Nest.js is a progressive Node.js Web Framework that provides you with a robust backend for your frontend applications. It is highly comparable to Angular in terms of concepts like Module, Provider, etc. and is a clear choice by Angular developers.
If you are interested, read more about Nest.js at:
- Nest.js official documentation
- Node.js v10.16.2 or > 10.x
- Docker v19.03
- Code editor (Visual Studio Code, Sublime, etc.)
For this article, I've chosen to use the mysql database engine or "mysql". I will run an instance of mysql using a mysql Docker container, which I believe, is the cleanest, and easiest way to add a PostgreSQL database instance to your application.
Start by creating a new docker-compose.yml
at the root of the Angular app and paste the following content inside it:
# Run `docker-compose build` to build the images
# Run `docker-compose up` to run the containers
version: '3.5'
image: mysql:5.7
- 3306:3306
- mysql_data:/var/lib/mysql
- core_service_network
image: mongo
container_name: global-mongo-service
restart: unless-stopped
- mongo_data:/data/configdb
- mongo_data:/data/db
- 27017:27017
- core_service_network
command: npm run debug
build: ./api-app
- 3000:3000
- 5858:5858
- ./api-app/docker/node/
- ./api-app:/app
- mongo
- core_service_network
driver: bridge
name: core_service_network
name: mysql_data
name: global_mongo
name: apis_modules
My docker file for apis in nestjs
FROM node:carbon
We can configure entrypoint for image bootstrap while initilize
- api-app/docker/node/
set -e
npm install
if [ "${1#-}" != "${1}" ] || [ -z "$(command -v "${1}")" ]; then
set -- node "$@"
exec "$@"
This docker-compose file instructs Docker to create a new mysql & node js Docker container with the following settings:
- The container name is api-app
- The Docker image mysql
- Create a new volume by mapping the physical folder named mysql_data to an internal folder inside the image. I will place an initialization script inside this folder so that Docker can run the first time it creates the mysql container.
- Finally, you expose the mysql instance to the host machine by mapping its internal port to a port used on the host machine 3306 is our port and also we are exposing node js container port which is 3000
As we are passing environments variables for mysql containers, it will create test database with defined user root so we don't need to manually create database and users
Add the following script under the script
node inside the package.json
Finally, run the following command to start the container:
- docker-compose up &
- docker logs apis --tail 50 -f
This command will create the node js and mysql container in a detached mode.
Now that the mysql database is up and running, let's move on and continue adding more features.
Add Mongoose module
Nest supports two methods for integrating with the MongoDB database. You can either use the built-in TypeORM module described here, which has a connector for MongoDB, or use Mongoose, the most popular MongoDB object modeling tool. In this chapter we'll describe the latter, using the dedicated @nestjs/mongoose package.
Start by installing the required dependencies:
$ npm install --save @nestjs/mongoose mongoose
$ npm install --save-dev @types/mongoose
Once the installation process is complete, we can import the MongooseModule into the root AppModule.
To start using TypeORM in the Nest.js application, we need to install a few NPM packages. Run the command:
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { MongooseModule } from '@nestjs/mongoose';
imports: [MongooseModule.forRoot('mongodb://localhost/nest')],
export class AppModule {}
Let's take step back and see all steps one by one
- The
package represents the Nest.js wrapper for Mongoose.
Our simple basic tsconfig will look like this
"compilerOptions": {
"module": "commonjs",
"declaration": true,
"removeComments": true,
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"target": "es2017",
"sourceMap": true,
"outDir": "./dist",
"baseUrl": "./",
"incremental": true,
"strict": true,
"skipLibCheck": true
"exclude": ["node_modules", "dist"],
"include": ["src/**/*.ts"]
Build the Training
Now that the full-stack application is up and running with an active connection to the database, itโs time to start building the Training API.
This next section is a step by step on how to write apis with Monggo DB
- Add a new module in Nest.js
- Add model objects
- Add a Nest.js service
- Add a Nest.js controller to test the application.
Letโs get started.
Lets try to see how we were developing apis in node js earlier with Mongoose
- creating schem Model
- crearting mongo connection with mongo url
- start running query in controller/service to fetch data from Mongo DB using Mongoose library
- creating express controllers and services and getting data for different api Routes
Lets Build simple App
Nest.js framework offers the Nest.js CLI. This component is similar to Angular CLI, or other CLI. The goal of the CLI, is to increase productivity by enhancing the software development process, and make it easier on the developer to add new Nest.js artifacts to the application.
Install the Nest.js CLI globally on your machine by running:
npm install -g @nestjs/cli
nest g module training --no-spec
The command creates a new Training module under the path /server/src/blog
. In addition, it also imports this module into the main app.module.ts
Add model objects
We will create the Training entity objects
import * as mongoose from 'mongoose';
import { Document } from 'mongoose';
export const YouTubeSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
kind: String,
id: String,
etag: String,
contentDetails: mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed,
snippet: mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed,
status: mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed,
created_at: { type: Date, default: },
export interface YouTube extends Document {
readonly kind: string;
readonly id: string;
readonly etag: string;
readonly contentDetails: object;
readonly snippet: object;
readonly description: string;
readonly status: object;
readonly created_at: Date;
Connecting to Mongo Database
- we have to follow simple steps to create database Module
- create controller
- create services
- creating root Module to run application
Connect to database using Mongoose Module
We just need connection url and use this module we can connect
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { MongooseModule } from '@nestjs/mongoose';
imports: [MongooseModule.forRoot('mongodb://localhost/nest')],
export class AppModule {}
If we are getting configuration from some other Config Module then we can create dynamic Module for Mongoose and get DB connection
- dynamic way of creating Module by injecting services
- Config Mofule is providing congiguration
export class DatabaseModule {
public static getNoSqlConnectionOptions(config: ConfigService): MongooseModuleOptions {
const dbdata = config.get().mongo;
if (!dbdata) {
throw new CommonConfigError('Database config is missing');
return dbdata;
public static forRoot(): DynamicModule {
return {
module: DatabaseModule,
imports: [
imports: [ConfigModule],
useFactory: (configService: ConfigService) => DatabaseModule.getNoSqlConnectionOptions(configService),
inject: [ConfigService],
controllers: [],
providers: [],
exports: [],
And finally we can use this DatabaseModule in our root Module to provide mongo DB connection, now we can register our schema for mongo db collections using MongooseModule.forFeature
{ name: 'youtubes', schema: YouTubeSchema }
{ name: 'Training', schema: TrainingSchema }
{ name: 'Videos', schema: VideoSchema }
Once we are done with Module we can easily get and update data in collections using services and Controllers
- create YouTubeController
- create YouTubeService
Main Module
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { MongooseModule } from '@nestjs/mongoose';
import { DatabaseModule } from '../../database/database.module';
import {VideoController} from '../controllers/videoController';
import {YouTubeController} from '../controllers/youtubeController';
import { YouTubeSchema} from './entity/mongoose.entity';
import { YouTubeService } from './services/crud.service';
imports: [
MongooseModule.forFeature([{ name: 'youtubes', schema: YouTubeSchema }]),
providers: [YouTubeService],
exports : [YouTubeService],
controllers: [YouTubeController, VideoController],
export class EntityModule {}
Now we can acess Mongoose Model in our services to fetch data by Injecting Model in services
Model injection
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { InjectModel } from '@nestjs/mongoose';
import { Model } from 'mongoose';
import { YouTube } from '../entity/mongoose.entity';
export class YouTubeService {
constructor(@InjectModel('youtubes') private youtubeModel: Model<YouTube>) {}
public async findAll(): Promise<YouTube []> {
return await this.youtubeModel.find({}).exec();
public async getVideoById(id: string): Promise<YouTube [] | null> {
return await this.youtubeModel.find({id}).exec();
public async findVideoByName(name: string): Promise<YouTube []> {
return await this.youtubeModel.find({ title : { $regex: name, $options: 'i' }}).exec();
We can create Controller to make api calls and get data
export class YouTubeController {
constructor(public readonly service: YouTubeService) { }
public async getHello(@Res() res: Response) {
const data = await this.service.findAll();
code: 200,
message: 'successfully fetched data',
success: true,
public async getYoutubeByName(@Param() params: YouTubeParams, @Res() res: Response) {
const data = await this.service.findVideoByName(;
code: 200,
message: 'successfully fetched data',
success: true,
You can look more about Mongo DB here
In this simple application if we want to add redis service just to cahce some data then we can use redis-nestjs Module which is good enough for our needs or we can create nestjs microservices for redis client.
NestJS with Mysql and TypeORM
This is same kind of setup as Mongo DB only change we will see is Mongo DB will be replaced with MySQL with TypeORM
npm install mysql2 --save
We have to bootstrap mysql configuration for TypeORM, it can be done by writing a database module which will just have config module injecting database details in it. It will be a dynamic initilization of a module
import { DynamicModule, Module, NotImplementedException } from '@nestjs/common';
import { TypeOrmModule, TypeOrmModuleOptions } from '@nestjs/typeorm';
import { ConfigDBData } from '../config/config.interface';
import { ConfigModule } from '../config/config.module';
import { ConfigService } from '../config/config.service';
import { CommonConfigError } from './common.error';
import { DbConfig } from './db.interface';
export class DatabaseModule {
public static getConnectionOptions(config: ConfigService, dbconfig: DbConfig): TypeOrmModuleOptions {
const dbdata = config.get().db;
let connectionOptions: TypeOrmModuleOptions;
if (!dbdata) {
throw new CommonConfigError('Database config is missing');
switch (dbdata.type) {
case 'mysql':
connectionOptions = this.getConnectionOptionsMysql(dbdata);
// any other BD check
throw new NotImplementedException(`Database type '${dbdata.type}' not supported`);
return {
entities: dbconfig.entities,
// synchronize: true,
logging: true,
private static getConnectionOptionsMysql(dbdata: ConfigDBData): TypeOrmModuleOptions {
return {
type: 'mysql',
port: dbdata.port,
username: dbdata.user,
password: dbdata.pass,
charset: dbdata.charset,
extra: {
collate: dbdata.collate,
dialect: dbdata.dialect,
public static forRoot(dbconfig: DbConfig): DynamicModule {
return {
module: DatabaseModule,
imports: [
imports: [ConfigModule],
useFactory: (configService: ConfigService) => DatabaseModule.getConnectionOptions(configService, dbconfig),
inject: [ConfigService],
controllers: [],
providers: [],
exports: [],
Entities are similar as we were writing with TypeORM, we need to initlize typeORM module by passing all these database entities
import {Column, CreateDateColumn, Entity, PrimaryColumn, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, UpdateDateColumn} from 'typeorm';
import {Contact} from '../interface/contact';
export default class ContactEntity implements Contact {
public id: number;
nullable: false,
length: 500,
unique: true,
public name: string;
unique: true,
nullable: false,
public email: string;
unique: true,
nullable: false,
public phone: string;
public createdAt;
public updatedAt;
While initlizing TypeORM Module we are passing set of entities in DB connection only entities
will be bootstrapped with database connection
imports: [
entities: dbconfig.entities,
// synchronize: true,
logging: true,
type: 'mysql',
port: dbdata.port,
username: dbdata.user,
password: dbdata.pass,
charset: dbdata.charset,
extra: {
collate: dbdata.collate,
dialect: dbdata.dialect,
Now we can create contact APIs using controllers and services
import { Controller, Get, Post, Body } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ContactDto} from '../module/dto/'
import { ContactService } from '../module/services/contact.service';
export class ContactController {
constructor(private readonly contactservise: ContactService){
getHealthCheck() {
return {
status: 'ok'
async createContacts(@Body() conatctDto: ContactDto) {
return this.contactservise.create(conatctDto);
async getListOfcontacts() {
return this.contactservise.findAll();
Services will access ContactRepository to access DB Table
import { Injectable, InternalServerErrorException, BadRequestException } from '@nestjs/common';
import { InjectRepository } from '@nestjs/typeorm';
import ContactEntity from '../entity/contact.entity';
import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
import * as path from 'path';
import { ContactDto } from '../dto/contact.dto';
export class ContactService {
private contactRepository: Repository<ContactEntity>,
) {}
findAll(): Promise<ContactEntity []> {
return this.contactRepository.find();
async create(data: ContactDto): Promise<ContactEntity> {
try {
const exisitngContact = await this.findOneByEmail(;
if (exisitngContact) {
throw new BadRequestException('Contact already Exist');
const contact = new ContactEntity(); =; =; =;
return await;
} catch (err) {
throw new BadRequestException(err);
async findOne(id: string): Promise<ContactEntity> {
return this.contactRepository.findOne(id);
async findOneByEmail(email: string): Promise<ContactEntity> {
return await this.contactRepository.findOne({ email });
async remove(id: string): Promise<void> {
await this.contactRepository.delete(id);
These are basic Contact APIs which are is getting data from Mysql tavle using Contect Repo, Basic HTTP GET APIs to fetch and create new Contacts
Conclusion ๐จโ๐ซ
Nest is an excellent framework, and I love working with it. In my opinion, it is even one of the best things that happened to server-side JavaScript development
Examples to explore More
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