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Welcome Thread - v137

Donkey from Shrek smiling

Welcome to DEV!

  1. Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.

  2. Reply to someone's comment, either with a question or just a hello. ๐Ÿ‘‹

Great to have you in the community!

Top comments (113)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome everyone!

While I'm here, I'll just plug DEV is open source, powered by Forem, and we're currently putting on a little bug smash where we'll celebrate little contributions to the codebase. Of course, it's all just for fun and learning, and no pressure at all to take part. But everything we do here is free to use for your own communities, so you may want to take part by diving into issues and submitting an improvement if you see an opportunity.

If you're interested in joining another community, may I recommend Flowstate, a wellness and fitness community dedicated to keeping your mind and body healthy โ€” much needed as a software developer.

Happy coding!

onlysolutions profile image

Thank you

tomitasan profile image


camscruz81 profile image
Camille Cruz

Hi everyone! Cams here, I joined the community to get to know more about trends in technology and also ask some help to like, comment, or at least share your feedback on the videos I'm watching... I hope I can paste the youtube link here If possible.
Thank you and please subscribe. ๐Ÿฅฐ

bnn1 profile image

Your videos are awesome. I'm your fan.

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Welcome to DEV, y'all!

Dog in a wig saying "nice to meet you"

veedjohnson profile image
Veed - The Hood Developer

Hi everyone, I'm David (call me Veed) ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿพ. I'm passionate about web development and I'm currently on a learning journey to become a MERN stack developer. I want to learn here and share the little I know with other developers in this community ๐Ÿ˜

johaiam profile image

Hola a todos!
Soy estudiante de programacion frontend y psicologia social,me a gustado mucho el mundo de la programacion y me ayudado a entender la psicologia y viceversa. Espero poder aprender mucho de esta comunidad y ser util si alguien lo necesita!

onlysolutions profile image

Hello everyone Im very interested in technology though I can build you a house from the ground up as a perfectionist I don't know much at all concerning programming or coding though I'm still willing to help if I can

hokagedevio profile image
Busayo Ogunde

Hello there

andrem profile image
Andre M • Edited

Hi I'm Andre, glad to be apart of the community. I joined to learn, make connections and keep up with modern trands. I'm having a lot of fun learning Python, automation, big on web development and becoming obsessed with SQL and data analysis. Can't wait to share my ideas, take in some of yours and grow as a developer. ๐Ÿ‘‹๐ŸคŸ

ojal_dev profile image
Ojal Sharnagat

Hello everyone!
My name is Ojal. I'm an enthusiast Web Developer. Currently I'm learning MERN Stack. I have joined this Dev community to keep myself always updated and to learn more from other developers.

bnn1 profile image

Hello Ojal. I was learning MERN stack too but then I learned about NextJS and NestJS.

bighex profile image
Luke Marcyniuk

Smart IIoT solutions are what I call fun!

It's fulfilling to see a fleet of assets (millions of devices) communicate with each other. Assets that manage themself and interact with other systems and networks.

Seeing how the whole fleet slowly comes to live ... while more and more assets join ... the network and start chatting ... sending updates ... how they are doing today ... or maybe complains ... I'm too hot ... or maybe ... I'm running out of juice.

In other words a technical conductor in the IoT world :)

singalecapi profile image
Eissa • Edited

Am Eissa, interested in backend engineering, love reading, coding and testing application. would love to exchange with my fellow brothers and sisters and learn more.

SQL, #.Net Core, #Cscharp #JavaScript

cassidymountjoy profile image
Cassidy Mountjoy

:0 Interested in beta testing an immutable DBMS I helped build?

faithful_ng profile image

Hello bloggers!
Iโ€™m Faithfully04,

Iโ€™m keen on learning UI/UX designing and to become a front end developer also, merging the two together. I just canโ€™t wait to start learning from Zuri

Fun fact about me?
I like work and I hate stress๐Ÿ˜ฉ

cassidymountjoy profile image
Cassidy Mountjoy

Hello everyone :)

I'm Cassidy I'm a San Diego based DBMS developer.

One of the main reasons I'm here is because I am looking for SQL developers to try out the database I wrote! It's called bSQL and is an immutable, blockchain-based relational database. Help and feedback would be greatly appreciated! I'm excited to be joining the community. Please fill out this form if you're interested in beta testing!

iamshezad profile image
Shezad Ahamed

Hey ๐Ÿ‘‹ everyone! I'm Shezad Ahamed, a mobile app developer.โ€จIโ€™m here to learn new things in technology and to share some of my knowledge.โ€จ
Currently, I'm learning SwiftUI so I thought of converting my learnings into small projects and sharing it.

You can check out my works here: Github, Instagram & BMC

agnesmuthoni profile image
Agnes Muthoni • Edited

Hello everyone,
Excited to be here and join a community of amazing developers across the globe!

I lead the Andela Learning Community, which is a community of developers who are looking to grow their skills and connect with opportunities.

We just reached our 100k learner milestone this year!

I am very keen to connect with developer communities in Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and other Latin American countries. If you are a community builder in these regions, I'd love to hear from you - please hit me up!

Also, if you reside in LATAM and are looking to work for a hyper-growth remote-first company that connects brilliance with opportunity, check out this Community Program Manager role and apply here.

LATAM #learning #opportunities

bansal290 profile image
Anjali Bansal

Hi everyone! Anjali here, I joined the community to get to know more about trends in technology and also ask some help and keep myself always updated and to learn more from other developers on DEV
Thank you

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