DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v79 staff on June 24, 2020

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hi Estelle, I'm Katie, the #welcome tag moderator.
It's great to see more woman who code here on DEV.

I want to welcome you to the DEV community and let you know that you'll find lots of help and support here for all your coding needs.

kat8404 profile image
Dawana B

I agree! It’s always great to see ladies loving coding! Welcome 👋🏾

justinkpakpa profile image
Justin Kpakpa


ferrari42128712 profile image

Hi Katie

Use Python with Tkinter and need some help

dellarapture profile image
Della Komlà

I need help to hack a mobile network

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arunegimonk profile image

root your mobile and use zanti on it

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dellarapture profile image
Della Komlà

Okay, thanks l will check it out

mithil467 profile image
Mithil Poojary

Hello, I am Mithil.
I was preparing my resume and when the part appeared to write about my hobbies, I was lost. So I decided to pick up hobbies that I always wanted to, like writing on!
I also solve the Rubik's cube sometimes :)

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Best way to solve a Rubik's cube:

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV!

Spiderman swinging by to say hello

mxdws profile image
Martin Dawson

Hey! I love the Rubik’s Cube too.

Look forward to reading your articles 😀

tippififestarr profile image

that/this is a very clever hobbit to pick up for our resume :) what are your other hobbies?

mithil467 profile image
Mithil Poojary

Hey 👋
Other hobbies include singing and video gaming 😃

dominic profile image

Awesome, welcome man!

isibalo86 profile image
Olabisi Jonathan

Hi everyone. I am a pipe designer by profession, but I've been out of work due to the oil crash. I started learning html and Css from the start of the lockdown. I love it and will like to grow so I can work as a freelancer....

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

That's a pretty cool transition! Career changes are difficult, but we're here to be supportive. Welcome to the community.

isibalo86 profile image
Olabisi Jonathan

Thanks Ben..

leonlafa profile image
Leon Lafayette


Full stack developer here, looking to share my knowledge and help Devs become better Devs. 😃

I've been a member of Dev for a few months but have only just started blogging on the plarform.

I hope to release a couple blogs every week, tailored around IoT and web development.


michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington


Awesome to hear you're getting more into blogging. IoT is fascinating stuff — you interested in sharing home creations or talking more about smart city/farming/industrial kind of stuff?

leonlafa profile image
Leon Lafayette

I think most people are going to appreciate the former, rolling their sleeves up and learning through making. I'll see how it goes 😃

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michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

I think you're right about that! People really dig following along with a nice tutorial where they can make something themselves at home.

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leonlafa profile image
Leon Lafayette

For sure! I mean a few posts about industry insights would be nice but I think the majority will be software/hardware builds and some lessons on fundamentals like circuit theory, circuit analysis, amplifiers, digital electronics, analogue electronics etc

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michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

This all sounds super cool! Gonna follow ya and will check out what ya post. 🙂

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leonlafa profile image
Leon Lafayette

Thank you Michael, much appreciated 😃

supermario_ai profile image

Your insight and tutelage is appreciated and welcomed by yours truly. You're going to be my first follow! 💯

eldagomes profile image
Elda Gomes


real_rijin profile image
Rijin Reji Thomas

It's because of Dev's like you, we beginners get to learn a lot

leonlafa profile image
Leon Lafayette

Thanks Rijin, what are you currently learning at the moment?

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real_rijin profile image
Rijin Reji Thomas

I'm currently learning Flutter and after that I'll go for Node.js

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leonlafa profile image
Leon Lafayette

Nice. Don't be afraid to shout if you have any issues when you come to learn node 🙌

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real_rijin profile image
Rijin Reji Thomas

Sure mate 🤘

colinhacks profile image
Colin McDonnell

Colin here! Open sourcer and startup founder. I've spent a little over a year working on a next-gen medical record software (TypeScript, React, Node.js, Neo4j) over at

I'm planning to spin out a few open source libraries from that codebase over the next couple months. I'm starting with a TypeScript schema validation tool we call Zod - just posted my first post about it over here:

Rock on friends! 🤙

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

*open sourcerer 🧙‍♂️

colinhacks profile image
Colin McDonnell

im a wizard

eldagomes profile image
Elda Gomes

Hello guys!

I googled dev moms and it brought me here 🤷🏻‍♀️😅 I'm glad to find such a warm community. I'm trying to get back to dev after some years of pause. Nowadays I'm working in tech, but not coding, so I hope I can find my place again.

At last but not least (for me) I'm from Brazil 🇧🇷


katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Olá Elsa, eu sou Katie, uma das moderadoras básicas aqui no DEV.
Meu título não oficial: DEV líder de torcida 😊

Desejo recebê-lo na comunidade DEV e informar que você encontrará aqui muita ajuda e suporte para todas as suas necessidades de codificação.

Não hesite em fazer perguntas ou contribuir com novas idéias.

eldagomes profile image
Elda Gomes

❤️It's so nice of you that you replied me in Portuguese. Thanks!

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katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

There are lots of devs here from Brazil (I've been friends with some from São Paulo I think).

grusha profile image
Vitaliy Grusha


nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV! 👋

Whale hello there!

cyberrush profile image

hey there!
how are you

grusha profile image
Vitaliy Grusha

i am good, trying to refocus on the next tasks :)

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cyberrush profile image

i am new to this so just trying to get an hang of it:)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


grusha profile image
Vitaliy Grusha

hey, how are u?

Thread Thread
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Good 😄

tolgadevsec profile image
Tolga Ünlü

Hi everyone!
my interest in web development brought me here :) I love the articles shared @ DEV and I'm looking forward to learn new things and get involved with the DEV community.

Have a nice day and stay safe! ;)

danielkun profile image
Daniel Albuschat

Welcome! I'm sure you'll have a good time here

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Have a nice day to you too Tolga

dpkirchner profile image
David Kirchner he/him

Sloan, this one's for you.

I'm a largely backend developer that also does server work (bare metal up through k8s). I think I'm primarily interested in DevOps.

Most of the code I write is in JavaScript, run in nodejs. I used to write Android apps but the platform fragmentation ... well, I don't write apps any more. For servers, I use Salt and Terraform to make it easier to share changes for review and ensure reproducible builds.

I'm here to read about solutions created by other folks and maybe, one day, write about my solutions.

Regarding, I am impressed at how well the site behaves as an installed app (PWA?) and may need to learn how to write something this slick.

sloan profile image
Sloan the DEV Moderator

Thanks, David! Welcome to DEV. ❤️

Hope you enjoy hanging out here with us! 🦥

jibran110 profile image
rai jibran askari

Hello Everyone! Happy to be part of this community

I am an eComm Developer and love to help SMBs & Companies with Simplifying Marketing and Development roadblocks. Playing with the Analytical Data and digging into useful insights is my most favorite thing to do. Besides work; I am passionate about contributing to the communities and helping others.

zenerika profile image
Erika Aguirre

Hi everyone, I'm new. I'm a React developer currently working on a freelance project. DigitalCrafts bootcamp alum. Here to further immerse myself into the dev community and learn along the way. :)

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hi Erika, I'm Katie, the #welcome tag moderator.
It's great to see more woman who code here on DEV.

I want to welcome you to the DEV community and let you know that you'll find lots of help and support here for all your coding needs.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Immersion is how we improve longterm. I think that's exactly how to be thinking about this.

rammah_n profile image

Hey guys, a civil engineering student here who's passion lies in Software development and can't wait to graduate so I can pursue this full-time, Dev community has been a great help in the journey so far 🙌.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Woot woot! Good to hear DEV has been helpful to ya. ❤️

lisawritescode profile image

Hi everyone, I'm Lisa from Ireland, I'm and 38 year old mother of two who has been a stay at home mum for the last 11 years. I've always been a bit of a geek and dabbled in this and that as a hobby. This year I have decided to take my learning more seriously to find myself a job as a developer. This would be a complete career change from Payroll management. I am hoping with self learning i can be employable in the next year or two when i get the last child off to school. Spent the first few months of this year learning and building python projects which i really enjoyed, since then i have learnt the basics of a few other languages as well as sql, databases, github etc. Still a long way to go (especially getting anything with the kids around) but i am determined to get there. So glad i found this community yesterday, looks like it'll be a great help.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Hope you dig it here, Lisa!

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Welcome Lisa.

lisawritescode profile image

Thanks 😊

alex_gama profile image
Alexandre Gama

Hey folks!
Some people on Twitter finally convinced me to join this community :)
Excited to connect with more friends!

I'm currently working as a Chief Technology Officer (really just a fancy title) and still figuring out what this means

I've also started a classic Youtube channel to help new fellow developers with coding, mostly related to Java, Ruby, JavaScript and all the fancy things and I'm learning a lot through the process :)

Greetings from Brazil :)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great to have you! Greetings from New York

aakriti_1012 profile image

Hello Everybody,
I am Aakriti from India. I wanted to start my own blog on Linux for a very long time and it lead me to this platform.
Looking forward to engaging with this amazing community and make some new friends.

real_rijin profile image
Rijin Reji Thomas

Nice to meet ya! I am from India too!!! ✋

aakriti_1012 profile image


aaroncql profile image
Aaron Choo

Hello all!! Thought I should finally make an account and join this wonderful community after benefiting from many of the articles here. So here's the ❤️ that I owe to this community for having helped me one way or the other over the years!

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hi Aaron, I'm Katie, the #welcome moderator here on DEV.
My unofficial title: DEV cheerleader 😊

I want to welcome you to the DEV community and let you know that you'll find lots of help and support here for all your coding needs.

Don't hesitate to ask questions or contribute new ideas.

shadowphoenix profile image

Hey everyone, I'm Rose o//
I'm currently in the last nerve racking moments of my graduation project (final presentation this Wednesday o.o) to become a software engineer. ^^
Yeah, I work as a software tester, but I like all kinds of perspectives in software engineering. I still code in my free time and I'm hoping to make software architectures a bit easier to digest with little articles. :D

real_rijin profile image
Rijin Reji Thomas

Nice to meet ya!

marbiano profile image
Martin Bavio

Hi everyone, I'm Martin. I'm a web developer with a bunch of years in the industry that finally decided to have an online presence. Happy to be here, hopefully it won't be the last time we interact!


michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Haha, excellent GIF!

0916dhkim profile image
Danny Kim

I love free & open nature of DEV. I can't count how many times I was saved by DEV posts, and I'm glad to join the community today.

daniel2231 profile image
Daniel Kang

Same here! Welcome to the community!

tippififestarr profile image

Hi, I found this place from a google search "the benefits of

". After the grueling sign-up process, I am happy to be here. I hope that I spend enough time to learn and understand as much as I can, and that I can meet fellow beginners and wisely shifu's or anybody interesting or interested in hearing my story or sharing yours.
I'm a goid listener :)

whenguitweets profile image

Hello all, my name is Gui. And I do Graphic User Interfaces ahah 😈
Grateful to have found, I was tired of medium posts, I wanted something more techie ♥
Besides a front-end developer I am also a product designer. Do you mind if sometimes I mix between both fields? I think they are connected!!
Hope to have fun.

vcrizpy profile image
Vyom Sharma

👋 Hello to all,

I'm Vyom, a fellow dev from India. Originally, I came here to share a product I built but browsing around I've discovered I really like the community & content here.

I'm grateful to all the nice devs here for sharing their hard-earned knowledge and hope to share some of my own very soon! :)

darshanr1510 profile image

Hello everyone, Darshan here. I have a year of experience in python and django, and looking for more technologies and languages to learn and explore.
Hope the path will be exciting with all of you amazing devs, Cheers. 🤙🤙

kottongs profile image
print('my name is Kottongs!')

I am happy to be part of this community. My aim is to learn as much as I can from everyone.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

That's a good reason to be here!

kottongs profile image
print('my name is Kottongs!')

Thanks alot

dominic profile image

Welcome! from London :)

spiltcofeedev profile image
Pegah Eizad

Hi Everyone, I'm Pegah. I am a frontend developer and I'm excited to be here :)
Checkout my first post

macl profile image

Hello everyone. Google thought I might like this community, and man, was he right! I've found myself coming back here a lot of times lately, so I went ahead and registered.

My main job is in the systems administration area. I also develop small applications for research projects at some universities.

Nice to meet everyone, and hope I can help some of you sometime ;)

retrobit profile image

Hey guys!

Honestly, I want my passion back. I want to join a community that will not only help me grow professionally in my career, but also encourage me to develop as a hobby again.

It's good to be here!

stjrna profile image

Hello All

Somehow I am computer programmer, analyst, algorithms designer from the old school :)

I try to read from time to time and my reading bring me here, I also like Sudoku

and I live in Spain ;).. nice to meet you all

robytm25 profile image
Robert Adam • Edited

print("Hello, World!")
This been said, I am Robert and yeah, programming and in a special way, python bought me here and I don't regret it. Until now I didn't know that here is this kind of apps in the magazine.
Hello everybody again and I am glad to meet everyone.

PS: I have just 2 weeks in programming, I am reading and exercising every day since. Kind a love it until now😁❤️ ✌️

medxone profile image

Hey folks, i'm grateful to be here with u, great community.
I'm newbie from morocco i have a big passion in programming, and im learning a lot, and i'd like to learn more.
I'm taking courses about Reactjs and javascript i'm in love with them, i'd be glad for any suggestions our any help about that .
thanks and i'm sorry about my bad english.

jesvica profile image

Hi everyone!
Newbie here, learning as much as I can to change my career path. I have knowledge of HTML, CSS and I'm currently learning JavaScript and a little Python.
Looking forward to learning more, becoming a part of this community and developing a lifelong career! :)

fleonard profile image
Francesco Leonardi

Hiya 👋

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV!

Multiple TV and movie characters giving a thumbs up

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great to have you Francesco

neero0x01 profile image
Muhammad Ahmad

Hello Peeps!
I am learning Web Development brushing off my HTML and CSS skills in order to learn MERN Stack, then I will probably learn react-native to IOS+Android Dev.
I like animes and I rant a lot!

rafaelcalpena profile image
Rafael Calpena

Hi, devs!
I'm a Full Stack JS developer from Brazil looking to share my knowledge with the rest of the community. I'm used to developing UIs (Angular, React), but I also like topics related to state management.

I just wrote my first post, feel free to check it out!
Javascript Objects Deep Dive: References, Primitives, Equality, Immutable, Tree and Circular

You can also find me at:


aileenr profile image
Aileen Rae

Hi all!

I'm a full-stack developer (with a bit more frontend) of just over two years, based in Scotland. I work with VueJS, React, ASP.NET Core, some Java (even if I'd rather not 😓), and I'm beginning to get into NodeJS.

I've landed on many times when looking for answers to dev questions, and it just felt wrong not leaving hearts for the helpful answers. So I've finally signed up! I'm glad I have - the community vibe feels great.

sanjeevsapre profile image

hello ..
On work front - I work on RPA, Oracle and some other platforms,
On Personal front - I am running an online batch of "Python for Teenagers" .. This is my first attempt and enjoying it. so far we completed 18 hours. There are 6 students. I use Mu as editor. Started with basics, then Turtle and now Pygame Zero !

domvacchiano profile image
Dom Vacchiano

Hi all 👋 looking forward to joining this community! Did my undergrad in informatics w/ Python and now in a code bootcamp cohort for Django 🐍

psiho profile image
Mirko Vukušić

Hi all. Nice to see this community rise. Frustration (as a reader) with Medium brought me here. Looking for a way to block Medium articles from my search results :))
Anyway... My first line of code I wrote arround 1984 :) Sinclair ZX Spectrum Basic :) Programming part time and full time ever since. Went from junior webmaster, through loads of other IT positions all the way to CEO and owner. But let it all go few years ago and doing it just for fun, on my pet projects like - Javascript performance benchmarking tool. I went through a lot of technologies during years but latest stack is React with Mobx, AWS. But also 3d printing, Arduino and electronics and IOT in generals are big part of my hobby projects.
Looking forward to read more posts aboit this on

_alexblokh profile image
Alex Blokh

Hey, I'm Alex
I've been in software development for 10 years and hopefully be 10 years more

harshanev profile image

My name is Harshan Eppurath. I am a freelancer based in India. I work on open-source dev projects. I work on Linux with C or 8086 Assembler. My interests include networking, operating systems, and inter-process communication. I am a graduate of NIT Tiruchy. I see people in this group have similar interests. So I am joining this group. I play chess and interest in Mathematics.

shekhar profile image

Hi all, it's great to be here. I learnt a lot of stuff from the dev community being a passive reader but today I decided to join the community and actively participate. Cannot wait to meet and interact with like minded people. :)

oloryn profile image
Ben Coleman

I got here via links to articles from whatever it is they call the news feed on the left page of the launcher on my android devices, and finally seeing something I wanted to comment on

At this point, I've been a developer for 44 years, having started from main frame Fortran in college, through the microcomputer revolution, and through all the changes since then. Currently I do Windows development in Clarion, Website development with Drupal, and also wear Sysadmin and Network Admin hats. On my own, I'm picking up Python on the dev side, and Ansible on the sysadmin side, and occasionally poke my nose into things like powershell and Go. Good thing I actually enjoy learning new technical stuff - in this industry, you just about have to.

infiniteabzu profile image

Hello Everyone!
I found this site a few minutes ago on my Google home page and decided to join. I currently work as a Business Analyst and am working toward becoming a freelance web developer. I have a B.S. degree in web design and development (2020), but found the education lacking and am currently completing courses on Udemy to fill in a lot of the blanks. I look forward to meeting, learning, and working with as many of you as I can!

ceejaysunyt profile image
Ekejimbe Chijioke S.

Hello Everyone,

You can call me Ceejay. I currently work for AxxonSoft as BDM. I have passion to become a good programmer and software developer. Though I currently study Computer Science at University of People, I have being looking for a good community of developers to join. This morning I saw a post from Dev. Community on google News about "10 Web Development YouTube Channels...." so, I checked Dev. site and decided to join. I am happy to be here as I am having hope to learn, grow and contribute to the community. I am wishing everyone here the best. Thank you.

singhacz profile image

Justa hello, DEVs!
Recently fell in "love" with React and Frontend development in general. Lots of useful stuff here. Mostly interested in Javascript frameworks, but also enjoy articles about UX/UI and graphic design. Keep it coming! :)

alexjvale profile image
Alex Vale

Hey there 👋

I work in marketing but I'm finding myself using more nocode tools than ever and dabbling in increasing amounts of programming. Hopefully I can share what I've learnt and learn what I haven't!

hzyio profile image
Logan Hendershot

Read about in an indiehackers welcome thread! Decided to join up as well.

Full Stack guy, 8 years experience Backend, Web, Mobile. Currently freelancing. Interested in what is all about and really just trying to explore the community a bit :)

sek438 profile image
Sekgoto Nomcebo

Hello buddies, I'm a young female I've been avoiding coding since I started UNIVERSITY but one day I saw the top university on ranking and decided to enrol its quite fun I'm enjoying every moment .Hoping to learn more from you guys .I'm from SA❤

kabohajeanmark profile image
Kaboha Jean Mark

Hi cool people.
I am honoured to join a community like this where I have learnt so much from awesome blogposts.
I am also really excited to keep growing, sharing and making a difference for other devs :)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Hey hey, welcome!

snobbysteven profile image
Steven Doss

Hey Everyone,

I heard about this site from a Rust developer I watch on twitch, ThePrimeagen.

I currently develop software for insurance companies. I love to code, and I am always looking to learn something new. I am excited to be apart of the community. :D

dunisani96 profile image
Dunisani Makondo


alphaistimz profile image
Timothy "Timmy" Hendra Tjia

Hi everyone!
I'm Timmy, an Indonesian gamedev :) and just know this community. I use RPG Maker MV and SRPG Studio. Currently I'm making a TRPG Avirion Chronicles: Genealogy of the Great Crusaders using SRPG Studio. I also have my self-made sprites sold for others to use, so see you around!

menimjoseph profile image

Hi everyone. I'm Believe Joseph, a newbie frontend dev, good at HTML and CSS, still learning JavaScript.
Am excited to be here, l will love to learn and grow to becoming a world-class dev...

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome Believe!

im_sujata25 profile image

Hello Super Devs 💜
I see myself as very lucky to join this dev community which is as far as my experience is one of the best community I have ever been in 🤓
Surfing through internet brought me here and I intend to learn a lot of things from all of you

Currently I'm working on frontend & I aim to do full stack 😇

puneethr43 profile image

Hey guys😀
This is Puneeth and I'm learning MERN, I was reading articles related MERN, frontend, backend, full stack, JavaScript etc. And came across this wonderful DEV community read many articles which were really helpful and also response from the people in this community when someone needs help is really great and all this brought me here.♥️

cfegurgur profile image
Carlos Fegurgur • Edited

Hey Everyone!

Realizing now (better late than ever) the importance of community when it comes to learning or sticking to things in general. Hoping to gain insight from all the experienced devs on this platform and in return, share some knowledge that I might have to help others where I can.

Happy Tuesday :)

k3beros profile image

Hey there, read some nice content here decided to follow up by signing up. I'm Dave by the way, writing software professionally for about 1yr+ now but writing code still confuses me till this day lol. Saw someone mentioned their love for rubik's cube, also in the same boat and when I'm outdoors I love the Bball court.

beatrizatfidel profile image

Hi everyone, nice to meet you!
I'm Beatriz, Talent Manager at Fidel API :)

My interest in web development and tech hiring brought me here :)
It's a great place for me to learn more about the area and what my Team works on a daily basis!

Very much looking forward to getting involved with the DEV community!
Take care and feel free to connect ♥

habeebullahi01 profile image
Lawal Habeebullahi

Hi guys. I'm a front-end web developer and I have plans to go full stack in a while. I just started tho, I started learning more seriously and actively in the past month. I'll be glad to join a Dev team and work on some real projects. I quit social media for web development and I just found a social media for developers, how awesome 🤗. I look forward to being an active contributor to the community.

matthewsalerno profile image

Hello! I'm Matt,
I'm a computer engineering student and I joined dev because of all the great articles I see here. I wanted to start documenting all the projects I've worked on in a more long form format that isn't a list of git commits or hidden away in some random file. Dev seems like a great place to do that. I look forward to continuing to read the great stuff this community creates.

brown69 profile image

Hi everyone, my team suggested this and by the looks of things, I like it here already.

vatsalj profile image
Vatsal Juneja

Hey everyone! Glad to be here!

A bit about myself - I've been working with languages like Python, JS, C for about 10 years now. I thought it's about time to put some of that knowledge to good use and share with everyone else. Hope you find it useful! :)

dmitrymitenkoff profile image

Hi there!
I'm a newbie here, and from what I've already seen on this website - this is an amazing community to be a part of!
In the day time, I work as a policy officer in a government department based in Auckland, New Zealand. In the evenings (and often at nights), I'm a part time student studying computer science at the University of Auckland. So one can safely assume that I am in the process of changing careers :) I am really interested in learning all things Frontend Web Development and Design, and am looking forward to meeting like-minded folks on here!!

ukaboji profile image
Umar Kaboji

I would like to show how happy I am, in this community, am just beginner in python and it's framework work Django, i loves coding in javascript, alas! Am dreaming of becoming expert and a lot of experience in python, help me folks, 😩 am very sorry if you see any mistakes in my English, i can't speak it fluently. I hope you guys will welcomes me. 😎✊

umairhm profile image
Umair Hafeez

Hi folks, this is Umair. I'm a front end developer working on Angular and trying to learn other tools and stacks. I've heard a lot about, so thought to join and learn from this amazing community.

ajitjss profile image
Ajeet Yadav

Hello Friends,

Recently, I found this amazing platform to connect with Coders, learn and share knowledge here. Automation Enthusiast, Selenium, AI and Python learner.


adudaboaz profile image
Boaz Aduda

Hello folks,
I believe I have just landed myself in the best community of devs,...I have just graduated from a three months coding Bootcamp and my level of confidence is still low as I believe I still have a lot to learn. I am grateful to be here. Thanks a lot for welcoming me

yogeshnogia profile image
Yogesh Nogia

Hello Everybody🖤
Amazing content here. loved the posts related to JS and Data Structures. Grateful to meet you all here.

I am a professional coder with over 4 years of experience in the industry. I mostly deal in React.js, JavaScript, Node.js & MongoDB stack. Feel free to ping me to cover any topic. I will be looking forward to your amazing posts. ✌️

francescadev profile image
Francesca • Edited

Hello 😊
I am obsessed with coding 🤓
I have been studying HTML, CSS, JavaScript & dipping my toes in React, React-Native, Three.js, Cesium.js Node, Gatsby, WordPress theme and plugin dev, PHP, etc, etc, etc.....etc, etc, etc....

strandedinbk profile image

Hi, great to find this community. All though I've been in web development for 13 years I'm still a beginner when it comes to writing code. What's always been missing from my attempts at learning to develop software was support and accountability. I'm looking for that here and very excited to finally accomplish something that would mean so much to my community and my family.



phanivankadari profile image
Phani Vankadari

This is Phani from Bangalore, India, currently working as an Architect. Coming to tech frameworks being used, they are Apache Storm, Kafka and Elasticsearch with primary language being Java.

Hope to learn more and also start sharing more!

adecess profile image

Hi everybody! I am a self-taught developer who used to work in corporate finance.
I have been reading DEV posts for some time but I did not have a profile.
My focus is on backend (MEN stack) but I want to get better at CSS and learn React this summer.
Thank you for this great community!

xlpacman805 profile image
Johnny Meza

Hi everyone!

My name is Johnny Meza. I'm a Full Stack MERN Developer. Front-End Oriented since that's where most of my experience is.

I'm here because I felt the craving to learn, and see what other devs are up to.

I just accepted a new job offer last week for a Senior Front End Developer position and I'll be working on SalesForce Commerce Cloud websites, so I'm excited to pursue that.

Last week I released a 3 stage form with React using Formik and Styled Components. It was my first time using those libraries in production but once I was thinking in the right paradigm it wasn't so hard.

I'm excited to be apart of the community!

dlintott profile image
Daniel Lintott

Hi all!

Recently decided to join dev after seeing articles appear on my Google feed!

I've just finished my first year studying Computer Science at Kingston University. I have always had a passion for technology and found myself drawn towards the software development side of things (hence going to uni, despite being 33).

I primarily used to code in Python, which I taught myself! Since studying at uni I have found I very much enjoy Java too.

Outside of that I also enjoy a bit of web design and electronics particularly using Arduino and ESP microcontrollers as well being the Website Administrator for a local bicycle shop!

Always looking to learn new things or tinker with different pieces of software.

nixinator profile image
nixinator • Edited


Hello there.... I'm currently interested in Reproducible builds and how software assembled, built , shipped and place into production. Basically everything that happens after you've wrote the code.

My main work has been in devsecop's. I'm hoping the and the Nix package manager can solve some problems I've seen out there... (while giving you some new ones :-) ).

Hopefully can expand my Knowledge here and share my experiences with other to help them grown too!

You check out some of my work in progress courses, at

retrobit profile image
retrobit • Edited

Hey guys!

Honestly, I'm working on getting my passion back. I'm looking for a community that will help me grow as a software engineer who not only develops for a career, but once again as a hobby too.

Nice to be here!

dedseq profile image
Luis Collymoore

Hello Everyone. Just landed here because i'm buildng a list of interesting people that share the same passion of coding and creating stuff through development. Instead of looking to senseless feed in twitter. Through the same people I follow, I was addressed to pay a visit to this site, so i did!

Hope to find lot's of interesting people here so we can share amazing stuff!

muiz6 profile image
M Muiz Hassan

Hi I'm Muiz,
I used to read articles on DEV every now and then. But i joined because medium just would not publish my tutorial ;( So far the place seems really wonderful. I look forward to have a fun and productive time here :)

aryan390 profile image

There was always DEV community idea that I wanted to join it, and since I started learning web dev , I am constantly trying to understand a lot of code, and thought that people on this platform may guide me! So looking forward to being part of the community

jaymcconnon profile image
James McConnon

Hello lovely people of

I am James, i like to tinker in a few languages and am building up my portfolio of more recent example work. I am stumbling about all kinds of things i want to write about but finally decided to do it.

It is hard to put yourself out there sometimes, but you just gotta give it a go and see what happens! :)

Hope you all have a great day

utkarshsingh99 profile image
Utkarsh Singh

Hello Devs!
I'm a JS developer who probably doesn't know JS and never will!
I'm a blogger at Medium and but I don't have a lot of discussions/views there, lol. So I thought I'd hang around where developers usually do ✌

harolpir profile image

I sais hello to this new community. And i am vert Happy to be appart, share my knows and learn form Each other.. and i am vert appreciate that.. i lost my motivation to programming ans i hope i will found heure...

rachaelcell profile image

Heya y'all. My name is Rachael and I'm new here. I'm learning web development. The desire to learn more and share ideas brought me here. Besides wisdom is not the monopoly of one's head so having other devs around feels so good.

rachaelcell profile image

Heya y'all. My name is Rachael and I'm new here. I'm learning Web Development currently. The desire to learn more and share ideas brought me here. Besides, wisdom is not the monopoly of one's head so having other devs around and interacting is pretty cool. I'm ecstatic to be part of this wonderful community and hope to have a great time here.

alexcg profile image
Alex C-G 🏳️‍🌈

Hey all! Happy to be part of the community. I'm an all-round geek who builds life-size animatronic butterfly jewelry and AIs that write crappy Star Trek scripts. I'm also Open Source Evangelist at, a company building neural search.

Live long and prosper!

samuelkb profile image

Hello everyone!

Nice to be here, I'm a Backend developer, almost 4 years of experience in Java and working on learn about web development with node.js React and more technologies

I also want to collaborate, learn and help everytime as is possible

uozer profile image
uozer • Edited

Hello, I'm lead Java developer/Tech Lead from Columbus, Ohio. I want to get into Raspberry Pi and AI coding with Phyton just for fun and side hobby. I joined this group to get motivated so I don't find an excuse to bail out from doing stuff outside work :)

I'd like to make new friends with people in Columbus, Ohio area that share similar interests.

Nice to meet you all!

spyker77 profile image
Evgeni Sautin

Hi everyone! Glad to be here! And the reason to join this amazing community is that I actually found quite a lot of good stuff here when I searched for a several programming topics. So, let's rock together 🤘

mujjazi profile image
Mujtaba Mehdi

Hello Everyone, Mujtaba here from Pakistan,
I love technology and software, from mobile to computers, laptop to desktops, I have reverse engineered them all, I am a Software Quality Assurance Engineer by profession so that explains my attention to details :D

I have a very diverse experience working in Software development and the Internet industry as a Software Quality assurance engineer with complete ownership of the STLC from Planning to deployment, I am well versed with Test planning, Test Design, Test Execution plus Automation and then reporting the test results to the stakeholders.

I have experience developing Web Automation frameworks from scratch using Selenium, cypress, and puppeteer with Java, Python, C#, and node.js. (Programming Languages are specific to the tools as Cypress is currently only with js)
I am well versed in creating Automation Frameworks for Mobile Apps using Appium Selenium, Java, and TestNG.

I have experience creating Websites using Wordpress and Javascript-based Frameworks like Hugo, Amp, etc.

I have DevOps and Cloud Experience using GCP, AWS, and Azure to create and deploy pipelines for improved quality Software Product Development and integrating it using CI/CD tools like Jenkins and VCS tools like GitHub and bitbucket.

I write articles related to Test Automation Tools for TestProject, I contribute to Google Developers Community by working to facilitate events with GDG Cloud Nuremberg Germany.

I work Full Time at APIMatic as their QA Engineer overlooking our products that are improving the developer experience and making a positive impact on the Software industry.

I am hoping to learn new things and contribute to the dev community here.

elspecal profile image
Miklós Csepella • Edited

Hey guys! It's Miki. Glad to be here.
Originally studied web development, then went to work on safety-critical embedded software in the automotive industry :) I kept an eye on web development on the side ever since and just starting to get involved now in the community properly and creating stuff. I'm very excited! Love lurking on the site, lots of inspiring content.

guidani profile image
Guilherme Daniel

Hello guys, let's go make some incredible stuffs.

dosusolomon profile image

Hello solution Developers, I'm glad to be part of this community.

trainh0pp3r profile image

Always meant to dive into programming. Time was an issue. Not so now. Still unsure which direction I will be taking. Picking up the basics and loving it. Mostly trying to keep up with my kids who are mad for Minecraft and have been getting into Java through modding. In another dimension I voice video games. Nice to meet you.

lgnanni profile image
Leandro Nanni


Been developing for quite some years already, but always just minding my own business. Got a suggestion ad for coming here and no harm can be done from some socializing and sharing ideas :D

saikat10d profile image
Saikat Dutta

Loved this concept of welcome thread. Brilliant way to introduce yourself to the community. :)

I have just started to explore the world of Data Science and as a new learner, Its totally amazing to see how much is available for today's learners in terms of not only content but also community and support. I have always believed your community and your mentor can take you places. Hope to get to know and build a supporting community here.

Share your experiences of learning or just connect if you are also learning afresh after a long career.

furahadickson profile image

Hello guys
Am Furaha Dickson from Tanzania.
I dropped out of college due to fee but i decided to learn onthe internet so am ready for you support.

giancorapi profile image

Hallo, I'm Gian :) It's been a few months since I started in the development world. I'm very excited and I hope to have incredible discussions here =)

real_rijin profile image
Rijin Reji Thomas

Hey! I'm new here too

giancorapi profile image

Nice to meet you Rijin! \o/

vikashdriod profile image

Hey folks
Very excited to be here as a learner .

joshualevy84 profile image
Joshua Levy

Hello to my internet community :) I am Joshua, an adult starting out on learning computer science. and this is my first post :) To be honest I'm not quite sure what to write here, but OK here it goes. From childhood I had a phobia of maths and I hated it and yet, I always wanted to become a computer engineer and didnt know how to. I guess some people are smart enough but not me lol.

So this year, due to lockdown, I decided to take on a new hobby, learn computer engineering myself starting from nothing but logic gates and boolean algebra. Following this I am intending to complete the Nand2tetris course from Hebrew University Jerusalem then following that, I will learn C and Python. Do let me know how you all are getting on. Would be nice to hear from you all. Regards

harshalimatte profile image
Harshali Matte

Hello Friends, This is Harsha 😊
I am working in a software company as a full stack developer.

Here to further immerse myself into the dev community and learn along the way also for Self improvement!!

pavandot profile image

Hello !!
I am new to coding and I am starting to learn Javascript

mak7991 profile image

Hi there DEV's,

A computer science undergraduate and front end developer passionate about learning new technologies and programming languages. So my friend introduce me about this dev community its is fun to write my concept about java-scripts, Es5, Es6, React & other things in future. Also loving to read other blogs for my problems. I am glad to be a part of this community.

coderxcoded profile image

Hello everybody, i'm Bright a 2nd Year Bioinformatics major. I joined the community to learn and share about web development 😁

tkiyada profile image

Hello 👋

akshayranagujjar profile image

Hi everyone! Nice to be here.

catmcgeecode profile image
Cat McGee

Hey everybody! I just wrote my first two articles and I'm so excited to write more. I'm trying to help beginners get their first dev job by telling my story and making easy-to-follow tutorials!

abhishek8 profile image

Hi. I am Abhishek,
Connecting with people who are expert at what I am learning brought me here.
Glad to find this platform.

juanorzam profile image
Juan I Orozco

Hi everyone !! I'm a newbie in software development, I really like to share knowledge as much as I can. I'm glad to learn here in Dev community!! 💻💻

streetcodernate profile image

Yo, what up doe!?

I love reading dev articles from medium so I thought this would be a great fit for me. Wish there was an app.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Yo Nate 😄

streetcodernate profile image

Yo, Ben! Preciate the love, man!

mustafaaljassim profile image

Hi there!

Yesterday, I was reading an article from the amazing Samantha Ming that directed me toward this community of developers. I am really excited and looking forward to discover more amazing developers like Samantha here. :)

gabby1024 profile image
Gabby Mturi

You are Welcome !

ifeanyimuogbo profile image
Ifeanyi Muogbo

Hello folks 💚
Glad to be here.

muhammedkerim profile image
Muhammed KERİM


I am here everybody ;)

felansu profile image
Ferran Gonzalez Alonso

i'm here now...

blinimango profile image
Lynne {Blini}

Hey, I'm lynne. I'm a beginner programmer ready to start my profession in this field. One of my biggest projects is developing a Bot on discord using Discord Go. Nice to meet all of y'all ✌🏽

goldenglorys profile image
Olusola Glory

Hello world, the zeal of improving development knowledge brought me here. It's really great to be among the amazing family 😍

perelynsama profile image

I started learning to code this year and i feel like a late bloomer, even though I'm just 18.
I hope can learn from this community and also contribute.

seanmccdev profile image
Sean McC

Hey everyone! Kickstarting my coding journey having worked alongside software engineers for 5+ years. I'm here to fully immerse myself, take inspiration from the community and post snippets of my learning along the way.

jamesshaw49 profile image
jamesshaw49 • Edited

Hi All,
I always end up on Dev Community reading articles, so finally decided to create an account. Looking forward to reading more interesting articles and hopefully contributing myself. Thank you to all those who have shared their knowledge and experience so far 👌.

lukepoirrier profile image

Hey guys! I'm excited to be a part of the community. It truly seems like an encouraging environment, and I look forward to growing with you all as a developer. Stay classy, Devs!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Hey hey

lukepoirrier profile image

Hey Ben! You have created quite the community, and I'm grateful to be a part of it.

Just out of curiosity, are you currently learning any new concepts or languages?

aksilb profile image
Abdelghani Benhaoui

Hello everyone,
I just begin in web development and I wish to find my place in this community, and I wish to u all to get pass this epidemic well.

jhanavigupta profile image
Jhanavi Gupta

Hey Everyone! I am a beginner at web development, this is a really amazing community. Looking forward to talk to some amazing developers! ❤

_rohitkumaar profile image

Hello everyone
I found this app (I was amazed to see the interface and other engineers skills) by researching one of white hat hacker or by finance advisor (couldn't remember the name) social media accounts

Hope to learn coding in real projects and opportunities

au79en profile image

Hi everyone, new here.

New'ish dev (Front-end/ Back-end) Working towards Full-Stack. Love & Truly Interested in coding

Looking to grow/learn/share & enjoy here 😬

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great to have you around Estelle 😄

kledatami profile image
LedMeCode • Edited

Hi there,
I am an Electrical engineer working on electric vehicle application, I develop an optimization algorithm to reduce drivetrain losses, and I love programming a lot

Kind regards,

divyamraj18 profile image
Divyam Raj

Hello World

saviunha profile image
Savio D'Cunha

Hello to all. Savio here from Mumbai. Data analyst and VBA developer

mohitd12 profile image

Hello devs and beautiful people,
By few weeks I just following in Twitter and found daily awesome articles to read mostly about webDev. Now I've created an account at this community. And sorry, now I'll give hearts to those articles. Thank you.

nikita25261920 profile image

Hello to all! Nice to see all community!

nolyoi profile image
Nolan Mayersky

Just stumbled upon this place. I'm a current Flatiron Student with a small self-taught background as well. Looking forward to participating in this community!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Thanks for stumbling!

nolyoi profile image
Nolan Mayersky

Sometimes I stumble into something neat! :P

sopulu497 profile image
Sopulu Nwafor

Hi Everyone!
Am here for the first time and what an awesome community this is.
Am a beginner and am teaching myself. Am into web dev. Am a very shy person and so i don't really talk that much part of the reason am here too. I read an article that said to join dev communities and contribute to content and open source. So i did a google search and found this one. So here i am. I do hope i grow along with you guys and learn new things.

raphaelluizcru1 profile image
Raphael Luiz Cruz

Gostei muito da comunidade e agora aqui estou! Abraços a todos

giancorapi profile image

E ai Raphael, beleza? Você também tá começando por agora na área de desenvolvimento? Se sim, podíamos trocar algumas ideias se tiver vontade, pode ser bacana. Abraço.

emmzeeme profile image
Farcy night

Hi , I’m new here. I’m looking for a marketer/social media guru to collaborate with for an online course project. I’m a Doctor of Pharnacy with 10+ years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. I’m creating an online course that’s pharmacy related and I believe could be highly profitable based on my research. I do not, however, know how to market it, nor do I have any kind of online presence to expose potential students to it at first. I’m looking for someone who’s interested in hearing about the idea, and if they find it appealing, collaborating with me on this project.

konichar profile image
Richard Okonicha

Hello I'm Richard, am really excited to be here, but now that I'm here I just wonder what the hell took me so long to get here.
This is an awesome community.

maheshsgr profile image
Mahesh Sagar

I am exploring monorepos positive and negatives in react and react-native context for now.

h00dedsa1nt profile image

Why dint I actively search for a community like this before. Grateful

saxenaudit profile image
saxena uditanshu

Hi, I am new here & I am really enjoying the dev community. I will contribute to the community by writing about Flutter SDK.

xceptions profile image

Hi everyone,

Nice to join the dev platform. I hope to learn and contribute effectively.

amosu_ profile image

I joined because I got to read a friends amazing post here, well I'm currently learning python

gusviola profile image
Gus Viola

Hello, world! A pleasure to have joined such a nice dev community. I hope you and your families are all happy and safe.

amritaray6 profile image
Amrita Ray

Hi All ! I am Amrita , a cloud architect and a node.js developer. It is strange that I found this community this late ! I should have joined you guys back in 2016.

jstewart profile image
Jason Stewart

Hi All!

I'm Jason. I've been a polyglot developer for about 20 years now. Lately I've been a DevOps wrangler.

I'm hoping to share and gain knowledge from this nice little community.

madanampera profile image

Dear co-devs. My pleasure to be here. Hoping to contribute sooner. Cheers.

aljosakb24 profile image

naothomachida profile image
Naotho Machida


After many time visiting this, I created my account.

I'm learning english and dev! <3

Grateful to be in this community

Naotho - Sao Paulo, Brazil

jrd profile image

Hi friends,
How can we help others through coding?

saha_debargha profile image
Debargha Saha

Finally found out a Community I was in dire need of !!!!!

kingentertainment4 profile image

Hello am isaac the reason why am here is to learn js and become an expert any ideas

emecaokoli profile image
Emeka Okoli.

Hello Folks,I'm excited to be here finally, the awesome devs got me here! thanks

drdivy1 profile image

Hello guys am here to learn coding from professional like you.

thainguyenvu profile image
Nguyen Vu

Hi guys, I've been following for a long time, now it's time to create an account, would love to learn more about web/app development :D. Thanks <3

hsn_ng profile image
Hassan A Y

Hi guys
Just came about this site it's really cool

masudwl profile image
M. H Masud

I'm M.H Masud from Dhaka, Bangladesh. Finally today I'm registered member in this community. I knew DEV.TO from last six months and i found better solution in here.

vigo_obia profile image
Obia Vigo

Hello all, a tech post brought me here. Nice to join a community of tech. I'm learning Java.

happyboi93 profile image

Hello everyone🙌, am new to this community ,am I welcomed here🤝.

roteski1 profile image
oladapo rotimi

Got to read about the 5 CSS trick by Button, and it was cool l.

bijoycoder profile image

Hello folks ♥
A really nice community of devs brought me here. I'm grateful ♥

bijoycoder profile image

"Hello, World" from India

snitch profile image
Marcel Hartmann

Hi Folks, I'm new so hello to all it concern. ;-)


acoh3n profile image

Welcome Marcel!

rugwed8 profile image

Hey I am new here and want to code but have some issues

nitin_gautam profile image
Nitin Gautam

Excited to be part of this community:)

yakov profile image

Ку гайс

ederikbyte profile image

Hello everybody. My love of programming brought me here. These articles so interesting to read and people are so cheerful here. I'm happy to be a piece of this awesome community. 🤗👍

vimalk profile image
Vimal K

Hello everyone, great to be part of this DEV community, to share and learn.

harshalimatte profile image
Harshali Matte

Hi Estelle.... I'm Harsha!

ziverch profile image
George Okadigbo

Hey there people
Stumbled accross this while viewing an article
Really loving it ♥️

nia989 profile image

Hi all, I'm a newcomer in this community, hopefully to learn something new here 🙌

lukedoyle37 profile image
Luke Doyle

Brand new to the DEV community. Saw the app in Google Play, and thought I'd give it a shot. Seems like a great place to talk about software👌

sidneyramos profile image
Sidney Ramos

Hiya peeps 🌟 Long-time lurker of, keen to connect with awesome individuals here!

ranveersequeira profile image

Noob.I'm Here to Read and Learn.

cesur07 profile image

Feeling amazed to be here

chuchu2781 profile image

Hello guys

mohsinintazar profile image
Mohsin Intazar

Hi, I'm here for enhancing my skills by learning from you all. Good to see a lively community. ❤

ceejaysunyt profile image
Ekejimbe Chijioke S.

Hello Estelle,

You are welcome

mandathompson profile image

Hi everyone! I'm new here :-) I'm currently a student in Springboard's Software Bootcamp; I'm looking forward to reading and learning.

dennisbett profile image
Dennis Bett

This is good.

helcilino profile image

Sou um apaixonado pela programação mas sem coragem (por agora) de embarcar nesse mundo

camillettss profile image

Hi everybody, how are u all?☕

ashish8796 profile image
Ashish Kumar Saini

Hey folks, I'm Ashish from India. Very nice community of devs.

saminu profile image
Saminu Eedris

Hello everyone,

Saminu over here :D
I am an Art Director and I also design websites with WordPress, I am looking to sharpen my Php skills to help me build better WordPress sites.

bingjunior profile image

Hey devs my name's Umair I'm a Computer Science student an article on git brought me here looking forward on learning something new

digi0ps profile image

Hey guys 😄

I'm new here, I've been reading blogs for long but for the first time deciding to write some blogs seriously. 😼

And I'm loving already. 🥳

greg_myagkov profile image
Gregory • Edited

Hey guys, support e-mail is active?

doniramdhant profile image

Hi everybody,
I'm doni from Indonesia 🙏
Salam semuanya.
Saya bangga bisa bergabung di komunitas ini.

felipeozalmeida profile image
Felipe Almeida

Hello people.
Nice to be finally here on DEV. Always loved the website design.
Time to share and spread the love of the things we like to do!

eadetoro profile image
Ezekiel Adetoro

I New Year. I'm a mobile App developer using Flutter and currently learning Kotlin.

vima91 profile image
Evram Ehab Basily

Hello everyone!
I am Evram, .net software engineer from Egypt.
Very excited to have joined this great community!

ariadnevieira profile image
Ariadne Vieira

Hello! I have so many tabs opened on my browser that I really don't know which one brought me here.

t_ryles profile image
T. Ryles

Hello everyone!
Currently learning HTML, CSS, and Java.
Aspiring frontend developer!
Advice and directions to resources would be great 😁

andre907 profile image
Andre van Heerden

Hi all, great to be new and part of this community. I am new to code and development and am busy working through The Odin Project on my way to become a better / advance developer.

yashbaldawa profile image
Yash Baldawa

Hello folks,
A very nice community of devs which shares many ideas and experiences. Will get to learn more from this community.

rajon789 profile image
MH Rajon

I read numerous posts here really loved it. Today I have joined this wonderful community.

haroldhulbert profile image

Hello Everyone,
I am glad to be a par of this community

edvi profile image
Edison Villarta

Hi everyone 👋,
I'm looking forward to learn from you guys.

spaglipa profile image
Paolo Spagli

Paolo here! A colleague bring me here. I am in cloud security field but I love programming too and learn new things. I think I have found my place :-)

deveshprakash profile image
Devesh Prakash Singh

Hello there
Just got to know about this amazing place. I'm grateful to be here in the community to enhance my knowledge.
happy learning

kledatami profile image

Dear all,
I hope you are doing well
I am an electrical engineer working on energy optimization algorithms to reduce
powertrain losses.

Best regards

joseclaramunt2 profile image
Jose Claramunt

Have a great weekend everybody! :)

angry0shenlong profile image

Hello Guys my name is Sanyog, I am a CS student and want to focus my career in web's nice to be among people I can learn (everything, I just started) from.

obidiisaac profile image

Hello everyone ♥
A really nice community of devs brought me here. I'm grateful and excited to be here.

dev_dominic profile image

Hey fellas. Its really nice to be here

real_rijin profile image
Rijin Reji Thomas

Hello everyone! One of my friends recommended me to check out DEV and I'm so happy to find a place where the people have same interests as I have 😊🔥

theinfinitywritings profile image

Hello Devs
I'm Shivanand
I recently started frontend web development
And I searched on playstore for the best community app for coders and undoubtedly this app was the first

Thanks to the community

erikaulin profile image
Erik Aulin

Hey, looking forward to see what this community has to bring. Seen some awesome post and figured I join. :)

benchly profile image

I just stumbled on this site, and I'm interested in learning about database management and Python-based web development.

ankithardiya21 profile image
ankithardiya21 • Edited

I,m new to this website looking forward to learn from coding community to execute what I intends to do. Thank you. #Beginner #Entrepreneur

shivamdurgbuns profile image
Shivam Durgbuns

Hello folks.
Glad to be a part of this community. Its a great source of sharing knowledge.
Keed copy and pasting.

leni52 profile image

Hello! Great to join you guys!! 💪

anik1612 profile image
Anik Sarker

A really nice community of devs brought me here. I'm grateful ♥

mxdws profile image
Martin Dawson


I’ve been reading articles on here for ages but decided to post something for the first time today.

I’m not a Developer, but I love to code and make useless stuff 😀 I like Python and data.

ferrari42128712 profile image

Hi Martin

Then we can talk using Python with tkinter. Also not a developer but like to try new things

7722989016 profile image
rajendra singh

My name is rajendra singh from electrical engineering background

srthkv profile image
Sarthak Verma • Edited

Hello Developer Fellows, I am Sarthak. I am learning Front End Web Development (JavaScript right now) and practising Python and ML.

tysiachnyi profile image

Hello, everyone from Ukraine ❤️

hennimed profile image

Hey , i m glade to be one of community of devs

akinleyejoshua profile image
Joshua • Edited

Hello i am josh
Nice joining this dev community

thehypersmug profile image
Aadesh Shukla

Hi People

Excited to be a part of this community.

unlockviv profile image

Hello all,
This is Kishan, couple of days ago I read few articles posted on Dev, which influenced me to write one of my own, I’ll be uploading it soon. I hope you will like it.

sushil787 profile image
sushil gyawali

Hello geeks. I read an article today about programming that take me here and I didn't wait to join this community.

elisee10 profile image
Elisée Djapa

Hello DEVers😂
I am CS student, just tryna learn, meet interesting, helpful, and fun people on this journey. A friend introduced this community to me.

aakashmalik1996 profile image

Hello everyone,
I am just a beginner with dreams. I am here because I want to utilize online resources to the maximum. Hope I have your support 😀

lakshmikanthnv profile image
lakshmi kanth n v

I'm here to improve my coding skills.
And I want to be a better at my skills and my gratitudes to DEV

devoltreffer profile image

Hello all!

Been browsing since last week when someone pointed the website out to me, now I've written my first article! Looking forward to both contribute and learn.

chintank profile image

Hello everyone,
I am a beginner in Front-End Development.
Want to learn more. 😄

tushxr profile image
Tushar Choudhary


This just seems like a great community and I'd love to be a part of it. Also, this just looks so C L E A N and visually appealing.

samir737 profile image

Hello to everybody from Chad

sinhakabhi profile image

Hello guys,
Hope you all are doing great this quarantine. I'm a beginner trying to learn each day. Has a good hands on java and also a pretty good UI/UX designer.

jorcus profile image

Hello World!

reillycodefreak profile image
Reilly Oduory

I like to read programming posts so a friend recommended

pthacker profile image
Pratik thacker

Awesome blogs on brought me here to learn more....

rajputkiran8888 profile image
Kiran Rajput


iacosta3994 profile image

Hey everyone,

Glad to find this community in the interwebs. I've recently learned python on my way to improve my 3D scanning with photogrammetry, and I'm excited to see where this project leads.

heathenjs profile image
Santiago Martín Albornoz

Saludos desde Argentina !

hamidrezakhaani profile image


tonydragster profile image

Hello I'm Durgesh.
An engineering student looking for opportunities. Currently exploring web and android.
Also i am a graphic designer 🎨

queenamina_ profile image

I want to be a part of a community that does great things!...happy to be here!

tonysree profile image

Hello Everyone,

It's pleasure to connect with DEV community.
Happing Coding..

mounickraj profile image
Mounick Raj • Edited

Hi Everyone. Just a young DevOps engineer trying to get a grasp of this techy world.

therakeshpurohit profile image
Rakesh Purohit

Welcome all

tumiwc profile image
Tumi Sineke

Hello everyone! I'm such a fan of this community :) Happy to be here and to learn from you all!

assouaalbert profile image
Al Baba

I answers are here. Unlike twitter I think my tweets are hitting a brick wall.

mraheelkhan profile image
Raheel Khan

Twitter brought me here for learning and helping :-)

ashtonsnapp profile image
Ashton Scott Snapp

Hello! Found this place while looking up a Discord buddy's projects.

anevins12 profile image
Andrew Nevins

Hi, I didn't know this community existed! I do front-end stuff and like to get involved with accessibility

cchavezmx profile image


ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Hey hey

hamidrezakhaani profile image


wiecodestyles profile image

Hello everyone. Am glad to join this community.

billmalea profile image

Heloo here..

r00teraf18 profile image
Amir Hossein Roohi

Hi there, really nice to have a place dedicated to programmers and developers, really helpfull and 👍

yashagrawal3107 profile image
Yash Agrawal

Hello everyone,
"It's always Give and take" - by someone
So, here I am.

aliracoffman profile image
Alira Coffman

Super happy to be here in this community. Looking forward to read and writing posts!

ocbruno profile image
Bruno Costa

Hello everyone! Good to be here✌

daniel2231 profile image
Daniel Kang

Hey, great to see you here!

luxus7 profile image
Luxus Z

Hi, everybody

I'm finishing my web application development studies and I need more and more information about development.

I'm so happy to find this developers community.

Greetings to all.

arskeliss profile image
Csokán Pál András

I am quite a beginner in coding, but i am very interested in it. I am from Hungary.

ravinayag profile image

Great ! Great !, Finally landed to my happiest community..

Hello Everyone !:)

smota93 profile image
Sergio Mota

Hey there guys!
Welcome to me and all of the new devs signing in! :D.

dbereznak profile image
Donny Bereznak

I guess I'm suppose to introduce myself here. Hi. Not 100% sure Where to go from here though, but I'm here. Oh I also like to write code, mostly bad code though.

shanks1209 profile image
Shashank Sharma

Hello folks,

I to become a Python Developer, please suggest me good courses or resources useful for my goal.

And welcome everyone!

juliandierkes profile image
Julian Dierkes

Hey there or "Moin" like we say here,
I'm really looking forward to be a part of this community. Lots of great discussions and posts.

patopitaluga profile image
Patricio Pitaluga

I've created my first post in is a tutorial on how I create ASCII art in javascript

vasugamdha profile image
Vasu Gamdha

Hello mates ♥
I am Vasu. I am an ML and Data analysis Enthusiast. I was learning python to communicate with snakes. Now, I am grown up!

dellarapture profile image
Della Komlà

I'm new here on DEV.
I am here to learn how to hack network systems.
And am looking forward to meet new people.
Also, I have a tourism sites and l need a business partner.

sunedp profile image

Hi Everyone.
I am looking forward to learn and collaborate with this community. :)

rohansharma18 profile image

Hello everyone, Here to get to know and learn from the amazing members of the dev💻 community. I am a React Native Developer, along with being a Machine Learning Enthusiast.

riteshsri1000 profile image
ritesh srivastava

I think this is a nice community of tech people not a fake fb page

peculiar1 profile image
Bradley Be

currently learning python, and how to make chatbots with python

ikntawi profile image
Ismail kounta

Hey folks 👋 it's really good to join your comunity

fabriciocaetano profile image


sab30 profile image

Hii guys , I'm an 18 year old University student exploring and learning web development

vemperalaas profile image


ben profile image
Ben Halpern


jonatapaulino profile image

Gosto de programar em Python para resolver problemas de IA. Estou feliz por estar nesta comunidade e espero ajudar. Obrigado

dip707 profile image
Dip Turkar

Hey Guys,
Found this great website now. I love the UI, the people... it's just great.❤️❤️

sammyvblog profile image
Sir Kelvin

I’m Samuel and happy to be here . I think I like learning without practicing. 😂. Dev got to help me.

buezor profile image

Hi I'm buezor.... I'm so happy be here.... looking forward to learning more

cutturock profile image

Hello All!! Great to be here to learn a lot and share back as much I can :)

mbaapohz profile image

Hello folks,

Am a fan of web design and still in the learning curve. Really love the community and will like to learn and share ideas too.

d1p013 profile image

hi peeps,

"discovered" Dev when I am searching through Python examples...
hoping to learn and contribute :)

praveentoby profile image
praveentoby • Edited

Hi, I'm praveen Srinivasa, I'm a new javascript addict

krishnachavda25 profile image

Hello everyone !
Glad to joining you guys ☺️

card profile image
Marc Anthony Card

Hello all 👋 from Portland OR 🌲

I keep stumbling on articles here, so I think it is about to time to just join the community. Excited to continue reading and maybe write a bit on my own.

aniket1 profile image

Too many genius minds brought me here!!
And oh, you folks are very helpful and thank you for it!! Looking forward to become a helpful member of this community.

manvinno profile image

Hello a really nice community of devs brought me here. I'm gratefully

r_dev_ profile image

Hello pals.
I am very grateful to join such an awesome community.

bharatc9530 profile image
bharat choudhary

Hi, I join DEV for share and learn my knowledge in data science.
It is a really good community to learn.

imshubh17 profile image
Shubham Singh

Hello everyone, I am shubham. i came here to contribute in this platform. i will happy to connect all at

lyubomiramanova profile image
Lyubomira Manova

Hi all!

I'm grateful to be part of this nice community!

jonathansegal profile image

Hello remotely from Los Angeles

Alt Text

ganesht59919900 profile image

A really nice community of devs brought me here. I'm grateful ♥

thomaspoignant profile image
Thomas Poignant

Hey I am new here!

annetweed profile image
Anne Tweed

I've enjoyed some posts that popped up on my Google feed so decided to join.

learndeepak profile image

Hello everyone, I just joined this community.

techyrajput profile image

Hello developers,
A really nice community of developer that broght me here. I am grateful 😊

abhayku92844212 profile image
Rush Politics

Hey! I am Abhay Kumar who is very interesting in Computer science and, very eager to get to know about Technologies.

lucyga profile image
Gaetano Lucifora

Hi to all, I'm a new to dev. I try to ask minor. Thank's a lot

adprakash19 profile image
Aditya Prakash


shivang02 profile image
Shivang Dubey

Namaste y'all, I am here to join this amazing community of developers as I am learning Web-Development. I wish to learn from fellow coders and will share my knowledge as I build upon it.

harshmantri profile image
Harsh Mantri

Hello everyone!
Stumbled across this amazing community of Dev people by a lucky chance. Hope to pick up a few things here and there and contribute something if I can. Much love!

arroak profile image

Good evening 😊, my name is Ridwanullahi a junior python developer. I'm here to develop my coding skill and experience through learning from the community

battletoad21 profile image
Kyle Brace

Full stack Ruby dev to javascript dev !

mmshowalter1 profile image
Monica Showalter • Edited

Hi, I'm Monica. I'm new.

aryan390 profile image


leibreis profile image

Hello everyone 🤗 My name is Andrew. Welcome from Ukraine!)

eon_oyekanmi profile image

I just started coding, I'm interested in full stack web development, I've only gotten CSS far and it has become boring.

I hope a community of web developers will help me.

somto profile image

Good morning, read an interesting article and then I landed here a nice community, I hope I'll learn newer things here

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Hey Dom! Great to have you. Congrats on the handle 😄

supermario_ai profile image

Super stoked to be here, hope everyone and their families are safe and sound!

aw886 profile image

Hello, I am Anthony.
I am glad to be here.

adeyemitj profile image
Adeyemi Taiwo

Hello all,
I'm happy to be a member of this community.

arunegimonk profile image

hello everyone , whosoever is reading this comment, i am arun negi a cybersecurity and programming enthusiast, here to help others and to seek knowledge from others.

saravanan_think profile image

I want discussion about javascript.

pat_makhubo profile image
Thabang Pat Makhubo

Hello fellow Developers. I'm new to developing. Currently a 3rd I.T student so I decided to join the community. 😁

ferrari42128712 profile image

New to coding and need help so i surge for help and end up with Dev. Will ask a lot of questions and hope u can help me and as i learn hope to help others with coding as well.

macca profile image
Macauley Parry

Heyy guys! Just recently came across your app on the store and thought I'd pick it up and check it out. Hope you're all well and I eagerly look forward to meeting you all. 💙

vinaum profile image
Vinicius Sartori

Hello everyone!
Glad to be here and also glad to learn about new technologies.

kgopotso2019 profile image
Kgopotso2019 • Edited

Hey Guys, I love this community and looking forward to long lasting learning.

bhanuprasad007 profile image

Hello, I am Bhanu, a full stack developer.
I am learning Angular and Typescript for my next project and google search brought me here..🙂

shubhamsetia681 profile image
Shubham Setia

Hey Folks 👋... It feels great to join this community

muralidhar profile image
muralidhar • Edited

Hello Everyone, I'm Muralidhar

alirezaaliabadi profile image

Hi, I'm Alireza
I was looking for community app for programmers and i found this. I'm new member and nice to meet you all :)
I wish have good experience with this app

wakuseo profile image
Philip Waku • Edited

Greetings everyone!
I've been a passive member for a while and finally decided to tune in to the DEV community now. Really excited to be here.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great to have you! That's a very common pattern.

iamsonukushwaha profile image
Sonu Kumar Kushwaha • Edited

Hello everyone!
Glad to be here
I'm Sonu kumar kushwaha from patna, India.

see my projects on GitHub

ranidha profile image

Hello friends :)
On Clouds nine to be part of this community!

rutheshmuniraj profile image
Ruthesh Muniraj

Hello folks :-)
I'm Ruthesh, New here.

batsoup profile image
ARH • Edited

Hello, I am a robot. And happy to see people design things for my friend , the computer :)

dario_wd_coding profile image
Dario Presutti • Edited

Hi everyone!
i'm Dario, i landed yesterday on this amazing community, and i wanted to write a "hello post" but i was absorbed from your post. there is so many interstingf things here!

justincast profile image

Hi everyone!
Such a great community here

hamidrezakhaani profile image

Hi dev's

misaelabanto profile image
Misael Abanto

This is the best community that I known. Thank you for all, you make me the life easier reading your posts!

rachnaagrawal profile image
Rachna Agrawal

Hello Learners!!
An interesting post from brought me here!! I hope this journey will be great ahead.

harishchandrajr profile image

Hello everyone 👋,

Recently I started learning python, as my journey strated in this domain. Google feeds started pouring very interesting Blog's from DEV,
So I had to join.👨🏻‍💻

sumimakito profile image
^ ​ ^ Makito

I think I've just found a nice community for developers. 😝
As a full-stack web developer and Android developer, I'm looking forward to learning new things and sharing my experience here. ❤️

andrew_edward37 profile image
Andrew Edward

Hello everyone! Came from a friend's recommendation and I am very excited to be here :)