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Senior Node Developer

Javascript Dates are Still Confusing in 2022 📅

Javascript Dates are Still Confusing in 2022 📅

3 min read

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The CommonJS vs ES Modules "War" is Taxing for Us Regular Folks Out Here - One Way To Interop

The CommonJS vs ES Modules "War" is Taxing for Us Regular Folks Out Here - One Way To Interop

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6 min read
I Thought TypeScript Decorators Were Hard - Now I Use Them To Cache Async Data

I Thought TypeScript Decorators Were Hard - Now I Use Them To Cache Async Data

7 min read
Setup A Fastify App with Jest Tests the Right Way ⚡️

Setup A Fastify App with Jest Tests the Right Way ⚡️

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4 min read
How To Automate Code Cleanliness in VSCode with Typescript, ESLint, and Prettier

How To Automate Code Cleanliness in VSCode with Typescript, ESLint, and Prettier

3 min read
Setup Your Fastify Server With Logging The Right Way - No More Express

Setup Your Fastify Server With Logging The Right Way - No More Express

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7 min read