
Welcome Thread - v25 staff on December 31, 2018

Hey there! Welcome to! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself to the community!✌️ Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You...
r4h33m profile image

Happy New Year, everyone! May your 2019 be filled with met deadlines, fixed bugs and smooth product releases. I'm currently taking my first steps into mobile development with Flutter, and damn, it's such a fun framework.

Hoping to release my first app this year!

peterwitham profile image
Peter Witham

Hi Raheem,

I look forward to reading your thoughts on Flutter, it seems to be a rising force.

r4h33m profile image
Raheem • Edited

I'll write some proper posts about Flutter here soon, but my first impression after using it for around a week is: "app development the way it should be".

The thing is, I have no experience making apps any other way, but everything just seems to work perfectly with Flutter. It is certainly has it's cons, but they are undoubtedly worth it for the speed and simplicity you get with Flutter. It's the best framework I've ever used, period.

(Not that I've used that many though...)

Thread Thread
peterwitham profile image
Peter Witham

Thanks for the follow up, looking forward to the posts. Happy investigations :)

victorinspace profile image
Victor Velasquez

Woah, this is neat!

Thanks for adding this to my "what to look out for" list!

It's impressive to have so much power with their custom widgets, and interesting architecture using Dart (also something I've not heard of)! Count me as also being excited about your Flutter post!

basebandit profile image

Hi Raheem.Flutter is indeed such a fun filled.Makes building apps a breeze.Am also learning built two simple apps so far.Looking forward to reading your thoughts here on your experience with it.

basebandit profile image

Hi Raheem,
Flutter is indeed such a fun filled.Makes building apps a breeze.Am also learning built two simple apps so far.Looking forward to reading your thoughts here on your experience with it.

markpalfreeman profile image
Mark Palfreeman


I'm Mark, a UI engineer / frontend developer in the Seattle area. I love connecting with people and forming communities, and I'm interested in learning more about progressive web apps (PWA) in 2019!

dannydore profile image
Danny Dore

Nice to meet you Mark! As someone who wants to learn more about using React for building web applications, what are some of your personal favorite advantages about React that other web frameworks do not offer?

markpalfreeman profile image
Mark Palfreeman

Hey Danny! Starting off with Angular 1 (granted, quite a bit's changed since then), there were a few significant advantages when I learned React:

  • React as a pure UI layer that mimics good JS practices
  • Community/documentation/use cases are widespread
  • Job opportunities

Take it with a grain of salt, because I haven't looked at Angular in 2 years, and I haven't used Vue at all.

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dannydore profile image
Danny Dore • Edited

Thanks for the response and your comments on the advantages about React!

I think those are all very good points and I feel similar regarding what React offers versus Angular and Vue. I have learned about so many people on Twitter who get really good at developing with React over a very short period of time, and they end up creating beautiful and interesting web applications and land amazing job opportunities.

victorinspace profile image
Victor Velasquez

Hey Mark!

I also consider myself a UI / frontend developer! I liked your points on using React in this comment thread. I currently live in Las Vegas, but I'm curious about React opportunities in Seattle?

markpalfreeman profile image
Mark Palfreeman

There are tons! Seattle is a thriving market for web/JS opportunities. Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook are all using React (and growing), and there are plenty of medium sized companies around too.

Downside: we're becoming the next San Francisco and it's getting really expensive to live in/afford this area.

olaishola05 profile image
Oladipupo Ishola

Hi, I'm absolute beginner at programming aiming to become a frontend developer, started coding couple of weeks ago. Currently learning JS, found myself here when stuck with swapping array in deconstructing assignment but thanks to Sarah post I was able to solve the challenge. Its great to be here.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great to have you, beginners welcome!

olaishola05 profile image
Oladipupo Ishola


Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
olaishola05 profile image
Oladipupo Ishola

OK thanks.

iameddieyayaya profile image
Eddie Gomez

Hey there, Hopes it going well! I'm also on the same path of learning to become a frontend developer. Goodluck my friend!

olaishola05 profile image
Oladipupo Ishola

Yea going on great thanks and u? Learning JS atm but kinda taking forever. Mind sharing resources you are using to learn programming??

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iameddieyayaya profile image
Eddie Gomez • Edited

Good too, haha yeah it feels like that but, hey one day at a time.

I'm currently doing the Web Development course on

And also started; a few day's ago.

I've been also trying to practice doing some;
challenges when i'm at work.

Also, started reading this yesterday.

Hope that helps, I'd also check out the codeNewbie podcast and Learnwithme podcast.

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olaishola05 profile image
Oladipupo Ishola • Edited

Yes it does, been using freecodecamp since I started coding, once came across theodinproject but was thinking of finishing he freecodecamp curriculum before starting odinproject. Honestly admire your learning style ability to combine multiple resources at a time. I hope one day I'll get to your level lol. Thanks for sharing and sorry for late reply.

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iameddieyayaya profile image
Eddie Gomez

Well I started with theodinproject and back in September. I feel like i'm going through it pretty slowly. I recently felt I was starting to forget the HTML/CSS stuff so I figured i'd review it going thru the freecodecamp course. And I try to listen to podcast on my commute and try to do extra coding stuff while I'm at work. There's a lot of hurry up and wait at my current job. Just try to fill in the gaps in your day to supplement you current learning. Anyway, Hope its going well! :)

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

Hello all! I want to start learning how to build desktop apps. I think Electron is going to be the easiest way, but maybe I'll learn how to make native apps.

mandaputtra profile image
Manda Putra

Happy learning seems electron had a best now on desktop app. Back then memory management with electron is very hard to do. To make application like discord or vscode (big apps but use small memory on your machine) is hard. But now i thinks electron apps are growing and more faster. Good luck

ahmedmkamal profile image
Ahmed Kamal
b0g0n profile image

Hello there!
I'm Asa, a firmware engineer in Shanghai.I hope the English below is not so broken 😌
I was firstly surprised at the amazing loading speed of this site (Good job, I'm sure you have already heard this appreciation many times😁), and then many posts are informative and of high quality, like it!
I work for a server vendor thus my primary experience are in computer architecture and low level programming. I'm also interested in the general topics of computer science and software engineering.
Nice to meet you and I am happy to be here.😌

derekedelaney profile image
Derek Delaney

Hello everyone, Happy New Year!

What brought me here? I just recently bought a house and ran into one of the "2 unit tests. 0 integration tests." situation gifs that @ThePraticalDev posts. I saw a fancy link in the Twitter bio and short URLs intrigue me (easily amused I guess). After reading the about page I figured I'd give it a try.

I'm a frontend developer working in the Portland area. I started learning flutter and dart. It's a really exciting language/framework. Happy to keep learning!

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
mithuns profile image

Hello, this is my first time on here. I am a computer programmer/developer and been working in Software Development for the last 8 years or so.
Now a days, I am trying to teach me some electron app development and I am also trying to learn some react so I can make a good looking application , that people can use and enjoy. Hope to work with people and share great ideas here on this space.

derekedelaney profile image
Derek Delaney

Thanks! The best tip is to find an interesting project to work on. I think it's ok to start with a framework like react or angular and work your way back to the basics. Too many times I've started with the basics and lost interest. Here's a free book to get started with

joshikeno profile image
Josh Ike • Edited

Hello! Am learning and working as a front-end software developer, Learning more about programming and algorithms in general.
I'm stuck at a place where I'm trying to reignite the fire, that same fire that keeps me up for two days straight of coding, or well Learning.
Am searching here for that fire.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


iamsurya profile image
Surya Vijayaraghavan

Hi All! I am Surya and I work as a Software Developer in the Bay Area.

Twitter brought me here to I am not sure what I plan to learn this year, but some topics I am interested in, are distributed systems and microservices architectures. Looking forward to learn more this year! And wishing all a Happy 2019!

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
robfuncken profile image
Rob Funcken

Hello! I'm Rob, a fulltime photographer with a graphic design background. I have a big interest in web development, so I am currently learning JavaScript and refreshing my css skills. This looks like a nice community!

r3kar0 profile image

Hi everybody!

I'm studying computer science for 5 years now (in my country we have special schools where you start at the age of 14) and this year I'm going to study bioinformatics (BSc program).

Programming (mostly C#) has become a big part of my life but I've never taken part of a community like this.

My goal for 2019 is to get into ML, data analysis and data visualization with python.

b0g0n profile image

Thanks for your kind comment:P
And yes, firmware is a confusing term. In different contexts, it may mean the BIOS to be executed on a x86 CPU, or the ROM(stored in flash) code to be executed on a "Embedded" CPU(like ARM or MIPS these days). Firmware can be found in our laptops, phones, camera, HDD/SSD, and even SD cards.
Most firmware are written in C these days but assembly is still and must be used in bootloader (pre-initialization before going to the C main routine.)

briang123 profile image
Brian Gaines

Happy New Year!

I just joined this community last week. I stumbled upon this community while surfing react's website support page. Family relocated from Chicago to San Diego in summer of 2017, took sabbatical, but now looking for job.

I'm currently learning the MERN stack and brushing up on C# as I come from a ASP.NET (VB.NET) background. Having tons of fun learning all the new stuff and am absorbing everything I can to get a job using new tech.

Stressed a bit because I feel like there is so much more to being a developer than there was in the 14+ years at my prior company. Anyone else in the same boat? It'll all work out, though, I'm sure! In the meantime, I'll be stalking the community here to learn more. Thanks!

eiselems profile image
Marcus Eisele

Hi everybody!

Want to learn how to market myself as a developer and also technical things which will be on my plate for 2019.

Hope there is some quality getting started content for Android (Kotlin) Development

hdaugherty profile image

Hello everyone!

  • I swore I wrote a welcome post once but I can't seem to find it!!


  • I'm Holden;
  • aspiring developer, father, fiance, son, maker, and Network/Service Technician for a local school district.
  • I began Python development in a college class almost two years ago, but I just didn't stick with it. I had to much going on at the time to continue coding, but now I am back into it and determined to stick with it this time.
  • I am going to document my journey through Python and programming in general on my website that I am going to build with Python. I will provide some links to that as soon as I have it set up, it is currently in the works.
  • I found the site while listening to a Free Code Camp podcast with Ali Spittel and thought I would like to give it a try as my site is likely to be a blog/portfolio/CV website.
  • I'm glad to be here and hope to meet some amazing new people and tell you all about my journey, I hope that at least helps one person in their travels!
Thanks for having me!
danielkulkamp profile image
Daniel Clemes Kulkamp

Hello Everyone!

I used to be a Control and Automation Engineer with good coding skills, but now I am an Offshore Installation Manager whose coding skills have almost disappeared.

I am trying to get back to coding as a hobby, and my aim is to develop LV2 audio plugins for my guitar board (Mod 2 Duo). I think it is going to be a long journey.

victorinspace profile image
Victor Velasquez

Hello! Happy New Year! I trust that everyone is off to a good start?

I'm new here, musician and beginner to intermediate front-end developer who enjoys working in React.

Hoping to meet more awesome people to learn and grow with! At the moment I'm building up a portfolio and looking for junior level job opportunities!!

Excited to be a member here!

vibhaas profile image

Hi Everyone! I'm Vibhaas and I found quite by accident, and it's awesome - I can't believe I never heard of it before!

I am currently learning MongoDB and React, having fun with NodeJS and working on FreeCodeCamp along with some side projects. I absolutely love the Python language and have some difficulty in shifting to Python 3. JavaScript is also one of my favourite languages though I'm sure I'll be passionate about something else entirely a few years later!

Check out my profile if you want to, though it's not very interesting currently.

I also am thinking of blogging here on, though I am new to it and quite nervous, so advice will be appreciated!

ONE FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I started coding when I was only seven - I wish I had taken it more seriously then, though!

Happy New Year Everyone!

laav10 profile image
Laavanya Rajan

Happy New Year 😂

The CHANGE from 2019 >> 2024 is immense! orz!🙇‍♀️

chiraranw profile image
Nation Chirara

Hello, I glad the discussion i had on twitter landed me here. I am learning front end technologies and I love to contribute to open source projects. That is why I ended up here, would like to connect and contribute.

jasonetaylor profile image

'ello! I'm Jason, from Detroit. Yes, that Detroit.

I'm a frontend dev working in the retail business...ack! but currently learning Angular to me find a new gig.

I stumbled my way here via Twitter. I'm not even sure how.. I just click things.

dannydore profile image
Danny Dore • Edited

Hi all! I am a data analyst & student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I am also a fan of Seattle sports and support the Visual Snow Initiative! I am studying Economics, and enjoy data analysis and software development.

One thing I would like to start learning is React Native, as I want to be able to design cross-platform applications, and React Native is the most interesting tool to me that allows me to do cross-platform development.

_darrenburns profile image
Darren Burns • Edited

Hi everyone!

I'm a software engineer based in Edinburgh who writes mostly Python, but I've been spending a lot of time tinkering with Rust recently, and am experienced in lots of languages!

In 2019 one of my missions is to get better at sharing my knowledge and experiences with the community by writing consistent high-quality blog posts (I haven't written public blogs before now)!

I'm hoping to release at least one open source project this year too.

agustingomes profile image
Agustin Gomes


I'm Agustin, a PHP Developer from Amsterdam. I'm passionate about software architecture, and I'm exploring docker at this moment. Looking forward to learn and share some past concepts I implemented especially using Elasticsearch.

censhin profile image
Neill Johnson

Happy New Year! I am a mostly backend developer with experience in front end and operations. I’m currently learning AWS Lambda and mobile development. Looking forward to becoming part of the community!

collin profile image

Hello. I've been doing web development for quite a while and last year started teaching web development at a boot camp. Switching to teaching is changing my perspectives on programming quite a bit.

I'm looking for a place to write and publish as a way to synthesize the changes that are bubbling around in my head. Cheers!

alyn_lunt profile image
Alyn Lunt

Hello, All and Happy 2019. I have been teaching myself various languages for a long (20 years) while and came across this site and use it as a learning tool. I am a hobbyist coder and enjoy the challenge of learning different programming and scripting languages.

madhavr23394566 profile image
madhavreddy • Edited

We are the Institutions. DettifossIT offers best ServiceNow Training in Hyderabad by 100% job support, real-time trainers, affordable cost and live examples. The future of this technology can be termed as a security profile for new employment aspirants. It has adopted by an organization from diversified fields. The usage of ServiceNow has created jobs for IT experts in a variety of organizations. It is an ever-developing platform and has no less for job creations in the future. Learn ServiceNow Online Training and classroom training with high featured classrooms, live projector, lab facility, 24*7 support, flexible batch timings, own course materials, resume preparation, interview questions and free demo available. For more details about ServiceNow Admin Training and Developer Training contact DettifossIT Institute. Visit:

developerpeachy profile image

Hey coders! Happy new year! I'm Rosie and I'm a student, front-end (aspiring) developer and leader based in Sydney. Joined the family to check it out and see what's new and hip in the dev world but to also, explore and network around with the greater developer community internationally. I'm currently learning React and GraphQL. I've had experience with (a little bit of) blockchain development, data visualisation, VR/AR and games programming theory and iOS development. However, I'm just wondering what the hype is about with React since I'm in my final year of uni, just thought I'd learn this before making a decision to becoming either a full-stack dev or a creative front-end dev. Thank you for reading this! hope you had a wonderful day~

zionlloyd05 profile image

Hello Everyone, Happy Code Year to you all.. I major in JavaScript Full-Stack development with other side interests such as Game development and Deep Learning, newly joined this platform hoping to connect with as much fellow as i can, to solve problems, learn and work on cool stuffs together..

Looking forward to meeting you!

devaseemsharma profile image
Aseem Sharma

Hi everyone, Happy new year to all of you, I am from India, Banglore. I am working with Android application development and always interested to contribute in open source community and discuss problems. Looking forward to hearing from you folks.

sophiemberger profile image
Sophie Berger

I am a CS student at UBC and tech leads in our student software development club keep on posting cool stuff from here so I thought I should come and check it out myself! I am currently learning IOS development and working on an Android project at the same time😅...I also wanna start doing web dev through, as that is at the core.

savvagen profile image
Savva Genchevskiy

Hi Everyone! Happy New Year!
And is will be a great idea to start a new year with New solutions with Automation. I love to Automate everything. Please ask me all that, connected with Automation on Java, Groovy, Kotlin, Python, NodeJS and don't forget to share with me with some news, frameworks in the world of test-automation =) Good Luck!

peterwitham profile image
Peter Witham

Hello everyone!
So I have been a developer of some type for many years, and somehow I keep coming back for more! My current love is for mobile app development, before that I worked on Web and Kiosk style applications.

One thing I'd like to learn more about is game development, this has been a recent interest over the past few months, including creating a game just to learn how to use Unity 3D.

One fun fact, I've been around since the first days of Flash and Photoshop 4. It's been a long and interesting journey so far.

pawelsmolka profile image
Paweł Smołka

Hi Devs,

I'm Pawel, I am currently migrating huge project (70 devs involved) from Karma to Jest and from AngularJS to Angular 7. I wish you all won't dive into such fight :)

I like my work with web apps, however, I'd like to learn Haskell just for having fun in free time.

leonvdw profile image
Leon van der Walt • Edited

What's up people, and a happy new year! Hope this will be productive year for you all 🙂

I'm a newbie to, so allow me to give a basic intro of myself.

My name is Leon, I'm full-stack dev in South Africa and atm I'm interested in react, express, graphql, .net core, flutter and some other jazz.

To me, this platform looks like a nifty place to kick start my efforts in open source and to get some blog experience.

I have recently submitted a post on a Global State library for react I created (yes there are thousands of them, but I think this one might be a bit different 😉)

So feel free to check it out on my profile in case you are bored 😅

Happy coding! 😎

pretzelhands profile image
pretzelhands • Edited

Hey everyone! I'm Richard and as you might guess from me being on the site I'm a developer. I've started up my own freelancing business in 2016 after I finished my vocational training at age 19. The original intent was to pursue it at that time because I had nothing to lose. Here I am going into the third year of business and stronger than ever. So I guess that worked out.

I like hacking on side-projects although I seem to rarely ever finish one. My current babies are jinx and

One is a little wrapper streamlining nginx administration tasks to help me work faster and the other is a meeting cost tracker that was originally intended to make me sit in fewer meetings. Both have achieved their goal until now, surprisingly!

If you have any questions, please do ask! I hope to hear from some of you :)

erinbush profile image
Erin Bush

Hi all! 👋

I'm a fronted engineer with almost 4 years of professional experience. I was brought here through my goals of connecting more with the dev community and sharing more technical knowledge. I am currently working on learning more about React performance and implementing automated web accessibility checks into my workplace.

joshhrach profile image
Josh Hrach

Hi! 👋🏻 I'm an iOS developer in Phoenix. I don't get a chance to go to meet ups or conferences, so online developer communities are where I go to try and learn new tricks and help out where I can. I've been toying with iOS development for 6 years, at my current job for almost 3. And I'm always happy to help anyone with Swift or iOS development questions in areas that I can do so.

shhzdmrz profile image
Shahzad Mirza

Hello Everyone,

At last joined just to learn more about ReactJS or more specifically frontend frameworks with ASP.NET Core. Working on ASP.NET MVC5 and Core in my day to day work. By the way, last whole year was working on React Native.

larawho profile image
Lara Potjewyd • Edited

Hello! I'm English and moved to Provo, Utah, in 2018 for a full stack web dev coding bootcamp. I'm going to be starting a second bootcamp in a few weeks, courtesy of the Adobe scholarship. I'm still a beginner and am committed to learning and growing. I want to bolster my Javascript skills :)

sirtimbly profile image
Tim Bendt

Hello, I decided to start throwing my dev thoughts up on here for 2019. Something a little more refined than stream of consciousness, but not as refined as a medium post. I like this site and I want to help people and learn at the same time.

In 2019 I'm gonna:

  • Find someone to mentor in frontend dev and design.
  • Learn more about web components.
arjayosma profile image

Hi everyone!

I'm Arjay, a software engineer (fancy term for a developer) and a simple tweet brought me here. I am excited to learn from this community and share what I can share.

I'm into back-end development using Java (Spring Boot) and mobile applications development using React Native. I am also passionate about business and startup development; the marriage between business and technology pumps me up.

Hoping everyone will have a fruitful year this 2019!

defgrav04 profile image
Mina Oh

Welcome, Arjay :)

manga1a profile image


I am a Software Developer from Melbourne. My past experience is with desktop apps like games and simulations in C#, C++, Unity and DirectX. Now transforming to web development with ASP.NET, C#, JavaScript, etc. Hope to find like minded people in this community :-)


hopsken profile image

Happy New Year 🎉

I'm Hopsken, a front end developer from Shanghai, China. Really happy to meet everyone here.

For 2019,

  • Want to learn Rust
  • Want to learn Web Assembly
  • Give React Native and Electron a shot
vikasjilla profile image

Hi Everyone,

I am a mobile developer and I am currently learning and developing flutter apps. I joined hoping to increase my knowledge base. And Happy New Year!!!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome VikasJilla! I've not done any native mobile development myself, but Abraham has written quite a few posts about. He'd probably be a good follow.

abraham image

Here's his latest article.

Happy New Year to you as well!

vikasjilla profile image

Thanks for the suggestion :)

jmurray90 profile image
Jake Murray

Happy New Year everyone. I am starting school for software engineering on monday and am completely and utterly terrified. I don't know why. But I have been out of high school for 10 years this year and I am finally going to finish what I have always regretted not finishing; my education.

johnmutuma5 profile image
JohnM • Edited

Happy New Year! I don't really recall how I have just landed here while I was traversing the internet looking to understand Messaging Queues and, generally, Microservices architecture; the posts here look interesting and I could not hesitate signing up and introducing myself.

At the moment, I am invested in a few things; understanding the Microservices architecture and common implementations, Data Science, containerisation concepts with Docker and orchestration with Kubernetes and later on look into the intrigues of Progressive Web Apps. Quite a load, but I am hoping for the best. 🙂

paulc_creates profile image
Paul Caoile

Happy New Year to All! I'm glad to join this community of developers. It took me a while to find this site and I'm glad I did. Blogs should be free for everyone and that is one of the reasons I joined this community. I'm currently learning React and one of my goal this year is to write blogs and contribute to the community.

andrewxhill profile image
Andrew W Hill

Hi everyone & happy New Year!

Busy building a p2p photo sharing mobile app ( and trying to release the OS tooling (

Will try to share some of our work on IPFS and later Filecoin.

thulasiragini3 profile image

Hi, Great.. Tutorial is just awesome..It is really helpful for a newbie like me.. I am a regular follower of your blog. Really very informative post you shared here. Kindly keep blogging.
msbi online training

219design_jd profile image
ᴊᴅ 219ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ

Happy New Year everyone!

I am new here and to development in general.

Looking forward to learning lots of new things and meeting like-minded people, 2019 is going to be a good year :)

All the best,


trentyang profile image
Trent Yang

Hi everyone, I am trying to start blogging and write more things this year. I hope to get motivated and inspired here :)

Happy new year and a new start!

toyurc profile image
Adebayo-Ige Toyosi

Hi everyone, I am an aspiring frontend developer, I started learning reactjs, scss and html, what are any advices you have for me as i begin my journey

firungumunene profile image
Francis Irungu Munene

Hey all,just striving and working at being a better developer everyday and a Dad to my autistic son and his two brothers. Hope to learn plenty.

babsandbabs profile image

I am currently playing with Spring boot and robot framework for test automation. Hope I learn something new from great minds here. I wish everyone a happy new year.

arnauddelafosse profile image
Arnaud Delafosse

Hi all and HNY!
Just landed here following a link on Twitter and liked the format.
Mostly interested in making the Web a more accessible medium to all.
Prefer people over tools.

ezrayoung profile image
Ezra Young

Hi, everyone!

I'm a software developer in Dayton, OH, and I love all things JS. Currently working in React and learning ReasonML, ReasonReact, and Flutter in my spare time.

I joined to avoid being distracted by the articles not technology-related on Medium and to have a writing interface that was designed for developers.

I'm looking forward to reading your posts and hopefully writing some of my own!

navin_moorthy profile image

Hi All, Happy New Year. I am currently learning Javascript to make my Website more dynamic in nature. I love connecting with the awesome community. You will work efficiently when you come to know that you are surrounded by like minded individuals.

saminazari profile image
Samiullah Nazari • Edited

Happy New Year, everyone, I'm a developer from Afghanistan. I love Android development, both Native and Flutter (its such a fun framework)!

Currently, I'm working on an MIS app for a client + on my free time I work on my own app (an online shopping system in flutter), I'm new to Web and PHP, but since I have a degree of BCS, I'm sure I can find my way!

bhosun_ profile image

Hello and happy new year
I'm currently learning Javascript OOP
After completing a course on fullstack development after that hope to learn react and keep building on my knowledge

amanhimself profile image
Aman Mittal

Happy New Year Everyone! I have recently joined and I will be cross-posting my articles on web development and React Native here.

jaltmane profile image

what's happenin 2019! excited to be on the blue dot with everyone : )

basebandit profile image

Hello.Happy new year 2019.Am a backend developer (nodejs) trying to move to mobile development (flutter).But i have tinkered with so many programming languages and done small projects some not worth mentioning.I have this problem of choosing what to specialize (Web - Frontend vs Backend) vs mobile (Crossplatform vs Native).Hope by joining this forum i will be able to find that one thing i can specialize in this year and be proficient at.

spacesanta profile image

Hello and a happy New Year.

I didn't know existed until I followed a link in an article today. It looks like the platform I always wanted 😃

I am learning C#/XAML/UWP at the moment.

ehabshaaban profile image
Ehab Shaaban


I'm a junior python dev. I love web and ai..I want to start 2019 with Learning more and more about python and build EPIC projects using it.

yogeshwaranmanoharan profile image

Happy new year everyone!

lhebditch profile image
Lyndon Hebditch

Hi all,
Excited to learn as much as possible from y'all!

wmadzha profile image
Wan Mohd Adzha

Hi All, Dropping by to wish u all a very blessed 2019 . New year, new technology domain to learn and master, Planning to get my hands dirty with Angular.

jaerentredway profile image
Jaeren Tredway

Hi everybody, I'm Jaeren. I've been coding for about 6 months and I'm starting in a Web Development bootcamp in one week. Pretty exciting!

jeremy_daly profile image
Jeremy Daly

👋 everyone!

kpatnayakuni profile image
Kiran Patnayakuni

Hello, Happy New Year to All!

eyesno profile image
Darryl Wright

Hey folks -- just stumbled upon this site after reading someone's Twitter post. Looks interesting! I manage a small team of Game Developers from Canada. Look forward to seeing what goes on here!

thantez profile image
M.Mahdi Bakhshi

hello to everyone ✋
I am a ruby developer that love update science and technologies!
So I'm happy to meet you :)

ahmedmkamal profile image
Ahmed Kamal

Hi everybody, Happy holidays for you all.

I'm looking to gain some experience and make new communications.

iameddieyayaya profile image
Eddie Gomez • Edited

Hi there, I'm Eddie! Currently interested in a career change from live sound to coding. Currently learning Javascript, HTML and Css.

joeyguerra profile image
Joey Guerra

Hi. I'm Joey. Here from @captainsafia 's tweet with her link. I'm currently exploring what I can do with Can't think of a fun fact. I'm just an average Joe.

sabowsla profile image

Hello everyone !, i want to make games and 3d art, im using blender and unity, in my free time i learn about ML to maybe one day make my own AI

renestalder profile image
René Stalder

Happy to be here to explore all the interesting knowledge you have to share. I hope I can contribute by sharing about web accessibility.

eamirgh profile image
Amir Ghaffari

hello there
looks cool 😍😍

tdwright profile image
Tom Wright

Hey gang. 👋 Just stopping by to see what all the fuss is about. Was recently researching new blogs to follow and a lot of the best seemed to be here. Loving the vibe so far. Tom

taylorsilva profile image
Taylor Silva

Hey people! I decided I'm going to start blogging about the programming things I learn and figured I'd share them with this wonderful community!

weitzhandler profile image

Hey folks, let's see what this thing is all about!

suganoo profile image

Hello Everyone.

I am suganoo working as infrastructure engineer and like golang.

Happy new year.

kartm profile image
Łukasz Blachnicki

Hi! I'm learning JS and React. My current goal is to learn how to handle the backend. Finishing my chat app would be my best personal achievement so far!

manishhub9 profile image

Happy New Year To All. Starting new project learning Django.

bjguptaa profile image
Bijay Gupta

Hello Everyone,

This is Bijay,a WordPress Enthusiast and the founder of, a WordPress Resources Site covering almost everything such as WordPress Themes, Plugins, Tutorials and a lot more.

arunn_kkumar profile image
Arun K

Hello everyone. I came here to learn new things. I am currently working for mobile apps development in android as well as react-native. Thank you.

michaelhuskii profile image
Michael Huskii • Edited

Hi there I co-found a fintech startup in the music space and signed up to learn! Excited to get involved and learn with the community.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Here's what I'm looking to learn in 2019.

In no particular order:

  • Service Workers. I know what they are and even have it baked into my blog care of Gatsby, but I'd really like to get a deeper understanding of them and the best way to do that is from a Google Sponsored course, i.e. free, of Dave Geddes's, Service Workies.

He also has some other great courses

andy profile image
Andy Zhao (he/him)

Awesome. WASM looks pretty promising and I'm going to try to learn it, too.

Here's another good resource for service workers:

dcg90 profile image

Hello users! Happy new year! I'm a new member. Hope to learn a lot by reading these amazing posts.

olaqnysz profile image
Ola Kunysz

Hello everyone, Happy New Year!
I'm software engineer since a while, my current interest is performance tuning, recently also machine learning interest grows in me :)