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Top comments (244)
Hello Everyone!
My name is Tatjana and I'm currently a nurse and an aspiring front end web developer. I've been learning for about 3 weeks as of today, however I know HTML and CSS from previous times in my life, so my focus now is JavaScript. I'm also a hobby musician 🎶, photographer 📷, and yoga instructor. I'm currently using TeamTreehouse and a variety of other resources (freecodecamp and books) to learn how to code.
👽 Hi!
Welcome to DEV!
Welcome Tatjana! Best of luck in your coding journey!
Also, thank you very much for your service in the health sector. My mom is a nurse, also, and so I understand how stressful it must be. It's very impressive that you are teaching yourself code while taking care of your community!
hi, Who am I?
Hi 🙂
Welcome Tatjana 😀
Well hello there!
As someone who came from the medical world as well, welcome! This just might be the best career move you've ever made :)
Welcome Tatjana Burdett on DEV 👽
Welcome! :D
Welcome to DEV, I am sure it would be the best decision in your life and hope you have a fruitful career switch, wish you all the best!
Welcome Tatjana.
Holla Tatjana! Really a very good start!👏❤
Welcome to DEV!
Hi Tatjana welcome to the IT world!
Hello everyone! Happy to be here in the DEV community. I'm a self-taught full-stack developer and I'm looking to build my network and connect with like-minded individuals 👨💻. JavaScript is my language of choice and its been quite the journey so far! I'm currently on Udemy learning more about Express. I look forward to talking with some of you!
Heyo! Welcome to DEV. 🙂
Thank you! 😄
Thank you! 😃
dev.to ! ! !
Welcome! :D.
Thank you! Happy to be here. 😃
Thank you! 👨🏻💻
Hello and welcome.
Hello there!
Welcome Zachary, you are at the right place I can say
Thank you! I'm happy to hear that. I feel the love here!
Hello everyone! 👋 Long time lurker, new writer. I graduated from a bootcamp in March and have been job searching ever since. I decide to write about my projects to make better use of my time and found that I enjoy doing it! 😁 Currently doing the 30 projects in 30 day challenge, you can follow my projects on my profile. I hope to get some participation on an application that I'm building in addition to collaborating with you fine folks here. Cheers!
30 projects in 30 days that's my speed.. looking forward to this..
That's awesome! 🔥
oh.. A great challenge that is.... will love to create a challenge like that for myself
Can't wait to see what comes out after 30 days! Good luck!
30 projects in 30 days sounds like a really tough challenge! I hope you succeed with your challenge and wish you all the best for your job search!
Hello all
Hope you’re doing good
This is VenkataSai Adicherla (can call me SAI). I’m a Machine Learning Enthusiast, self taught machine learning engineer, who currently exploring the areas of deep learning, my light focus is in Image Processing.
Awesome and welcome!
Hiya! My name is Fer, I am a Junior/Mid level python and Backend developer. Love to code and am here to learn as much as I can! (so I can earn a little more to support my other expensive hobbies). I am also a pc enthusiast and build pcs for fun. And of course an avid gamer, mainly RL.
Happy to be here!
Hello All,
I’ve been a Technology leader for several years. I'm like a jack of all trades and master of many in my case as a Technology Fellow. I enjoy creating hardware and software solutions in my spare time in my Home lab is always popping with somthing, and my electric bill shows that I'm personally financing Edison as my wife would say.. ;) I'm looking to meet and collaborated with like minded individuals that's what brings me here, hoping to spark up some good conversations. Core Discipline: 3D rendering, Machine Learning, Immersive tech, Robotics, High Performance Compute, Unreal, Unity.
nice, maybe you can share some article about what you are doing. I also enjoy playing with my raspberry pi.
Hello! I am Lex, and a former teacher making a career change. I am attending Boot Camp starting in October, but I’ve already began working on HTML and my next focus is CSS. I have always had a passion for web development and I am loving it! While my decision 5
to quit teaching was difficult and definitely scary, I cannot wait to see where this journey takes me. All the best to you all. Looking forward to getting to know others and learning from others.
Kind vibes,
Good luck. Also, as you become proficient at programming your teaching skills will come very useful in explaining technology to business stakeholders and to mentor and lead techies junior to you.
Thank you for your kind words and encouragement!
Hello Everyone
I am Izuchukwu from Nigeria. I'm Happy to be here. Been learning Web development for 6 months now. To some extent, I have mastered CSS and HTML, now on JavaScript for the past 3 months.
I heard DEV.to is an awesome community. I need all the help I can get.
Thank you all.
Welcome to the community.
Thank you
Hello everyone!! nice to meet you here in DEV!. Currently I am learning Angular! so if you have any advice will be welcome 😅.
I have to say that I am a business man! I've been working in different sectors like retail, banking and consulting! in all of them in positions related with technology and Data analytics. Really good experiences working in Latin America and Europe!.
Right now I want to learn in deep to code cool stuff ( one goal is to code a Project Management App).. we will see whats next! 👋
Hey there, hope you dig DEV!
Hello World
I am new to DEV community and I am a software developer, a blogger, a part-time chef, and a geek. I am looking forward to have some great learning experience here. I believe - I will find many like-minded people here, and would be working with few of them for sure !
Have a nice day ahead :)
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