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Top comments (163)
Hello and thanks for creating such a cool community.
I'm Stephanie.
A real estate agent down in rural Georgia. Jackson Lake actually.
I have to rocket-launch into this digital transformation and am looking to learn from the people who build the web.
Anyways, Thanks for the inclusive approach. I look forward to
with you all.Stephanie Dial
(having a whale of a time figuring out how to connect that .dev domain to my current site too @ dialstephanie.ihouseelite.com )
Hi Stephanie!
Funny that you should mention Real Estate. I was (tried to be) a Realtor about 18 years ago. But I couldn't sell my way out of a wet paper bag.
What I could do was learn HTML and CSS. I used that to put together and deploy a simple 3 pager web site. It was so awesome that the other new agents in the office wanted me to make one for them. I signed up for a reseller account with a web hosting company and started charging $200.00 for the site and 1 year of hosting (with domain name). It actually turned into a pretty good side income.
Thank You all for the amazing response and welcoming feeling! We have been seeking community for some time now, and think we may have just found out! I can't say how good it feels to find a place on this web of webs that makes you feel welcome and is so supportive.
You brought me and my team to tears this week with your kind words and the number of people that would check out our site was truly humbling.
We have so many ideas and integrations we hope to implement but struggle mightily with all the languages, integrations, and technologies. 'IT.man' as I call him, said he's about to camp out here and really hopes to start learning.
AGAIN, Thank you all so much. This makes everything worth all the work we put in.
Oh, by the way, we finished Startup School, but a technical glitch caused us to miss the last session of the Build Sprint we were running. Regardless, I was able to go from ZERO sales since quarantine to over a $1.5 million month our first month out here in this wide world of whatever this is. Clearing almost a $25,000 month; by far the best I'd had in my near two years in-industry. And because of the unexpected success (at such a first-rate), my newfound team (writer: Kim Tolar and soon-to-be agent; IT.man - well he calls himself a wannabe, but he's been a true god-send to us all: cbrennnanpoole and my Broker: Ben Dover Jr. ) have decided to pause on further marketing and take to journey mapping/building an organic, hopefully, community-centric journey/web-site over at UnderContract.dev. We welcome all feedback, contributors, insight, and criticisms.
Thank You Much,
Hi Stephanie! Nice to meet you.
Welcome Stephanie this great community.
You'll learn a lot here.
Hi Stephanie!
hey stephanie nice to meet you !
Hey, I am Artem! I used to do a lot of Web Development in the past, but mostly write Infrastructure code at my current job.
I like witting about project that I work on, cause it allows me to document some of the gotchas and findings. I found it to be really helpful.
Dev.to is a great platform, cause it is geared towards developers... and you can use markdown for posts lol
Welcome to DEV!
I must not have posted here, because Sloan the DEV.to mascot keeps telling me to...
Hey everyone, you can call me Connor! I live in California, where if you ignore the fires we have deserts, mountains, near-tropical forests and grasslands all in the same place. I love biking and playing the piano when I'm not writing code or a new article for this site. Pleased to meet you guys!
What your favorite Carly song?
Haha, hard one.... Too Much is super nice, This Love Isn't Crazy was pretty good, and I haven't listened to the Emotion releases this summer.
Hello Devs! My name is Manuel and a friend recommended this community. I'm happy to have finally found a place where people actually care to engage, learn and grow together! Awesome! 🔥
I am a Software Engineer living in London and I love container technologies like Docker and Kubernetes.
Nice to meet you, and see you later!
Hi, I'm Thomas.
I'm a self-taught software developer from the UK. My day job is in Aviation, however, with the C19 pandemic, I've been on furlough.
I've dusted off my programming skills during the downtime, and rewritten a product that I started writing whilst I was in college, which I eventually aim to launch as a SaaS product.
I look forward to developing alongside everyone, and taking part in the excellent looking community!
Hi Thomas, hearing stuff like that always cheers me up as I'm trying to go professional via self study myself. Do you have any advice for someone who is still rather at the beginning of this journey?
Kind regards,
Hi Sieb,
The only advice I can give really is always keep everyone you work with on side. My first development contracts have come from a former colleague who went independent before me.
As for self learning, just create products with your chosen technology which you can use to sell yourself to potential clients.
Hope that helps.
Hi everyone 👋
Long time lurker here, finally decided to join up. I'm a long time self learner, but over the last few years I've been studying software development at university; currently I'm completing my Masters. I'm hoping to get into full stack development after school, but the backend kind of scares me 👻
Anyways, can't wait to get involved with this awesome community 👩💻
Hi, kiandra👋
Hello everyone!
My name is Kristjan. I'm here from Estonia.
Hacktoberfest brought me here.
I'm super excited to be here!
I'm currently learning automation with Python on Coursera and just happen to be at the part where they talk about Git.
I hope to learn a lot from DEV!
Hello there my developer friends, my name is Alex and I am a full-time Java Developer.
I joined this community so I can learn from people with the same passion that I have, my current objective is to dive into web development and start an online business, I already have an idea for a food blog (yeah I know, how original). So yeah, thanks for letting me in and I cannot wait to meet you all!
hello guy's, i'm cyrille. i am gld to be part of these cool community platform, i am currently a begginer in front-end web development. i luv codding aelot and i am passionate to go full stack and learn new technologies.....
Hi. My name is Kaori. I learned about dev.to through Twitter. I liked the helpful articles here and that's why I joined. I'm currently looking for my first job as a software developer after graduating from The Tech Academy bootcamp. Thanks for reading!
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