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Have you ever said:
"I don't have the time to code today"

Let me tell you the truth, If you rely on motivation.. You will FAIL!!

If you're relying on motivation to succeed as a developer you're not going to succeed at all.

In order to become a better programmer you need to implement coding into your lifestyle. That may require sacrificing those lounging breaks on the weekend.

Those days where you lack motivation become wasted days that put you one step behind.

If you truly want to learn how to code, you don't need motivation, You need a lifestyle change.

Set a time during the day that you can dedicate towards coding.

Top comments (5)

codinghusi profile image
Gerrit Weiermann • Edited

It's actually a pretty bad idea to define those days as wasted days.
You lived the day and if it doesn't feel right to code, you don't have to ^^

I guess it's not very healthy to force coding :)

I agree that it's a good idea to integrate it into your week plan or smth.
I just don't like the: days are wasted if you don't code.
It's ok if you don't want to.

robvirtuoso profile image

I personally feel this attitude is unhealthy. Forcing oneself without motivation is never healthy. It's like being a slave of your own mind.

This is along the same lines as my personal opinion on the concept of "full stack developer" solely because cheapskate employers demand for a one-man team. Sorry!

aminnairi profile image
Amin • Edited

Motivation by definition is something that gives you the will to want to do something, like a treat, money, self recognition by others etc...

If you do force setting a fixed time in the off days to code, you basically are mimicking work times. Except your brain does not see any form of recognition. It becomes unhealthy and your brain slowly associates coding with some sort of thing that is forced. That's unproductive and a very bad way to turn something into a hobby.

If you want to find motivation, you must conduct a self-analysis of what motivates you.

If money motivates you to code, try growing an open-source project that includes a form of funding for instance.

If it's recognition by pairs, try spreading the word on a library that you think can help others and see what happens.

Time does not influence motivation. You must give yourself the will to do something. A time or a schedule is not related to motivation. If you go to the gym by force scheduling it, you will just end up giving up in two months. If you go to the gym because you care about your health and want to set a good image for your kids about a healthy way of life then it's a good motivation to do it and you will succeed in the long run.

raphael_jambalos profile image
Raphael Jambalos

My default mode is to work. On weekends, I work. After office hours, I work. Even if I don't have motivation, since working is all I know how to do, I keep on working. That's me, and since I limit the range of what I can do, I can work all the time. To your point, it's become my lifestyle.

But not everyone is like us. There will be bad days where motivation would be fickle and coding might not be the easiest thing to do. I think it wouldn't be that bad to take that break and let your mind rest a bit. I wouldn't call those days wasted days. Just down days.

smith_steven_b6ccc166392c profile image
Smith Steven

Absolutely agree! Relying solely on motivation can be unreliable. Integrating coding into your daily routine and committing to consistent practice, even on challenging days, is crucial for growth. It's about making coding a habit, not just an occasional activity.