts and so) suddenly is not supported by my OS/hardware/is based on deprecated packages/is full of security holes/.. and I have to find a new one.

If I know my IDEs developer/s are getting money every month for this software, there's a better chance of them continuing development. If it's OTP, someday they will probably hit some maximum of users, and then what? No income. So, they either start working on something different completely (and abandoning this software), or they announce a new version I have to pay for - which is basically the same as a subscription, but with longer intervals and less security.

tonio_loewald_f96feb160d0 profile image
Tonio Loewald

I joined this website to reply to this comment. $100/y for a serious development tool is hardly expensive!

I've used vscode on and off for a couple of years, and it's pretty nice, but its autocomplete has become pathological, and it's started inserting crap in my code (if I meant, I'd have typed, not foo; and no don't import some random module you think I want). Chasing down just one of of these errors wasted more than $100 of my time because you don't expect your editor to insert garbage into your code.

theodore_lee_a9f161ac496d profile image
Theodore Lee

Price is inline with what you would pay for Sublime Text or PHPStorm/WebStorm. Sure, you can't compete with free, and if you like your VS Code, use it.

steveblue profile image
Stephen Belovarich • Edited

From some of the comments in this thread and on Twitter I think Microsoft has done web engineers an amazing service by providing an IDE that is free and ubiquitous, but also possibly set an unreasonable expectation that software should be free.

$99 is not an unreasonable price for a JavaScript IDE.
Sublime Text $80
WebStorm $129, second year $103, $77 yearly subscription after that
IntelliJ $499 / year, second year $399, $299 onwards
Dreamweaver $20.99 / month
Visual Studio $45 / month

There are plenty of free alternatives including VS Code, Atom, Netbeans, and Komodo. You get what you pay for in my opinion. I would like to support Panic over large corporations like Microsoft. I don't share the opinion that a subscription is merely a way to milk developers for more money. It doesn’t make sense from a business perspective to sell a one-time license and I’m honestly surprised Sublime Text can operate under that model.

If you like VS Code that’s fine, use what works for you. The only reason I compared the two was because VS Code has been my IDE for 3 years. Alternatives exist and Panic has done an amazing job with Nova so far.

heikokanzler profile image
Heiko Kanzler 🇪🇺

It's a an old topic, but let me add my two cents.

I am (was) a long time Panic customer and to be honest, they lack in updating their apps. I had Coda from day one, they stopped doing it without further notice some years ago. Transmit is update perhaps once a year, if not every two years (it feels like this).

Happy to pay for a decent application (as I do for IntelliJ and Sublime, for example), but knowing about their release cycles and having some devent (more powerful) alternatives, doesn't work for me ... not even talking about a subscription.

Out of curiousity: are you still using nova?

steveblue profile image
Stephen Belovarich • Edited

Took a year to respond, but here it is! I am, for the most part still using Nova. There are times I switch back to VS Code to use the diff tooling during gross merges or possibly the Jest extension which is much better, but that is about it. I prefer Nova for coding. Fonts render much better in Nova, the performance of the editor is stellar. If Nova incorporates a similar inline diff I will be much more inclined to use Nova all the time. Nova is updated fairly frequently. Panic fixed at least one bug I reported. When I have more time I plan on contributing some missing extension(s), but for now I'm quite happy with Nova.

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heikokanzler profile image
Heiko Kanzler 🇪🇺

Better late than never :-) I bought Coda a year ago and used it for a couple of projects (mostly PHP). The performance is good, but at the end, for me it's not really a replacement for VSCode or IntelliJ.

calebeaires profile image
Calebe Aires

Amazing IDE but no VIM, no move!

steveblue profile image
Stephen Belovarich

Perfect opportunity for an extension.

l3lackheart profile image
l3lackheart • Edited

but vscode is free :3 and Im in love with stack vscode + wsl2
also I dont like the setup you have, Im kinda fan with simple layout, like this

My favorite workspace

amplanetwork profile image
Ampla Network

Zen mode powaaaaa

l3lackheart profile image

really useful when I become panic and need to focus 😂😂

noctap0d profile image
Victoria Rodriguez

I just started to use Nova and I love how well integrated it is. Visual Studio Code is great, but it's so clunky in MacOS (tbh, I haven't use it in other OS, I use Sublime in Linux). Nova is smooth as silk.

Besides, I think people sometimes ignore the fact that some of their favorite features of VSCode are actually extensions. I'm actually thinking about translating my favorite ones to Nova.

Anyway, thanks for the recommendation.

swansong86 profile image

I think the price is okay. I'm a part-time dabbler, so probably won't be upgrading from my old Coda 2 license. If the upgrade was, say $40, it would seem like a more attractive option, but $20 off seems a bit pointless.

edprgit profile image

$99 with one year of updates is basically $50 to become your customer and $50 bucks for a year of updates.

Not being a cheapskate but during these hard times every penny counts. Many of us lost their jobs and are now trying to move to freelancing. Licenses - and definitely subscription based ones - can pile up.

cschliesser profile image
Charlie Schliesser

@steveblue all this time later, what's your verdict? I bought Nova when it first came out, then regretted the $100 because it didn't quite support what I was doing at the time, and extensions in VS Code made it easy. It's looking much more mature now, but my license only goes back to version 7 which means I'd have to pay $50 to test the waters. VS Code's energy usage (and a few other nit-picky things) have me wanting a native editor. Well, I always want native apps but that's another conversation...

steveblue profile image
Stephen Belovarich

I still use Nova! Nova is a great replacement. The only feature I truly miss from VS Code is the git diff that helps fix merge conflicts, but I think a similar tool is on the roadmap for Nova.

theodore_lee_a9f161ac496d profile image
Theodore Lee

I've been using Nova since the betas, and as a long time Coda user who dropped it about 7 years ago for VS Code, I was very pleased with what Panic brought to the table. Is it perfect? Of course not. But it checks all the boxes I need for my daily driver IDE and it has a smaller memory footprint than VS Code. That's important to me as I'm now using a 2020 Macbook Air with only 16GB of RAM as my main development machine. VS Code runs fine on this machine, but I find it's a bit of a memory hog (no doubt due to being built on Electron). Nova feels light and fast.

mrkbr profile image
Mario Kober

This is a funny article. I used to use Coda and later on Nova since many years. I love the MacOS System with all the nice and polished apps. But especially Nova made me now move to VSCode instead. The main problem is what you had as positive point. The editor of nova is not fast and worth 99 bucks but it is slow and sometimes unstable. Just open big JS scripts and see how slow it is scrolling. This is just a nightmare. Just to make it clear - I have an M1 Macbook Pro.

I of course are missing some of the integrated SFTP and Terminal features that Nova has. But every day I work with VSCode I find ways and extensions to make it more "my editor". I am happy without Nova.

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