
Cover image for Dev Podcasts: Nov 11 to 18
Joe Zack
Joe Zack

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Dev Podcasts: Nov 11 to 18

I noticed a couple interesting trends this week. Of course, JavaScript is still far in the lead but business/entrepreneurship and UX ticked up a bit. Computer Science is still strong, so perhaps last week wasn't a fluke.

As for the project, unfortunately I didn't get any time on the keyboard this week but the holiday season is upon us so I should be able to eek some more time out.

re:Tagging - It seemed silly to manually add "JavaScript" every time I tagged Angular|React|Vue so it's clear that I need some form of hierarchy so that tags can be inherited. For example, Rails implies Ruby and Rails also implies Web Development but Ruby does not necessarily imply Web Development. I'm not sure how best to solve that yet, but I did sign up for free Postgres hosting to hist the QIT back-end database so the first steps have been made!

Dev Podcasts: 2018-11-11 to 2018-11-18
51 episodes (still manually tagging)

Episode Name Tags Podcast Show
Data Structures - Primitives Computer Science, Fundamentals Coding Blocks
BxJS Weekly Ep. 37 - Nov 17, 2018 (javascript news podcast) JavaScript BxJS Weekly
Nest 'dem loops (JS Party #52) JavaScript Changelog
Reflow: Distributed Incremental Processing with Marius Eriksen Distributed Systems, Computer Science Software Engineering Daily
Interview w/ Julian Shapiro (part 2) JavaScript, Velocity.js Developer Tea
100 Days of Python in a Magical Universe Python Talk Python To Me
Friday is For Spikes GitHub The Bike Shed
San Diego LEWG Trip Report with Ashley Hedberg C++ CppCast
Moving companies to Open Source with the Head of Comcast's Open Source Office Nithya Ruff Open-Source Hanselminutes
Existing investments & business innovation fuel Business, Entrepreneurship Software Defined Talk
Dealing with Business Challenges Business, Entrepreneurship CTRL+CLICK CAST
ML All the Things! Machine Learning, Android, Java Android Developers Backstage
Liquid Software with Baruch Sadogursky DevOps Software Engineering Daily
Cross-Platform CI/CD Automation Using Nuke with Matthias Koch .NET, DevOps .NET Rocks!
Stephan Ewen on Streaming Architecture Computer Science, Distributed Systems, Fink, Kappa Architecture Software Engineering Radio
Invoice Ninja Open-Source, Business FLOSS Weekly (MP3)
Getting Started with UX Research Cloud, UX The Cloudcast
React Hooks React.js
Bespoke, Artisanal, Single-Batch Blog Post UX Design Details
The road to Brave 1.0 and BAT (The Changelog #323) Brave, Blockchain, Distributed Systems Changelog
Paweł Dąbrowski Ruby, Rails Ruby Rogues
MAS 060: Jia Li Angular Adventures in Angular
SPIFFE: Zero Trust Workload Identification with Evan Gilman Security Software Engineering Daily
Interview w/ Julian Shapiro (part 1) JavaScript, Velocity.js Developer Tea
Boston Accent JavaScript Application Security Weekly
Annotation Processing in Kotlin with Bartek Lipinski Kotlin, Android Talking Kotlin
"Chaining to the rescue!" Computer Science Base.cs Podcast
#199: The Spark 100 Business, Web Development CodePen
Teaching Kids to Code Teaching Programming Throwdown
November 13, 2018 Vue.js The Official Vue News
RuboCop (and Emacs I guess :-)) with Bozhidar Batsov RubuCop, Emacs, Ruby, Rails Ruby Rogues
“Progressive Web Apps” with Aaron Gustafson / Live at Microsoft Ignite Angular Adventures in Angular
Vuex, VuePress and Nuxt with Benjamin Hong Vue.js Views on Vue
Node.js In Motion Live Video Course from Manning with PJ Evans NodeJs JavaScript Jabber
Fission: Serverless on Kubernetes with Soam Vasani Kubernetes, DevOps Software Engineering Daily
Unite 2018 Wrap Up Unity3D, Game Development The Debug Log
Never Not Pregnant UX Sprint UX
Modern UX Thoughts with Heather Wilde UX .NET Rocks!
How to Think Like a Front-End Developer with Peggy Rayzis UX, JavaScript ShopTalk
Building AR & VR with React Native feat. Vladimir Novick React.js React Native Radio
How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome When Working in Tech Python, Soft Skills Learn to Code With Me
Back to Basics with Bill Dinger Fundamentals The 6 Figure Developer Podcast
Hasty Treat - How to become a sticker mogul Business, Entrepreneurship
Analyzing AI's impact on society through art and film (Practical AI #20) Machine Learning, Computer Science Changelog
Open Policy Agent with Torin Sandall Security Software Engineering Daily
Inhibition, Fear, and Two Mindsets for Moving Forward in the Face of Uncertainty Soft Skills Developer Tea
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence - Part 3 Machine Learning, Computer Science The Cynical Developer
123: Gimme Five Stars! Business, Entrepreneurship Merge Conflict
How much do you make? Business, Career, Soft Skills Weekly Dev Tips
Impostor Syndrome Soft Skills Front End Happy Hour
Singapore Sanka & tech idears DevOps Software Defined Talk

Info grabbed from, which is open-source and based on the QIT search engine...which is also open-source.

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