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Welcome Thread - v147

PokΓ©mon friends

Welcome to DEV!

  1. Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.

  2. Reply to someone's comment, either with a question or just a hello. πŸ‘‹

Great to have you in the community!

Top comments (251)

charlenestrain profile image
Charlene Strain

Hey all! I'm Charlene and I run the co-marketing + partnerships program at HubSpot. I'm here to learn more about DevRel + DevComms, as well as be a sounding board for those interested in the HubSpot App Marketplace, APIs + open source data. Thanks!

abhidevelopssuntech profile image
Abhi Develops - SunTech

Hi Charlene! How are you doing? What are you working on?

sintali profile image


cubikca profile image
Brian Richardson

Hi Charlene! Great to meet you. We're on HubSpot too, so it's nice to have the introduction :)

charlenestrain profile image
Charlene Strain • Edited

Hey all, thanks for the warm welcome! Currently, HubSpot is having a CMS Themes Challenge for a chance to win a Tesla! More details here:

We are also hosting our annual DevDay on Wednesday, November 10 starting at 11 AM EST. You can register for free here:

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


thomash13090 profile image

Hello @charlenestrain !

k40t1k_sys profile image


tgrimeswss profile image
Thomas Grimes

Hey all. My name is Tommy. Im a fullstack dev working as a contractor.
I built a network site for developers to sell their advice over videochat. Basically if someone is in need of help with a bug, they can call you to see if you can resolve it. You as a user can call others or bill for your time to connect.

The site is called
Add me if you want to know more.

vestrel00 profile image
Vandolf Estrellado

Hey Tommy =)

tgrimeswss profile image
Thomas Grimes

Hey Vandolf. Pleasure to meet.

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vestrel00 profile image
Vandolf Estrellado • Edited

Pleasure is mine! I also just joined. Here is my hello post;


tgrimeswss profile image
Thomas Grimes

Hey Vandolf. Nice to meet you.

coderamrin profile image

nice to meet you Thomas.

tgrimeswss profile image
Thomas Grimes

Hi Amrin. Likewise

ysnoopydogy profile image
Luxanna Crownguard


asherzengel profile image

Hi Tommy
That network site sounds really fascinating! What technologies did you use to build it?

tgrimeswss profile image
Thomas Grimes

Whatsup Asher. It’s running on Next.js framework. We needed some major scalability which Next offered. MongoDB for the backend.

ikarabulut profile image
Ismail Karabulut

Legit idea, when did you go live with it?

tgrimeswss profile image
Thomas Grimes

Thanks Ismail. We went live at the start of this week. The goal is to get JavaScript developers to signup. We wanna have dev's in the same community to talk with eachother, then branch out into other languages later.

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

So excited to meet some new folks here on DEV!

Bird Wave

coderamrin profile image

hello Gracie.

hugoduprez profile image
Hugo Duprez

Hello! πŸ‘‹πŸ¦š

e1st profile image

Hi folks,

Happy to be here. Let's rap πŸš€πŸ”₯🀣.

coderamrin profile image

Hello Enis :)

e1st profile image


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coderamrin profile image

How you doing? and what are you working on?

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e1st profile image

I'm doing good @coderamrin how about you? Are you asking because you're seeking devs?

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coderamrin profile image

i am good :)
no, just asking to know what you working on.

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e1st profile image

working on SaaS application

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coderamrin profile image

good to know, i am also starting a SaaS project with a friend soon.

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e1st profile image
Enis • Edited

nice enjoy doing it, any demo or yet not started? :)

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coderamrin profile image

not started yet :)

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e1st profile image

good luck

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coderamrin profile image

Thanks :)

wbepodcast profile image
Wannabe Entrepreneur πŸŽ™οΈ

Hey everyone. My name is Tiago and I recently quit my job to focus 100% in bootstrapping my own projects. I am building a climate change app and narrating this journey in a podcast called Wannabe Entrepreneur. In the podcast I speak about my struggles, learnings and chat with other entrepreneurs.
I learned about this community while interviewing one boostrapper and got curious to learn more. Glad to be here! cheers

vestrel00 profile image
Vandolf Estrellado

Hey! Quitting your job is a huge leap. I can tell that you have a strong will and determination. I'm interested in the podcast. I like to listen to things while I work. Send me a link?

wbepodcast profile image
Wannabe Entrepreneur πŸŽ™οΈ

Hey Vandolf. I am glad that you are interested. You can listen to it in
Let me know what you think :)

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vestrel00 profile image
Vandolf Estrellado

Hey! I enjoyed listening to β€œ5 things I considered before quitting my job to follow my passion”. Great sound quality and the material is great too. Keep up the good work!

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wbepodcast profile image
Wannabe Entrepreneur πŸŽ™οΈ

thank you very much. I am glad you found it interesting

carascodes profile image
Cara Switzer

Hello! Big day, first posts on Twitter and DEV both! Quadragenarian newbie coder here [ and you thought YOU were on the struggle bus trying to learn! ;) ]

ikarabulut profile image
Ismail Karabulut

Welcome! Just made my first DEV post, still not ready for twitter yet lol. Also a newbie coder here as well.

coderamrin profile image

Welcome to DEV Cara. what are you learning?

lawalhammid profile image
Lawal Opeyemi Hamid

React and dev opp. I don't mind if you can help me

leperezl profile image
[ Lu 1998 ]

student about to finish and trying to learn useful stuff haha. It's fun anyway.

coderamrin profile image

Happy learing Lu

isabella6up profile image
Isabella Mori • Edited

Heyaz! Just got my retraining funds confirmed today after a yearlong knockdown taking-off-earrings-and-turning-rings-around cage match with Worker's Comp here in Canada. Am clawing my way back from severe PTSD from 9 years of frontline mental health work.

Now that I finally have funding support, I gotta study like a mad dog until Feb 6th to learn WordPress and Shopify development, meaning I'm learning JavaScript, PHP, WordPress and Shopify platforms, React, Liquid, and whatever else rolls down the pike.

woman with lizard head dancing

So very happy to finally move onward and upward!

May we learn well, coding comrades =)

coderamrin profile image

Happy coding comrads :)

this8 profile image
Thisura Manjitha Samarakoon

Hey people! I'm Thisura. Hacktoberfest brought me to this platform 🀩. I'm a computer science undergraduate at NSBM, and currently, I'm learning Java and Kotlin. I'm doing an internship at VeracityDev as a flutter developer. πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»
Fun fact: I'm a music producer and a pianist! 🎡🎹😍

vestrel00 profile image
Vandolf Estrellado

Hey! Java/Kotlin=Love. Keep at it!

coderamrin profile image

Hello, i am Amrin. a selftaught programmer. currently building a project with a friend. will announce it next month. and looking for job. and also i'm writing blogs here. clcik on my profile pic to see it.

Happy coding :)

cubikca profile image
Brian Richardson

Hi, I'm an IT Architect at Olympia Financial Group Inc. in Calgary, Canada. I found some good code here looking to customize Duende IdentityServer. I'm fond of Linux and Open Source. Check out my GitHub for code samples, and let me know of any F/OSS projects that need weekend help (any C-like language is fine).

vadalaniranjan profile image

Hi, This is Niranjan vadala, I am a Holder from Civil Engineering department, recently I entered in blockchain technology like trading BTC and understanding automatic trading bots creation, I am here very enthusiastic to learn about to enter in software field so please suggest me how to start as beginner, which thing i should learn first.

thenusand profile image

Hello! I'm Thenu and just a simple guy interested on APIs, and kinda advance on python and backends, Ambition is to be a employee at Google or Discord, and I'm a bit of an advance bot developer at discord, Would love to interact with you all, See you all around!

digvijayjadhav98 profile image
Digvijay Jadhav

Hi Everyone! I'm Digvijay Jadhav Co-founder of Scrobits Technologies. Its a tech startup which has E-learning platform as a product and we provide services such as Android, IOS, Web Application development. Prior to this I was full stack developer in a startup and before that a software developer in MNC. Have 3+years of experience in web development(React and Node). I'm here to look at like minded tech enthusiast people and to learn from them. And will try to contribute to this community by sharing experience and knowledge I have.

vestrel00 profile image
Vandolf Estrellado

Hi, my name is Vandolf :D

I've been developing software for Android for the past 10 years but I've started off as a full stack web/backend dev using Python/Django + AWS.

I'm looking for a place to start and share my journey on participating in the dev community. I have just been heads down working for almost a decade. I have done zero participation in forums like this. I'm hoping to change that and also hopefully make some friends in the process. I don't really have friends. I'm really introverted. I'm unable to socialize with "normal people". However, I would like to try socializing with "dev people" <3

Apart from entering a community, I'm also looking to enter the world of the open source community. I've been working on a passion project for the past 3 years and now am looking for people to join me. Perhaps create some cool Android apps with it. I already have a few ideas that I'm super excited about hehehe...

Fun fact about myself, I'm very awkward and my sense of humor is... "sarcastic"

tgrimeswss profile image
Thomas Grimes

Welcome aboard Vandolf.

vestrel00 profile image
Vandolf Estrellado
