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Top comments (368)
Hi everyone! Happy to have you here on DEV ❤️
Hello! 👋
Hey Gracie Greetings :)
Happy Codeing ❤️
Portland of course :P
welcome Gracie :)
Hello ✋
Heyy ❤️
Hello! 👋
Hello everyone, I am happy to be part of this community....I am willing to meet those willing to help me with the MERN stack learning curve and those currently learning....Many thanks for your contributions.
hello tyinter46, could you please show me some of your project that you have buillded with MERN stack.
I am still learning and haven't built any...but will be doing so in little time...Thank you 😊
so what technologies you have been learned till now
I have learnt JavaScript, Python and am learning the Express framework for backend and mongo db
great but what I think rather than just learning and learning you should actually apply them..
I am not talking about you will build the next FB.
jokes apart but you can make some little projects so that you get more confidence about your learning.
you can look at my github profilelink
Thanks for the advice.....I will definitely do that when am done with learning...am still a beginner to web development
Hi guys I am learning web development and I am here to document my learning journey. 🥰
Hey tyinter46👋
Building MERN projects can be a lot of fun, hope you're enjoying it so far!
Hello everyone, I am a JavaScript full stack developer. I hope I can find useful space here.
Welcome to DEV!
I am also learning js, yaa there some many kinds of stuff here to grave.
Hi everyone today is my first day here and I am excited to start "blogging" so keep an eye on my profile, things coming soon.
Welcome to DEV!
surely :)
Welcome, my first day too. Looking forward to your blogs!
Hello everyone!
I'm a newbie, so stoked for all the learning ahead.
You'll learn heaps here. Select tags on your profile for topics of interest. Mix and match.
Have fun 😁.
great Kannan, you will definitely love this programming world.
Hey Everyone,
I'm web developer. I like to build stuff in React JS. And like to write some development post and articles. I'm also have youtube channel where I'm uploading some videos on web development. You can visit here,
keep it up CodeBucks, great videos on your YT channel I will surely watch them. :)
Hey Thanks brother! 😄
Hey everyone. Just found this site and I'm loving it. Hopefully, you don't mind beginners like me.
Welcome benjamin, surely everyone is welcome into this community and in the developer communities in general.
welcome benjamin :),you will love this community
Hi all,
I'm a Full Stack Developer learning forever, trying to upscale my skills.
What brought me here:
The fact of real community, and legit development related content/ resources.
Couldn't resist signing up!
Looking forward to exchanging tremendous value.
I have been reading articles on Dev chrome extension for long but, just found out that, we have a community out here. Thank you Dev community for being so helpful.
welcome Neel :)
could tell me for which chrome extansion you are reading so far...
it's "daily.dev" , it's an amazing extension, offering articles to read whenever you open new tab. So rather than having conventional search engine on welcoming tab, it offers great news and articles of community.
thanks Neel,yaa it's great extension.
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