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How to your get back to programming after a great weekend?

It was a damn Monday again! The weekend is just 2 days, but sometimes it feels like it's been ages since your last commit on the work project -- especially after a great weekend.

Getting back on track seems even harder if the previous week ended with knocking out a nice feature followed by an immediate inflow of endorphin and a boost of self-confidence.

I myself try to get back on track by just starting from somewhere, slowly coding the first thing that comes to mind until I accelerate. But that doesn't always work, and the Monday code too often turns out to be a complete BS.

Does anyone else feel the same? What do you do about it?

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Top comments (17)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Good question!

I have a manual journal I write in on Sunday night outlining things I intend to get done on Monday — just to kick start the week. I'm not bound to it, but it does help me enter in with the right mindset.

If you'd rather not think about work on Sunday you could do the exercise as the last thing on Friday, perhaps when you're in a good state.

tinkermakar profile image

Great idea, I 'm definitely trying this.

dous profile image

Don't just hate Mondays. Be a professional and hate the whole week.

tinkermakar profile image


maicolsantos profile image
Maicol Santos

Sad but true

cauezito profile image
Cauê Santos

I feel the same. It’s as if my mind is still on the weekend. I can’t be as productive as I’d like, and it’s frustrating. However, I’m trying to have ‘less intense’ weekends, because I’m the type of person who enjoys parties, drinks, and staying awake all night long. This lifestyle isn’t good for my personal life or work, and in my case, it’s the main reason why I have difficulty with Mondays.

By the way, happy almost-Wednesday to us :) I can already see the weekend on the horizon.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

This is a great topic, Makar! I don't have it all figured out, but I'll describe a bit of my process.

First off, I'm part of the DEV Team but I don't work on the Engineering side... I'm in Community. We always end our weeks with some automated questions sent from a bot on Slack (Geekbot) that prompt us to set our weekly sprints for next week, i.e. tasks that we're meant to focus on next week. This helps us to know broadly what we're meant to get into at the start of next week; the bot also holds us personally accountable to do the things that we say we're gonna by asking us at the end of the week if we completed our sprints that we teed up for ourselves. At the start of the week, I typically review these high-level sprints and make sure that I still agree with them — we actually have a Monday bot that asks us again what we want to do this week, so I'm kinda prompted to re-review this. Next, I try to break down my goals into a todo list... I often have a high-level project-sized goal and then some routine tasks to handle. All this planning might sound like a lot, but it helps me to get a handle on what I'm meant to do.

Aside from this, on a Monday I do give myself a bit of flexibility to chill in the morning. I most often kick off the week by catching up with notifications & conversations on DEV + messages from mods in Discord & teammates in Slack, and emails. I often like to hop into my post Music Monday (here's the latest one) — a weekly series that I share by pre-scheduling it the week before, this way I can just log on and start interacting with others' suggestions in the thread.

tinkermakar profile image

sounds a great routine, thanks for sharing!

skyloft7 profile image

I usually start off with small things that have to be done and just burn through a few of those, then slowly start tackling the big problems. I think there's a bit of a negative mindset about having to do something in a fixed amount of time or die trying, but I don't think that's how it's supposed to work. As long as you're working as hard as possible, that's what matters, time is effectively out of your control.

tinkermakar profile image

Good luck explaining that to a PM )

skyloft7 profile image

Haha. Well, we can either take our time and do it properly, or ship a half-working, hacked together feature. Although I guess that's good enough for the PM as long as it's on deadline. Idk.

tinkermakar profile image

@michaeltharrington @ben many thanks for your answers. For the last few weeks I have tried planning and writing down my next steps in advance and it works like a charm!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Oh rock on! I'm glad to hear that, Makar. 🙌

I think one positive byproduct of writing down your plans is that you get to mark things off when you complete them.

You know how I said I answer a bot in Slack. Well, I often go back in and use the strikethrough to mark things out during the day. For instance, check out my discussion with Geekbot on Tuesday haha:

A screenshot of my todo list on Front. You can see how I go back in and edit my discussion with Geekbot to cross items off of my todo list.

cjrobbertse profile image
Christopher John Robbertse

I totally know the feeling!

I find doing some warm-up coding challenges a great way to get my brain thinking and getting excited to work on projects.

I've just started using ChatGPT to generate a few challenges, and it works well! You can tailor it to choose certain topics or certain skill levels, so it is never dull. And if you explain to it the context of warming up, it generally gives you a set of good puzzles that start off easy and get more challenging. Three of those and I'm ready to code almost anything. ;P

Hope it helps.

P.S. You may find yourself procrastinating by optimising the code for hours - so be careful of that :D

tinkermakar profile image

interesting approach, but what about the times when you need to start the new week with a totally new feature that requires a bit of thoughtful planning (code division, planning the flow etc) and you are totally NOT into it yet... I don't think ChatGPT can help you in that context, can it?

ksolomon profile image
Keith Solomon

Generally, I just don’t stop coding… 🤷‍♂️😂

mrlinxed profile image
Mr. Linxed

This seems to be my tactic as well most weekends