DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v92 staff on September 23, 2020

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
reallistagent profile image
Dial Stephanie

Hello and thanks for creating such a cool community.

I'm Stephanie.

A real estate agent down in rural Georgia. Jackson Lake actually.

I have to rocket-launch into this digital transformation and am looking to learn from the people who build the web.

I'm told that's y'all.

Anyways, Thanks for the inclusive approach. I look forward to developing with you all.

Stephanie Dial
(having a whale of a time figuring out how to connect that .dev domain to my current site too @ )

greeder59 profile image
Gordon Reeder

Hi Stephanie!
Funny that you should mention Real Estate. I was (tried to be) a Realtor about 18 years ago. But I couldn't sell my way out of a wet paper bag.
What I could do was learn HTML and CSS. I used that to put together and deploy a simple 3 pager web site. It was so awesome that the other new agents in the office wanted me to make one for them. I signed up for a reseller account with a web hosting company and started charging $200.00 for the site and 1 year of hosting (with domain name). It actually turned into a pretty good side income.

reallistagent profile image
Dial Stephanie • Edited

Thank You all for the amazing response and welcoming feeling! We have been seeking community for some time now, and think we may have just found out! I can't say how good it feels to find a place on this web of webs that makes you feel welcome and is so supportive.

You brought me and my team to tears this week with your kind words and the number of people that would check out our site was truly humbling.

We have so many ideas and integrations we hope to implement but struggle mightily with all the languages, integrations, and technologies. '' as I call him, said he's about to camp out here and really hopes to start learning.

AGAIN, Thank you all so much. This makes everything worth all the work we put in.

Oh, by the way, we finished Startup School, but a technical glitch caused us to miss the last session of the Build Sprint we were running. Regardless, I was able to go from ZERO sales since quarantine to over a $1.5 million month our first month out here in this wide world of whatever this is. Clearing almost a $25,000 month; by far the best I'd had in my near two years in-industry. And because of the unexpected success (at such a first-rate), my newfound team (writer: Kim Tolar and soon-to-be agent; - well he calls himself a wannabe, but he's been a true god-send to us all: cbrennnanpoole and my Broker: Ben Dover Jr. ) have decided to pause on further marketing and take to journey mapping/building an organic, hopefully, community-centric journey/web-site over at We welcome all feedback, contributors, insight, and criticisms.


Thank You Much,


YC SUS 2020 Certificate

secure_daily profile image

Hi Stephanie! Nice to meet you.

xantosromero profile image
Santos Romero

Welcome Stephanie this great community.
You'll learn a lot here.

adriangrigore profile image
Adrian Emil Grigore

Hi Stephanie!

bishalzawarudo profile image
bish@l sen

hey stephanie nice to meet you !

secure_daily profile image

Hey, I am Artem! I used to do a lot of Web Development in the past, but mostly write Infrastructure code at my current job.
I like witting about project that I work on, cause it allows me to document some of the gotchas and findings. I found it to be really helpful. is a great platform, cause it is geared towards developers... and you can use markdown for posts lol

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV!

Spiderman swinging by to say hello

carlyraejepsenstan profile image

I must not have posted here, because Sloan the mascot keeps telling me to...

Hey everyone, you can call me Connor! I live in California, where if you ignore the fires we have deserts, mountains, near-tropical forests and grasslands all in the same place. I love biking and playing the piano when I'm not writing code or a new article for this site. Pleased to meet you guys!

mennairda profile image

What your favorite Carly song?

carlyraejepsenstan profile image

Haha, hard one.... Too Much is super nice, This Love Isn't Crazy was pretty good, and I haven't listened to the Emotion releases this summer.

mcastellin profile image
Manuel Castellin

Hello Devs! My name is Manuel and a friend recommended this community. I'm happy to have finally found a place where people actually care to engage, learn and grow together! Awesome!  🔥

I am a Software Engineer living in London and I love container technologies like Docker and Kubernetes.

Nice to meet you, and see you later!

thomas379 profile image
Thomas Saunders

Hi, I'm Thomas.

I'm a self-taught software developer from the UK. My day job is in Aviation, however, with the C19 pandemic, I've been on furlough.

I've dusted off my programming skills during the downtime, and rewritten a product that I started writing whilst I was in college, which I eventually aim to launch as a SaaS product.

I look forward to developing alongside everyone, and taking part in the excellent looking community!

morphinae93 profile image

Hi Thomas, hearing stuff like that always cheers me up as I'm trying to go professional via self study myself. Do you have any advice for someone who is still rather at the beginning of this journey?

Kind regards,

thomas379 profile image
Thomas Saunders

Hi Sieb,

The only advice I can give really is always keep everyone you work with on side. My first development contracts have come from a former colleague who went independent before me.

As for self learning, just create products with your chosen technology which you can use to sell yourself to potential clients.

Hope that helps.


bykiandra profile image
Kiandra Ginevra

Hi everyone 👋

Long time lurker here, finally decided to join up. I'm a long time self learner, but over the last few years I've been studying software development at university; currently I'm completing my Masters. I'm hoping to get into full stack development after school, but the backend kind of scares me 👻

Anyways, can't wait to get involved with this awesome community 👩‍💻

atulcodex profile image
🚩 Atul Prajapati 🇮🇳

Hi, kiandra👋

kristjanlink profile image

Hello everyone!

My name is Kristjan. I'm here from Estonia.

Hacktoberfest brought me here.

I'm super excited to be here!

I'm currently learning automation with Python on Coursera and just happen to be at the part where they talk about Git.

I hope to learn a lot from DEV!

alexfulop profile image
Fulop Alex-Dominic

Hello there my developer friends, my name is Alex and I am a full-time Java Developer.

I joined this community so I can learn from people with the same passion that I have, my current objective is to dive into web development and start an online business, I already have an idea for a food blog (yeah I know, how original). So yeah, thanks for letting me in and I cannot wait to meet you all!

yamegoucyrille profile image

hello guy's, i'm cyrille. i am gld to be part of these cool community platform, i am currently a begginer in front-end web development. i luv codding aelot and i am passionate to go full stack and learn new technologies.....

kaoriizutani profile image

Hi. My name is Kaori. I learned about through Twitter. I liked the helpful articles here and that's why I joined. I'm currently looking for my first job as a software developer after graduating from The Tech Academy bootcamp. Thanks for reading!

ambasthaankur profile image


I'm Ankur Raj.
I want to discuss onething how to learn javascript and get more knowledge about javascript.
Because when i learnt js then understand but i didn't understand how to apply javascript in project.... If anyone can help me plzz tell me how use js in my own project......

abdullahsajjad026 profile image
Abdullah Sajjad

I'm Abdullah Sajjad.
I am always passionate about learning Web Development and other cool stuff but truthfully I'm a double-minded or you can say a very confused person about where to start and where to learn kind of questions. But I always explore Google and find best solutions and that's reason I joined to get help from community.

That's a little bit about me. Thanks!

muskantripathi profile image
Muskan Tripathi

Hey !!!
I'm Muskan Tripathi.
Today I got a mail from the Hacktoberfest Team regarding registration I made, where I got to know about this super cool community. I m very excited to be a part of this community. I hope to explore and learn a lot from DEV and establish friendly connections over here.

dogoyaro profile image


My name is Yamen. I am a software developer out of Abu Dhabi. I have read a ton of articles on this platform and I have found them delightful. I look forward to being part of a wholesome community of tech enthusiasts.

benanavd profile image

I am the creator of a new DBMS called JayaDB that fully resolves the object-relational impedance mismatch problem. It is based on a remarkable paradigm shift. As it turns out "object" structures can automatically be generated for any query without requiring any ORM tools. In fact, you don't even need to define classes. You just define one "high level model". All past approaches to ORM and pure object-oriented databases were based on flawed and limiting assumptions. JayaDB is based on the remarkable insight that object structures are equivalent to "compact" response structures that represent a solution to a query. In JayaDB you focus on writing a query according to functional requirements. Then call the method query.displayStructure() which will display the object oriented structure for you. The structure can be accessed by "getter" methods just as if a class were defined.

JayaDB has several other innovations that reduce the time to code very substantially (20+ times faster). It is also a unifying database that subsumes relational, graph, and object-oriented dbs.

There is no website as of yet, but a whitepaper is available upon request at

ptrklk profile image
Piotr Kielak

Hi, I'm Piotr.

I came here because I heard that this is a great community, and I was reading some articles here from time to time. I'm in the first year of being a front-end web developer.

I'm looking forward to meeting many great people here...
..and gain some valuable knowledge, too. ;)

amt8u profile image

Multiple reasons
*Just love how fast is. Dark theme is awesome.
*Fed up of ads in every other community.
*Would like to understand others opinions for various dev practices

Lets see how it goes.

manikantabunny profile image
bunny manikanta

Hey hello guys .. wonderful to be part of this community.

efeuruk profile image
Ersoy Efe Uruk

Hello to everyone who is part of this community. I am Efe, Software Engineer/Frontend Developer. I was always using here to "look for solutions", stackoverflow style :) After a while I wanted to join here as well to be more involved and maybe help other people to solve their problems, who knows. My interests are mostly web and mobile development.

majorbaguette profile image

Ola !

I'm Alexandre/Alex/Dany -- pick one!
I come from France and yes I have that strong french accent and the ability to be bad at english.

Currently I'm learning web development (React/Node) @ Wild Code School.
I discovered thanks to a tech watch activity and fell in love with the concept, so HERE I AM §

I'd love to go freelance as soon I'm free from my current contract and develop the activity my wife and I launched few months ago :

That's it, I like to describe myself as a digital constructor, dev techs being my 2020 Lego bricks

Thanks all and don't forget your towel.

israman30 profile image
Israel Manzo

Hello World.., very happy to become part of a developer community
I am former business manager that jumped in technology a few years ago. I worked as Full-stack developer in NYC, now living on the Washington DC area.
I give back what had learn. { English && Spanish };

eworld profile image
Emmanuel Os • Edited

Hi I'm Emmanuel am a front end developer. I love the energy I get from here and the community is great, it took awhile before I joined because I was studying the community and I found out it was great place and the right place for me to come, learn and teach others too. ☺️

yaythomas profile image
yaythomas • Edited

print('hello world')

Let's keep Sloan the Mascot happy. . . 

Long time lurker, just signed up Loving the friendly community vibe! 🥳

I'm Thomas 👋. Been coding for aaaaages - but I've rediscovered that I actually quite enjoy coding thanks to Python in recent years!

Currently I'm mostly doing open-source software.

What's mostly occupying my time currently is a free & open-source project that lets you automate your tasks without writing any of the boilerplate & repetitive code you typically have to do for error handling, retries, conditional statements (if. . . then. . . else) and managing and formatting configuration files.

So if you want to automate your sequential task workflows, this might help!

You can find that on GitHub here:
And the home page for all the documentation is here:

adrian_hb profile image
Adrian Havenga-Bennett • Edited

Hello, everyone!

My name is Adrian and I'm an ex-Londoner, ex-small-town-South African now living in Pembroke, Wales. I started my programming journey back in 2016 with game development (C++ and UE4). That didn't really work out. But I found web development in early 2018 and got hooked.

I enrolled in a full stack (HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery, Bootstrap, Python, Flask, Django, MongoDB, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Heroku) Bootcamp in February 2019 and finished in August 2020 (my projects can be found on my Github page: and am awaiting my graduation diploma.

I am continuing to learn through Udemy courses and would really like to get some real-world experience under my belt as I am job hunting (career change from 7+ years schedule management and logistics), so I figured contributing to open source (#hacktoberfest brought me here!) would be a great learning experience - if I could ever find actual beginner-friendly issues, with clear documentation, to work on. If anyone has any insights, I'm all ears!

I am currently extending my JS knowledge by learning about Node.

Looking forward to chatting with you all!

Happy coding!

deborahbeams profile image

Hello everyone! New here.

I'm Deborah.

I'm a senior writer at
Really glad to find this community, it feels like the start of a new journey actually :)

I look forward to learning new about developing!


semanth profile image
Naga Semanth
Hello DEV friends !!

I am here to learn and connect with dev community. I am App Operations engineer fixing broken apps, enhancing, maintaining and migrating stuff. I have always wanted to write - thoughts, observations and practices as well. I hope I can break barriers within and contribute. Nice to meet y'all.

andreolfda profile image

Hello dev,
I am francesco and thanks for creating such a cool and healthy community.

I am a product marketer at, a smart contract open-source programming language. I usually do code and optimize things and do a lot of data science in my spare time.

Happy to hear about other data scientist or product marketer!


bramleydev profile image
Anthony Bramley

Hey guys! I do webdev mainly, but I've been exploring language dev and C# stuff (mainly Xamarin). I also compose music and play volleyball, both of which are very fun. I wrote a full post on it (, but that's all you really need to know.

nikhilmwarrier profile image

Thank You!!!
Well, that's a conclusionary statement.
Anyway, I'm Nikhil, a jr. Geek, 14yo
Crazy web dev and funny gif animator and blogger
visit my non-dev blog:
(I''ve not yet started my dev blog yet. Coming soon...)

zackhamin profile image
Zack Amin

Hi, All.

My name is Zack, after ten years as an air-conditioning engineer and electrician I decided to enter the world of tech. I went through a career change, self-taught then Bootcamp. Now I am a junior mobile and backend software engineer for a bank, in the UK.

Looking forward to contributing.

keshav profile image

Hey guys, this is Keshav! From Bangalore
Super excited to be a part of this community.Looking forward to learn and grow as a developer.
Crazy Manchester United fan.
Love football?? Let's get in touch XD.

mallockey profile image
Josh Melo

Hello all,

I've done a lot of Powershell scripting in the past but now looking to get in Web Development. I've been learning JavaScript and its frameworks and general computer science principles for the past year now. Hoping to land a job as a web developer!

I look forward to being a part of the community!

shouvik54768665 profile image

Hello everyone I am shouvik, I enjoy documenting after learning. In college I tried to publish my learning in internet, but did not find potential readers.

Thanks for creating a community, I hope I will receive feedbacks and able to engage with others.

Here is article I have published.

Hope readers find informative.

naazzzim profile image

I'm Nazim. A Computer Science Student from India...
Keenly interested in learning how to develop both mobile apps and web apps...
I hope this will become an excellent place for me to learn new cool things...

ankushgaurav profile image

Hi everyone,
I'm Ankush Gaurav and thanks for having a great community like this.
I love to work on open source projects since it gives more learning then any other way. Looking forward to learn from the people and interact with them.

oscarmoreira1 profile image
Oscar Moreira 🚀

Hello Everyone !! 😃
My name is Oscar, im from Tenerife, Canary Islands and i am studying Computer Science Engineer and organizer of the Congress of Computer science Engineering Students of La Laguna University.

I love to learn new things in class and by my self with courses, videos and making projects but the best is learn talking with friends and people from the sector.

I have knowledge in C++, Python, HTML, CSS, POO, Data Structures, Algorithms and a little bit in data science and machine learning with libraries like Pandas, Scikit-learn, Numpy and graphics with Plotly

Im learning Javascript at the moment and i like a lot, working in my future webpage and trying to improve my english too. 😋

I like participate in the comunnity and i hope learn a lot and do interestings post to help 😊.

johnnye63 profile image

Hi Devs,

I'm joining from CreateServerless #MSCreate

Coding became my passion many years ago and I'm looking to get inspired and learn loads more with .NET, C# and Azure.

This looks like a great place to be.


toolsformarketers profile image

Hello dev community, I just joined, I wish to be part of this awesome community, to learn more and share also my experience as developer. Looking forward to make new connections here and build something awesome.

mtee profile image
Margaret W.N

Welcome to the community.

tangentus profile image
Trevor Broaddus

Hello all!

I am a Ruby/Rails developer and also have experience in PHP as well. I've been doing web development (primarily backend) since 2015 and absolutely love it (especially Ruby).

I found this site from Hackernews and really loved the content. I look forward to continued articles and the community!

offpremisecloud profile image
Ankur Upadhyay

Hey Everyone at DEV ,

I got glued here because of the nature of this community , its inclusiveness and informative approach towards making a Softwares look cool . i am hoping to gather some information and also share some views which i have learnt while taking this career path .

Thanks ,

mrjoops profile image
Alexandre Lahure

Hi all!

I'm Alexandre. I learn/code/teach/talk about web development and architecture for about 25 years.

DuckDuckGo 🦆 brought me here. I was looking for articles to discuss event sourcing, read a few interesting ones here, so I stayed a little while.
Then I read about, liked what I saw, and now I'm in !

aniketbharsakale profile image
Aniket Bharsakale

Hi. I'm Aniket from Pune, India.
I am thankful for this platform and would like to make the most of it in all productive ways possible. By the way, I'm new to the open-source world and also have started exploring and contributing toward it which is interesting and at times challenging rather than just creating your own repositories and doing individual contributions.

I am a developer by profession, a Manchester United F.C supporter, and also play as a striker at a local football club named Dynamites S.C in my city.
I like to dig and work around java, spring boot, spring cloud, microservices, spring data and am currently trying to learn Docker and Kubernetes which I think will be a great add-on for me in many aspects.

I learned about the DEV platform through the hacktoberfest2020 event.
Pleased to meet you guys.

portlandtn profile image
Jedidiah May

Hi everyone,
I'm Jed. Just got introduced to this site by a friend of mine. Very cool stuff. I'm a C# developer, transitioning from a VB.NET tester role. Always on the lookout for good learning resources, general help, and a friendly, supportive community.

Happy coding!
Jed May

tjestrella profile image
T.J. Estrella

Hey everyone,

My name is TJ and I work IT at a start-up brokerage in South Florida. I've attended UM's coding boot camp a couple of years back, but I haven't kept up with my practices. I found out about this site and I figured that this would be a great place to meet people so I can keep up my interests.


apptomate profile image

Hello Everyone!

This is Thirupathi from apptomate :)

apptomate is a Global IT / Software Consulting and Management Company in India, USA and Germany offers UI/UX design services, Artificial Intelligence & machine learning, AI chatbot development, internet of things (IoT) app development, RPA (Robotic Process Automation) development services, enterprise application development, DevOps consulting services, hybrid mobile app development, web application development, magento 2 development & migration, eCommerce app development, cloud application development like SaaS / PaaS / IaaS application development services, quality assurance & software testing, digital marketing, software application maintenance & support services, etc.

welshprogrammer profile image

Hello fellow developers, I to like to write code.

Been doing it for about 15 years now as a profession and many years before that on as a hobby on platforms like the M68k, 6502 and Z80.

I'm a Rust and Python enthusiast, I try to use them in as many projects as I can.

In my spare time when I'm not working on my own game or writing mods, I like factory building games like Factorio and Satisfactory, but currently I'm diving back in to EVE Online

Currently trying to decide if I want to use my own REST or WebSockets with Protobuf implementation or go with a a framework like gRPC for communicating between multiple components written in server written in Rust Server with C# and Python clients.

abdul_haseeb_ profile image
Haseeb Khan

Hello everyone. I'm Haseeb.

I learned about DEV from Twitter and found it to be pretty cool.

So I did what any one else would do, I joined. 😃

I'm a husband of a beautiful wife, father of an adorable 15 month old and ... a front-end developer. I've spent the past 5 years as a QA Automation Developer and recently made the transition to front-end development.

Other than spending time with friends and family, I casually game, absolutely love hiking, learn about new tech and write about what I learn.

Excited to be a part of this community and looking forward to learning from all of you smart folks.

Cheers! ✌️

aadityajha2004 profile image

Hello everyone,
I am a self taught programmer(not entirely a programmer). I have interest in wide ranges of topics like poetry, philosophy, science, space, programming(of course) to name a few. Currently I know python, (very basic javascript, c/c++) and Flask. I haven't made many projects. Looking forward to read and write some great articles and meet new people.

akansha202 profile image

Hello everyone👋, I'm Akansha...
Yesterday I was reading a blog about AWS Cloud And then I came to know about Dev and now I'm here, Basically I'm from India and I have completed my bachelor of engineering and I want to make my career in cloud, So now I'm preparing for practitioner level exam.

deenovita profile image
Dee Novita • Edited

Hey everyone!!

I'm Dee, so excited to be part of this community yay! How did I get here? I'm currently learning about convolutional neural network, when I search around, I found a post "face mask detector with tensorflow CNNs" in this website which is really cool! and motivate me to join, so I could learn more with awesome devs here. yuhuu~
Fun fact about me: I could bend my thumbs to the opposite direction easily lol
Anyway, nice to meet you all! and if anyone has book recommendations for me to learn about CNN I would like to read them, so please give me some. Thank you!

jessica000 profile image
Jessica Valencia • Edited

Hello fellow devs!
This is my first day on DEV community.
I've already published an article. Please take a look and help me improve further!

adityakanekar profile image
Aditya Kanekar

Hello Everyone,

I am Aditya. I am technical person at heart. Eager to learn new tech here.

I am part of the IT industry for last 14 years, I started my career as .Net Developer. However open source bug has bitten me and from last 4-5 years I am working on open source tech stack.


assassin9 profile image

Hi,I'm H.M Mahmudur Rashid.
I'm a web developer and a learner.I'm also one of those computer enthusiasts out there who are discovering new things about technology.I'm widely known as TechRashid.So,You can call me that.
Thanks for creating this cool community.

mattcasey profile image
Matt Casey

Hi everyone!

My name is Matt Casey. I have over 20 years experience in web development, 6 years building backend services in Node.js. I love working with others in a creative way and improving my process as a developer, but most importantly always try to have fun with whatever I'm working on.

I'm now working on a tool to gamify the developer workflow (managing pull requests, meetings, daily standup, etc) and hoping to share and learn from others here.

shlokaguptaa profile image

Hey everyone, every day I discover something new in the world of computers and it gets intimidating but also interesting. DEV is another such discovery I stumbled upon today. Apparently the more you know the more you realize the lesser you know. I hope that makes sense. Anyways, hola!

karaniwachira profile image

Hey everyone??
Karani Wachira is my name currently a second-year undergrad student in Dedan Kimathi Uni, Kenya.

I am currently learning javascript essentials on LinkedIn learning and Udemy. I look forward to improving my skills through this community and before I forget a random tweet brought me here.
Thank you.

masterdbpereira profile image
Carlos Pereira

Hello everyone. My name is Carlos and i'm from Portugal.
I started my journey in computer science in 1995. I had to stop due to several life reasons. After more than 20 years I restarted my studies and now I only have 2 more classes to end my bachelor's degree. I also started to work in the IT area.
I hope to learn new stuff with you all and helping by sharing my current knowledge.

myoshiro profile image
Yoshiro Matsumoto

Hello, I'm Yoshiro.
Thanks for letting me here!

I'm a designer and frontend developer living in Japan. I love html, CSS, JavaScript, and design about UI/UX.
I want to learn from everyone and try to write some articles. (and improve my English skills :) )

Nice to meet you!

ignapzs profile image
Ignacio P. de Ziriza

Hello everyone!

I'm Ignacio, Software Engineer from Madrid. First of all, must say thanks to everyone for having this wonderful community. Maybe this is a late post (according to my registry date) but I think it's better late than never!😅

morphinae93 profile image

Hi, I'm Sieb, a soon to be ex-bartender because of corona. I've always been really passionate about everything tech and now that I lost my job I figured why not train myself to get to a professional level?

The journey so far has been amazing, there is still much that I need to learn but every day brings me something new and exciting and that's worth a lot. Together with some friends I host a Discord server that is basically a gigantic library for free learning resources so the resources part is covered, but I've found it hard to stick to a path without people who share my interests to keep me going.

That's why I'm looking forward to meeting inspiring people who are equally passionate about this wonderful digital world as I am. Thank you for the community.

thepythondog profile image

Hello everybody this is sid from INDIA, I am currently learning, how to deploy machine learning models and Data Science and I wanted to share my work with others and learn and I was told that this is the place to be.

xantosromero profile image
Santos Romero

Hello everyone in DEV community

I'm Santos Romero from Peru.
I currently work as technical support in technology institute, but I love web developmet, so I'm learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript in W3Schools because I want to work in web development soon.

For me is a pleasure arrive this great community.

I speak spanish and if you want can write me to for talk spanish or be friends.

Enjoy this great community.

mwchase profile image

Hi, I'm Max. I'm a self-taught developer, and I mostly use Python in my work and personal projects. I'm here because I've been missing a forum for getting feedback on my projects, and I remembered the site from back when I was more active on Twitter.

chandy13 profile image

Hey everyone! I'm Andy and I'm an aspiring cloud engineer! Currently working with just AWS for now but planning on learning more about Azure and GCP too. Starting with a couple of personal projects to develop some hands on experience.

I just learned about this community recently but after reading a couple of articles I get a sense that everyone is very friendly and helpful.

Fun fact about myself is I'm a diehard NBA fan and specifically the 2019 NBA Champs the Toronto Raptors woooo. Always willing to chat about basketball!

thomas1865 profile image

Hello & thanks for welcoming me to such a cool community.

My Name is Thomas & i'm from South Africa. I'm so interested in programming & i'm still learning & i'm willing to learn something new that why I came here. I currently know C, C++, C# & Python programming languages for now.

anonyda profile image
Nida Shaikh

Hi, lovely people on!

I'm Nida, a final year computer engineering undergrad. I have a great interest in Web Development and I have started my journey of technical writing.

I'm looking forward to engaging with y'all!

wingsuitist profile image
Jonas Felix


I‘m Jonas from Switzerland, happy father of two. Started coding 1998, love open source and to learn new things. Built and managed a dev company for 13 years with 25 developers and sold it to a bigger company. Built most of my team with junior developers... now I am focussing on my kids and helping my new companies and their management to evolve. Oh and I signed up for university for the first time being 35 - that was scary...

For me most things are as new to me as they are probably for you despite being in the field for 20+ years 😂 that will never change.

hmoroliya profile image
Harsh Kumar Moroliya

Hello, My name is Harsh Kumar Moroliya and I am from India,

hey wassup? I'm just trying to understand the processes that are involved in open-sourcing.
Hacktoberfest? this is the first time i am ever trying to get into it, so wish me luck XD
also I feel like how can i keep up with people that are already great at this.
Any Tips or suggestions for me?? because i feel very intimidated when i really think about if i am able to keep up with the community, or if I am going to screw up, what's gonna happen? will I be able to keep up with the community?? Suggestions are really welcome :)

Thank You So much for being here @HACKTOBERFEST

_patlego profile image

Hi name is Pat,

I am a developer, I work a lot with Adobe products but on the side I build and use open source software to build my own applications.

I found my way here from Twitter and I just love hearing all the cool new stuff that people are using.

peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank

Welcome to the community!

justlinux profile image
John Hayes

Hi, I'm John

I'm retired and an aspiring python and ml programmer wanting to get more into the open source developer circle and give back to open source.

amrashrafdev profile image
Amr Ashraf

if anyone here works with flutter can tell me how can i set a background color for a paginated datatable .. Thanks in advance

gopal1996 profile image

Hello All,
I am Gopalakrishnan
I have a total of 3 years of experience in web development and I decided to write some web development related posts to engage and learn more. This is the first time I am doing something like this.
Happy to meet you all :)

sandasan profile image

Hello community of great people and kind developers)
I'm near beginner in web-development and want to learn it well to became a professional and teach from other developers and help other beginners.

aspleenic profile image

Howdy, folks!

shalinibattoo profile image
Shalini Battoo

Hello everyone. I am Shalini, working as a Data Analyst in India. Great to join this wonderful community.

maurisioluccef profile image
Mauritsio Luffer


szuke profile image
Scott Zuke

Hello coders...

I guess I'll stop lurking and introduce myself. I've been a programmer for many years, but I've been tightening up my React skills.


prabupro profile image
Prabuddha Perera

Hello Guys 👋
First of all Thanks for making such a wonderful community. I'm Prabu working as a Software Engineer. Got experience with front end and backend technologies. I'd like to share challenges which I face everyday and help someDevBuddy 😇. Love being part of this community. ❤️

cheers 🥂

tadis1315 profile image

Hello, I'm Christian.
I'm happy to join here, I need to know many about web developing

bias profile image
Tobias Nickel

hi @tadis1315 , yes, there is plenty to learn at dev.

learningmonk profile image
Pratibha KS • Edited

Hello Team!

Glad I joined this community. I am a Data Visualization geek and like blogging.

Looking forward to learn and contribute.

ska2519 profile image
Ska Lee

안녕하세요 👨‍💻
반갑습니다 😀

eminarium profile image
Merdan Durdyyev

Hello Everyone !

I am Merdan, from Turkmenistan...

It is a great community here on Dev and I want to read interesting stuff as much as possible and write my own to humbly share what I know.
Hope so much to smoothly dive into community of creative people, have fun and learn a lot !

hm8 profile image
hmmm • Edited

Hey guys I'm Hiwot. I'm a 2nd-year SE student. I heard about this community on some youtube video and joined right away. Right now I am learning .Net Core to make APIs but I have a lot of interests. Can't wait to learn a lot from Dev. Glad to be here.

b0necho profile image
Nikhilesh Pandey

Hi Dev's, I am Nikhilesh! I am a full stack developer by profession and love creating industry-oriented applications.

I love how supportive the Dev community is and love reading great content posted by Dev's here, which is also the reason for joining the noble cause of giving and getting back from the community.

Looking forward to some great time and awesome Dev posts. Cheers

cskinner74 profile image
Cody Skinner

Hey all! My name is Cody, I'm a developer and security enthusiast located in Georgia. I found this platform through the DigitalOcean resources for Hacktoberfest, and am excited to be here!

todo profile image

Hello world.

I'm Nigel, and I'm a software developer who is still pretty early in his career. I've mostly cut my teeth on web technologies.

I discovered DEV from a user on devrant. I left all the other major social platforms but decided to explore developer communities that are out there because I love what I do.

Just here looking for others who share a passion for geeky stuff and technology, and searching for those better than myself to constantly learn from.

deepaktmd profile image
Deepak Kumar Thangavel • Edited


_bigbabyboy profile image
Baba landlord🏠

hello,newbie here. started learnig html and css last month...God its been difficult teaching my self how to code,,but i'm determind to learn. nice to meet you all

aravin18k profile image
K Aravind Kumar

Hi all Nice to to meet You

mogita profile image
Yun Wang

Hi there, I'm Yun. I usually do the coding and some devops during work and make some fun stuff during not-wanting-to-work.

It's nice to have your guys in this community!

fredddyrp83 profile image

Hey Guys.

It is really nice to be here, hope we can share some nice Dev tips, see you around guys!

Ramon Paez

yohannestz profile image

Hi all happy to meet u all

mxm profile image


shahidyousuf profile image
Shahid Yousuf

Thanks for bringing the community together. Being myself from a place where there aren't many devs around, such a place is valuable.

lady_ana_developer profile image

Hi! Im Ana
I am a junior full stack developer and educator.
I develop tools for kids to help them in computer science

himadriganguly profile image
Himadri Ganguly

Hi I am Himadri tech enthusiast. Nice to be in this great community.

mtower profile image

Is Samuel from Togo.
i'm here.

jaagrav profile image

Hey, This is Jaagrav, nothing too exciting, I am just another Web Developer trying to find a place among a huge community of developers and looking forward to learn a lot from you!

xayyaphone profile image

Hello thank you for creating this community

jacobkim9881 profile image

Hi! Here to some nice articles. Am happy to enjoy nice ones. :)

sketcharsh profile image


helloshantanu profile image

Hi everyone,

i feel so good to join this forum.

Here is my github

jatkwan profile image
Muhammad Izzat Bin Roslan

Hey hello guys .. wonderful to be part of this community.

moseslondon profile image

Hi, Feels good to join something new

abhijeet8900 profile image

Hi, 🙋‍♂️ I am Abhi, just here to learn new things, new technologies, and new languages.

parisana profile image

Hello, I am Parisana.

I am a software developer mostly backend, and a mediocre in that and that's why I am here to share and improve. Trying to find my ikigai :)

amantini1997 profile image
Alessandro Amantini

Hello everyone,
My name is Alessandro. I'm a web developer passionate in Javascript. I love finding out about new JS libraries, PWA capabilities and CSS & HTML tricks.

amdadul3036 profile image
MD Amdadul Islam

Hello, the great community.
React official Website has brought me here.
I am from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I am a new programmer. Currently learning JavaScript, React JS, Python.

Thank you all

rajghate profile image

Hello DEV community
I am Raj
I am a computer science student from Mumbai, India.

lukaaz profile image

Web App idę którą tworzy Laki6999

ibrahimdutinov profile image


Please forgive me

mayukh profile image
Mayukh Pankaj

Hi community, I am Mayukh, CSE sophomore. Interested in Game dev. Looking Forward a great experience.

sanjaysinghpatel profile image

Hi Everyone,
I am Sanjay. An Engineering Student form India, came here to find some cool stuff. Looking forward to it.

casiimir profile image

Hey dude!

Thanks for this wonderful community.
I'm Casimiro, from Italy!
See you later ;D

wheanyichukwu profile image

I like the Dev community and I want to learn more

androidninteen profile image
Android 19

Hello world i am new here

jnthmota profile image
Jonathan Mota

Hello everyone! =)

I'm Jonathan 👨🏽‍💻
Nice to meet this community platform, I'm here to learn more and more with this community
I hope help too.

Thank u.

mayankr1765 profile image
Mayank Raj

setState is not working properly in react table .One column is updating slowly.How to fix this?

atulcodex profile image
🚩 Atul Prajapati 🇮🇳

Hi, coding people my name is Atul and I am a front end developer from India 🇮🇳

codewithml profile image

I'm CodewithML and I'm here to share my solutions to coding problems.
I also share the solutions on my blog.

Blog link

Glad to be part of the community.

indrandgovender profile image
Indran Govender

Hello everyone - so thrilled to be here...

lonelysumith profile image
Sumit kumar


ramkshukla profile image
Ram Kumar Shukla

Hello, I'm ram
A noob in community, will have a great time with you all.

Currently i'm working on web development and seeking for great suggestions to grow myself.


datacrusade1999 profile image
Ashutosh Pandey

Hello Everyone I'm Ashutosh
I wanna Learn Machine Learning
Looking Forward To Becoming A Contributing Member Of This Community

atulcodex profile image
🚩 Atul Prajapati 🇮🇳

Hi nouran 👋

creed profile image
Rishabh Mishra

Hi Dev Community,
I am a frontend developer who loves to collaborate with everyone.

d1_codes profile image

Hey guy, Am Michael and am very happy to join this wonderful community.. Am a software developer and also striving to learn more in this coding carrier..

miliscm profile image
Milena Mocci

I'm Milena, I am a System Analyst, but I want to change my carrier. I have been studying javascript, react, HTML, CSS. My goal is to become a Frontend developer.

urielgor1 profile image
Ivan Uriel Gonzalez

Hello everyone! I'm new here, and i'm glad to meet this community. I hope to learn a lot with you!

lavikara profile image
Temi Kara

Web developer in the building... looking forward to sharing knowledge on this platform.

infoxicator profile image
Ruben Casas

Hey everybody! I am Ruben and want to spread the word about #microfrontends already published my first of hopefully many articles :D

lucasmonteiroi profile image
Lucas Monteiro Inácio

Hello for everyone, i came here to learn and share my knowledge about dev techs, i'm work today with node development and migrating/studying more from .net core (I really like about node)

muthiahprabhakaran profile image
Muthiah Prabhakaran

Hi all,
I'm Prabhakaran, a back end engineer. Pretty much late to the Dev community.

krishponnaganti profile image

Hello All , I'm software developer just joined here referred by twitter, this is good to be here to move ahead with all you guys. Thanks.

hi1talib1world profile image
hicham outaleb

Hi I'm Android dev & Fullstack Web Developer | Teacher | I like to help people learn to code and transform Their acquaintances to the real world

franzudev profile image

Hi everybody!

I'm Federico, an italian programmer, I use Vue for the frontend and Laravel for my backend.
I hope to join many conversations in the near future! ✌

thecyberpop profile image

I am CyberPop, an aspiring animator, writer and of course! a programmer !
I love reading programming articles and everything about programming !
Thanks ! ❤