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Welcome Thread - v95

boston terrier saying hello

Welcome to DEV!

  1. Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.

  2. Reply to someone's comment, either with a question or just a hello. πŸ‘‹

Great to have you in the community!

Top comments (319)

vzla0094 profile image
Eliezer Valenzuela

Hello everyone, glad to join this community. I'm a self-taught Jr. Developer currently working on personal projects. I decided to join this community to be regularly updated with programming trends I find interesting and hopefully substitute the waste of time in social media with something more useful

guypatrick profile image
patrick ouambo

Welcome Eliezer

prakh_r profile image
Prakhar Yadav

Hello EliezerπŸ‘‹ welcome to Dev

mittal19 profile image
Priyanshu Mittal

Hello everyone

nicolacuomo profile image
Nico C

That's right Sir, I also waste so much time on the social to find a good source! I hope this will be a good platform!

mmaciasjr profile image
Mario Macias

Hello there. I hear you on the wasting time on social media.

vzla0094 profile image
Eliezer Valenzuela

Right!? It's pretty addictive. I open fb/ins/twitter and next thing I know it's been 2 hours spent in interesting but useless information

Thread Thread
mmaciasjr profile image
Mario Macias

Same. I feel as though FB and twitter are great resources for web devs, but also a hindrance to our progression as programmers.

lovetyagi17 profile image
Love Tyagi

Welcome Eliezer

okaforhenry_jsx profile image


darshasawa profile image

Hello Eliezer ✌, looking forward to connect with you to share thoughts on trends and facts. πŸ‘

vzla0094 profile image
Eliezer Valenzuela

Hello, that would be great, following you.

meekhasaji profile image

Hello Eliezer !

narendra36 profile image
Narendra Dodwaria


manalbenchrif profile image

welcome Eliezer

mnb27 profile image
Aman Bilaiya • Edited

welcome Eliezer !!

antond0c profile image

Hello Eliezer! πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹

nartuom profile image
Thomas Burton-Lawl

Hi Everyone,
I am a web dev bootcamp (Colt Steele's on Udemy) graduate trying to make the career change. I'm a few sites deep and keen to learn and progress as much as possible. I just completed the hacktoberfest challenge, which was super fun to do, and was a great way to get outside of my own github cave! Now im trying to dig deeper into the community which has been so welcoming and exciting so far :D
Hope your all having a productive and safe 2020!

murray2015 profile image
Dr. Murray Hoggett

I did Colt Steele's bootcamp on Udemy a few years ago. Good luck!

prakh_r profile image
Prakhar Yadav

Hello πŸ‘‹ hope you have fun at Dev and everything that you do πŸ₯‚

tulika7 profile image
Tulika Panjal


robinvanderknaap profile image
Robin van der Knaap

Hi there,

I've been following this community on Twitter for some time now and I'm really liking the content and the welcoming atmosphere.

I'm a (web)developer for 15 years now. Started with PHP, moved on to C#/.NET and for the last two years NodeJS.

I like the idea of learning by teaching: you can only fully understand something when you are able to explain it to someone else.

In the coming period I will be investigating setting up an authorization server (token server) with OAuth2 and OpenID Connect. My plan is to write some articles about it, which will help me comprehend the problem space, and hopefully help some other poor souls.

bias profile image
Tobias Nickel

cool, can't wait for your articles, I am also currently studying OAuth2.

A little bit I am dreaming of an auth server, that can be installed and run like
npm install -g authserver-name && authserver.

You have your first follower πŸ‘

devwax profile image
Steve Monsen

Welcome! That sounds a lot like what I'm planing to do. Just joined a few days ago.

kruths92 profile image

Hi Everyone!
A friend introduced me to DEV. I am a Solutions Engineer transitioned to Product Manager role and am now building web applications for my team. Happy to have found this community. New to development and excited to learn!

jeeveshjoshi profile image
Jeevesh Joshi

Hey! Welcome to DEV!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV!

Multiple TV and movie characters giving a thumbs up

kathldn profile image

Hey! I'm currently teaching myself web development using The Odin Project and other free resources. It's great to be here!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV!

Spiderman swinging by to say hello

kathldn profile image

Thank you Nick!

oluwatobiss profile image
Oluwatobi Sofela

Hallo, hallo. Here is Oluwatobi β€” who has gladly decided to join this DEV community to learn, contribute, and have fun doing so. πŸ‘‹πŸ½πŸ€πŸ½

abhayaysola profile image

Hi all, glad to be here. I'm a student in high school and I'm interested in Machine Learning and Web Development. Still a beginner and working on some small projects. Let me know if you want to collaborate on a beginner friendly project :)

mellen profile image
Matt Ellen-Tsivintzeli

Welcome to the site!

palak_srivastava profile image

Hello everyone,
I am Palak Srivastava , and I am an engineering student and I am learning web development and java. Its a pleasure to meet you all, hope ur all safe and well in this pandemic situation. wishing you all good health.
Good Day

ajinisahaejana profile image
Ajini Perera


nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV! πŸ‘‹

Whale hello there!

kduncanwelke profile image

Heyo everybody! I am an independent iOS developer (I hope to find a team to join) and I'm very excited to be here! The community looks great already and I can't wait to jump into reading and writing more articles. πŸ™ŒπŸ»

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Captain America saluting

jpuls profile image
Jeff Puls

hello there

I'm Jeff. As my bio states, I'm a self-taught web dev and self-proclaimed meme connoisseur, attempting to make a huge career/lifestyle change.

I am currently deep into developing my own React framework with built-in theme and animation support. Watch out for more on this in the near future!

shrutijain005 profile image

Hello Everyone,glad to join this community,I am a Computer science graduate and a passionate learner who loves to explore new things.
I participated In hacktober 2020 and luckily got here, I am sure I will make a lot of good friends here around the globe who will help me grow and develop on various aspects , very excited to meet you guys.

mnb27 profile image
Aman Bilaiya

Hello everyone, glad to join DEV community. I'm a Aman, CSE Undergrad at IIT Ropar.
I have joined this community to be regularly updated with programming trends I find interesting and hopefully substitute the waste of time in social media with something more useful. I am a full-stack web developer. Currently I'm into android develpoment.

vaishnavi1 profile image
Vaishnavi Saxena

Hello everyone,
I am a student , pursuing my Bachelors of Technology degree, I got to know about this community through Hacktoberfest 2020 email, I am happy to be a part of this community. I am learning python and I am a Machine Learning enthusiast.

rawcode4u profile image
Abhishek Kumar

Hi There!

I am Abhishek Kumar final year Computer Science student from India ,I enjoy being able to help people and Solve problems
So i am looking forward to putting my tech Skills into
practice by Working in Tech industry with highly passionate
real use case problem solvers and grow with very talented
industry professional. I want to kick start my career just after
graduation . Hope! you all help me to get Good career opportunity and grow in tech field

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