DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v214 staff on March 02, 2023

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Heyo everyone, welcome to the community! I joined about 2.5 years ago during Hacktoberfest 2020 to blog about a Python open source project I was building at the time and never left :~)

Can't wait to see everyone around! :D

ant_f_dev profile image
Anthony Fung

Hi! Sounds interesting - what was the project about?

chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Hey Anthony! Thanks for asking :D

it was a lightweight Instagram scraping library that abstracted out having to deal with HTML so you could focus on writing clean code i.e. Profile("chris_greening") would scrape my insta (chris_greening) and set followers, number of posts, profile pic URL, and a whole bunch of other data points as attributes. You could also chain that with Post, Hashtag, etc. objects that would do similar things (number of likes, number of comments, etc.) and build a really interesting web of data points

Super useful and I had a lot of fun with it but Instagram started really cracking down on web scraping and it got too difficult to regularly maintain 😅

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ant_f_dev profile image
Anthony Fung

Sounds like a tool that could produce some stunning data visualisations! Can I ask why Python? I don't really know much about it so was just trying to broaden my horizons.

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chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Lol yeah! I was doing some really neat stuff, it's a bummer the project fell off

And of course! At the time I was really focused on breaking into the data science space (where Python is a hugely popular language) and Python was already my primary language so I just kind of fell into it

Python also has a really rich ecosystem of packages that lent itself well to this particular project and the simple yet elegant syntax aligned perfectly with the philosophy I wanted to build into the package

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ant_f_dev profile image
Anthony Fung

That's a shame about the project. Have Instagram's changes made the project non-functional now?

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chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Ehhh more or less, last I checked it still partially works but the GET requesting is very naive so Instagram flags the primary functionality very quickly for botting

When I was building it though I figured some folks would have much faster solutions for gathering the HTML so I built the ability to pass just the raw HTML files in and scrape from there instead, I think that still mostly works

mbluecoder profile image
Michael B. Hildebrand

Hello everyone! I would like to learn as much as I can about Docker and related material. I love coding!

chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

That's fantastic Michael, best of luck on your Docker journey!!

andrzejkaras profile image
Andrzej Karaś

For sure you will find here so much usefull content :)

dellamora profile image
Francielle Dellamora

Hi Chris, can you say more or have you published about how we can participate in Hacktoberfest? If you have please send the link (:

chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening • Edited

Hey Francielle! :D

It's a fantastic way to get involved with the open source community and develop your personal portfolio/resume - I would say I partially owe my career to Hacktoberfest 2020. I went in a complete newbie to open source, started my own project, and then landed my first steady programming job a couple months later as a direct result of that project!

I haven't personally published anything about Hacktoberfest itself but they've got really great info on the official website each year on how to get involved

Basically you signup with Hacktoberfest on their website each year around October and then between October 1-31 you have to submit at least 4 pull requests to open source projects on GitHub or GitLab (and the pull requests have to be accepted/verified by project maintainers)

The first 40,000 participants to complete the 4 PRs get to choose between receiving a t-shirt or having a tree planted (and then here on DEV you get a badge on your profile as you can see on my profile (I have 2020, 2021, and 2022 😎 )

Let me know if you have any questions, I'm always happy to help :D Maybe this year I'll write a blog post about how to get involved 😎

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dellamora profile image
Francielle Dellamora

First of all, thank you very much for the explanation!!! I am very anxious to participate this year and you managed to clarify several doubts that I had

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chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Omg of course, anytime!! Please always feel free to reach out for questions/advice

Totally understandable, I was super anxious too - that's actually why I started my own project instead of contributing to an existing one! At least on my own project I was able to learn the basics of open source, git, GitHub, etc. at my own pace without any external pressure

It ended up working out really well because I was able to build a small community of new open source contributors that were in the exact same boat as myself and we all learned on that project together!

I'm super beginner friendly on all my projects - when Hacktoberfest comes around this year (or whenever) please reach out or submit some pull requests if you want! I can help walk you (and anyone else that's interested) through GitHub, pull requesting, etc. it's def easier having someone explain when you're first starting out

geesilu profile image
Luthira Geesilu

Nice to meet you Chris!

elizabethdebicki profile image
Elizabeth Debicki

Welcome to the community Chris 😀

chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Thank you Elizabeth!

codetodevelop profile image
Code to Develop


blackmust profile image

Hiii #programming peeps, I'm Mustapha - a caffeine-fueled coding machine with a love for android development. When I'm not staring at my screen, you can find me on the hunt for the perfect snack to power my coding adventures. Looking forward to connecting with fellow code enthusiasts! 👨‍💻🚀

ant_f_dev profile image
Anthony Fung

Hi Mustapha!

Sounds interesting. I don't usually build phone apps, but had to work on a (very light) one once; it was written using React Native. What languages/frameworks do you like best for Android development?

blackmust profile image

React Native is good one but I like flutter.

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mrosyidr profile image

Hi Mustapha!

May I know why you prefer Flutter over React Native? Personally, from your own perspective..

geesilu profile image
Luthira Geesilu

Welcome to the community!!

chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Heyooo Mustapha!

In your opinion what's the best snack for coding?!

blackmust profile image

Hi Chris!!
The best snack for coding is definitely 'chips and queso' because it's a great way to add some "cheesy code" to your programming! Just don't spill any on your keyboard or you might end up with some "cheesy bugs" in your code. ;)

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chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

hahaha awwww yeahhhhhh chips and queso is def one of my fave snacks, w a lil bit of hot sauce too? very solid choice

justplayerde profile image
Justin K.

Welcome to the community Mustapha 😀

aneeqakhan profile image
Aneeqa Khan

Greetings and a warm welcome to all!
Here is a helpful reference for markdown that you may find valuable in the future.

chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Thank you for sharing Aneeqa!

africandev profile image

Hi devs,

My name is Alao Abiodun, backend engineer, I do technical writing in my free time or open sourcing and take some readings or watching movies for relaxation. I'm super excited to be joining the DEV community. I'm currently learning microservices and DevOps of things. An individuals conscious of the pros and cons when building an application.

I'm glad to be network with other developers, learn new ideas, and collaborate with developers to build projects 🤝

Looking forward to getting to know you all and contributing to this amazing community. 😊

Best regards, 🙏
Alao Abiodun

ant_f_dev profile image
Anthony Fung

Hi Alao Abiodun!

Do you mostly write about everything, or is there a topic that you particularly focus on?

africandev profile image

I write about mostly everything technical articles(how to implement stuff technically), databases, security.

duncanteege profile image
Duncan Teege

Hi Alao! Welcome to the DEV community. Just out of curiosity, what is your favourite movie ever?

africandev profile image

For series: I am going with POWER

unlockyoursound profile image
Christopher Carvalho

Hello there!

Image description

My name is Christopher and I’m very excited to be joining this awesome community. I’ve been following along my coding journey, so it’s a big day for me to finally come and say hello!

I’m obsessed with making apps with React and Django Rest Framework atm. I got into this because I’m building a new music platform (watch out, Spotify!) but I also find myself with a ton of smaller projects where I’m also using this stack. I just love it!

For my main gig, I work in the music industry, doing content writing, lecturing, and artist services. You can learn more about that here.

When I'm not working and/or coding, I like to go on walks and travel with my fiancé. We live in a nice little part of London called Dulwich but we really like to get out of the smoke every so often!

One of my goals this year is to get an issue posted on one of my repos and another is to have a PR merged into a someone else’s project.

If you’re interested in connecting with me, here is my personal website (made in React and DRF), and here is a link to my Github profile.

Looking forward to connecting with fellow developers here!


chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Heyo fellow Christopher :~) welcome to the community!

unlockyoursound profile image
Christopher Carvalho

Hello name friend!

chroniclesofsam profile image
Samuel Akinremi Damilare

I'm Samuel.

Excited to be a member of this community.

Currently developing my technical writing skills and there's no better way to improve your writing skills than read.

Look forward to learning and sharing with you all.

❤️ &💡

chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Heyo Samuel - excited to have you here!

This is a fantastic place to develop your technical writing skills, can't wait to see what you come up with :D

kaviiiiisha profile image
Kavisha Nethmini

Hello Samuel, you came to the right place. Welcome to the community!!

inibambam profile image

Hi guys !

I'm thrilled to be joining the DEV community. I'm a biochemistry student but i have a passion for coding and maybe ill try to look for ways to make the industry more digital and connected.
I'm always on the lookout for ways to streamline my workflow and increase my productivity, so if you have any tips or tricks you'd like to share, I'd love to hear them!
It's nice to be here

vineet_codes profile image
Vineet 🦉 • Edited

Hello 👋 , Myself Vineet ☺️ From India 🇮🇳
An Aspiring frontend developer and designer
My Goals to get better at skills , and help other people to make them better as better developer
I joint Dev Community to explore and seek knowledge from the other experience developers around the world 🌎

Happy To help ☺️

dmytrolitvinov profile image
Dmytro Litvinov

Hello from 🇺🇦.
I remember how excited I was to join the community back in 2018. I had just written a post promoting my GitHub repo, awesome-flake8-extensions, and I couldn't wait to connect with others who shared my passion for software development, coding, and design.

Now, as I feel a renewed energy to create more content, I've decided to rebuild my website. This will allow me to share my insights and expertise with others in the community. I'll be offering practical tips and advice on how to become a better developer, with a particular focus on Python/Django for the backend.

I'm thrilled at the prospect of being able to help others develop their skills and knowledge in this exciting field. And with my new website, I'll have a platform to showcase all of the valuable content that I create.

I'm looking forward to connecting with even more like-minded individuals in the community, and I'm excited to see where this journey takes me. I'm committed to making a significant impact in the world of software development, and I can't wait to get started.

manojlingala profile image

Hello, everyone!

My name is Manoj, and I'm a Senior Dev with a deep interest in Microservices and building scalable applications using industry best practices. With over 10 years of experience in the development industry, I'm always on the lookout for new ways to learn and grow, and I'm currently exploring the world of GO.

I'm thrilled to join the community, where I hope to share my knowledge and connect with fellow developers who share my passion for cutting-edge technology. In my free time, you can often find me honing my ping pong skills.

Looking forward to getting to know you all!

chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Heyo Manoj - glad to have you here, thanks for coming to share your knowledge! Can't wait to see your articles around :D

manojlingala profile image

thanks @chrisgreening

I have already started with my articles

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome everyone! I encourage anyone who just joined to find a post they found useful, and say thank you to the author. It goes a long way!

samurairecruiter profile image
Samurai Recruiter

thank you and looking forward to giving back!

sergio_montes profile image
Sérgio R. Montes

Hello everyone, I'm Sergio, 45 years old.
I have worked for 20 years with advertising, in the creative area.
In 2019, I ended up migrating to UX, and in the last months I've been doing a lot of design system.

And in the last two, I see the developer giving life to screens etc....
I thought it was magical, with a magic touch he gave life to something that was just a screen without code, I found it amazing!

So today I joined your community, I intend to become a front end developer.

I'm fully aware that it won't be easy, but I'm willing to try, if it will work or not, only time will tell!


sarahsquyres profile image
Sarah Squyres

Hello all!!

I'm currently enrolled in a coding bootcamp through University of Texas San Antonio. I am making a career switch from nursing (burnout).

I am very excited to join this awesome community! Although I am starting from ground zero, AI is very intriguing to me. I am curious to learn more about how AI can be used as a tool to boost productivity and improve workflow.

Well anyway, thanks for reading! See you all later!!!

chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Heyo Sarah that's awesome, welcome to the community!!!

One of my best friends career-switched into tech through a bootcamp and she landed a great job working as a full stack engineer at a fairly large company

Hard work and consistency, you got this!! Best of luck on your journey :D

sarahsquyres profile image
Sarah Squyres

That's awesome! It's nice to know there's hope for a newbie lol

duncanteege profile image
Duncan Teege

Hi all! After lurking around for a long time, finally decided to jump in the cold water and put myself out there by writing articles about NextJS, React, JavaScript and even HTML, CSS and more. Soon I'll even be creating YouTube tutorials. Already having a lot of fun with it!

hlnvoyer profile image
Helene Voyer

Hi everyone! I just joined this community. I`m a web application developer with about 20 years of Java experience with Struts but I started my career as a programmer working in hospital coding in COBOL and medical systems such as SMS and Meditech. Since December 2022, I started to code in PHP with Joomla as the framework.
In my spare time, I write in French but also in English. I'm also learning Flutter and Unity.

patrick_olise_484d11db537 profile image
Patrick Olise

Hello everyone, am excited to be part of this community. Am here to learn about your journey into DevOps and coding. I am gradually growing myself into this amazing world of opportunities so I definitely need your suppers and advice. I am very open to learn 💪👍

dellamora profile image
Francielle Dellamora

Hey everyone,

I'm Francielle Dellamora, a 21yrs full-stack developer with a passion for creating animations... I've shared some articles using the Braziliandevs tag, but I'm eager to create something even cooler in English soon! So keep an eye out for me, because I've got some exciting things in the works!

drodero profile image

Hi! I'm been coding for more than 20 years! And now I would like to share some tips to everyone, interesting things I'm discovering and learning everyday, etc.

I'm thinking about writing in English and also in Spanish, which is my mother tongue.

I wish to see you soon!!

andrzejkaras profile image
Andrzej Karaś

Hi all. I was reading articles for a couple of years. It always was giving me a lot of new ideas and motivation to work on my skills.

I have never thought that I will post something here :) But, there you go:

If you wanna read about: software quality, backend technologies, browser extension problems, and software testing you can visit my profile or my blog directly. I am waiting for your comments :)

If you wanna chat with me, please take a look at my LI profile, which is hidden on my blog.

ant_f_dev profile image
Anthony Fung

I remember using Code when it first came out. Very rigid UI; not flexible at all. It has improved so much over time though - I've even replaced KDiff with Code now. Really flexible with lots of extensions. The Live Share extension is great for collaboration: it's been really great when I've had to work with remote teams.

I look forward to seeing your articles on Emacs!

vulcanwm profile image

welcome everyone!

devjack profile image

Helllooooo there! I'm planning on learning as much as possible about Python and front-end development. :D

coolrich profile image
coolrich • Edited

Hi to all. I recently joined the community to improve my Python (and English) skills. I would like to get a freelance job in the near future with automation tasks or web scraping or data processing or something like that, either way we'll see...

chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Heyo that's fantastic! Best of luck on your learning journey you're gonna do great :D

Love me some Python web scraping and data processing, some of my fave things to work on 😎

adriaanlouw profile image

Hi, yes I'm new here, and it's great to meet you.

I'm a newbie, hoping to grow in HTML, CSS and Javascript.

Info to learn those 3 in their "vanilla" form is scarce, don't you think? There are frameworks all over the place.

Peekobot and JSX seems nice?

Thanks for reading.


jayfromepic profile image

Greetings everyone! Hope everyone is having a great week!

chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Cheers Jay, back at you! :D

ant_f_dev profile image
Anthony Fung

Hi Jay! Hope you're having a great week too!

fakure2020 profile image

HELLO everyone! I'm thrilled to be a part of this Dev page community. As a newcomer, I am impressed by the diverse range of interesting topics related to the AWS journey that are being discussed here. I believe that as a community, we can learn a lot from each other, and I look forward to contributing my own experiences and knowledge to help build a stronger and more supportive community. I'm excited to connect with like-minded individuals and collaborate on exciting projects. Let's work together to make this community even better!

_reinberger profile image
Florian Reinberger

Hej! I've been developing web-based software for a few years. Very recently I decided to join the online webdev community. Looking forward to meeting you all. I'm here to learn and be a helpful community member 💛

chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Heyo Florian, welcome to the community! :D

sussysham profile image
Chakradhar Londhe

Ahoy morning, Everyone. I am neophyte currently learning Kotlin and Raku .
What brought me here article I read on 100 languages speed run . I hope I will be helpful to community. Don't hesitate to contact me . For anything!!!

minla90750 profile image
Morris Israel Nyakeh Abu

Hello 👋🏽 guys,
I’m Morris in short and goes by the nickname Minla90750 from my Pokémon username. I’m a frontend developer and learning or in university as well. I’m here to gain more understanding of what I’m becoming as time goes. Thanks to everyone here contributing to the community for newbie’s like us in tech.

opeadedotun profile image
Opeyemi Adedotun

Hi, I am new here. I am into web development and UI UX design. I have always wanted to be a developer, but there are a lot of disadvantages involved from where I am from. I barely have a working laptop, spend a lot of internet connection and I am still learning as much as I can. I just finish with Go, I am currently on both React and then Python. I will appreciate someone mentoring means pointing the way for me. Thanks.

xpf0000 profile image

Hi everyone, I'm from China, I'm a full-stack engineer, I like to learn and try various cutting-edge technologies, currently mainly using php, nestjs development back-end, using vue, typescript development front-end, using electron, vue, typescript development cross-platform desktop applications, here, I hope to improve my English and technical skills
I wish everyone's code is bug-free and compile once
My github home is:, welcome to visit

buildervieira profile image
VIEIRA • Edited

Olá a ttodos , me chamo Vieira sou completamente iniciante e o que mais me trouxe a essa comunidade foi a nescecidade de ter respostas as minhas perguntas relacionada a um pequeno projeto. Travei no meio do caminho e conto com ajuda dos Devs interessado em me ajudar quando possivel.

nathanelcorpuz profile image

Hi everyone, Nat here. I'm a freelance web designer who's just starting out after 2 years of self-study. Long introduction of my coding journey so far below!

I was in customer service for 6 years and freelance virtual assistance for 2 years before I started learning how to code.

I needed to upskill because I don't have a college degree, so finding a stable job that pays is hard for me.

I always had a thing for technology and decided I want to explore web development, but really had no idea yet back then what would happen.

After about 1 year of self study scouring the internet for tutorials, 3 months in The Odin Project, and 3 months in a coding bootcamp, I finally landed my first web development job, then figured this wasn't what I really wanted to do since my impostor syndrome was really BAD and I got the feeling of being back in the customer service environment again.

So, I decided to try out freelancing, since I have a background on it, but instead of virtual assistance, it's about web design this time.

I've only been at this for 10 days, and currently establishing my business with 2 pending clients waiting. These clients are for portfolio projects though, and I'm excited to land my first paying client!

etaladtad profile image

good luck, are you a filipino bro?

nathanelcorpuz profile image

Thanks! Yeah man, born and raised!

sahibyar profile image
Sahib Yar • Edited

Backend is my comfort zone, I am a software developer from Pakistan who thinks he is funny. Mostly worked on C++, Java and Golang along with Kubernetes. Recently decided to start contributing to OpenSource, I hope that I will succeed in this in coming weeks / years.

gerbertrf profile image
Robert Gerbert

I am a long time ham radio guy. Callsign. KY4RG. Look me up on
I'm learning Python/Django in order to write logging apps for hams, among others. I use digital radios, DMR and D-STAR.
Django cheat sheets are really helpful to point you to what you need to do next. It's not all that easy, but it's fun. Working through trace backs is a challenge.

chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Heyo Robert that's a super cool application!

I worked as a DJ/program director at a college FM station in NY and by the end of my time there I had started using Python for crunching raw Nielsen listenership reports into useful data visualizations for the station

Obv different than writing logging apps for ham radios but Python is a fantastically versatile language for hacking projects like this and it's a heck of a lot of fun - I'm excited to see what you come up with!!!

radwasayed24 profile image

Hey everyone ❤️ here is Radwa or "Mickey" from Egypt 🇪🇬 and I am glad to join this awesome community.
AWS Community Builders what brought me here and I am thankful for that.
I am currently studying computer science on my last year deploying a machine learning model for my graduation project so wish me luck 🎓 🎉

udayybambal profile image
Udayy Bambal

Heya Guys,
I am Udayy. An aspiring Devops enthusiast.
It's been 3 months I am learning DevOps practices and I am great fan of it! I will try to keep my articles on devops projects and concepts simple and easy to understand.
Thank you all..

sergio_montes profile image
Sérgio R. Montes

Hello everyone, I'm Sergio, 45 years old.
I worked for 20 years with advertising, in the creative area.
In 2019 I ended up migrating to UX, and in the last months I've been doing a lot of system design.

And for the last two, I see the developer bringing screens to life and etc....
I thought this is magic, with a magic touch he brought to life something that was just a screen with no code, I thought it was amazing!

So today I joined your community, I intend to become a top notch programmer.

I am fully aware that it won't be easy, but I am willing to try, whether it will work or not only time will tell!


ahooda profile image

Hi everyone , I am Gleeful to join a community have my same interests

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt


sergio_montes profile image
Sérgio R. Montes

Hello everyone, I'm Sergio, 45 years old.
I have worked for 20 years with advertising, in the creative area.
In 2019, I ended up migrating to UX, and in the last months I've been doing a lot of design system.

And in the last two, I see the developer giving life to screens etc....
I thought it was magical, with a magic touch he gave life to something that was just a screen without code, I found it amazing!

So today I joined your community, I intend to become a front end developer.

I'm fully aware that it won't be easy, but I'm willing to try, if it will work or not, only time will tell!


sergio_montes profile image
Sérgio R. Montes

Hello everyone, I'm Sergio, 45 years old.
I have worked for 20 years with advertising, in the creative area.
In 2019 I ended up migrating to UX, and in the last months I've been doing a lot of design system.

And in the last two, I see the developer giving life to screens and etc....
I thought it was magical, with a magic touch he gave life to something that was just a screen without code, I found it amazing!

So today I joined your community, I intend to become a front end developer.

I'm fully aware that it won't be easy, but I'm willing to try, if it will work or not only time will tell!


sergio_montes profile image
Sérgio R. Montes • Edited

Hello everyone, I'm Sergio, 45 years old.
I have worked for 20 years with advertising, in the creative area.
In 2019 I ended up migrating to UX, and in the last months I've been doing a lot of design system.

And in the last two, I see the developer giving life to screens and etc....
I thought it was magical, with a magic touch he gave life to something that was just a screen without code, I found it amazing!

So today I joined your community, I intend to become a front end developer.

I'm fully aware that it won't be easy, but I'm willing to try, if it will work or not only time will tell!


tundeadepetu profile image

Hi Devs,

My name is Babatunde Adepetu, an operations manager in a financial institution.
I am a soccer enthusiast who also enjoys reading, watching movies and listening to good music as a form of relaxation.
I started learning frontend web development about 2 years ago. My learning curve saw me move through html, CSS, JavaScript and python, but at the moment I have narrowed my learning experience to React.js.
I am excited to join the DEV community, and l look forward to networking and learning from the great and amazing web developers in this community

sayedsamin profile image

Hi everyone. I am Samin from Bangladesh. I can't believe I waited this long to actually open account here, given that I read a lot of articles and got solution to my problems from the people of this community.
I am currently working in a startup as the only person from tech background. So, I'm dealing with the web-frontend, android, apple, as well as the express backend. Things are pretty messy I would say!

colmduff profile image
Colm Duffy

Howdy Folks, I am climate change and land use systems modeller, and, I have ended up doing more and more engineering, with python, as a result. I came across this community by chance (was fixing up my readme on github and was like, what's this little place). It looks like there is some really interesting folks and content here. I would be interested in finding out how I can make the most out of this little community, and how I can contribute to it? :)

octaviusx2 profile image

Hey, I recently started learning frontend design, and I came across an article written here.
I thought it would be a great opportunity to connect and also learn from others.

It's been an interesting time spent here, looking forward to learning more.

fananda profile image
Itohowo Ime Tom

Hi guys I'm new here and I seriously need your help pls. Have been tryna git PUSH from my terminals to my github but getting "permission denied, can't access my GitHub. Error code 403"

Help I will be in the comment section for your help. Thanks

duncanteege profile image
Duncan Teege

Hi Sarah! Nice to meet you and see you on here :)

I laughed out loud at the "Neovim refugee 😂" haha

rooted92 profile image

Hi everybody! I am changing careers from Truck Driver to Software Developer. I am currently attending Codestack Academy in Stockton, CA. I'm excited to get to know this community and grow as a developer. I can't wait to share my experiences and learn about other peoples' journeys!

viniciusramos91 profile image
Vinícius Ramos

Olá a todos! É um prazer participar desta comunidade. Vinícius aqui, Engenheiro de Software na JetBridge e Fundador da (Python Academy!

Cadê os BRs por aqui?! Se passar por aqui, segue, manda mensagem, sei lá 😅 Bora se conectar!

kiwiheretic profile image

I've just joined. I'm interested in data science and physics simulations.
I found some posts online that this is a recommended site for people who are dissatisfied with StackOverflow sites. I am hoping I will fit in here.

perber profile image

Hi, I'm Patrick, a DevOps Engineer from Austria. I've been checking out for a while and decided to join so I can meet other developers and learn from them.

I'm into open source projects, and I'm working on one with a friend called KDD. We're trying to make it easier to fix problems with Kubernetes environments. It's still pretty new, but we're excited about what it can do.

I want to share my experiences and learn from other people in the community, whether it's about my work on KDD or other stuff I'm doing. Looking forward to being a part of this and getting to know you all better!

pcjmfranken profile image
Peter Franken

Servus and welcome to the DEV community :)

Kube has been carving out an ever increasing presence across the board and I'm looking forward to read about your insights and solutions on the topic

nallawilljr profile image
Allan Kirui

Greetings, I'm Allan. I'm new here 👋🏾 I recently finished blogging about my journey as a self-taught web developer and I figured what better audience to share it with than fellow developers 😉

arma profile image
Doğa Armangil

Hi all, I've typed "micro frontends community" on Google and was the first search result, so here I am.

I am interested in the development of large-scale software and microservices architectures in general, and particularly the frontend side of such systems. So I will mostly post about these topics.

I am also interested in the big trends of our times, such as AI and blockchain.

Curious to see the types of discussions that the community is involved in around these topics.


arma profile image
Doğa Armangil • Edited

Hi all, I've typed "micro frontends community" on Google and was the first search result, so here I am.

I am interested in the development of large-scale software and microservices architectures in general, and particularly the frontend side of such systems. So I will mostly post about those topics.

I am also interested in the big trends of our times, such as AI and blockchain.

Curious to see the types of discussions that the community is involved in around these topics.


Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
d933ml profile image
Mikael Larsson Österström

Hello, my name is Mikael Larsson Österström, I live in Munkbysjön in the middle of Sweden, the nearest city is Sundsvall. I work at the Swedish Companies Registration Office in Sundsvall as a performance tester engineer. Mostly with Loadrunner and Grafana K6.

jdrodriguez2707 profile image
Johan Rodriguez

Hello everyone! 👋🏼 My name’s Johan Rodriguez, I’m from Colombia🇨🇴 and I’m a web development student. I joined this community because I want to learn from other developers and help out where I can as I walk this painful but beautiful path👨🏻‍💻. Happy day for everyone 😃

munishpathania profile image

Hello everyone!

I'm excited to join this amazing community of developers! of which I got to known by a twitter friend to whom I ask about open sourced development. My name is Munish Pathania and I'm an into web devs and enthusiast of data structures and algorithms. I'm currently on a journey to learn everything I can about web development and DSA, and I believe that being part of this community will help me achieve my goals.

I'm passionate about building user-friendly websites and applications that solve real-world problems, and I'm eager to collaborate with other developers to learn and grow together. As I embark on this journey, I hope to share my experiences and challenges, as well as learn from the experiences of others in the community.

I'm confident that this community will provide me with the support and resources I need to take my skills to the next level, and I'm committed to contributing in any way I can. Whether it's sharing tips and tricks, providing feedback on projects, or just being a supportive member of the community, I'm ready to dive in and get started.

Thank you for welcoming me to this community, and I look forward to connecting with all of you!

shroud profile image

I am Shroud, a high school sophomore programmer and a martial artist. I love to code and contribute to open source.

I'd rather code in my Dojo than in my room.


Visit my profile ↓

abhiravat profile image
Abhijeet Ravat

What brought me here?

Hi All, I joined the Dev Community just 2-3 days back. I was researching for DevOps and I got to know about
I followed one thread on and found out a lot of useful DevOps resources.
Thank you for saving my time.

I am a beginner in DevOps at the moment. Hope to get some good learning here :)

kapilsahitya profile image
Kapil Sahitya

Hello everyone! I am Professional developer of Javascript (nodejs, reactjs , new in next js , core js) I would like to learn as much as I can about Nextjs 13 and related material. I love coding!

rithi_ik profile image
Rithik Gandhi

Hi Everyone,

My name is Rithik, full stack developer. I am here to explore and improve my technical writing skills. I am currently learning about Information security and privacy practices.

I am excited to network with other developers and collaborate on projects. My tech stack is MERN and Python.

Looking forward to learn, connect and have fun!

norbiox profile image
Norbert Chmiel

Hi everyone! I'm Norbert and I'm happy to become a part of this great community. I fell in love with Python years ago and I'm grateful for being professional pythonista today. Also I love Linux and terminal-based software.

amshahmy profile image
Shahmy Abdulla

Hi everyone, l learn lots of stuff from this website. Thanks for all, for your contribution and support for dev community. I thought my self to do the contribution in feature what I know. So I do the registration and created an account.

familymanjosh profile image

Hi Everyone, I am Joshua Collins and I am taking a software engineering at Flatiron. I am currently in my third week of the first phase! I love the creation and more and more it is starting to click. This is my first time taking a course over zoom, but find it great practice with this industry. I want to try and write technical blogs at least once a week to really retain the information I am learning! Hope everyone feels love from something or someone today!

shohams profile image
Shani Shoham

Hi everyone, I’m Shani. Developer turned GTM guy. Ran GTM for multiple devtool companies that got acquired. Currently with, a chatGPT for DevOps.

jnarihira profile image
Jin Narihira

Hi Everyone

Is there anyone who is looking for Frontend Engineer? Please contact me if you want to hire frontend engineer who is experienced in AI (ChatGPT, Text to Image) and Blockchain world. (You can find me here.)

Best Regards

lie_wang_ba566bb5e9bd6656 profile image
Jackey Wang • Edited

Finally,got here!
So glad to meet you all guys here...

ps:I've no idea what can I do here.I think maybe just get it started by learning from you pros about Java/Python/front-end tech
Thank you for guiding!

Image description

nguyo profile image

Hello, I am amazed on how AI can help in teaching and learning STEM! I have a database of past STEM National Examination papers which I would love to collaborate and make a revision kit which in future should also incorporate a visual lab. Can we do it please?

ant_f_dev profile image
Anthony Fung

Hi Sarah!

When I was working mostly with Linux, I ended up using Emacs; the first time I used VI, I almost had a nervous breakdown :) These days I'm a VS Code user.

da7483 profile image
David Emmanuel

Thank you so much , and I'm happy to be here, hopefully to continue with one mindset as a common goal to achieve and install legacy

zigrazor profile image
ZigRazor • Edited

Welcome Everyone!
I join the Dev Community about 2 years ago.
I'm an open source lover and I mantain 5 active projects.

I Cant' wait to meet you all! :)

vboechat profile image
Victor Ribeiro Boechat

Hello everyone! My name is Victor and currently I'm a high school student, planning to do information systems degree in the next year (2024).

chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

That's awesome Victor! Best of luck on your degree, you're gonna do great :~)

vboechat profile image
Victor Ribeiro Boechat

Thank you, Chris!

__masashi__ profile image

Welcome! Hope y'all enjoy.

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to all the new members to DEV!

Obi wan Hello There

charliebrickman75 profile image
Chuck Brickman

My name is Charlie, I am a firmer teacher making the career change to software engineering/ blockchain/ seeking to gain some experience helping on projects with smart contracts/ blockchain

chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Hey Charlie that's great! Best of luck on your journey :D

moi profile image

hellowwwwwwwww everyone ****

chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Hello hello! :D

rafa_de_paula profile image
rafael luiz

Hi, I m fullstack junior in learning

gabrielatwell1987 profile image
Gabriel Atwell

Hello. My name is Gabriel and I am into front-end web development with HTML, CSS, JS, GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform). I am very much into making the web animate!

samurairecruiter profile image
Samurai Recruiter

Great to be here and looking forward to learning and serving the clan!

kkrypt0nn profile image

Welcome! Hope you'll have some nice readings here and who knows, maybe post some as well :D

szokime profile image
Janusz Kozóbek

Hey guys, im planning to build an app that will transfer real objects to the VR world.
See you there on the top.

longjdev profile image

New to circle.

etaladtad profile image

Hello everyone, I am an aspiring WebDev and I want to know where to begin. Can some one help me?

peacesandy profile image
Peace Sandy

Hi Everyone, My name is Peace Sandy and I’m a tech writer

ant_f_dev profile image
Anthony Fung

Hi Peace. What do you write about?

shanfernz profile image
Shan Fernandez

Hi! 👋.

jessuircleydson profile image
Jessuir Cleydson • Edited

Hello guys!
I just decided to start write some texts (in portuguese) about JavaScript and I did my first one today!
Take a look if you want to!

chrisgreening profile image
Chris Greening

Hey Sarah, great to meet you! :D

paulfranceschi profile image
Paul Franceschi

Hello everyone! Embedding philosophy into python code is a good way to test if it can be useful in everyday life.

skyemirates profile image

Hello everyone, I just started learning Python. It feels good to be here...

re8014 profile image

nice to meet u !

sandylewis profile image
Sandy Lewis

Hey Chris, How you doing?

dhanrajmohan23 profile image

Hi guys I'm new to Dev. I'm a React developer with 2 years of experience. I'm happy to join in this community. :D

kennyprincenkundimana profile image

Hey everyone my name is kenny i'm new came i wanna introduce and i wanna know you

baludeveloper profile image
Balaji Pippalla

Hello.. I am happy to join the Dev Community. Beginning new journey.

walkingtyphoon profile image

Hello everyone, my name is Walking Typhoon. I am currently learning Flink and Java. Welcome to give me more guidance.

tufeed95 profile image

Hello everyone. I came here looking for information about the Singleton pattern. I'm learning php and writing my project along the way. Sorry for my English)

nechesdc profile image
Samuel Neche


mgboulware88 profile image

Hello, everyone! I am moving from product management to learning how to be a software engineer. I am very excited to join the community!

etaladtad profile image

Hello world :)

devinuriel profile image
Devin Gamboa Enciso

Hello everyone.
I am happy to join me in this community. I know that this universe is weonderful!
Line by line we can find good things and with this community sharing we can do it!

goutham296 profile image

Hello everyone my name is Goutham iam pursuing btech 3rd year AI & ML branch

jerusso profile image
John E Russo

Hi All, my name is John. I’m a freelance web dev working with JS, TS, Angular, MySQL, and PHP. I’m currently learning Swift in hopes of developing a mobile app later this year.

thegauravbhatt profile image
Gaurav Bhatt

Hello DEV community 👋👋. Just getting started in a new journey of Development and Open Source. Can't wait how far can we go. Let's gooo

evarpellia_mkhosana_5f022 profile image
Evarpellia Mkhosana

Hie guys I’m so excited to be part of this great team . I am a computer science student and I really need to work on my coding skills . I hope I will get better with a great a team.

themohit2003 profile image
Mohit Pardeshi

Hey guys , i am currently learning full stack development, nice to meet you all!!

farooquememon385 profile image
Muhammad Farooq

Assalamu Alaikum Everyone,

I'm Muhammad Farooq from Pakistan I'm pleased to join the community

prasanthvictini profile image

Hi there !👋👋👋👋

sameeulla_a profile image
Sameeulla Attar

Hello All,
I am Sameeulla, Happy to be the part of the community. Working as Sr Engineer.

kaviiiiisha profile image
Kavisha Nethmini

Nice to meet you Sarah!!

giuliogranata profile image
Giulio Granata

Hi everyone! I'm Giulio, a FE developer from Milan, Italy. I'm here to learn and to try being a helpful member 😊 Nice to meet you all

denniskinyanjui profile image

Hello i am new here and i want to learn from you

oppukachappa profile image

Hello everyone!!!

ankurlibra profile image
Annkur Agrawal

Hello Everyone... Excited to join the community and will try to explore and use the

Hope this will be a good step towards learning and sharing.

Let's start...

tonmoy4860 profile image
Tonmoy Hassan

Hi avery one Friday,,,

divineoffishal profile image

Hi guys...My name is Divine. I'm a frontend web developer

gemafawell profile image
Gemini Powell

Hey y'all! Just got here, happy to be joining the fray!

psturm profile image

Hello everybody I'm an Blockchain enthusiast and would love to learn and contribute in anyway possible, I also love Kubernetes and Linux

rocketram0705 profile image

Hello everyone I am newbie here... Right now I am developing clone of a admin template that available freely in internet...

sandylewis profile image
Sandy Lewis

Hey All,

Do any have suggestions for Azure migration services in USA other than this company

the_indievisual profile image
Yassin Malih Gumaa

Hello everybody

etaladtad profile image


neptune profile image

Hello Dev, I am Neptune 😊 excited to become part of dev community 🤗 !!!

toheeb1996 profile image

Hello. I am just joining this great community.

yomabasi8 profile image

Hi! I'm new🥺

emmaboats profile image

Hi everyone, I'm new here to learn something unique about technology from you guys. So help me out if you wish to do so and God will bless you.

rajiv_d_21 profile image
Rajiv D

Hey, this this Rajiv new to Dev community but not the devops and came to learn more from my fellow community

prpanto profile image
Prodromos Pantos

Hi fellows.

Welcome to the community. My name is Prodromos and I hope the best.

fleurdeelise profile image

Hi I am Elise! Tech enthusiast and entry level fullstack developer that loves art, yoga, plants, coffee, books, & music! I Play 4 instruments. Would love to connect!

sunilfgh profile image
Sunil kumar Dubey

Hello Everyone!
This is Sunil Dubey I self taught frontend developer .
I exited join the dev community.
I love code with html css javascript.

sunilfgh profile image
Sunil kumar Dubey


rajdas2412 profile image
Raj Das

Hi All ... its good to be here. I would like to connect and learn and hopefully help if I can. I am a cloud enthusiast and currently focusing on CDK.

markbonchi profile image

Hi everyone just joined the dev community. Looking forward to learning more