
Welcome Thread - v108 staff on January 20, 2021

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
gsometimes profile image
Gourav Auluck

Hi all, my name is Gore and I'm a front end developer specializing in React. I'm a bootcamp graduate from General Assembly looking to grow within the community. I'm also looking for freelance and long-term opportunities and would love to connect.

ekimkael profile image
Ekim Kael

Hello there, I'm also a React user, by now I do a lot of Nextjs.
How are you?

gsometimes profile image
Gourav Auluck

I'm doing alright. And that's awesome, I have wanted to get into Next.js for some time and want to try to build something with it. How is it?

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ekimkael profile image
Ekim Kael

First, have you ever build a fullstack Nodejs app?
If yes or not(I think) you'll find it amazing. There are a lot features that are built in so you don't need third party libraries.

You should give it a try

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gsometimes profile image
Gourav Auluck

I have built one full stack application, I'm planning on doing a full stack blog app with next.js here soon. I've read a lot of great things about Next.js so I'm really excited to branch out and try something new.

professor_2390 profile image

hello want to be friends

leoupperthrower4 profile image
Leonardo dos Santos Duarte Silva

Hello new friend haha

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professor_2390 profile image

hi friend

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leoupperthrower4 profile image
Leonardo dos Santos Duarte Silva

how r u doing?

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professor_2390 profile image

fine and you

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leoupperthrower4 profile image
Leonardo dos Santos Duarte Silva

fine too

gsometimes profile image
Gourav Auluck

Yeah, definitely. I just followed you. Thanks for connecting!

ronald_arias profile image


xavier333322211 profile image


chike1990 profile image


itstimconnors profile image
Tim Connors ⚡️Pearl

😀✌ I'm Tim!

I'm a backend developer (nodejs & python) and co-founder of Pearl.

We built an SMS-based hiring network for the startup ecosystem! We've got loads of VC-backed startups knocking down our door looking for developers so if you're job-hunting and ready for the excitement of a startup, check us out 😎

ialisultan profile image
Ali Sultan

Seems interesting, Let's connect and talk a bit

ekimkael profile image
Ekim Kael


milenamar profile image
Milena Martinez Caceres

Great initiative! 👏🏻

aatifsudo profile image

Hey All ,
Nice to be here , currently I am learning reactjs and javascript it's nice being able to code somehow want to dive deeper in the development field. Happy coding

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV!

Multiple TV and movie characters giving a thumbs up

yashkandalkar profile image

👋 Hello!

I'm yash. I do a lot of web development with react, nodejs, firebase and I'm currently trying out!
Also learning and making an app with react native.
I have used js for a while now so I've slowly started learning typescript.
I also like to contribute to random open source projects in my free time!

ekimkael profile image
Ekim Kael

Hi there,
I'm interested in contributing to Open Source but already have some git issues and I don't really know how contributing works.
Can you help me?

yashkandalkar profile image

There are many guides on how to contribute in a repo, like
But if you have anything specific you can ask here I'll try to help!

wingman__7 profile image

Hello everyone, my name is Somnath and I'm a Back-End/Full-Stack Dev specializing in technologies like Django, Node, React, Redux, Flask, Plumber, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB etc. It's awesome to be part of this community. You can know more about me below :-
GitHub :
LinkedIn :
feel free to connect :)

emanuel152020 profile image

Hi Somnath, Would you like to talk about programming, debate, share experiences and share knowledge?

wingman__7 profile image

yeah sure

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emanuel152020 profile image

Would you like to speak on this social network or this medium?

aditya_abhiram profile image
Aditya Abhiram


I'm Aditya and I'm interested in pretty much everything related to graphics. As of now, I'm gonna work as a Full stack developer. I'm curious to know the working of tech inside out!

I joined this community to look at some mind blowing projects and useful tips. Looking forward to it! 😃

acoh3n profile image

Welcome. Yes, graphics is an intensely interesting topic in computer science. No lack of challenges there that's for sure.

pixl70 profile image

Hi all,
I joined from an tutorial on youtube I'm planning to be a frontend web developer, I already have HTML/CSS skills and i'm currently learning Javascript and PHP, I hope to find answers and support for my journey into front end webdevelopment

jjincredible profile image
JJ Lowery

Hey there. My first day here as well. I’m thinking of starting out with React or JavaScript to develop web apps. Either that or jump into Swift, but Xcode has a huge learning curve.

pixl70 profile image

I'am currently learning javascript as a base for typescript and angular

riimocmd profile image

Hello there internet! I'm currently in the process of setting up some (semi-)professional accounts, and was next on my list. I have experience in a handful of languages and a few APIs, but I'm currently looking to start specializing in one field.

egilhuber profile image
erica (she/her)

Welcome! What fields are you considering?

riimocmd profile image

I'm currently thinking about going further with bots, and maybe branching out into either robotics or AI from there, but I'm not entirely sure at the moment.

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egilhuber profile image
erica (she/her)

I haven't played with building bots very much, but I've heard that twitter bots are a good place to start! There's also a dad joke bot here on DEV @dailydeveloperjokes

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riimocmd profile image

Neat! I'm currently working on a bot for Discord, but I'll definitely look into making one for Twitter once the Discord bot gets a stable release.

goberman15 profile image
Akbar Ramadhan

Hello, World! my name Akbar from Indonesia. I'm a fullstack web developer working with node.js and react. I'm a new player in this programming world (less than a year). I'm graduate from coding Bootcamp in July 2020. I'm currently sharping my knowledge mainly on backend side also start learning about cloud computing.

benwin22 profile image
Ben Winder • Edited

Hello Akbar @goberman15 , my name is Ben and I am working on a website that searches for dinosaurs. I found your GitHub repository to use for an api however it seems like it is t active. Is there anyway to reactive it? It would be most helpful because I think this is just the thing I need to make calls to the Museum of Natural Science UK. Hopefully you are active on this site and see my message. Best!

emanuel152020 profile image

Hi Akbar, Would you like to talk about programming, debate, share experiences and share knowledge?

yasir128 profile image
Yasir Munir

Hi this is yasir munir a react native developer with 2 years of experience in this field. i love to work with you all i any type of need related to react native.

emanuel152020 profile image

Hi Yasir, Would you like to talk about programming, debate, share experiences and share knowledge?

yasir128 profile image
Yasir Munir

yes sure Mr. Emanuel

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emanuel152020 profile image

In which social network would you like to speak?

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yasir128 profile image
Yasir Munir

anyone which you like

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emanuel152020 profile image

Do you like Linkedin?

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yasir128 profile image
Yasir Munir


nemanjasokic profile image
Nemanja Sokic

Hello all,

It was nice to find you today. I am Java software Enginer. But also,very passionate about Linux, OS and Embedded software engineering.
My plan is to learn C this year, and make some great project and I hope this place will help me,as well as I will help to the community too.

BTW I use Arch :-)


riimocmd profile image

Hello there! It's nice to find another Linux person, though admittedly all of my Linux experience comes from cybersecurity, not development. What's it like to develop for Linux?

nemanjasokic profile image
Nemanja Sokic

Hey, nece to meet you too.
I am at door of C world,so I am waiting for my first commit for Linux. :-)

tanushree57 profile image

Hello! Namaste from Goa, India! 👋
My name is Tanushree and I'm one of the four co-founders of Octalogic Tech LLP. We're a Goa-based IT company who love all things tech and tea! I handle graphic design and social media apart from other company essential functionings.
You can check us out at and any feedback regarding the site is welcome! 😀

slabo profile image

✌😁️ I'm Naim !
I'm a developer and maybe half a programmer. I finished about 80% of a CCE / CSI degree about 10 years ago. I never really wrote code, but I've tinkered with and built all sorts of stuff from source.
Two years ago, I stared building my own app with Flutter. I've been outsourcing the programming so far, but now with Covid, I want to do more. 🤞️🤞️
Other than programming, I've been doing most of this on my own. Research, empathy and translating that into app UX.
Which is fine, but now it's time to go public. And, I'm stuck. i dunno really know on what yet 😬️

Something I hope I can fix here with your help.

gruzzlybear profile image
Matthew Bowen

Hey! I'm Matt. I'm kind of an all over the place developer when it comes to languages. I'm trying to collect them like pokemon. Always open to collaboration and creating just about anything. Love JavaScript and React.

tdronfield profile image
Taylor Dronfield

Hi Everyone!

My name is Taylor and I am currently studying development! My aim is Full Stack development. I've developed using node.js express, vue, ajax, mysql, php, python, and some c#. I'm interested in learning React, Angular, Drupal, Laravel, or anything else I can get my hands on!!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV!

Amy Poehler being cool

mrbantsevich profile image
Max Bantsevich

Hi, everybody)) My name is Max and from Belarus. I am an owner of the company We're working with enterprises and with startups as well. I'm here not to advertise myself but share experience and to learn something new, also.
A few minutes ago I've posted an article about our first experiment with Rust. Our tech lead made a 2048 game using it just into 2 days. Check it out if you're interested)

joe_orion profile image

Hey, newbie here. A beginner at that... Show me around maestros.

acoh3n profile image


digitallyinduced profile image

Hello everyone!

We are digitallyinduced, the company behind IHP - the fastest-growing fullstack haskell web framework!

To get started with IHP, check out the Guide, or IHP Casts.

Or, simply chat with us about functional programming!

candelariachaves profile image
Candelaria Chaves

Hi All!
I'm currently learning react and working on my portfolio.

rcpml profile image
Recep E. • Edited

Hi There! I'm Rec.

I'm a frontend developer who is currently building tools for EdTech purposes 👾. I am happy to have joined this platform which is full of enthusiasts. I am open to build together and share ideas 👋 Have a great day 😊

crax97 profile image

I'm Giovanni, a software engineer from Italy currently studying for his bachelor's at Università di Pisa.
I'm currently developing a scripting language (as a learning project) + studying game dev in Unreal Engine!

emanuel152020 profile image

Hi Giovanni, Would you like to talk about programming, debate, share experiences and share knowledge?

developmebaby profile image
Teila A Garraway

Hi All........ my name is Teila. I have been in the legal field for 10 years and I want a change. I have always loved aspects of developers and I am starting a coding camp called Digital Crafts here in Atlanta in March trying to get a head start on understanding. So thankful for this community. =P

aniketsalunke123 profile image
Aniket Salunke

Hi, Aniket I am not currently working on anything but I am currently learning and I am very happy that I joined this community I want to start somewhere. I learnt some programming languages like C, C++, PHP, JAVA, Python

jersk41 profile image
Japar Sidik

Hello there. I have learned that programming language too, maybe we can talk or discuss sometimes. I want to learn more about programming

israjurrahman profile image
Israjur Rahman

Hello all, my name is Israjur Rahman I am a developer. I love to code in python and build web applications using django framework. I joined here to share and grab new knowledges from the community and also looking for great opportunities.

isaacojeda profile image
Isaac Ojeda

Hi everyone, My name is Isaac and I'm from México. The reason I joined to this community is to learn more about coding & cloud stuff. I code with .NET since 2010 and since 2013 I started to use Azure.

.NET Core and Angular are the main frameworks that i work with, I would like to write about it so that's the 2nd reason I joined here.


s_aitchison profile image
Suzanne Aitchison

Welcome! 👋

adam_b profile image
Adam Braimah

Hi! I think I got here via an article, maybe I'll write one or two short ones myself :) I've been in software for quite a long time, with a concentration over the last 11 years or so in C#, with a history further back as a C developer.

murillorss profile image
Murillo Ramos

Hey everyone, my name is Murillo! Im brazilian and currently i am a beginner on the software development field. Nowadays i am studying computer engineering, so im looking forward to expand my knowledge and get a chance to know some amazing folks that could give me a hand on how or where to begin with! Thanks for the attention you all!!

keedon profile image
Keith Poole

I'm Keith - I've been a developer for over thirty years and have worked on all kinds of systems, from IBM mainframe systems writing in assembly language to Kubernetes

emanuel152020 profile image

Hi Keith, Would you like to talk about programming, debate, share experiences and share knowledge?

oakj profile image
Jonnie Oak

Hi everyone! I'm Jonnie. I left my (5 year) career in electrical engineering on 9/18/20 to pursue coding. I'll be tracking my journey and what I learn so feel free to give me a follow if you're interested in the self-taught route!

wlarch profile image
William L'Archeveque

Greetings all! I'm William from Canada. Full-Stack Devops & Web Developer using Laravel, PHP, NodeJS, Docker, AWS, and much more. I am glad this type of community exists where we can help each other. My goal here is to provide solutions to problems that took me lots of energy and effort to solve! I hope my articles will help as many developers as possible.

iamludal profile image
Ludal 🚀

Hello, I am Ludal! 🚀

🇫🇷 A french 3rd year computer science student.
👨‍💻 Mainly interested in mobile development, also as DevOps.
🎓 Planning to do a Master's degree in software engineering.
❤️ I love sharing my knowledge with everyone!

Fun fact: As you may have seen... I am an emoji lover.

🏀 My Hobbies

🏋 Weight Training
🏃 Running
💱 Cryptocurrencies
📖 Reading

💬 Don't hesitate to come and talk to me!

adithyasrinivasan profile image

Hi all,

I'm Adithya from Berlin. I do a lot of Laravel and a bit of game development. I wrote my first post here:

Happy to join here!

juliengros profile image
Julien Gros

Hi there,
my name is Julien. 15years+ embedded (ASICs) software engineer. I'm also a full stack dev enthusiast. Over the past months, I've been exploring the technologies and trends regarding front-end frameworks. tailwindcss, next / nuxt.

aniekan_amasi profile image
Aniekan Amasi • Edited

Hi, my name is Aniekan, and I'm new here. I'm a new developer and a CS student with interest in JavaScript, PHP, CPP, JAVA, RUBY with RAILS and CSS. Web development is my major area. I look forward to connecting and learning from you guys.

bspaulson48 profile image
Brian Paulson

Hello! Just joined this community because I find myself immersing into tech more and more. I work for big tech GoDaddy. Currently, I have dreams of creating a new and unique music streaming open platform. Figured if I want it done right, I'll teach myself, but I highly welcome advise and tips! 😄

ryan_perry_aa806d7a49198e profile image
Ryan Perry

Hi all, my name is Ryan and I'm a co-founder of ( I graduated from Hack Reactor coding bootcamp and am trying to find some open source enthusiasts that might be interested in contributing... I'm obviously biased, but I think its a pretty cool project :) -

j33mk profile image
Jamal Hussain

Hi, I am Jamal Hussain. I have expertise in building web applications using modern web technologies. I am here to grow in this community and would love to connect with different developers for freelancing projects. 😊

ramahprogrammer profile image
Ramah Programmer

hello, my name is Ramah from Tanzania, I'm a full-stack web and android developer specialized in bootstrap, react, flutter, PHP, Java, MySQL, and oracle database. now looking to grow in Laravel $ spring Framework within this community.

zuluana profile image

Hi All 🐠


I'm a TS / JS developer new to DEV, and I’m looking forward to participating in the community 🙂

I have a masters in computer science, and I’ve been developing in TS / JS for the past several years.

I've worked at startup, medium sized, and fortune 50 companies. At my last job I worked as a dev lead before switching to freelance.

Package Release

I'm hoping to share a Github package I created. It's a dependency injection tool to help keep TS / JS projects modular and extensible:

🐟Halia: Extensible TS / JS Dependency Injector (with Doug the fish)

Does anyone have tips regarding which sub-channels to share it on? Any particular rules regarding self-promotion?

I’m looking forward to connecting with other devs!


victoriasantana97 profile image
Victoria Santana

Hello, I'm Iris, an Jr. Infrastructure Analyst and currently pursuing my master degree in computer science, my dissertation is about HealthTech. I'm interested in devops, cloud, python and go development and AI. I'm here to learn and share knowledge 😃 feel free to get in touch!

brilliance profile image
Brilliance Oparaku

Hi all, my name is Kosy and I'm a studying fullstack developer.I've taken some courses on udemy like Colt Steel's Web Developer Bootcamp and more...I wish to learn more here and also help people solve problems related to web development as we progress

mwakalingajohn profile image
John Mwakalinga

Hello, I develop software for about 4 years now, I am very experienced in Laravel framework, vuejs and angular. I look to learn more in programming and become an integral part of this great community.

chillz_1 profile image
Habeeb A

Hello everyone, I'm Habeeb a data scientist with a background in front dev with react. Trying not to forget about my web dev and still keep up with data science so hopefully I get to learn a lot from this community 😁

gelo01 profile image

Hi to all, I am Gelo I am a full stack developer learning to specializing in technologies like Django, Node, React, Redux, Flask, Plumber, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB this community is great. And I am grateful to be a part here.

krunalsisodia profile image
Krunal Sisodia

My name is Krunal Sisodia from Vadodara, Gujarat (India). I am a dynamic and multi-disciplined Web designer with a passion for creating innovative design solutions. I produce work that is memorable, meaningful, and stand out.

leoupperthrower4 profile image
Leonardo dos Santos Duarte Silva • Edited

Hi everyone, my name is Leonardo. I'm from Brazil. I love both financial markets and programming. Nowadays I'm learning C# and mixing it with the development of a robot for market solutions. How are you?

abbeyperini profile image
Abbey Perini

Hey all! I'm Abbey and I'm a full stack web developer (most comfortable in the PERN stack) looking for an entry level role. I'm working on cross posting my blogs from medium and rebuilding my portfolio/blog site in react!

umer919 profile image
Umer Ziyad Satti • Edited

Hello to the Community, My name's Umer Ziyad and i am new to Dev. I am a test automation engineer and i have a good experience with automation and tools like docker, postman ,cypress ,selenium and manual testing surrounding the field of Quality Assurance. I did my software engineering from Comsats university islamabad(Pakistan). And currently i have a 1 year experience with automation and manual QA. Looking forward to learn new things in here

jam52 profile image
Jamie Sajdak

Hi everyone, I am a former industrial designer transitioning into web development. I've been studying full time for around 6 months, really enjoying learning and being challenged. Looking to meet new people and learn more about the industry. Open to jr web dev opportunities.

lilzj profile image
Gbogodor Joshua

Hi all, my name is Joshua and I'm a front end developer specializing in Javascript. I'm a self taught web developer looking to grow within the community. I'm also looking for freelance and long-term opportunities and would love to connect.

jedvalmar profile image
Eduardo Valenzuela

Hello! I'm a full stack dev. Currently working with reasonml projects with react in the front and scala and go services in the back :) . Came here because I saw a talk from Paul, the guy that made darklang, and saw his blog posts in here. Also, I love tacos.

gunner880101 profile image
Xing Jin

Hi all! My name is Xing Jin and I am a mobile app developer specializing in Android/iOS native and Flutter. I worked for a variety of clients by unleashing the full power of the platform while helping my clients to turn their ideas into beautiful apps. I'm looking for a new opportunity.

kennydevex profile image

Hi there, I'm Kenny Silva from Cape Verde, I studied Software Engineering, but I lear what I know on my own.
I consider myself a full-stack developer, so I work on customer projects doing almost everything from modeling to front-end and backend functionality until deployment and maintenance.
I work based on Laravel and Vuejs framework, also I use others web development tools and resources to implementing my project.
I'm here to share what I know and what I think, and to try to improve my skills, so I hope be able to help someone and be helped.

vishalshuklag profile image
Vishal shukla

Hello everyone , my name is Vishal Shukla and I love web development. Currently I am learning react.
I have also used JavaScript for a while now so I've slowly started learning typescript.
Will also start contributing to open source projects.

khushwantkodecha profile image
Khushwant • Edited

Hey there everyone, Khushwant here. I am a frontend developer specializing in React. I have been working for a product based company for 2 years in React.js. I am also looking to freelance. I am here to learn a lot of things from you developers. I look forward to have good time with you.

galabra profile image

Hey everyone,
I was always passionate about languages in general, and in code specifically.
Writing both backend and frontend, I'm constantly learning and looking to expand my knowledge and experience.
I've discovered that one of the best ways to strengthen my skills is sharing my thoughts about software development. It not only benefits the greater good, but also requires me to dive more deeply and to sanity-check everything I'm claiming.

Looking forward to join this wonderful community!

kennydevex profile image

HI there I'm Kenny Silva from Cape Verde, I love technology. In this moment I work on my own project, based on Laravel and Vuejs and some others auxiliar webs and design recourses.
I do almost everything, from modeling to front-end till backend functionality.
I want to share what I know and learn even more. So I hope to help someone and be helped.

oshanoshu profile image
Oshan Upreti • Edited

Hello all, my name is Oshan, and I am a Software Developer specializing in Java. I am a recent Computer Science graduate. I am also interested in Statistics. I am looking for long-term opportunities, and I would love to connect.
This is my blog: Oshan Upreti.

P.S. I would love to React with you if I like your <style>.

southpaw43 profile image

hi all! I'm Michael and just learning front end development, I'm nearly there on learning javascript and just found out that this new knowledge of learning a new programming language is not bad at all and it's very exciting, I'm having fun learning it, and I stumble upon this community, where I can meet new friends with the same interest work, job, and hobby, it's nice to be here :)

alimemonzx profile image

Good luck with your learning. You can find tones of resources to learn javascript on youtube and this community.

alimemonzx profile image
alimemonzx • Edited

Hello Everyone,

I am Ali Wahab a front end developer, I build websites using React, Angular and Vue. I am thinking to give a try to svelte as well. Does any of you are familiar with it?

Love to talk about real time applications.

I am not language dependant and love to solve problems. Currently working on a side project. Will share it with you guys soon ✌✌

rafaelpadu profile image
Rafael de Pádua Del Corona

Hi everyone! My name is Rafael. I'm a passionate React developer. I'm constantly studying to improve my dev skills. Looking forward to participate and contribute the best way I can in this forum. Also looking for long-term opportunities. Feel free to get in touch.

kingoloruntofunmi profile image
Dada David Oloruntofunmi

Hello 👋🤩 everyone, am a new to programming and I am based on backend . I love java, php , flutter. Presently studying at the University of Lagos , Lagos Nigeria. I hope to helped with materials and internships and also help as I can 😊 ... Thanks to you 😎

softchris profile image
Chris Noring

Welcome to Let me know if I can help you with anything.. I usually write a lot on, .NET, JavaScript on Azure so if that interests, please check it out /Chris

walewahab profile image
Alebiosu Wahab Adewale

Hi all, my name is Alebiosu and I'm a front end developer specializing in Reactjs. I'm new to react i love and sick of it looking to grow within the community. I'm also looking for freelance and long-term opportunities and would love to connect.

saakeeb profile image
Nazmus Sakib

I am Sakib from Bangladesh, I am a frontend developer specializing in React. I am a Bootcamp graduate from Programming hero, looking to grow within the community. I am looking for remote and long-term opportunities.

jasonalkain profile image

Hello there! My name is Jason, I was referred here by a good friend of mine. I am a bit nervous about joining, but I look forward to meeting more programmers. My skills are mostly self-taught so I am not too confident in skills professionally. I started with Ruby and then move to C++, but C# stuck with me the most. I would love to learn more about the subject of my passion, video game development, and above that programming.

dixita0607 profile image
Dixita Ganatra

Hello everyone, My name is Dixita. I am a web developer currently working with Next.JS and React. I love to draw and take care of my plants. Looking forward to learn new things and connect with people having similar interest. It's good to be here 🖖

bartolomeuss profile image

Hi there Dev community!

My name is Bart. I'm currently working as an apple service technician and studying to be come a front end developer in my spare time. I've been making websites on and of for the past few years (mainly Wordpress). However I have recently decided to up my game and dive in to it fully!

ronald_arias profile image

Hi everyone, my name is Ron and after about 15 years working with Software I decided that from 2021 I'll be sharing a lot of what I've learned so far in my career.
I aim to continually post articles to hopefully teach a bit of what I know and to learn from others.
Would love to hear from people that share my interests!

shonnly profile image
Shonn Lyga

Saw this community mentioned on the blue bird-app, so far looks nice :) 🙋

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Captain America saluting

devbogoodski profile image

Saw a reference to this community over on #dev Twitter.

I'm the manager of a team of amazing developers building enterprise level federal systems.

Worked through the ranks pretty quickly, learning from everyone and everything. Work mostly in .NET and React. But mostly think about system design and architecture these days.

Trust the process :)

osedumme profile image

Hello All!
Good to be here. I want to learn as much as I can. New to coding.

jjincredible profile image
JJ Lowery

Hello World!

I’m JJ and coding finally clicked for me when I started writing more complex spreadsheet formulas. I have some ideas for apps I’d like to create and I’m trying to determine if I should choose Swift, JavaScript, React, or Python as my first language. I’m leaning towards React, but eventually I’d like to learn them all.

My first experiences coding were html on my MySpace page. Thanks Tom!

krihalyz profile image
Leonardo Gimenez • Edited

Hi! I'm actually learning, recently I'm working with React, Typescript, Node and MongoDB, moongose, Graphql..
I'm quite interested in learning all sort of stuff if it's programming-related, better.
Have a nice day!

mikorabago profile image
Jann Miko Ingel Rabago

Aspires to be an MD-PhD in Molecular Biology.
Focus on bioinformatics and computational biology research specializing in the implementation of machine learning programs. And other research opportunities for improving the experience for Molecular Biology.

Also a starter programmer. Learning the basics of web development.
Aspires to be a huge contributor for games like EteRNA and FoldIt.

Age: 19 years old (January 4, 2002)
Educational background: currently a BS Pharmacy student studying in the Philippines (1st year)

sreveskok profile image
Steve Skok

Hey there! I'm Steve, I'm new to technology, passionate about learning new techs, Currently, learning React Js from Mindmajix.
And I'm very happy to being part of this group, I believe in sharing knowledge will not only improve our skills it will make perfect always

hrithikppawar profile image
Hrithik Pawar

Hello, I am Hrithik Pawar. I am skilled with python and it's various data science and ML libraries, Django, Flask, etc. I am passionate about Web development and Machine Learning. But, I am finding it difficult to study both simultaneously without having a defined path. So, I decided to create my path or syllabus and follow that only.
Can anyone help me with creating a path to learn Web development and Machine Learning?

nishithsavla profile image
Nishith Savla • Edited

👋Hi everyone,
I'm Nishith and I'm a Computer Engineering Diploma student👨‍🎓 learning Python (+ Web scraping and automation), Java, C++, JS etc. Am here to grow with all of you and the dev community. Would love to connect ... 😀

story profile image
Junyoung Lee

Hey guys. I'm Junyoung from Korea. I'm preparing for being a backend developer(spring boot) and doing some stuff like building web page and so on.

wanna grab more programming stuff and tech trend.

Thank x :)

bfencken profile image
Bill Fencken

Looking for any .NET developers that want to contribute to an open-source code transformation project on GitHub using CodeFactory

siphiwo profile image

Hi Developers!
My name is Siphiwo and I recently transitioned from back-end to front-end. I am learning React.js and documenting my road on my YT channel. I am looking to grow as a front-end developer and learn from this community.

Connecting with like-minded people comes natural to me, how about you?

jeswin profile image

Hi, I'm Jeswin.

I am a consultant mostly working with JS/Node and .Net professionally, and Rust for some of my personal projects. I am the creator of forgojs - a UI runtime (; bashojs - JS evaluator for Unix shells (; and retransmit - an API Gateway (

I intend to use this space mostly to write about Forgo.

hussein_rk profile image

Hello everyone, my name is Hussein
I'm a software developer
I felt the need to be in a dev community, somewhere I feel i belong to, and I was really happy when I found out about this amazing application, I hope I can learn and develop faster here and also help you with my little experience, I would love to connect with you

neilmonroe profile image
Neil Monroe

Hello, everyone!

I have a long history of being involved in the web development industry, much of it in the Microsoft technology stack. My real passion has been front end, but I don't get to apply it much in my current position.

Recently, I have felt like I was getting caught up in my daily work activities and not really moving forward.

That's why I'm here!

Hoping to improve my personal process and become a more efficient and productive developer - as well as start branching into more aggressive learning again!

Cheers and have a great week, all!

brianaguilar profile image
Brian Aguilar

Hi everybody! My name is Brian and I'm a newbie from Argentina.
I'm currently studying the basics of JS, data structures and trying to understand how a programming language works inside. I would love to connect and learn from you! ♥

nazlicankurt profile image
Nazlican Kurt

Hello, it's Nazlican
I am a Full Stack Developer(Angular, .NET core for now) in Turkey. I like blogging and coding! Nice to meet you all

emanuel152020 profile image

Hi Nazlican, Would you like to talk about programming, debate, share experiences and share knowledge?

arafaterasung profile image
Arafat Erasung

Um...Hi my name is Arafat and I'm a front-end developer(self thought), and I'm here to connect and learn more

rahxuls profile image


jersk41 profile image
Japar Sidik

Hi everybody, my name is Sidik. I'm still new to programming but i have interest on web development expecially backend.
I usually use PHP language but i had learned python, Java, .net that i learned from software engineering vocational school.
I hope it can learn more about programming in this Dev Community.

kevinkusky profile image
Kevin Kusky

Hey All!

Bootcamp grad and job seeker. Currently working on portfolio projects and learning python. Hoping to learn and grow from the community!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV! 👋

Whale hello there!

jayarghargh profile image
Justin R

G'day :) I've almost completed the full stack bootcamp. Thoroughly enjoying what I've learnt. This, along with my Uni studies - I am hoping will set me up for a new career as a developer.
Looking to learn, network, and hopefully work!
Familiar with: Java, Python, JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS, Django, Sql, PostgreSQL

vikupilot profile image

Hi all, My name is vivek .I am full stack developer .I have worked on React and spring Boot .currently I am learning apache camel 🐪. I am here to learn and grow in this beautiful ❤️ community. Also open to connect and work on some freelance stuff.

nicolasguzca profile image

Hi Lawrence! Welcome!!!!
Awesome, here in you will find the most amazing resources to help you.

nguyenkhaclam profile image
Nguyễn Khắc Lâm

Hi guys, my name is Lam. I am 20 and I am Vietnamese. I am a web developer and working mostly with MERN stack. I want to become a better developer and have my own startup in the future! Nice to meet you!

yth_maulana profile image

Hi. my name is Maulana.

shaurysrivastav27 profile image

Hi my name is Shaury , I am an undergrad currently learning the techniques of machine -learning and competitive programming. Looking to learn a lot from the community.

designer023 profile image
Carl Topham

Hey everyone 👋 I'm Carl. Long time developer, but new to!

Primarily a React/Redux and general Javascript engineer.

I'm here to learn more and network with fellow devs 👋

carliyke profile image

Hello Coders, I am Carliyke, a Full-stack Web Developer, a Knight in shiny armor and more 😎 - with React and Laravel as my regular Shield and Sword. I am super happy to be part of this amazing community.

rcpml profile image
Recep E.

Hi, I'm Rec!

I'm a frontend developer who is currently building stuff for EdTech purposes 👾. I would also be happy to build tools together, contribute and share ideas with you 😊.

emanuel152020 profile image

Hi Reccep, Would you like to talk about programming, debate, share experiences and share knowledge?

rcpml profile image
Recep E.

Sure, I'd love to. I am currently learning Javascript. How about you?

kagiso1994 profile image
Kagiso1994 • Edited

Hi all I am a Hybrid(Cordova) Mobile app developer will soon be migrating to Flutter, I am also working on react, node.js and building portfolio projects.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV!

Spiderman swinging by to say hello

ferdianatmadiputra profile image
Ferdian Atmadiputra

Hi, I am an aspiring developer from Indonesia, currently join a coding bootcamp, I am looking forward to grow together with this dev community :)
Thanks for all your contents

sugoigroup profile image
I'm Idiot Programmer

Hi. I'm kim.

mahendrap1512 profile image
Mahendra Patel

Hi everyone, I am Mahendra, a python developer and devops engineer. I am very interested to be a part of DEV community 😍

ziddarth profile image

Hola 👋🏽 Namaste Folks,

I'm a python & Java developer looking to grow & learn by contributing and joining communities. Nice to meet you all.

nectres profile image
Keerthi Vasan

Hi, I am a human who breathes oxygen. I eat. I am a perfectly normal person with normal social skills. Hello, how are you doing fellow humans?

yeahitstanim profile image

Hi there! I'm a front end developer also a student. It's amusing to be here with you people... in every post there's something new to learn!

malvernbright profile image
Malvern Gondo

Hello, i'm Malvern. Am a Python, PHP, Flutter, Java, C, JavaScript Developer. Happy to be part of the community

mehrishyousuf profile image
Mehrish Yousuf

Hi I am Mehrish Yousuf. Backend Developer by profession. I have previously worked with Java. These days I am learning Python and Data Science.

anildaal profile image

i make account today.

rohank_2502 profile image
Rohan Kulkarni

Hey Rohan Here !! Open source enthusiastic. Learning to Code .

ayeola_taiwo profile image

Hi! I'm Ty working on becoming a pern stack developer. I love Python too 🙂

ejiroematev profile image
Emate Victor

Hi guys, it's really nice to be here. I am a UI/UX designer getting into frontend development, currently learning the react framework.

rishatiwari profile image
Risha Tiwari

Hello, its nice to join dev community.. hope we will be sharing loads of information and will keep enhancing our skill sets.

zeffdebunked profile image

Hello! Im Zeff and I code for no reason. I like python (and specialize in it) and js
Im not very experienced in js but its pretty cool

das4coding profile image
bhagwan das

Hi all, I am Das and I am backend developer PHP laravel,

rigeldeveloper profile image
Jhonathan Andres Mauricio La torre

Hello everyone, my name is Jhonny, I'm a entry-level full-stack javascript developer. Thank you de community

fareski profile image
Fares • Edited

Hey 👋
I'm a software engineering student here in Paris!
I'm also looking for an internship abroad!
New to this website, looking forward to learn new stuff from this website and from you guys 👍🏽

monteirorafael profile image
Rafael Monteiro

Hello, everyone!

I'm a beginner in development universe. It's awesome to be here and take part of it.

Currently working on my portfolio. I'm interested in fullStack development.

venatus profile image
Shai Angress


rusherr02 profile image

I am Manav undergrad. student and wants to be an innovator :)wants to develop such things which make people life easy xD.

jenniferkayla14 profile image
Jennifer Kayla

Hi, Amazing article. Look like you are an expert chef and the recipe looks so delicious. I will definitely try it. coffee

imranahmed27 profile image
Imran Ahmed

Hello world yo 😁

dspranavi17 profile image

Hi! This is Pranavi, I just started creating webpages with HTML,CSS,JS. I have a long way to go and this community really inspires me to do so..... :)

antharuu profile image

Hello I'm a French developer, I like to create and share, I also create games (especially with Godot-engine). I share my passion on Twitch and YouTube, so don't hesitate to follow me there. ♥

emiliopsy profile image
Emilio Biasizo

Hi all, my name is Emilio and I'm a front end developer specializing in angular.

marcoaoliveira profile image
Marco Oliveira

Hi all!
My names Marco and im from Santos (🇧🇷). I study frontend Dev and want learn more about JS, React...

professor_2390 profile image
professor_2390 • Edited

🖐Hello, I am sadman sakib

I am a fullstack developer. I like to code in html css js and python want to be friends
lohithgn profile image

Lohith here. Just sayin hello to

avinash7986 profile image

Hi all, my name is Avinash, and I love to learn and share knowledge about web technologies

spwlsldi profile image
Hye Jin

👋 Hello Everyone! I'm Heather from South Korea. Currently a Product Owner but also a full stack engineer with experience in react, nodejs and loopback!

emanuel152020 profile image

Hi Hye Would you like to talk about programming, debate, share experiences and share knowledge?

panwar001 profile image
Arvind Panwar


panwar001 profile image
Arvind Panwar • Edited

Hell All, I'm Arvind, backend developer, but now learning both front end and backend. React and Golang. Would love to connect to this vast community of developers.
Me on web -

muhamma33806348 profile image
Muhammad Shahbaz

Hi I am Muhammad Shahbaz.
I just come here that I thought this is the platform for only developers.

geekalaa profile image
Kaddour Alaa

Hello eveyone ,
So my name is Alaa i am a web developer .

tudortodorescu profile image
Tudor Todorescu

Hei everybody!

simranux profile image

Hi, My name is Simran. I'm new here. I'm beginner at software development

ziomaleq profile image

Hello! Bonjour! Good to be in such an awesome community like! Hope I can learn something new from here!

khunfoshary profile image
Mahmoud Bakheet

Hi I’m khunfoshary 😍...
really 😎 my name is Mahmoud Bakheet and I’m web developer and that’s all .

n199603 profile image

Hello I'm Yuto from Japan👋
I'm working as a Forntend Engineer.
And learning JavaScript/TypeScript.
I like Vue.js and React.js etc...

erfanmoshiri profile image

Hello, my name is Erfan
I've been looking around for topics on sytem programming when I ended up in here reading a blog, so found it interesting to join and maybe start something one day...

mvoloskov profile image
Miloslav 🏳️‍🌈 🦋 Voloskov


You're always welcome, especially with a topic as beautiful as system programming :)

seemarkmark profile image
Ovbiagele Mark🇳🇬 • Edited

My name is Mark Alofokhai. Am a computer hardware sales manager.
Came to learn programing.
Jave, python, web development as I finally decide to change my business and carrier part.

yusufsiregar44 profile image
Yusuf Siregar

Hello everyone, nice to meet y'all!

tafungaishehad7 profile image

Hello,l am new here l want to learn to code l am open to everything.

senkitk profile image


lucho_casse profile image

Hi all! I'm Luciano from Argentina, I'm a PHP Sofware Developer also learning React/React-Native. Im looking to grow in my skills and to meet new people!

tdamilola profile image
Taiwo Damilola

Hi am Hola, self taught front End developer. am here to acquire more knowledge and also add value while at that..

edenvicary profile image
Eden Vicary


moussa7704 profile image

je suis Développeur Débutant React et React Native et si je peux avoir une personne qui va dans la même direction que moi j'en serai ravi

memoryliang profile image


cselig profile image
Christian Selig

Hi! I'm a software engineer at Cisco where I do a mix of front and back end stuff and work with technologies such as React, clojurescript and D3.

patomporn4799 profile image
Patomporn Sooksri


brijbihari24 profile image


chirag11216 profile image
chirag gupta

Hey everyone, this is Chirag, I am working as a software developer in a fintech company. I want to learn, share and grow with all you guys here.

rakib_ahmed101 profile image
Rakib Ahmed

Hello from Bangladesh, junior laravel developer

cod profile image

Hello ! I am teaching myself frontend web development.I would love to meet others enthusiastic about anything tech!

reneeteng profile image

Hello, world!

shencodes profile image
John Shen

Hello everyone, just joined the community after reading a helpful article by another member on this site!

gaborschulz profile image

Hi folks, I‘m Gabor, and I‘m a Python fanatic, I love building software and find solutions to tricky challenges. I‘m looking to freelance and connect.

alexvtelles profile image
Alex Telles

Olá, sou Alexsander um Velho Aprendiz... me dedicando a conteúdo front-end, mais precisamente com Javascript, ReactJS e agora o NextJS...

magicwarms profile image
Andhana Utama

Hi all, My name is Andhana and I am Backend Developer from Indonesia. I am looking to grow within this community and also looking for side-project. Thanks

isc73 profile image

Hi..I am newbie ..joined to learn mobile app development using flutter and dart

acreatives0ul profile image
Satheesh Sankaran

Hi.. Just here for some inspiration and learning.

milenamar profile image
Milena Martinez Caceres

Hi There 👩🏻‍💻

Im Milena, junior full stack web developer currently living in Ireland, looking forward to be part of the community.

Currently sharpening my skills with Gatsby and GraphQL. 🐶

wasiqahmdzai profile image
Mohammad Wasiq

Hello, I am Wasiq. I am a web and mobile app developer, working with MERN stack & React Native. currently, I am working as a freelancer and looking forward to contributing to the community. Thanks

developeratul profile image
Minhazur Rahman Ratul

Hi I am Ratul. I am learning full stack web development :)

kayceeebautista profile image

Hello, I'm Khate! I want to be a software engineer that's why I decided to take Information Technology (IT) as my college course. I hope I learn more with this application : )

pitiktrondol profile image

Hi all, I'm Afri and I am an Android Developer for around 2 years. I want to learn more about android and programming in general.
Hope I could share something soon.

srtakatsumi profile image
Srta Katsumi


Entrei para o a partir de um curso online. Sou formada em tecnologia em jogos digitais.

Estou aprendendo os conceitos básicos de python.

saadsaif97 profile image
Saad Saif

Hi! everyone.
I learnt
graphic design,
front end development
and currently learning backend with node.js and mongodb
I am a noob, but want to improve my self.

ggtheiosdev profile image

Hallo !! GG from India, and by profession, I am an iOS engineer developing applications/framework, etc. I have started dabbling recently into Rust/Go/Python stack.

krak7602 profile image
Rahul Krishna K A

Hi everyone, I'm Rahul, undergrad CS student looking to learn all I can.

fabianyater profile image
Fabian Yate

Hi everyone, my name is Fabian Yate and I'm a beginner in ASP.NET MVC. I'm a full time student and want to learn and improve my skills. Any advice woul de awesome!

chaitanya71998 profile image

Hello 👋, hope you enjoy DEV
Working on react in a project,
Any website optimization, bug solver, can be my best partner to learn together 🎉

hewanli profile image

Hi all,My name is HeWanLi,I'm from China.I'm a back-end developer for Java.I hope I will learn more here.We all grow together,thanks.

maxr522 profile image
Mario Randrianomearisoa

Hi all! I'm Mario and I'm a junior backend developer. I code in Ruby on Rails and Javascript (React and NodeJs but just a beginner :p) I want to improve my Javascript skills though! :D

prmask_87 profile image

I am Prem. I am currently working with React and Gatsby. I am building my portfolio now. I am looking for freelance opportunities. Thank you.

agonmisini21 profile image

Hello everyone my name is Agon and I'm a junior web developer im trying to learning Vue. I am at the third year of bachelor degree at computer science and engineering